Ohhhh I just thought it had to do with where it was placed... well, cool beans thenTo clear something up, the rule of thirds isn't the placement of the stock, it's more so the size of the stock in comparison with the canvas. So in this instance, you've got it down pretty well.
Sure thing! I also cleaned up alot, removed that weird tree-ish brush, and lower the opacity on a crap load of things, so this probably already looks better then the tag in the first post.As with all your tags, you've got a lot going on. I think once you settle down and figure out what effects you want to use and where you'll be turning out some very cool pieces. For now, your flow on the left side of the tag is inconsistent with that of the right. If you have this in color would you be so kind as to post that up as well?
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Lol I only put it in spoilers cause it's loooong
Yeperdoodles! :3 and I have no idea D: I've been in this "OH MY GOSH ATBAB ALBUM COMING OUT THIS MONTHHHH! *gasm*" Phase so I've been completely out of it with Lights, Breanne and SWD info :<YAY! another piece from you!?!
bweanne!! *U* has her new album come out yet?? @_@ i havent been paying attention.
Ok, I just lowered the opacity so hopefully it looks better and less distracting ;-;that block of little text - i used to do that SO much. but it's kind of distracting to have it right next to her face...don't you think? at least tone down the opacity, or set it to overlay? there's plenty of white color with the dodging, so it's almost overkill. D8
I used a broken windshield texture/render (idk?) on the right and left side, with the hole over her face, and I did use a tree brush in it too, but it looked kinda weird so when I took everyone's advice, I just took out the annoying tree and lower the glass opacity a biti really love how you surrounded her with the effects and stuff though, makes for good flow (i like it best on the right)...are those brushes?
Ok thanks for the advice, and I'll try to get rid of the text block next to her head.You could probably improve this by separating the type from the stock (maybe I just don't like them touching :x) and making the depth more apparent; it feels pretty flat. It is a tad busy as well.