games are made for playing and this culture of serial handholding is both redundant and masturbatory in every sense of the word.
I disagree.
Like, I agree with the first statement, but I don't agree on the second one as an inevitable consequence.
I wanna say two things. I might've said the first one already, I don't remember.
1) A lot of people here are giving for granted that introducing a skip feature will translate into less dedication to bosses or the game in general, with the developers assuming everyone will skip them and so they won't even bother. I can name games with skip feature that didn't do that. And likewise look at BbS, inheritor of KH II, a title with arguably some of the best and best constructed boss fights. Personal tastes aside, it's not a mystery that the boss fights in BbS are not... good. They're not well-made and full of problems.
"Yeah but that's because the team changed and it was a psp game and" And that's my entire point. Countless of factors will influence something as important as how boss fights are made, and thinking one single thing will 100% influence them in a certain way seems a bit narrow-minded to me.
In the end it's up to the developers how the boss fights will play out, and I don't think we or the people asking for a skip feature should be held responsible if they are indeed easy or less polished. Because it has been proven it can happen regardless, or it couldn't happen at all even with said feature.
2) I'm fully aware that the vast majority of gamers are young people that can dedicate afternoons or months of vacation to playing and getting better, but that's not always the case. There are people with less time that would still like to play the game because they like it, it's their hobby, but can only play for so much. Even *I*, a relatively young fella, am starting to have limited time to play my games.
What am saying is, I don't think these people should be getting the shaft just because they're a minority, especially since my first point proves skip features don't always damage the game.
Games indeed are made for playing: playing means having fun. One should be provided with the option of skipping a boring/too difficult part without their only option being "get better or be stuck here forever scrub".
Given our ages I assume most of us played KH1/KH II for HOURS trying to figure out puzzles or fights and finally succeeding, but now if an alternative that doesn't necessarily break the game is available I prefer that over imposing my own way of playing videogames to the rest of the world.