Despite Marko being the High King, Kaizen was not at all impressed. The reasons why are simply because he didn't present himself as anything that would lead Kai to feel intimidated or even impressed. If anything, Kai felt happy that Marko was living up to his role as the High King, but there just was something inside Kai that just didn't allow himself to feel anything but disappointment in the high king. Perhaps it had to do with the fact that Kai was letting his Kenpachi persona take over just too much at this early in the game. Or perhaps it's due to the fact that there is a female Olvidado present. Not that Kai is sexist or anything of the like, but he just didn't think this female one would present him with any kind of trouble or Hikari or Ceon for that matter.
Kai’s own arrogance was slowing down as his kick was met with a chain. Now, granted the chain rattled quite loudly at the force that Kai had put behind his own kick, but that didn’t matter much as Marko was about to take a form of a water monstrosity. It first started by Marko manipulating the Salk Lake and then having weird, golden rings appear around the chain that had met Kai’s kick. Kai himself had already used Lunar Walk to get out of dodge to where he would be next to hikari and Ceon once again. As he knew that the form that Marko took would be not only of colossal size, but would probably launch attacks that would otherwise kill Kai up close, he just got the hell out of dodge accordingly.
“hmm” Kai could only do that as he watched on what would be happening.
As Kai watched on, Marko’s new form wasn’t the only thing that the three, Ceon, Hikari, and Kai had to worry about. It’s true that Marko’s new form was truly bothersome, there was also the fact that his queen had presented herself as a big problem. The reason for this is mainly because she had summoned up several hollows who would also gather individual Cero at the cores of their mouths. Added to that, the queen would also gather a cero in the form of black and purple-colored reiatsu. Kai saw the amount of power; he knew the amount of power she had. From the moment her reiatsu was gathered, the cero’s from the weakling hollows came at her fingertips. Kai knew this was trouble.
The queen went on her rant about how she could bring the Soul Society and how it would clash with the Human World. “blah, blah, blah.” that’s all that Kai could say.” I couldn’t care less if you’re a queen or a freaking hooker working the corner, I, Hikari here, or my Head Captain will NOT allow you to do any such actions.” Kai raised Shokukoma, and pointed it at the queen. “Do your worst.”
Kai’s own arrogance was slowing down as his kick was met with a chain. Now, granted the chain rattled quite loudly at the force that Kai had put behind his own kick, but that didn’t matter much as Marko was about to take a form of a water monstrosity. It first started by Marko manipulating the Salk Lake and then having weird, golden rings appear around the chain that had met Kai’s kick. Kai himself had already used Lunar Walk to get out of dodge to where he would be next to hikari and Ceon once again. As he knew that the form that Marko took would be not only of colossal size, but would probably launch attacks that would otherwise kill Kai up close, he just got the hell out of dodge accordingly.
“hmm” Kai could only do that as he watched on what would be happening.
As Kai watched on, Marko’s new form wasn’t the only thing that the three, Ceon, Hikari, and Kai had to worry about. It’s true that Marko’s new form was truly bothersome, there was also the fact that his queen had presented herself as a big problem. The reason for this is mainly because she had summoned up several hollows who would also gather individual Cero at the cores of their mouths. Added to that, the queen would also gather a cero in the form of black and purple-colored reiatsu. Kai saw the amount of power; he knew the amount of power she had. From the moment her reiatsu was gathered, the cero’s from the weakling hollows came at her fingertips. Kai knew this was trouble.
The queen went on her rant about how she could bring the Soul Society and how it would clash with the Human World. “blah, blah, blah.” that’s all that Kai could say.” I couldn’t care less if you’re a queen or a freaking hooker working the corner, I, Hikari here, or my Head Captain will NOT allow you to do any such actions.” Kai raised Shokukoma, and pointed it at the queen. “Do your worst.”