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Bleach: A New Reign. A New Threat. //REBOOT// [RP Thread]

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King Sora X

Legendary Member
Mar 31, 2008
Nowhere in particular.
Despite Marko being the High King, Kaizen was not at all impressed. The reasons why are simply because he didn't present himself as anything that would lead Kai to feel intimidated or even impressed. If anything, Kai felt happy that Marko was living up to his role as the High King, but there just was something inside Kai that just didn't allow himself to feel anything but disappointment in the high king. Perhaps it had to do with the fact that Kai was letting his Kenpachi persona take over just too much at this early in the game. Or perhaps it's due to the fact that there is a female Olvidado present. Not that Kai is sexist or anything of the like, but he just didn't think this female one would present him with any kind of trouble or Hikari or Ceon for that matter.

Kai’s own arrogance was slowing down as his kick was met with a chain. Now, granted the chain rattled quite loudly at the force that Kai had put behind his own kick, but that didn’t matter much as Marko was about to take a form of a water monstrosity. It first started by Marko manipulating the Salk Lake and then having weird, golden rings appear around the chain that had met Kai’s kick. Kai himself had already used Lunar Walk to get out of dodge to where he would be next to hikari and Ceon once again. As he knew that the form that Marko took would be not only of colossal size, but would probably launch attacks that would otherwise kill Kai up close, he just got the hell out of dodge accordingly.

“hmm” Kai could only do that as he watched on what would be happening.

As Kai watched on, Marko’s new form wasn’t the only thing that the three, Ceon, Hikari, and Kai had to worry about. It’s true that Marko’s new form was truly bothersome, there was also the fact that his queen had presented herself as a big problem. The reason for this is mainly because she had summoned up several hollows who would also gather individual Cero at the cores of their mouths. Added to that, the queen would also gather a cero in the form of black and purple-colored reiatsu. Kai saw the amount of power; he knew the amount of power she had. From the moment her reiatsu was gathered, the cero’s from the weakling hollows came at her fingertips. Kai knew this was trouble.

The queen went on her rant about how she could bring the Soul Society and how it would clash with the Human World. “blah, blah, blah.” that’s all that Kai could say.” I couldn’t care less if you’re a queen or a freaking hooker working the corner, I, Hikari here, or my Head Captain will NOT allow you to do any such actions.” Kai raised Shokukoma, and pointed it at the queen. “Do your worst.”


the ego dies forever
Staff member
Dec 15, 2005
Beyond the Final Destination
The air was thick with reishi. Here in the human world it could only mean one thing, that hollows were riddling the atmosphere with residue from their ceros. This was considerably accurate, and the scent from a horrid fate to fall upon the captains Kai and Hikari alongside head captain Ceon. This captain's broken zanpakuto in its released state, a mere dagger that looped around his finger.

Sairento Oji.

Already active since leaving soul society late, beyond the three before him. He'd arrived and been lying underneath his veil for sometime now. He could see them, the queen's threads etched into the hollows as they were here mere puppets. A valiant swipe allured across the battlefield, dismembering the cords in place by the queen as the division two captain disabled the Olividado's leverage. In the same instance, the hollows began to dissociate and wither all at the sametime.

The raven-haired captain's presence had begun to fade in as he'd lifted his veil. Ultimately upon them all, the purple tint of the queen's very much illuminated threat, though he hollows had been absolved and balance wasn't the issue as of now, the cero was. Captain Pakkun sighed, that he had to conceal himself and watch as Hikari and Kai felt the queen was an obscurity in comparison to Marko, and now she's "magically" relevant. Pious decision-making is what Gotei Juusan was reduced to?

"Head Captain. Forgive my late entry and insubordination when I say, taking a threat to end the world lightly isn't the principle you instilled in your Shinigami. Each enemy of the human world and soul society like is of equal priority. Remember that, Kai and Hikari."

Pakkun sighed, his tiny stub of a zanpakuto he removed from his index finger. It was a dagger no longer than his own palm, how could possibly be a "threatening" shikai? Removing the dust from his hands as they clasped against each other to brush the reishi off, he flicked it towards the Gigantic Cero blast. It soon vanished as it tore its way to the center.

[2:05 - end]

He clutched his fist, everything as if on a whim had been drawn to the tip of his blade, sairento oji. At the center, it became something of a vortex effect, but it pushed force outwards as it was devouring the concentrated particles into itself. The dagger illuminated red briefly before fizzling out to steam, he took a mindful care to take a step to the right, as a truck-sized rain drop fell between himself and Kai-Taichou who'd been three feet away from him. All that was left now was to face down the threat of Marko's magic and Lunalie's threads. He'd held his hand up as he called his hand to catch the steaming Zanpakuto to his hand, the feeling of woe he could sense from his Sairento Oji. A thought of care as he caressed his spirit in the inner world.
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New member
Dec 27, 2010
"my weapons and abilities can't harm you, you say? we'll see." leon said. already, this high king had been on his bad side, slaughering all these innocent people. now he insults Leon himself. "you high king, are the fool in all this. you say that we of other races are inferior to you and your kind..you're wrong. we share something larger, something..greater than us! living, dead..hollow, shigami. even darkloids like myself. we're all a part of the great wheel. time's steady march. and though borders of race and culture divide us ever so slightly, we are unified in the fact that we persevere! we evolve, little by little, beyond that which we once were." he paused to lift his blade into the air. pointing it at marko and his creature.
"and yet, we still hold to our past. you are the example of how dangerous that is. you reject change. you hate the other races. i don't know why. perhaps you fear that so many difference peoples would cause your kind to fade..or perhaps, you envy us. envy our ability to change. and to accept such change. it matters not. i cannot. and will not allow this to go on." he said, placing both hands on his sword, and taking a breath
" it's time. old friend. i'm sorry you have to witness me in such a state... shine again.. Lucifer!." he said. the sword, now obviously revealed as a Zanpakutō shone with a near blinding white light on one of it's two blades, while the other erupted in black flames. the two blades disconnected from each other with a click, the horizontal handle splitting into two different handles. leon expertly twirled the two blades, before settling into a stance, blades held in front of him in a cross pattern. "i had not wished to reveal myself in the presence of shigami, but the situation leaves no choice. it's clear that i need to use my power to at least partway of it's extent." leon said, before leaping at the creature. he swung his flame covered blade. if the slash itself caused no damage, then certainly the blade's own ability would. those flames were imbued with the power of destruction. this meant that they allowed the sword to slash through nearly anything. leon turned, keeping his guard up, and proceeded to slash with the blade many times again. swift, quick strikes. much quicker than one would expect from such a large weapon. each strike left a trail of the flames, which fluttered down to earth like feathers.

Hazen Gregory

doWnloAd ProgoNOSKES 99% cOMplETeD
May 10, 2006
"I certainly was unaware of there being another shinigami present. It has changed what you might have faced but in the end, all will be the same." Once more Marko had been impressed, an ability had been able to cut through his dearest love's threads with ease. This captain had a power different from what Marko remembered from what had happened in the past. Even Catherine's gigantic cero had been done away with.

The plausible method to move forward was fairly simple, it would be to manifest the next step of the plans while keeping things running smoothly in the current locale. Before anything else really happened, the insignificant being decided to speak up again. His words were empty of any knowledge of what Marko and his kind had been through at all. It was something that made Marko considerably more and more angry by the second. Just like the previous shinigami captain, this man also figured that he'd obtain some kind of upper-hand by releasing his shikai.

"You dare attack?!?!?!" the pitiful man had come in strong, slashing feverishly at the side of the water colossus. It was a broken attempt, as each cut did little to damage a creature so massive. Magic was easily able to separate the notions of a weapon that clashed with its might and this zanpakuto had a simple ability that like the attack it produced, was just as broken. Nature was much too powerful to be shaken by a simple separation of water. Each slash had barely even grazed the water. "Leon you are a fool. Regardless of what you think can be done it will all fail." The head of the water colossus turned and looked down from its towering height to face the direction of Leon.

Marko sounded annoyed. "You know nothing about the ails of my people as a race. Long ago a spell was cast over both humanity and those of the spiritual nature so that our literal history was erased from the minds of the people as we were sealed away. Only a small handful still remember what happened and why. We were trying to protect the foul humans. We'd been created just for that purpose but the humans would have rather ruin themselves and still rid their world of our guidance..."

Leon started to float into the air, he was now within Marko's grasp. "Now I'll show you why there is NOTHING you can do." Water that had already washed across Leon's body from his frenzy of slashes was being inversely pulled upon by Marko. Instead of pulling the water off Leon's body. Marko was able to lessen the water mass of his aquatic creation to surround and encase Leon's body in the equivalence of 300 miles of water at a depth of 20 feet. He was trapped.

"Idiot. Go ahead and try to break through the water, you'll never succeed." Marko left Leon suspended inside the water and was nice enough to allow a foot or so that cycled air for the man to breath. The instance of dropping the water to the ground would result in a literal tidal wave...

Marko moved out from inside the giant water that was now formed into an olvidado itself, born from both the lake and Marko's magic.
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King Naruto

Retired (for now)
Oct 19, 2005
Creating bonds to save our world and bring peace

"Your race is still something unneeded within this world or the next." Ceon spoke with complete confidence. From Kai and Hikari's assault against the High King, to the High King causing the rain to become objects with mass of that of a truck, to Pakkun diffusing Catherine's threat. He only watched as his forces attempted to act appropriately, smiling the entire time. That smile nearly cracked as Leon proved to be invaluable against their foe, attacking mindlessly instead of attacking with a plan. It was expected from the boy but, Ceon would not show anger toward his actions. He was young and still progressing in his life as a shinigami. "Thank you Pakkun. Now I believe this situation demands my that I show my own power. Sitting back and analyzing will lead me to nothing now." Ceon stated, flash stepping closer to those known as the Olvidado and bypassing the rapid falling of destruction from the sky.

"Kenpachi Kaizen, focus your efforts upon the lady Olvidado. Hikari, focus your attention in attempt to help our ally and face the lady with Kenpachi. I authorize complete force. Do not. I repeat. Do not come to my aid regardless of what happens. If our power is not enough, retreat and leave me. I will not lose anyone here." Ceon commanded, before looking toward the High King as his silver hair wavered across his eyes, "I apologize for my lateness into combat. You are as powerful as believed, High King. Now I could speak on human kindness, and love and the like against you but, currently it would not matter. Our fight is highly inevitable. Shall we demolish the kid gloves?" Even he knew that the cuffs would prove useless in this moment as he was fighting an opponent possibly above even his own level. So this would be the mark of his reiryoku cuffs, Ceon uttering the words release. Reiatsu emanated from his wrists before the full force of spiritual pressure was unleashed like a huge force of gravity crashing upon the surrounding area.

Raising up one finger at the height of his chest, reiatsu began to compact above his finger into a mass of energy that formed into a small sphere. This sphere began to increase in size almost instantly, Ceon raising his hand above his head, becoming a gigantic sphere of swirling and pulsating energy. Such force that it lit up the surrounding area a grand bright yellow light. He soon pointed forward at Marko or rather past and sending the gigantic sphere forward, unhindered by Marko's "rain". Unlike one would expect the sphere moved at an alarming rate before splitting into two separate spheres thus one was aimed for Marko and the other aimed at the water monstrosity. The one aimed at Marko was considerably smaller then the other but, it still contained a large deal of compacted power within that it would be a threat for the Olvidado or at the very least a grand distraction. One that would give Hikari a moment to figure a way to save Leon.

King Sora X

Legendary Member
Mar 31, 2008
Nowhere in particular.
(OCC: Sorry it's short and confusing. Was writing this with tired mindset xD If I missed anything, please don't hesitate to inform me.)

"Yes Head-Captain."

Kaizen didn't need to hesitate for even one second. The orders were received as part of Ceon taking care of business. He would handle the High King, Marco. While he does that, Ceon told Kaizen to focus everything he has on the queen here. Kaizen has no problem there, but she does seem to be quite strong. Not that he is doubting his own strength, but Kaizen does seem curious. It's definitely not a scared kind of curiosity. This is the kind that makes one wonder what exactly the other can do and to what extent. "If this one truly is the queen, as I suspect, then this will be a tough time for me right from the get go." Kaizen said as he murmured to himself.

Some could question how fast Kaizen is, and that's a fair question. He is known for his high speed and strength. Kaizen wouldn't consider himself on the level of Ceon or even Daaku, but he's surely stronger than the rat Jaakuna Hinoko; he's faster than him too. He can't move at two miles in one second, but it's definitely not far behind. Kaizen's speed can reach five miles both vertically and horizontally in ten seconds flat. His raw strength is another thing to worry about. Even Kaizen find himself worried he'll kill someone with a single punch. Granted he'd have to be super angry at said person, but whatever.

Automatically appearing before the queen, Kaizen gazed at her for a few seconds. As he did gaze at her, Kaizen could sense Ceon already getting started as he looked slightly over to see how it was going. He then returned to his gaze. His gaze was then transformed into battle-ready stare. He was ready to fight, and fight he shall. Moving in without any hesitation, Kaizen would go in first for a circling of her just to see what her behind looked like. Yup, Kaizen was being like that, but then he went in for a side attack of a swinging roundhouse. If hit, the lady Olvidado would get sent flying headfirst as the kick would be hitting the side of her neck.

Hazen Gregory

doWnloAd ProgoNOSKES 99% cOMplETeD
May 10, 2006
Ceon had the audacity to mention how the olvidado were unneeded as a race, how even the spiritual worlds didn't want their presence. It was a ridiculous idea. "So we are just supposed to grace the alter plane of naught?? On your whims?!?!" This very reasoning was what had brought upon Marko's wrath to Salt Lake City and the area around it. A massive reach of area had been affected by Marko's magic when he'd drained the lake. Already this had bridged a pathway to Heuco Mundo and the sub-dimension where multitudes of the Forgotten had been sealed away. These creatures were spawning and beginning to roam around the very borders of Utah. Marko had been relatively patient during this entire claim of the land he was to turn into the Olvidado's base in the human world. Now his patience was wearing thin. Anger had started to build up within Marko again.

"I apologize for my lateness into combat. You are as powerful as believed, High King. Now I could speak on human kindness, and love and the like against you but, currently it would not matter. Our fight is highly inevitable. Shall we demolish the kid gloves?" Now a great battle was to take place...

Marko was able to witness the shinigami leader removing the seal on his actual power. Upon the release of this spiritual energy, the remains of any buildings in the immediate area that Marko hadn't already used in his creation of the water giant were leveled. The head captain of the Soul Society had finally decided that he would step into battle himself and test his might against the High King. Ceon produced a small sphere of energy that began to grow in size. Marko's small form was nearly eclipsed when Ceon stopped pumping it full of reiatsu. Marko looked up at the swirling mass as Ceon threw it, the energy separated and split into two spheres.

"I was waiting for this. You still can't do much but this is quite impressive." Frankly, nothing had really changed. The actual ability of Ceon was still to be questioned but not the uselessness of the power used to do so. Head Captain Ceon's projectile ripped through the air toward Marko. Once the attack was a hair's breath away the High King, turned his body on the sphere and punched it up into the sky. The humans seemed to have their own idea of how to deal with the catastrophe that had befallen the city and lake. Marko's magic had been able to flawlessly give information about the nuclear projectile that had been launched by the United States government.


Ceon's energy attack toward the colossus hit its target without the colossus seeming to notice. The results didn't take long to come into fruition.The immense amount of energy had caused of the metal rings around the colossus to rupture, producing a crack that allowed ridiculous amounts of water to pour out into Salt Lake City on a constant. It was enough so that 30-40 foot waves of water were now crashing down into the ravaged city.


Having punched the energy attack upward , it's size and speed intercepted the incoming missile. Instantly as an explosion occurred mid air, a massive release of nuclear energy was produced but then froze. Not a single particle of energy had reached the shinigami or the city below. Marko merely floated upward to the suspended nuclear destruction at hand and placed out his palm, placing it onto the "frozen" mass. Within a second Marko had compressed it down to the size of an apple, thus wrapping his own magical force around this tiny sphere. It hovered and pulsed, thrumming from the surplus of forces within its modicum size and then all at once expanded into proportions even more massive than the original size of what Ceon had made.

"You shinigami seriously are screwed." Marko was now unable to seen since his attack was go grandiose in size but then it started to fall from the sky. "Ahahahahaha!!!! Hahahahahahaha!!!! Yes yes!!!!" Untold destruction was about to befall the shinigami and Leon. Even as it fell, Marko's magical falling star grew larger. He kept a deft control of the attack using his own being to sustain an influential connection to it.


New member
Dec 27, 2010
leon took his chance, and freed himself from the construct. he landed near the shigami, soaked but otherwise okay. "hmm..get behind me. it's time that i showed him the true power of darkloids. we're rather unique. you see, a single one of us is not much in terms of base power..but as darkloids "reproduce" by spreading our viral genetic code, we become more powerful, in direct proportion to how many we have "infected". i am the first. all darkloids can trace their progeny at least partly to myself. as such..i have a degree of power quite vast. up until now, i have used only 49 percent. now, however..i shall unleash all of it. Bankai." he stated. nearly instantly, his swords melted. the liquid metal covered Leon, forming an ornate black and white armor that covered him completely, except for his clawed finger tips. if not for the massive, near ungodly spiritual pressure it was putting off, one could be forgiven for thinking it a mere cosmetic change. leon put his hands in front of himself. the flames which had previously been on his secondary shikai blade, roared to life, forming a massive shield out of their blazing black embers. "i doubt that this will block the entirety of that attack, but i believe it should mitigate most of the force, and at least slow it down enough for us to retreat to a better tactical position."


the ego dies forever
Staff member
Dec 15, 2005
Beyond the Final Destination
Her right hand illuminated briefly as she captured Kaizen's voice prior, and now. As the queen's threads enticed a finite connection to the colossi of water, she without a feint in judgement exuded vigor. The fierceness of her eyes were shortly consumed by the orange pools of the olvidado race. Their Kenpatchi, and the other to be referred to as "Light" had been placed at designated paths. Lunalie felt it briefly, the grim outlook that was to follow if she and Marko had chosen to continue this fully and completely. As her eyes then narrowed, her body was rapidly coating itself of water. As Kaizen came, her entire head exploded as he thrusted his kick through. The rest of her body, deformed, the moving liquid was clear and she'd dispersed as water.

The path was clear, those that the rain fell upon were now subjects to their wrath. She'd zipped back through Kaizen as reitasu moving water, and solidified then breaking the threads to Marko's Colossi. With Ceon's attack that waged against it, the water rummaged through the remains of the city itself providing the queen with an opportunity.

Lunalie had rose her hand upward, with a trickle from her kneading threads, gravity reversed and the water being released by the colossi had begun to evaporate rapidly into the air quickly generating zero visibility shrouds of steam. With her amulet, Marko would know at any point on whatever plane she resided, with everyone blinded the rain from before didn't stop, but only worsened. Her grasp for the stars themselves, forming frozen hunks of ice from floating reishi the size of high rises to plummet into the bank of steam. The steam super-cold, would complement the hunks of ice that fell.

She'd moved again within the steam, her right hand had readied for the second time since capturing Kaizen's voice. Leon's echoed through the steam as he rambled about his race, as if to mirror this from where she stood. Marko's apple-sized attack had grown, but her playful intrigue made her less willing to immediately move from its apprehension. She floated behind leon, feeling the white hot intensity of the flames, before in utterance with his voice escalating off her lips.


An explosion of great power errupted to his very backside, the queen's own power melding in harmony with Leon's zanpakuto. His bankai was being relieved as the queen would take not only that, but the shikai had she the nerve to leave him completely powerless. This was simply not the case, the relationship she'd built with Lucem Ferre in a matter of seconds was exponentially dangerous to Leon whom had to be aware it was no longer in his hands and she'd moved again pivoting her position beside Marko.

The queen heckled with laughter as she bore the poor soul's armor. Upon understanding the harmony between shinigami and zanpakuto, disrupting that union and inserting herself made this a game to the puppet master she was. She stuck her tongue, and placed on her bottom eye lid to poke fun at the shinigami being ransacked by their own devices. The ice and steam still polluted the battlefield, sliding slightly to the right with Marko they had to evade their own devices to some degree.

"What fun my love!"


I just logged in... And got so many trophies
Mar 3, 2006
Palace of Keys, Kingdom of Rebels
Hikari felt confident and bold. He saw the battle unfolding in front of him and did not want this to end the way it was heading. Sometimes sitting back and collectively thinking before making a move was the best approach, but the captains commands obviously changed the atmosphere. With this huge beast ravaging the barren flatlands and chunks of salt dropping from the sky, Hikari began to chuckle. It was actually quite the comedic expression of battle he had heard of since Ichigo's rebellion. Now he had to act. Hikari stated, "Ok. This should be fun." Almost instantly Hikari appeared behind the queen and he used both his hands to smash her towards the ground. Of course Kai just tried to kick the High King and was interrupted, but this was not something expected nor accounted for.

Hikari was not about to go at the head villain and his second in command as if this where some senior citizens bingo night. He was gonna start of as strong as possible, but as far from catastrophic as he could get. Directly after his attempted smash, Hikari took flight. He began to fly away from the position of the queen and her King. He removed four beads from his wrist pocket and they began to glow an red color. Once he inserted them into his star, the wings began to rage in a red up roar. He continued to retreat from the location of the monster and the queen then shot back towards them. This entire process collectively took up 10 seconds. By the time the queen would be removing herself from being embedded in the spiritually enforced and encased ground, assuming she maintained such a whimsical attitude, he would be approaching her head on.

Now Hikari approached her with the star spinning on the knuckles of his fist. He shot down forward trying to slam his punch, which was reinforced by his Zanpakuto, directly into the body of the Queen. The impact of this attack was only the first line of assaualt. The second line was the friction from the spinning star basically twisting the spiritual energy that made up the basis of his opponent, and, due to the elemental characteristics of his Star at the moment, corroding their spiritual stability as well as depleting their spiritual consistency. After the attack made contact it Hikari would continue to push through as if her were trying to punch through the Queen. At the end of this attack he would launch the Queen into the sky with the same force that he used to plunge her into the ground. At the end of the attack, the velocity he used for the attack would result in him and the Queen sliding across the terrain and him launching her with his Star into the sky. Upon crashing into the ground a huge surge of rock and debris scorched the skies as if a missile ranked explosion had struck.

In the span of 13 seconds Hikari had assaulted the queen and taken inventory of the incoming strike from Marko's frozen nuke of free energy and erupting flames. With his current standing he definitely knew a way to take care of the attack, but the captains orders where to not aid him. At this point in time his only concern was the queen. Unless struck directly by the blast he saw no concern. Hikari prepared him self by doing several hand signs, and stated, "Encase that which streaks the skies. Splitting Void Reimbursed with the purity of light and harmony. Danku!" His star, which he no longer held, was laminated with light. A purple insignia was stamped on his star, and the Danku barrier protected it from any tampering, or at least prevented it from being tampered with for a short amount of time. He reinforced that barrier with the natural spiritual energy of his Zanpakuto. Though the energy which made the spell was that of the void, he used its inverse opposite, the power of harmonious light, to reinforce and contain his Zanpakuto. It would take some wicked tampering to overpower that spell, and the dust particles which spiled from his Zanpakuto continued to spill from it.

System Shock

Bronze Member
May 5, 2006
A radiant full moon hung high in the sky above Moscow. The red square beneath Saint Basil's Cathedral was illuminated with an almost fluorescent glow from the pale light. And as the cool chill of the night was felt in the air, the only thing heard echo throughout the city was the cries of terror let out by citizens being devoured by hollows.

A horde of strong hollows rushed through the streets turning over cars, destroying anything in their way, and consuming any soul that was unlucky enough to be around. The amount of blood spilt in such a short amount of time was shocking to say the least. Even as law enforcement arrived to attempt to get things under control, it was no use. They too were merely casualties in the path of chaos.

Near the center of everything, a door suddenly appeared, suspended in air, and seemingly mystical. The sliding doors to the senkaimon cast a brilliant light out onto the streets and shone bright, stopping the hollows for amount as their gaze fell upon the door.

Genji exited the gate, stepping out of the glow, as he felt the cold hard pavement against his feet. The hollows stared in an almost disbelief for but a moment, and then immediately started rushing towards the captain.

"'Bout time I got a little fun", he eagerly spoke. He raised one hand in front of him, waiting for the hollows to get closer, and when they were almost about to leap on the captain, Genji clenched his fist as any beast in his sight crumpled.

Blood shot in every which way, as the hollows distorted and collapsed to the floor. They soon disintegrated into nothing. More poured in from alleyways and rooftops, all hearing the commotion from their kind being slaughtered, and feeling the release of power Genji used to kill them. They all charged at Genji, but with a wave of his hand, more started imploding and vanishing. Outclassed.

There was around 12 stronger few still left that lined up in front of Genji, ready to make a run at him, in attempts to bite into his flesh. Genji hardly even noticed, as if he was looking right past them. He was sensing out the true source of all this. The hollows now rushed. Genji quickly removed Senazuchi from his sheath and bolted towards the oncoming group. Slashing and stabbing, he made quick work of them, and gave no chance for them to come close to harming him. An intense display of destruction that lasted a whole 14 seconds. Just as quickly as his zanpakuto was removed from it's sheath, it was now back inside it. Genji didn't have time for such petty attacks.

The captain quickly flash-stepped, reappearing high in the air and near the top of the cathedral itself, standing now in front of his true opponent here. "I can only guess that you two are the source of this senseless chaos.", he asked out in a dignified tone. "Unfortunately, I must tell you that I just can't allow that." A silence hung in the air for a few seconds. "My name is Genji Uesugi, 7th Division Captain of The 13 Court Guard Squads... who might you be?", Genji turned his head, now only looking directly at the older man in the throne. "Olvidado."
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I just logged in... And got so many trophies
Mar 3, 2006
Palace of Keys, Kingdom of Rebels
Zellest had momentarily shifted into a state where light and sound where visible components and everything else stood still. Though it seemed like a new dimension inside of a dimension, it was simply the visual effects of thinking at the speed of light. There was a streak of purple that stood out, when compared with all the other streaks. These streaks contained the unheard thoughts which where directed to people on a 24 hour basis. The only way you would be able to read or see these thoughts where if you could travel at the speed of light. Zellest grabbed it and consumed the purple streak, instantly knowing what it was his master was calling him to do. As Zellest exited this meditative state, he immediately said to his friend, "Times wasting. Make sure you know your purpose, And if you don't, then create one." Zellest placed his hand on the ground and leaped through the portal.

As he arrived in a city covered in water, clouds covered the sky. Zellest stated, "The wonderful city of Venice!" Lightning began to strike the waters and souls began to rise from earth. Each human within the waters was sent into limbo, and more then likely instantly sent to the void. Zellest began to funnel several cloud tunnels down to the city to expose his destination. With the atmosphere that the town was exposed to, everyone had taken cover and hid within their shelters. A futile effort all within itself. Various cretins had been sucked within the various vortex ravaging the city. The spiritual energy which coursed through the tornadoes began to involuntarily bond with the various fish consumed within his terror. Zellest was not the violent type, until it came to serving his master. Even still he didn't see the need for these people to be killed by his hand, since they showed somewhat of a will to live.

Zellest placed his hand within the clouds and caused the lightning to strike the houses and cover them in a barrier. this would halt the pressure of the tornadoes and water beneath from crushing them. After this act was completed, the lightning stopped, and the tornadoes began to clash. The vigorously grew and raged out of conduct. Easily creating a spiritually enhanced whirlpool which began to sink and swallow the city town whole. Within moments a sinkhole had formed where the town once stood. As Zellest looked to the bottom he saw the monument which held the chamber he was searching for. As the tornadoes, accompanied by the whirlpool, spread the waters and surfaced he monument, Zellest could already feel the monumental power which was stored within. As Zellest dropped down within the hole, he saw the various beast that where manifesting within the waters. He also witness various buildings crushing from people attempting to leave there house and nullifying the barrier he placed. As he walked into the monument, Zellest stated, "Weak souls of the human race..."
Jul 21, 2008
Dark violet eyes watched lazily upon multiple screens. Tsuito had been sitting here for a while, silently watching as her peers scurried about in near panic. The 12th division hadn't seen action like this in while, many thought that the world was ending for some strange reason. Tsuito was not afraid, this new enemy threat would be taken care of soon. Her gaze focused to the screen featuring the desert area her Captain was in. Whatever he was fighting created a change in it's power by devouring it's comrades, Tsuito cringed at the implications. These beings disgusted her, as if having no respect for the value of life outside their own race was bad enough...

Tsuito's lackadaisical eyes shot wide as she witnessed something awful. She failed to comprehend how, but Daaku took a direct hit and was obliterated in an instant. The desk in front of her shook violently as she slammed her palms into it. Daaku dying was not something she was willing to accept so easily. She focused, reaching out to feel for his spiritual presence. "No..." There was nothing, Daaku was dead. "T-this can't be right. Daaku wouldn't be killed so easily... This must be some sort of plan of his yes?" Tsuito formulated out loud, though even as she tried to make excuses her voice faltered and her eyes stung as she tried to hold back tears. Her back hit the chair she was in, and for a minute all she did was sit there. Daaku was not her real father, however he might as well have been. She would be dead if not for him, so much of her was owed to him. Raising from her seat Tsuito walked out of the room, She was going to that desert with vengeance and sorrow swirling in her mind.


Exiting out of a gate Tsuito found herself right in the thick of things, Miharu had just assaulted the Olvidado and a large plume of sand and dust had formed in its wake. For now Tsuito ignored it, she had made her way to the site where Daaku had been killed. All that was left of him was a tattered cloak and a crimson smear in the sand. Leaning down she took the cloak in hand, feeling it as if doing so would give her some semblance of solace. "Daaku, I never properly expressed my gratitude for all that you have done for me... I know it is too late now but, thank you." She sat the cloak back down, covering the morbid blood. Standing to her feet Tsuito drew her Zanpakuto. "Flow as a river, Aban." Her spiritual pressure spiked as her blade vanished in a puff of steam. Water raged around her it swirled around her legs and formed wings upon her back. Her eyes fell on the Olvidado, which she knew had survived Miharu's attack.

Kicking off the ground she sped towards it and flanked it's side. Aban hardened into ice above her, gripping it she drove it forwards. As it neared her foes gut she snapped it in half with the sharp end still soaring. Taking the other end in hand it was swiped towards the Olvidado's head, letting out a stream of water set to decapitate it.
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Hazen Gregory

doWnloAd ProgoNOSKES 99% cOMplETeD
May 10, 2006
Ceon and the shinigami under his command were about to witness the wrath that Marko was able to muster up close and personally. Originally the earthquake that Marko had caused was only a precursor to the events that had continued to befall the city and a vast area of landscape beyond it. Not only had the greatest city in the state of Utah been defaced; there was now a hole in the place where the Great Salt Lake had been previously. A magical pathway had been created in between the pocket dimension where all the Olvidado were sealed away.

This space was vast, nearly 2,000 miles of space where olvidado were continuing to surface. The numbers were rising at a rate where within several hours it was likely the state would be quickly overrun by the Olvidado forces. From there it wold only be a matter of time before the southwest of the United States was under Marko's control. Conquest in Europe had already began, by now Venice had to be done for, there was no question that Zellst could fail in awakening Oceanus.

"You've all angered me greatly Your kind has helped the humans keep us sealed beyond the borders of the realms you step foot in." Marko's anger could be seen in his eyes as that was his only facial feature but the entire mass of doom that continue to fall upon what was left of Salt Lake City seethed with hatred. "Farewell until next time shinigami. I won't be as merciful either..."

The High King snapped his finger and the plethora of forces exploded. The High King dematerialized...


I just logged in... And got so many trophies
Mar 3, 2006
Palace of Keys, Kingdom of Rebels

Light had no clue how to take the situation unfolding in front of his eyes. As much as he feared for the young Hikari's soul he didn't want to keep Yubi in bad spirits. Light thouhght, I hope you got out of there kid... Light grabbed the stolen pad and gave it to a ninja outside of the hut. Yubi had fallen asleep and light decided that ow wazs the best time to actually enjoy the celeration. Maybe this was the make up test for their organization to be official. Either way, he would have to visit the Sereitei to find out. Light ventured out to the festivities and began to feast with the rest of the crew. Braig was doing the usual, bragging about his endeavors in battle. Seeing how he was the third strongest in the group, everyone simply listened and continued about the party. Light grabbed a fruit from a basket and joined the group surrounding the bonfire.

Light heard a fellow comrade announce, "Hey!!! Its the man of the hour! Captain!" Light states to him,
"I am not your captain haha. Simply your overseer. We will not do things as the 13 gate squads. Please enjoy the food and music, and please... Call me Fate" Light was amazed by how things where set up so quickly. Without his comrades the days of enjoying free time would be a complete waste. As Light headed towards the heart of the crowd, he ran into Braig. Braig states, "Then I took the monester by his jaw, and tossed it towars infinity. Needless to say. The explosion down the way showed I didn't do a very good job hahaha Fate! Tell us of your bout within the clouds. The raining hollows precede you. So don't think about trumping mine." Light stated, "I wouldn't dream of it. Well I was on the battle field, when I heard a roar from the clouds. As I took life and began to solve this... Disturbnce, I found myself surrounded by flying fiends! All of different proportions, but you saw how it went. My instinct knew nothing but-" As he was talking Yubi placed her hand on his shoulder, and entered the circle from behind. Light stated, "Yubi?"

Almost as if he were questioning her being there. Then Braig interrupted,
"So thats what brings about a glorious sight which you blessed us with? The thought of having such a lovely second in command and being able to rest your eyes upon her graceful face and... Delicious curves hahaha" Yubi grabbed Braigs hand, making him blush, then twirled him onto his back. Yubi stated, "Keep your eyes and slightly slanderous voice to a minimum when Fate i speaking. I know you would hate to be on the other end of the stick." Light laughed lightly saying, "Come on guys! Lets keep things on a lower level of partying. Anyways. The fiends were pwerless at first and only knew brute strength, Kinda like our friend Braig here." The crowd laughed and Braig stated, "Hey I have alot more of a cunning spirit than you realize." Light replied, "We know. We know, but anyways. Disposing of them was no problem, then another flying species began to attack with their long range blast. The lightning spewing from the mouths of these birds seared with heat and distraught. I went Sanrei Bankai and it was a wrap! Their lightning was useless, so instead of prolonging it, I just blew them all up." As the surrounding comrades began to cheer, Braig stated, "All that spiritual prowess. Incredible."


Zellest entered the monument to be confronted with a scenery that was quite out of place. Zellest stated,
"So... This place dates back farther than this times geological structure. Who would have thought that monks would be able to craft such a place." Zellest continued down into the labrynth. Though it could be confusing for a nomal being or spirit, he could easily just fly through. Once he made it to the edge of the room he was confronted with a blue flame. This flame was almost as tall as the host which he was utilizing, except for a foot and some inches. Zellest walked through hte flame and was brought to a pit. Though the pit seemed bottomless, the aroma of water and spewed from the gorge. Zellest walked up to the pedestal and placed hos hand on the orb. It shimmered an indigo hue and went back to its dull rock state. Shortly afterwards the place began to shake and water began to flood the pit from above.

The pit was flooded so quickly that any normal person, or spirit for that matter, would be crushed by the mere pressure of the water. In reality the water was a secondary trap for those smart enough to not fall in the pit. Zellest had grabbed the orb and leaped into the down pouring stream. He watched as the water pelted through a hollow hole at the bottom. It brought him to the gates of what seemed to be yet another area in need of exploration. Instead, he passed the gates and was confronted with a stone sporting the god of the seas. The orb began to shine a dim green color. The closer he got to the door, the more intense the light became. As he confronted the door and place the orb inside of the mouth of the god, He felt the entire waters start to beat. After a few moments a beast broke from the confines of the chamber. Seconds after the monster was released, the chamber crumbled and yet another creature revealed itself. This beast had been swimming beneath the hole Zellest used to get to the gates. Zellest signaled to the newly awakened fiend, and it followed him back to the top of the pit.

The monster, which roamed the waters beneath the pit, followed along and the newly freed fiend called upon it as a riding companion. Zellest followed the two through the hole made in the ceiling and found himself back in a hollow chamber that he had not traversed. Zellest surfaced shortly after the beast did and he addressed the beast he freed by saying,
"Oceanus! Roam free from the confinement of civilization and wreak your wrath across the waters of this planet!" The tentacled beast roared and shot a hole out the top of the hollow ceiling. Suddenly an even louder roar came as well, but this one seemed as if it where all around them. The hole Ocenaus made, lead out to the sea which Zellest split to enter the chamber. As Ocenaus broke through the surface of the waters he roared loudly stating, "Dramada! Crush all you see!"
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Jan 16, 2009
Paradise City
Geirtýr + Piedra
Geirtýr sensed the man before he saw him. When he appeared before them, Piedra moved forward slightly, placing his hands on his swords. "I can only guess that you two are the source of this senseless chaos. Unfortunately, I must tell you that I just can't allow that. My name is Genji Uesugi, 7th Division Captain of The 13 Court Guard Squads... who might you be?" He looked over at where Gertýr sat. "Olvidado." Gertýr nodded, before readjusting himself in his throne. “I am the Fourth King, Gertýr. I must say, Captain Uesugi, I am glad that one such as thyself has enough common courtesy to talk to thy opponent before rushing in. Some of the manners in this time are truly wretched.”

He adjusts himself again sitting up in his throne. “Although this has been a pleasant meeting, I’m afraid that I must now attend to another matter.” He taps the arm of his throne, and it begins to move. “But, I asure you, this young man can entertain any questions you may have.” His throne continued to move to the base of the top of the highest spire. He ran his hand over the smooth metal, feeling for something.

Piedra stepped forward towards the captain. “I appologize for him,” he shook his head. “He’s still a few centuries behind. I am Piedra Gorgona, and as the Fourth King stated, I can answer any questions you have.” He placed a hand on one of his swords. “Unless you’re more of a man of action, Captain? In which case, I can also respond to.”

Endless Warrior Sora

Return of the Kid
May 9, 2005
Somewhere in between
[OOC: This is my probably futile attempt at reviving this. But here's a post as promised.]

"Flow as a river, Aban."

Someone else had joined her in battle against the Advanced Olvidado who survived her onslaught of reishi attacks. It was another from the Soul Society who used water and ice to her advantage. Miharu raised a hand to her hollow mask, and attempted to rip it from her face. A force had impeded her progress, however as her hand floated a few times as if being pushed back by an imaginary force.

"C'mon you stupid...get...off..." She whispered as she finally ripped the mask of her face, shattering into small pieces.

The smoke cleared as the Olvidado had gripped it's abdomen, where the ice spear had been thrusted and successfuly impaled, but it's headhad gone impossibly far back, almost reaching it's own spine in a avoiding decapitation.

"Foolish mortal. your pathetic attempts at strategy are unamusing at best." It said confidently, although it was definitely pierced by Aban's ice shard. Was this just a facade of confidence from the creature? Using the staff, it changed the gem on top to a small energy source that began to charge. "How will you fare against this?" It said, as it released a concussive wave of reiatsu at Tsuito.

"Hey chick! Look out!" Miharu called warping to the beam and attempting to block with her blade.
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