As Rune sat on her knees away from Hikari. Hikari reached for his wrist guard, and checked to see if his chap stick was there, and it wasn't. He then stated, "Everytime I enter the spiritual state my chap stick comes with. The physical chap stick is just the physical representation of it, but my interest isn't in the physical form. When your spiritual lips smell like peaches, your physical lips always smell like peaches. Then when you-" Rune interrupted him, "Don't you have something else to do besides hark me about some stupid chap stick!? Your a spiritual being you don't need chap stick! And whats even worst is that provocative demeanor is surely to get you in trouble some day, so Hikari..." Out of no where she got sentimental and her face began to blush harder. Rune looked away again, Hikari then stated, "Your right." Runes eyes widened as Hikari continued, "There is something else we need to talk about."
Hikari got straight to the point, "The Olividado are causing havoc in the world of the living. Salt Lake City to be exact. Apparently they can unleash enough power to destroy entire citys within one blow." Rune looked uninterested, then Hikari said, "Oh excuse me... One punch." Rune then shot up and maintained an eye contact with Hikari even though she couldn't get rid of the blush. Hikari continued, "We are supposed to be heading there with the Head Captain, so I need you to bring your A game and prepare for the worst. Besides that... Don't try to seduce him with my chap sti-" Before Hikari could finish his sentence, Rune had thrown the chap stick at him and it hit him in the forehead. Hikari removed the lodged chap stick and placed it in the cloth that held his wrist guard. Rune had cleared up her entire face. The once adamant blush had now subsided and seemingly never happened. Her face was no longer flushed and she stated, "Your nose is getting good sir! I didn't think you would smell it from my pockets, but nobody would use that. You probably have one of those SESD's.
Hikari got hot headed and said, "What!?!?!? I'm clean! I don't just go around boinking everything I see!? You haven't been boinked yet obviously..." Rune then kicked Hikari out of the room and Hikari was against the post outside the door. From inside the room Rune yelled, "What do you mean yet!?!?!?!?!?!" Hikari quickly got up and said, "I thought we had gotten back on a less touchy subject!" As he finished his sentence Rune stated, "You said A game... I though anything goes!" Rune tried to kick Hikaris face through the board, but Hikari dodged and grabbed her leg, while lodging his should in the crevices of her privates. Rune then released a moaning yelp, and stated silently while slumped over Hikari's shoulder, "Hikari... Your a jerk..." Hikari continued walking towards the captains office and stated in a sly yet seductive whispering tone, "You said A game... I thought anything goes?" Rune replied saying, "Touche captain... Touche." Hikari smiled and said, "Did I catch you by surprise or did you enjoy it?" Rune stated, "Umph... I... I can walk from here." From then on they both walked to the Captains office without a word being said, or glance being given. Just silence and curiosity.
Zellest looked at the Olividado and stated, "I cherish the inputs of others. And with that stated I have traveled this landed millions of times. Just wandering. With that same mentality... Then I noticed that I was flawed. But I still held dominance. You'd do well to remember that one of the glories of life is the element of surprise. This boy that I utilize is a living example of that." Zellest paused and said, "So... Where shall we go first? Wreak some havoc in the soul society? Or maybe grace the world of living with our presence as well? It seems our leader has already began to... Shake things up.So many places... So little time left for them..."
As light nonchalantly fell from the sky he angled his body so that he may fall directly towards the camp, instead of straight down. His body was slowly reverting back to his Sanrei state, and he continued to fall with no worries until the transformation had completed. His helmet was the last thing to transfer so once it did his eyes opened and he exclaimed, "We did iiiittttt!!!!!" The roaring cries of the men in his camp where more than enough of a celebration for him. Just hearing the joy in their hearts be announced like that brought a smile to his face, and as he fell his arms and legs were extended and he held a huge smile, from ear to ear, on his face. Light summoned a board of energy and zoomed down to his comrades. Yubi was the first to greet him from off the top of the Pipe surrounding their base. She lunged at him, followed by a huge glomp, which knocked Light of his board. The board went soaring into the distance, and an explosion erupted from far away.
The team was going crazy and Braig was being carried around fortress. Yubi stated in a seductive tone, "So master. What are we going to do for todays celebration?" Light blushed and stated, "Uh... Party!" The troops all began to cheer while Yubi looked exauhsted. She maintained her joyous appearance for the meantime, and wait for everybody to clear out. Yubi and Light sat side by side as each troop member greeted them and thanked them for such an exhilarating battle. Once everyone headed to their quarters to prepare for the celebration, Yubi told Light, "I dont think I'm gonna be at tonights party." Light exclaimed, "Why not! Its gonna be a blast! Think of all the music and festivities these guys have been working on. You know these events are only after our triumphs. If the lieutenant didn't show then-" Yubi placed her finger over Lights mouth and said, "I don't think you will be there either." Yubi stood up and walked to her quarters. Light just sat there and began to think what that could possibly mean.
Hikari got straight to the point, "The Olividado are causing havoc in the world of the living. Salt Lake City to be exact. Apparently they can unleash enough power to destroy entire citys within one blow." Rune looked uninterested, then Hikari said, "Oh excuse me... One punch." Rune then shot up and maintained an eye contact with Hikari even though she couldn't get rid of the blush. Hikari continued, "We are supposed to be heading there with the Head Captain, so I need you to bring your A game and prepare for the worst. Besides that... Don't try to seduce him with my chap sti-" Before Hikari could finish his sentence, Rune had thrown the chap stick at him and it hit him in the forehead. Hikari removed the lodged chap stick and placed it in the cloth that held his wrist guard. Rune had cleared up her entire face. The once adamant blush had now subsided and seemingly never happened. Her face was no longer flushed and she stated, "Your nose is getting good sir! I didn't think you would smell it from my pockets, but nobody would use that. You probably have one of those SESD's.
Hikari got hot headed and said, "What!?!?!? I'm clean! I don't just go around boinking everything I see!? You haven't been boinked yet obviously..." Rune then kicked Hikari out of the room and Hikari was against the post outside the door. From inside the room Rune yelled, "What do you mean yet!?!?!?!?!?!" Hikari quickly got up and said, "I thought we had gotten back on a less touchy subject!" As he finished his sentence Rune stated, "You said A game... I though anything goes!" Rune tried to kick Hikaris face through the board, but Hikari dodged and grabbed her leg, while lodging his should in the crevices of her privates. Rune then released a moaning yelp, and stated silently while slumped over Hikari's shoulder, "Hikari... Your a jerk..." Hikari continued walking towards the captains office and stated in a sly yet seductive whispering tone, "You said A game... I thought anything goes?" Rune replied saying, "Touche captain... Touche." Hikari smiled and said, "Did I catch you by surprise or did you enjoy it?" Rune stated, "Umph... I... I can walk from here." From then on they both walked to the Captains office without a word being said, or glance being given. Just silence and curiosity.
Zellest looked at the Olividado and stated, "I cherish the inputs of others. And with that stated I have traveled this landed millions of times. Just wandering. With that same mentality... Then I noticed that I was flawed. But I still held dominance. You'd do well to remember that one of the glories of life is the element of surprise. This boy that I utilize is a living example of that." Zellest paused and said, "So... Where shall we go first? Wreak some havoc in the soul society? Or maybe grace the world of living with our presence as well? It seems our leader has already began to... Shake things up.So many places... So little time left for them..."
As light nonchalantly fell from the sky he angled his body so that he may fall directly towards the camp, instead of straight down. His body was slowly reverting back to his Sanrei state, and he continued to fall with no worries until the transformation had completed. His helmet was the last thing to transfer so once it did his eyes opened and he exclaimed, "We did iiiittttt!!!!!" The roaring cries of the men in his camp where more than enough of a celebration for him. Just hearing the joy in their hearts be announced like that brought a smile to his face, and as he fell his arms and legs were extended and he held a huge smile, from ear to ear, on his face. Light summoned a board of energy and zoomed down to his comrades. Yubi was the first to greet him from off the top of the Pipe surrounding their base. She lunged at him, followed by a huge glomp, which knocked Light of his board. The board went soaring into the distance, and an explosion erupted from far away.
The team was going crazy and Braig was being carried around fortress. Yubi stated in a seductive tone, "So master. What are we going to do for todays celebration?" Light blushed and stated, "Uh... Party!" The troops all began to cheer while Yubi looked exauhsted. She maintained her joyous appearance for the meantime, and wait for everybody to clear out. Yubi and Light sat side by side as each troop member greeted them and thanked them for such an exhilarating battle. Once everyone headed to their quarters to prepare for the celebration, Yubi told Light, "I dont think I'm gonna be at tonights party." Light exclaimed, "Why not! Its gonna be a blast! Think of all the music and festivities these guys have been working on. You know these events are only after our triumphs. If the lieutenant didn't show then-" Yubi placed her finger over Lights mouth and said, "I don't think you will be there either." Yubi stood up and walked to her quarters. Light just sat there and began to think what that could possibly mean.