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Bleach: A New Reign. A New Threat. //REBOOT// [RP Thread]

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I just logged in... And got so many trophies
Mar 3, 2006
Palace of Keys, Kingdom of Rebels
As Rune sat on her knees away from Hikari. Hikari reached for his wrist guard, and checked to see if his chap stick was there, and it wasn't. He then stated, "Everytime I enter the spiritual state my chap stick comes with. The physical chap stick is just the physical representation of it, but my interest isn't in the physical form. When your spiritual lips smell like peaches, your physical lips always smell like peaches. Then when you-" Rune interrupted him, "Don't you have something else to do besides hark me about some stupid chap stick!? Your a spiritual being you don't need chap stick! And whats even worst is that provocative demeanor is surely to get you in trouble some day, so Hikari..." Out of no where she got sentimental and her face began to blush harder. Rune looked away again, Hikari then stated, "Your right." Runes eyes widened as Hikari continued, "There is something else we need to talk about."

Hikari got straight to the point, "The Olividado are causing havoc in the world of the living. Salt Lake City to be exact. Apparently they can unleash enough power to destroy entire citys within one blow." Rune looked uninterested, then Hikari said, "Oh excuse me... One punch." Rune then shot up and maintained an eye contact with Hikari even though she couldn't get rid of the blush. Hikari continued, "We are supposed to be heading there with the Head Captain, so I need you to bring your A game and prepare for the worst. Besides that... Don't try to seduce him with my chap sti-" Before Hikari could finish his sentence, Rune had thrown the chap stick at him and it hit him in the forehead. Hikari removed the lodged chap stick and placed it in the cloth that held his wrist guard. Rune had cleared up her entire face. The once adamant blush had now subsided and seemingly never happened. Her face was no longer flushed and she stated, "Your nose is getting good sir! I didn't think you would smell it from my pockets, but nobody would use that. You probably have one of those SESD's. :p"

Hikari got hot headed and said, "What!?!?!? I'm clean! I don't just go around boinking everything I see!? You haven't been boinked yet obviously..." Rune then kicked Hikari out of the room and Hikari was against the post outside the door. From inside the room Rune yelled, "What do you mean yet!?!?!?!?!?!" Hikari quickly got up and said, "I thought we had gotten back on a less touchy subject!" As he finished his sentence Rune stated, "You said A game... I though anything goes!" Rune tried to kick Hikaris face through the board, but Hikari dodged and grabbed her leg, while lodging his should in the crevices of her privates. Rune then released a moaning yelp, and stated silently while slumped over Hikari's shoulder, "Hikari... Your a jerk..." Hikari continued walking towards the captains office and stated in a sly yet seductive whispering tone, "You said A game... I thought anything goes?" Rune replied saying, "Touche captain... Touche." Hikari smiled and said, "Did I catch you by surprise or did you enjoy it?" Rune stated, "Umph... I... I can walk from here." From then on they both walked to the Captains office without a word being said, or glance being given. Just silence and curiosity.


Zellest looked at the Olividado and stated, "I cherish the inputs of others. And with that stated I have traveled this landed millions of times. Just wandering. With that same mentality... Then I noticed that I was flawed. But I still held dominance. You'd do well to remember that one of the glories of life is the element of surprise. This boy that I utilize is a living example of that." Zellest paused and said, "So... Where shall we go first? Wreak some havoc in the soul society? Or maybe grace the world of living with our presence as well? It seems our leader has already began to... Shake things up.So many places... So little time left for them..."


As light nonchalantly fell from the sky he angled his body so that he may fall directly towards the camp, instead of straight down. His body was slowly reverting back to his Sanrei state, and he continued to fall with no worries until the transformation had completed. His helmet was the last thing to transfer so once it did his eyes opened and he exclaimed, "We did iiiittttt!!!!!" The roaring cries of the men in his camp where more than enough of a celebration for him. Just hearing the joy in their hearts be announced like that brought a smile to his face, and as he fell his arms and legs were extended and he held a huge smile, from ear to ear, on his face. Light summoned a board of energy and zoomed down to his comrades. Yubi was the first to greet him from off the top of the Pipe surrounding their base. She lunged at him, followed by a huge glomp, which knocked Light of his board. The board went soaring into the distance, and an explosion erupted from far away.

The team was going crazy and Braig was being carried around fortress. Yubi stated in a seductive tone, "So master. What are we going to do for todays celebration?" Light blushed and stated, "Uh... Party!" The troops all began to cheer while Yubi looked exauhsted. She maintained her joyous appearance for the meantime, and wait for everybody to clear out. Yubi and Light sat side by side as each troop member greeted them and thanked them for such an exhilarating battle. Once everyone headed to their quarters to prepare for the celebration, Yubi told Light, "I dont think I'm gonna be at tonights party." Light exclaimed, "Why not! Its gonna be a blast! Think of all the music and festivities these guys have been working on. You know these events are only after our triumphs. If the lieutenant didn't show then-" Yubi placed her finger over Lights mouth and said, "I don't think you will be there either." Yubi stood up and walked to her quarters. Light just sat there and began to think what that could possibly mean.

King Sora X

Legendary Member
Mar 31, 2008
Nowhere in particular.
As he held both twin swords of Shiseina Shirokaji, Jaakuna had heard every bit that Miharu said in response to anything and everything she was said to. What these were, to begin with, was the remarks of Kaizen and then the aspect of Daaku's nickname to Jaakuna. It really wasn't a bother on his part, but the question that Miharu asked, though joking in the core of it, Jaakuna still felt like he had to answer it.

"HELLdiddlyING NO THAT AIN'T MY NAME!" Obviously livid, Jaakuna answered her. "For future references, my name is Jaakuna Hinoko, and if you forget it...well let's just hope you don't, sweet lips." Slightly threatening her, Jaakuna turned back to the sprialing amounts of spirit energy that was among many things within the odd location that he, Daaku, Colby, AND Miharu were all at.

As he concentrated more, Jaakuna had finally caught onto what was making him at all anxious in the beginning. There was a familar stench in the air. He couldn't explain it, but the fact that there was this same reiatsu signature was proof that Jaakuna was brought here. Daaku doesn't bring somebody along if there isn't a motive behind it. Suffice to say, Jaak was ready for anything and everything.


Obviously Kai had left without the proper goodbyes, so he went back to the meeting room where shit was just wrapping up. He didn't want to make them worry or anything like that, so as he appeared back into the meeting room, Kai just gave a harmful wave and cheery smile.

"I'm back, and sorry for leaving like that. Who knew that Jaakuna was gonna be there."
Kai's mind was wandering again. Ya know, why is JAakuna here? Didn't he get exiled or something? Or was it because of Colby? Gee I don't know. Kaizen's outward expression was that his eyes were looking upwards and his left arm bent horizontally and his right arm on it, and right hand itching his chin in what could be described as a thinking posture. "OH RIGHT!" Kai snapped back into reality. "Ceon-daishou!" Kai shouted. "Shouldn't we leave now? I mean unless you want Salt Lake City and it's people to die." Kai's words were questionable at best. "If that's the case, then I'd more than love to take a nap. I'M TIIIIIIIIRED~"

Hazen Gregory

doWnloAd ProgoNOSKES 99% cOMplETeD
May 10, 2006
"Well Almeda is up to something, look his signature has vanished." Shortly after the pyramid broke open, instead of the Fifth King of the Olvidado emerging a black mist had started to wash out over the sands. The mist thickened and appeared as a miasma, deepening in thickness as spiritual energy infused within it.

Immediately Colby relaxed and looked around, witnessing the formation of beings within the miasma. His eyes saw that there were eight of them scattered among the group. Their spiritual beings thrummed with an overlying force that gave each individual creature a powerful pressure that made vibrated right over their frames. "So these are the forgotten race?? They look pretty interesting."

"You'll all die." A singular voice came from all of the creatures at once. "Our master would love to consume your essences...it shall be us who will collect them." Even while the voice spoke, nearly every normal human in the area was instantly eradicated...

King Sora X

Legendary Member
Mar 31, 2008
Nowhere in particular.
Who were they trying to kid? Aside from presenting themselves as some pretty tall dog-like beings, they didn't impress Jaakuna, not in the very least; especially when the odds were in Jaakuna and company's favor. This isn't arrogance that Jaakuna was feeling; he'd know otherwise. This is pure fact. The fact of this is that Jaakuna could take them all on his own, but he won't. The fun won't just be his.

"HAH!" Jaakuna shouted pointing Shiseina Shirokaji at the eight figures that appeared before him. "If you really think you're stronger than me, let alone the rest of us, then you're even more insane that I was. Plus, you look like the underside of a horse's ass." Said Jaakuna leaning forward.

Taking off in amazing feats, dust trailed behind him as Jaakuna immediately took on all eight of the forgotten ones that were in front of him. His body was floating close to the ground, and instantly, Jaakuna vanished. His speed was so vast that his body distorted the air. Within seconds he appeared behind the one on the far left. He followed up his vanishment into a strike across the back of the olivdado that he was behind. The force from the two slashes were impacted with White Fire which resulted in automatic burn, but not death. The impact that Jaakuna's attack had on the being was severe burning and a good amount of bloodloss.

The sudden attack on Jaak's behalf took the olivdado's surprise, but before any of them could strike back at Jaakuna, he had disappeared in front of the gang. "THAT WAS GREAT!" JAakuna said licking his lips as the thrill of battle had began to enter his mental self. "So, who's ready for round two?"

King Naruto

Retired (for now)
Oct 19, 2005
Creating bonds to save our world and bring peace

From his awakening, Almeda could hear it all. The sounds of battle outside gave way through the walls where he had been sealed. His eyes flew open, his feet firmly touched the sand beneath, and his muscles tensed from the many years of no use. His body was covered in ancient Egyptian cloth and golden bangles. Looking forward, Almeda could eagerly see the battle between the eight Olvidado and the stupid looking people. That is when he heard the words from probably the dumbest, and stupidest looking member of the opposing force, Jaakuna. Almeda quickly rose his fist and slammed it against the pyramid behind him, his muscles flexing as he did. The sheer force from his strike rippled throughout the pyramid before it literally exploded without even a speck of debris leftover.

"Round two huh?" Almeda grabbed one of the other Olvidado by their leg and threw him at Colby with relative ease, "WELL THEN COME ON FIRE BITCH! MAKE MY DAY!"


Almost twenty minutes had passed after Ceon and the group he requested took their leave from the soul society. Salt Lake City was to be their destination. They would meet with these Olvidado and Ceon would speak with the High King. Though everyone knew what would happen in that place. Words would not subjugate such forces. No. There would be battle but who lives or dies would solely rely on which group could the other's power. Ceon was prepared for this as it had been years since his seals had been released. If anything, this High King would be the fight that Ceon had always hoped for. While he wasn't a man that readily engaged in combat, he was a man that did enjoy the confines of combat.

The senkaimon opened up within the destroyed and ravaged city, the Head Captain taking the first step outward. Not lifting his head or his long, white hair, his eyes moved accordingly to survey the vast destruction upon the city. It had been ruined but, not beyond repair. "It seems things are far worse up close." Ceon said as he looked upon the city. One flash step and Ceon had progressed a mile in to the very spot that was last noticed during the destruction. As expected, the Olvidado that caused such destruction were still there, reveling in their deed. "I see the Olvidado lack subtlely." The Head Captain spoke out loud to the one known as the High King. His face was emotionless and calm but, his eyes showed every emotion.

Endless Warrior Sora

Return of the Kid
May 9, 2005
Somewhere in between
Miharu was a little less than impressed at the beings that actually emerged from the pyramid. They were beings who were dog like in appearance. However, their sudden appearance had decimated any normal human in the vicinity into dust. She stared wide eyed at the abrupt slaughter. It was...monstrous...savage...evil...anger boiled in her essence. She clenched her jaw.

"Those were people. Human beings. They had no...they had no idea what was going on. They...they were eradicated on sight and didn't even have a clue of what happened. "

Jaakuna made quick work of a couple of the beings after a short rant about his name, shouting something about round two. She had to hand it to the guy though, he was pretty fast. Faster than her? She wouldn't like to admit such. She was pretty quick herself, without ascending into any higher elevation. She was feeling a tint of competition. However, the true enemy revealed himself. And as loud and obnoxious as he was it was a little difficult to take him seriously. His spiritual pressure had declared otherwise. She could tell he was strong. He picked up one of his comrades by the leg and threw it Colby's way. Miharu leaped and spun in the air, using the momentum from the spin to unleash a horizontal thrust kick at the Olvidado underling, sending it flying back to the ground towards where its sender was. Distinctive crunching could be heard, possibly the breaking of multiple bones on whatever type of skeletal system the thing possessed. Landing in front of her best friend, she used the ball of her foot and kicked the ground a couple times with her sneakers.

"Dammit, now I know I'm gonna get sand in my shoes..." She murmured. She sneered at Almeda placing a fist on her hip.

"Geez, you're loud! Donchu have mute button or somethin'?" She spat. "Y'know what? I'll install one for ya!" She shouted, dashing toward Almeda. Using her feet to scoop up the Olvidado she just placed on the floor, she lifted him in the air, spun and kicked it toward Almeda while homing in for a strike with her blade, if he knocked the creature away.
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Hazen Gregory

doWnloAd ProgoNOSKES 99% cOMplETeD
May 10, 2006
Several things were happening that Daaku took note of. Each one of them had him chuckling. The situation at hand was nearly astonishing. True to his nature, Jaakuna had proceeded to take on the group of olvidado by himself. His display of speed was impressive, yet by the looks of it none of the creatures did much of anything to attack at all. They certainly hadn't been on the defense at all.

Where there had been eight of the towering jackal like creatures before Jaakuna's attack, now Daaku only saw four of them. Any type of signature that might have been given off before was simply gone. Though the now monstrous pressure of Almeda was fully noticeable as he'd destroyed the pyramid, it was a bit sad that so many humans had been killed. It was near instantaneous, they had all simply died with no hope.

"I'm amazed."

Daaku spoke of how quick Almeda was to launch one of the four olvidado at his son. Colby never even reacted to the attack as Miharu quickly intercepted the throw with a kick.

"Do I need to mention that the spiritual energy these Olvidado are putting out just increased by a lot??" Colby glanced at his closest companion picking the tall creature back up and kicking it again. A multitude of thoughts ran through Colby's mind as he had to come to a course of action and at the same time figure out just why it seemed Mr. Hinoko and Skye were being so reckless. Where it may have been true that there was no human life to worry about, their own lives were at stake. The group barely knew anything about these creatures or what they might have been capable of.

All three of the jackal men that were on the right of Almeda turned and their heads shifted. Each one's gaze bore in the direction toward the one of their ranks that was thrown by Miharu. The body stopped moving and righted itself before the same voice from before sounded, "Foolish girl. Our master challenged he of the flames." Miharu was simply tossed back. "You and the green haired one shall be my fun while Master Almeda makes short work of the fire users."

Daaku had to raise an eyebrow at such a blunt assessment of what was to happen. "Fine by me. Come and get some then. You can't really think that this will go well for the...f...two, damn it. You things just eat one another huh??"
There was now only a single Jackal man. Unlike before when there had been more than one, something was a lot different about the being that stood next to Almeda. It seemed complete.

"Now you shall see the error of being an imperfect existence." Sound then ceased from the being and it walked around from Almeda's side, then clapped. A bolt of lightning streaked down from the sky which still seemed to be normal in light of what was happening. There was such an abundance of spreading forces around the area that hollows were starting to manifest in hordes around where the pyramid had been.

"I see." Colby dashed forward, winking to Mr. Hinoko while he did it. The hot head could fight in whatever way he pleased but Colby had to think about what he aftermath of this battle could be. If the hollows weren't taken care of in a timely manner it was possible they'd rampage out of the area. With Cairo, Egypt so close by that situation needed to be avoided at all costs. "Bakudo 79." In the midst of the desert where both hollows were scattered and tearing into each other and the reishi abundant, the space in 8 areas ripped apart and leaked spirit force that was used upon the hollows. A mixture of his anhydrous flames poured forth from each miniature hole in the fabric of space.

The result was enough to draw in many hollow to their doom but everything was just starting. One could barely see the fire itself as the burning commenced, hollows caught aflame by the ferocious heat of dragon's soul. Colby flew into the air and hovered around to watch Almeda. "This guy is a giant. I can sense so much power inside of him. I never would have imagined that the Olvidado Kings were so strong." With all of the hollows that needed to be taken care of, Colby decided it was a better idea to leave more of the hollows for Skye and his father.

"Last thing I need is to get wrapped up in this and leave people to be potentially hurt," So much was at stake. The motives of these olvidado didn't seem to be making a lot of sense yet. All they brought was destruction. "I won't let you kill innocents just for the sake of being some monster." If it weren't for Daaku training Colby so ferociously as a child, there might have been concern for his own well being. But there wasn't.

Colby raised his zanpakuto to the sky. "Yuusou,Kuroraka here we go!!!" There hadn't been a chance to calculate the standings of the physical might, or speed of such a foe but the time for that would come soon. Fire began to swim around the outline of Yuusou Kuroraka and the blade of the sword gleamed and then started to shake. "Heh, this is nuts. Heyy Mr. Hinoko, catch!!!" A blaze of musui kasai spiraled around into the air and circled around the user of the white flames. It was a pitch of perfect black, a flame made to manifest and build upon any power that Jaakuna used.

"Dad said you were pretty strong, let me see." Colby then whipped his zanpakuto and launched a gigantic dragon shaped blast of reishi mixed with magical force in Almeda's direction. It was large enough to cross paths with any attack Jaakuna used. Such a set up was fairly simple, if one were always fast enough to avoid said attacks, the size of it alone would cause a problem.

It was rare that a thought such as this one didn't occur to Colby.


Salt Lake City had gone down a lot quicker than it had taken to build. Most of the structures were ruined beyond repair and others no longer were able to stand due to the ground being reduced to much less of what it had been. For the time being Marko was satisfied once more with the start of his task complete and his beloved close by. Being a perfect being was a lot better when there was another to share your perfection with.

"My love, as you can see we aren't nearly finished here. Now that all of the worthless humans are gone, we can proceed to build our castle here."
The High King's eyes moved around to look upon the group that had arrived, no doubt from the soul society. Their attire matched all of what Marko remembered from many years ago when doing battle with such foul creatures.

Marko was immediately both disgusted and angered by the appearance of whom he knew was the head captain. Even though shinigami were a race far inferior to that of the Olvidado, as the high king Marko could respect a man of power.

"I see the Olvidado lack subtlety." Instantly the ground around Ceon began to split apart and dissipate as Marko became more enraged by even the simple statement from the head captain. The high king put his arm out and pushed forward...

The gesture alone caused the street to up heave and rock forward, sending debris in large chunks at Ceon and company. "How dare you speak to me about being subtle. It was your kind that caused this to begin with. You inferior wretches that made it so that those we protected turned against us!!!"
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King Sora X

Legendary Member
Mar 31, 2008
Nowhere in particular.
As similar as they were in terms of the type of power they held in their grasp, both Colby and Jaakuna are completely different in not only their ideals and morals, but their personality. While Jaakuna couldn't care less of what happens to the people in Egypt, Cobly seems fixated on the well-being of the humans in the vicinity. It's not like Jaakuna is a cold-hearted bastard or anything, but in times of war, he believes that the lives of the few outweigh the lives of the many. That meaning, the lives of the humans in Egypt are outweighed by the lives of Jaakuna, Colby, Daaku, and Miharu.

He watched on, and Jaakuna couldn't have been more impressed. Colby might have presented himself as a goody-goody, but when it came down to it, his power showed what kind of warrior he really is. Having the power of fire, colby called out to Jaakuna as he hurled a good amount of black flames that Jaakuna saw before. There was a cool sensation going through Jaakuna's body, but then, as Jaakuna prepared to tap into his white flames once more, he felt something. There was a certain addition to his powers.

And then it happened.

The black fire surrounded Jaakuna for a brief moment, and then it dispersed into his own white flames, and then he let go. Jaakuna's hands were held out forward; separated. Jaakuna had returned Shiseina Shirojaki before doing this, but the power remained, and the amounts of white flames was even more intense then his previous use. The form the flames took right after being released from his hands were that of how fire normally looks, but by Jaakuna's own manipulation of reishi, he condensed both into a single, reishi blast-looking fire. The white fire would most likely combine with the dragon that Colby released due to the fact that Jaakuna's own attack was reishi-infused white fire.


It’s been about thirty, forty minutes, maybe even an hour since Kai and Ceon went into the senkaimon, and by the time they arrived in Salt Lake City, Ceon had already went ahead to check it out. As the Head Captain, he had to be the first onto the scene to give some sort of evaluation. Kai wasn’t that far behind, but he did take the time to look around for any possible survivors. It’s safe to assume that Kai was wrong, and that there were no survivors. The High King of the Olvidado definitely made quick work.

Within moments, Kai had made his way beside Ceon, and the two of them were right in front of the High King of the Olvidado, Marko. Kai just couldn’t help himself in this situation. “Mr. High King, all I gotta say is bravo.” Kai just stepped forward clapping his hands, but in return, Kai saw that the High King responded with a very rough way of doing away with the majority of the street that they all were on. “Well then, I guess my praise isn’t welcomed.” Joking of course, Kai drew his Zanpaktou in the same motion he used Lunar Walk to quickly evade any sort of damage.

“You know, you should really say your sorry after something like that. Someone’s gonna have to teach you some manners.”
Kaizen said as he raised his Shokukoma and went in for a quick strike. He should hit directly on the stomach depending on how fast this High King exactly was.

Endless Warrior Sora

Return of the Kid
May 9, 2005
Somewhere in between
"Foolish girl. Our master challenged he of the flames."

The pink haired girl didn't expect the enormous sized hand grab her by her entire face before slamming her hard onto the ground a few feet in front of the Olvidado, even the enormous amount of sand couldn't soften the impact of the ground. Sliding to a stop, she squinted at the creature, whose arm was still stretched out in front of it as it's body corrected it's bone structure, almost repairing itself. Her vision was blurred and gradually began correcting itself as she made her way to her feet.

"You and the green haired one shall be my fun while Master Almeda makes short work of the fire users."

"Damn...The hell are these things anyway?"
She spat, bracing herself for a harder battle than she initially predicted.

"Fine by me. Come and get some then. You can't really think that this will go well for the...f...two, damn it. You things just eat one another huh??"

Miharu grimaced as she watched the beings devour each other until they became one being. She sneered at the Olvidado underling. It was disgusting. Savage. Ruthless. Heartless. It didn't deserve the existence it was granted. It was evil and must be stopped. She wanted to rip it to shreds there and now.

"Now you shall see the error of being an imperfect existence."

The being clapped and thunder began to strike. The enormous amounts of spiritual energy in the surrounding area had attracted hordes of Hollows.

"Hollows again?! This is getting really old, really fast." She noted, as she spun her blade. "Bless Them With Divine Judgement! Yubina Tenshi!"

Miharu released a surge of spiritual pressure as the blade on her zanpakuto dissipated and in it's place her actual blade took shape, glowing with light reiatsu and extending into a full blade. She held the blade in front of her at reverse grip and placed the hilt in her mouth. She rolled her sleeve to reveal a white sash that she tied around her forearm as she undid the knot and used it to tie her hair into a ponytail. Brandishing her blade once again she felt the halo shaped scar on her right cheek begin to glow and burn. It was finally a burning sensation she was comfortable with.

"I definitely didn't want to go into Shikai..."

"And on top of that, I'm starving."
She murmured.

"I can see it. The light in the area. And I know I can move through it."

Utilizing Kosoku Shunpo, she began mowing down the hordes of hollows very rapidly, appearing and slashing before retreating back into the light and reappearing.

"Daaku! I'll handle these guys, you take that stupid ass dog thing! I'll back you up when I'm done!" She shouted in between strides, making quick work of the hollows.
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I just logged in... And got so many trophies
Mar 3, 2006
Palace of Keys, Kingdom of Rebels
Hikari saw the carnage that was Salt Lake City. The head captain disappeared and his colleague chased after him. Hikari noted the spiritual pressures that were in play and decided, I definitely have to see who caused such a devastating display. Even for the some of the most talented this type of destruction is hard to come by, and with the ones who can manifest such destruction, the scale is far greater than that which usually occurs within seconds. This guy must have some spunk. I'm liking him already! Hikari's lieutenant then called to him, "Hikari! Slow down! I can't continuously follow you that fast!" Hikari turned to his lietenant and said, "Listen. This guy is planning something. With that being known, I'm pretty sure those who step in his way are collateral damage. Don't get in the way. Just stay close to me, and follow my lead."

Rune nodded and continued to follow Hikari. She realized that complaining was not something that she should be doing at a time like this. Her strong persona could be the very thing Hikari needed to stay steadfast in his decisions. Rune glomped Hikari and decided that riding on his back would sped up the process. Hikari began by taking a survey of the area, from such a high focal point he saw that the majority of the city was decimated, and the citizens had long be killed off. Hikari sensed several spiritual entities that wreaked of hollow scent. As he dove into the city to see the damage and aftermath, he saw that there were hollows feeding off of everything that was in the city. Whether the dead thing was a person or a spirit, the entities that now roamed the beaten terrain where all spiritual. It was an all you can eat buffet for a high class hollow.

Rune jumped off of Hikari's back and stated,"I'll send as many spirits to their correct destination. You catch up with the boss and aid them in their bout." Hikari nodded and headed directly towards the two Captains. Once he arrived an onslaught of debris, including various sizes of rocks, pelted towards him. He saw the street basically burst and continued in the opposite direction of the debris, dodging the majority of it and his spiritual pressure breaking the ones that were graced with the touch of his skin. He also saw that Kai had already began the offensive. Whether this was a response or an instinct didn't matter now. Hikari only knew aid in the best way he can. Hikarihad finally reached the Head Captain and looked at the beings which caused such an event.

Hikari stated, "Olvidado? The archives don't speak much about these guys... I'm definitely gonna need a better mission briefing back at the Soul Society, but... In the mean while." Hikari grabbed his lower star and levitated it in the air. As he removed four jewels, all of which where yellow at the time, he smirked and said, "Carriage of thunder, bridge of a spinning wheel. With light, divide this into six!" After pointing his finger in the center divot of his Zanpakuto he stated, "Bakudo 61! Rikujoro!" Thought he did not know to much Kido, the ones he knew where solid, and substantially stronger than that of your normal full power kido when accompanied with his Zanpakuto's effects.


Light saw that Yubi had other plans. Whatever she was planning he definitely needed to see. Once Light had entered the room Yubi was watching a visual provided from one of the trainees. This visual was stolen footage from the Gotei 13. An elite member of the Walkers was acting as a Shinigami within the Gotei 13, and collected videos of top secret issues that involved all of the Captains or abnormal Council Meetings that occur during random times. During events, it is known that there will be meetings on the happenings of the Spiritual World and World of the Living, but events such as Lights execution, which held no previous reason for being held, are events that the elite member usually focused on. On this occasion he caught a glimpse of a terrorized city. As Light gazed upon the blood soaked windows and various buildings that had been collapsed, he noticed that the carnage and distraught being portrayed in that image was one that could be held on the scale of genocide.

Light exclaimed to Yubi, "Where was this done!? Who were the ones who did it!? How long did this take!? Is it the only city that has been destroyed so far or are there several more!?" As light clenched to Yubi's shoulders and pelted her with question after question, she only looked towards the ground. When Light finally calmed down he said, "I'm sorry. I still have to get used to not being in that military mindset." Yubi explained, "Your military mindset is not where the problem is. You just have to be comfortable in your environment. Being out of the loop is gonna be tough for a little while, but eventually you will definitely get used to it. As far as this image goes, its location, reason for being destroyed to such a capacity, and any other in depth detail of the situation was not disclosed, due to some knuckle head getting in the way."

Light sat on Yubi's bed and rubbed his head. This was not something that he took lightly. Light cared for the well being of all people. He most definitely care for the countless souls of the innocent! With all those deaths it is obvious that the hollows are going to be having their fill, with no type of hesitation or restraint. As light continued to stare at the short clip, which might as well had been an image, replay over and over again, Yubi stepped in front of him and said, "Maybe we should relax for a bit? Of course nobody knows what tomorrow may bring, but as long as we have tonight right?" Light blushed and said, "Really Yubi? Your getting bad, and your subtle hints have become alot more blunt and abrupt. Maybe I should leave you to handle yourself." Yubi pressed light onto the bed and pinned him down before stating, "You're right. Maybe i am being more blunt, but I can't help it... I miss him."

As she began sobbing and curling into Lights arms Light continued to say, "I KNEW IT!!!! Always choosing me to lay your worries on. Why do you have to go crying over it. It's not your fault that you can't see him. You two are just to... Different people. I'm pretty sure if he knew that you were where you were and he could easily get to you, then he would probably come to you." Yubi was not listening to what Light had to say. All Light could do is lay down and wait for her to finish sobbing over her lost love. Light began to wonder, Hikari.... I wonder what you are doing now? Hopefully its a little different from her.

Hazen Gregory

doWnloAd ProgoNOSKES 99% cOMplETeD
May 10, 2006
Marko's small burst of anger died away and the faceless being simply stood and gazed up at the other men, the shinigami. Ceon the head captain had a remarkable demeanor. One such that made Marko hate the man even more. For countless ages, Ceon had simply allowed the masses to go about destroying themselves as usual, taking no true care to the mass ruin nor waste that the humans still were bringing upon themselves. It was disgusting.

Having already obliterated the humans in this city had expanded the reach of nature's influence on everything around which gave Marko an increased awareness of each separate life form that moved through what had already become his territory. "How I do adore you so Catherine. These lowly scum simply will continue to interfere." The Queen of the Olvidado was nearby, Marko was completely confused as how none had realized her presence yet. It must have been because they couldn't comprehend her vast and overpowering beauty.

Yet another shinigami headed toward where Marko, his queen, the head captain and Kai were. Before much time passed in between his arrival however, Kai spoke up. Already his voice annoyed Marko.
“You know, you should really say your sorry after something like that. Someone’s gonna have to teach you some manners.” He swiftly attacked Marko afterward, moving in low to slash across his stomach. The High King's short stature must have made it awkward to attack properly. Regardless of the possible difficulty, Marko didn't react at all just turned to look at the new shinigami...

He was readying an attack as well.
"Bakudo 61! Rikujoro!" As the kido commenced, Marko stood still, his eyes looking directly his attacker, the spell had done what it should and Marko's raspy voice was frank and calm, serene even.

"I don't even know your names but you attack??" Marko's eyes showed a fierce anger. "You seek to bind me from movement and cut a being such as I with your feeble zanpakuto!?!?!?" Even where he stood, a monstrosity of force rippled outward from Marko's position. It was gentle and even felt beautiful to the souls of the shinigami that witnessed it but then, the earth all around every started to breakdown, the particles blowing away and leaving a massive gorge inside of the city.

With nothing more than a single word, "Gather." There was another ripple of power much like the one from before. A first it seemed as if the city had gotten hotter but it toned down to cover the ruined city in a thick blanket of fog. A roar of noise was already sounding, crashing and other muffled and obscure sounds followed. As the sounds continued Marko never had moved. He remained bound by the sealing kido that the shinigami captain had used upon him.

"Now, you will suffer."

It had already started to rain within salt lake city, a downpour of water that seemed unnatural, Marko's magic had taken a large majority of it to be converted in a massive cloud over the city. Rain from the Salt Lake continued to pour upon the city. Any spiritual creature other than Catherine Lunalie and Marko were subject to a pulse of energy in each separate rain drop, piercing and exuding a painful force. The rain was moving in a cycle, magic producing the effects for it to perpetually rain over what was once Salt Lake City.

King Sora X

Legendary Member
Mar 31, 2008
Nowhere in particular.
As Kai's attack had definitely hit, Kai's eyes suddenly widened as the ripple of Marko's spiritual pressure has been exerted into the actual Salt Lake of Salt Lake City. Kai knew this was going to be bad news for not only Kai himself, but Hikari and the Head Captain, Ceon himself. Such a worry on Kenpachi Kaizen's part had made him instantly use his Lunar Walk to reappear near Ceon as the events on Marko's part unfolded in the form of single rain drops. Continuing on, Kai looked at the raindrops, and instantly he got a bad feeling about them. He couldn't place it right away, but it soon revealed itself as a bad omen of sorts.

"Well, this sure isn't a good thing." Kai's obvious tongue was referring to the rain drops suddenly having bursts of energy appear at any given moment. Kai, while feeling pain from said bursts of energy, Kai was surely impressed by Marko. The High King of the Olivdado surely wasn't holding back.


New member
Dec 27, 2010
up until now, Leon had been watching the events unfold from a distance. however upon feeling the unnatural rain and it's pain causing effects, he decided to make himself known. "you. high king. for what reason do you bring such death upon this city? do you think that their lives are inferior in value to your own?! "he asked angerly, before turning his attention to the two shigami. "and you. is it not your duty to prevent such monsterous things from befalling the worlds? i'm sorry..but with all due respect, i thought better of you. even after i became..this. i still held faith in your kind. but...i can see now, that i've gotta take action of my own." leon stated. he pointed his zanbato at marko. "so come then. your opponent is me! Leon aeonic, First of the darkloids!

Hazen Gregory

doWnloAd ProgoNOSKES 99% cOMplETeD
May 10, 2006
It had only all just begun, for now Marko was merely exuding his powers and affecting nature with them. He hadn't gone as far as to reveal any of his other abilities and sought only to make the shinigami whom would stand in his way suffer. Originally he had been quite angry, even more so than all those years ago when the Olvidado were betrayed and all ended up being lost. Exactly in that manner was the way that Almeda had ended up being entombed. The sorrow from that loss alone had weakened Marko considerably. Now in this time many years had passed.

"Yes shinigami, you see now how you will fail?? How your zanpakuto cannot damage my perfect flesh?? Now even nature is against you." He pointed to Kaizen. Marko's voice that now sounded only to Kaizen's ears was specific, clipped and rattling. "All these years you have never been able to do it. You'll fall short of the glory you want." It rained ever harder in the specific area where the shinigami were located and the expansion of the energy produced from the rain increased.

Marko was all too familiar with the way time was broken from one realm to another. Even though Catherine and himself had been sealed away in places on earth, time hadn't correctly advanced due to powerful sealing spells and the like. Because of this, the kings had all slumbered for many thousands of years. A sleep of that nature had given Marko plenty of time to fester and build upon his already massive hatred for humankind and the shinigami. It was a fact that Catherine's love and the mixture of his overwhelming hatred for nearly all but her kept his essences intact. "Another one??"

Before then, Marko hadn't really paid much attention to any type of spiritual entity around Salt Lake City other than the shinigami but now someone else had shown himself. "This seems very interesting." The man was extremely angry, yelling and questioning Marko for what he'd done and then continuing to scold the shinigami for basically allowing him to do so. The anger this man had was extensive, it was apparent that his soul rang out for those lost in the earthquake, all whom had died. Catherine had killed every remaining human afterward, so Marko surely couldn't be all to blame. Already, it would be Marko's beloved that in the end would put the seeds of erasure upon this odd creature.

As before, Marko didn't move, bound by the kido that the shinigami captain had mustered before the start of the rain. He did however start to laugh, a near toneless laughter that even was able to drown out the thunderous sound of the raining around the city. "You needn't throw your life away for something you don't understand and can't fix."High King Marko wasn't without reservations or compassion. "You speak of being the first of the darkloids, well I am the first of a race of beings that your inferior mind can't possible understand. I'll be honest with you," Marko's voiced resumed its complete dry tone. "Something like your kind is simply insignificant in what my goals are. I won't bother to waste time destroying you." Marko closed both eyes, making his head have a completely faceless appearance. "Point you weapons at me all you like, I'll remain in this spot. Your weapons and abilities can't harm me."


For a short while Daaku just watched everything unfold, the desert was nearly in a state of chaos. Two of the three pyramids had been destroyed already and the third was heavily defaced. "What a mess." Daaku casually ducked over the incoming swing of a scythe arm on a hollow and reached back at a ridiculous angle and tore its head off. He looked at the head and as it began to vaporize, Daaku chucked it through the head of another hollow. The flash of quantum energy that flared over the hollows detonated and killed several other of the monsters.

"This is just too much fun, I need to get out more often!!!" Daaku's arm extended a yard it shot past another group of hollows and then the arm turned in and retracted, severing most of the hollow in half. The stragglers that had avoided damage; miraculous as it was...were quickly mowed down by Miharu's zanpakuto. Her shikai allowed her to leap from one manifestation of light to another and rapidly decimate groups of hollows at once. In Daaku’s opinion she could easily be a lieutenant or maybe even a captain. It was just too bad that the Gotei 13 would never allow those with a hollowfication.

Such idealism had always amused Daaku, “We should be more open than we are. Maybe then things like this wouldn’t happen so often.” In the meantime of laughing at the thought and opening his eyes again, Miharu tore past Daakhu and used her zanpakuto to slaughter another group of hollow. The rate of any hollow attacking in such large groups being stronger than your average angry beast was unlikely, so it was expected for the hollow to go down quickly.

He’d been sure that Colby’s best friend had seen his simple nod in response to her message. Daaku’s full attention turned to the Olvidado coming his way, staff outstretched and at the ready.
“Your attempts will be only feeble and gain you nothing inferior one.” The Olvidado, rushed Daaku, producing a scythe from the staff made of a blood red substance. A gap of only a few feet separated the two, so Daaku stretched his neck a foot or so sideways and twisted it out of the way from a slash used by Almeda’s guard.

“Nope, try harder than that...”

Angered by the odd movements that Daaku was making, the guardian snarled, causing a pulse of energy to flash out of the scythe blade. It’s crescent shape was small but as it moved across the ground to Daaku it was met by a barrier and a giant smirk on Daaku’s face. “Ha!!! Cool huh??” A roar sounded from the creature, which not only caused the energy being held off by the barrier to return to the beast; it also was added to the strength of the scythe blade, making it thicker, longer and much brighter in appearance. Using the size of its weapon for support, the guardian slashed at Daaku several times. Each swing was more rapid than the last but Daaku’s use of his own limbs to twist and stretch out of the way proved to be a great tactic.

A massive swing of the scythe produced a blast of energy that Daaku hadn’t been at all expecting and when it hit, the captain was knocked away, flipping and tumbling through the sands. “Pesky bug!!! Now you die!!!” Another crescent had already been released toward the hit shinigami captain. It reached his position in seconds and caused a terrible blast. Smoke and light had been produced on a large scale from the explosion. All that was left when it began to clear was the tattered remains of Daaku’s cloak and a bloody smear in the sand.


I just logged in... And got so many trophies
Mar 3, 2006
Palace of Keys, Kingdom of Rebels
Hikari was exuberating his spiritual pressure to sustain the kido. As the gorge was created and rain pelted him, his grip on the Kido was slightly weakened. It was obvious that the High King was bound by the Kido to an extent, but the true extent to his damnation had not been exposed. Hikari did several hand signatures and the star continued spinning. He lifted his finger and exclaimed, "Bakudo 39!" As he held up the same index finger which he used to do his last Kido, a circle was emitted above his head. He left the star angled at the High King, and used the Bakudo known as Enkosen shield him and his Captain. Hikari stated, "Come on Head Captain. You shouldn't have to lift a finger just yet haha. We're just getting started right?" Hikari is still in training to an extent, so his Kido skills may be proficient, but they tend to get out of hand. As the rain hit his barrier, each drop seemed to scatter out. Just the sheer momentum of the bakudo caused a sphere of the area around him and the captain to not be tarnished by the obviously organized rain.

As the group unified, and the rain began to shower down harder, the effect of even his barrier began to weaken. When other elements where mixed into Hikari's spiritual energy they usually created discord in his stability. This can either go for the good or the bad, but in this situation it was obvious. The rain held enough weight to slide off his barrier as if it where a simple umbrella over his comrade and Captain. Hikari stated, "What's wrong Kai? Don't like getting wet? haha But seriously... What's up with this guy? He seems close to impenetrable for Kai's Zanpakuto. Are we gonna need the Hogyoku?" Rune watched from the edge of the gorge. She was in the middle of sending a soul to rest, when it just wisp into thin air. As she lay eyes on the High King and his mistress, another person arrived and took their attention. Rune was being effected by the rain as well, but she knew when to back out. As she escaped to find and help more souls, Hikari stated, "Oh great! Now its 4 against 2. Shouldn't be to long now. So... What's the plan? He isn't putting up much of a fight... And to be honest... I think he feels the same about us."

King Sora X

Legendary Member
Mar 31, 2008
Nowhere in particular.
The arrogance in the High King was laughable. Kaizen definitely knew what it meant to underestimate your opponents as he has done it countless times in his long lifespan. The fact that Marko would say such things about how the Shinigami would fall is arrogant; the fact that Marko would say such things about how the zanpaktou of said Shinigami can't touch him is arrogant. At that moment, Kai's reiatsu shot up into the air in a beautiful mixture of silver, black, and burgundy red. "By my sword, I shall make you eat those words, Olvidado High King." Kai's words were direct, and most of all, he spoke in high confidence.

Raising Shokukoma, Kai continued to let his spiritual pressure rise to unbelievably high levels. "Here is where you witness the beginning of your end." In one moment, Kai's reiatsu's sudden skyrocketing had ceased. "Awaken from slumber." Kai said as his reiatsu took over at the beginning of his Shokukoma's blade, making it fade out as it appeared as a semi-transparent sword with a circular-ish handguard with the hilt within it, and a chain hanging off the bottom of it. "Shokukoma." Kai's tone had been inverted to as if his calm nature had remained, but his demeanor had transformed into something almost scary, but mainly serious and in true Kenpachi rep.

Kai's being had faded. Only a silly afterimage was seen as Kai had completely ignored that of Hikari, as he had ignored the downpouring rain. For some reason, entering his battle persona changed Kai into something scary. His hair, as a result of the massive increase of his power, had flowed over his eyes and a gleam of the warrior spirit showed up. "OLVIDADO KING MARKO! HERE YOU FACE THE TASTE OF MY SHOKUKOMA!" Appearing just three feet above the High King, Kai took his right leg, and kicked upward so hard that, if successful in touching the high king, he would surely be sent upwards, and Kai would soon follow it from there.

Hazen Gregory

doWnloAd ProgoNOSKES 99% cOMplETeD
May 10, 2006
"What's this??" Now things were getting a bit interesting. Even moving before his own leader, the red haired shinigami had started to display his apparent great powers. Marko eye's watched the intense build of spiritual pressure around the man and as he had before remained inside of his standing position. There was simply no use, this stupid shinigami didn't want to listen at all to what Marko had so nicely been trying to tell them all. He had tried to refrain from being such an angry person, but it was truly difficult when inferior beings didn't understand. The water from the lake that was above the city started to condense, being pulled along without notice, the roar of spiritual pressure and magic influence made it soundless.

"By my sword, I shall make you eat those words, Olvidado High King." He really didn't understand anything. It was simple. All Marko had to do was display the difference between even the idea of their powers. The captain continued to release huge quantities of force that Marko specifically remembered from battling a Kenpachi when the Olvidado and Shinigami clashed thousands of years before. Marko was actually impressed but the captains attempts were utterly feeble. Water began to swirl around Marko. Just a few droplets. If one looked through the pouring rain maybe they'd witnessed the break down of many of the surrounding buildings and structures.

Particles of the buildings were already settling around Marko's form and as a another spike of displayed spiritual prowess by the Kenpachi was revealed, the shinigami had blurred out of sight. He proclaimed loudly,
"OLVIDADO KING MARKO! HERE YOU FACE THE TASTE OF MY SHOKUKOMA!" As Kaizen's kick moved toward Marko, a massive chain fell from the sky, intercepting the kick easily. The chain swung violently from the impact of the kick, but then slowed as a massive metal ring formed and attached itself to the chain. Water started to form around and between the rings, moving upward to where an even larger odd shaped metal apparatus was suspended with Marko inside it. The entire Salt Lake had now been taken up and continued to form itself.

"You mean nothing Kenpachi." The water had now brightened from within being housed inside all of the metal rings.
A great monstrosity of water now loomed over the remains of Salt Lake City. "You now see the reality of what it means to be completely inferior. This is nature showing its hatred for humankind and the shinigami for helping them before. Interference by your kind must be chastised." It started to rain again.

Rain normally was in the likeness of water or a liquid of some sort but Marko had already molded nature to his will. The salt that had been part of the water now rained down onto Salt Lake City in large clusters, the sizes varied from about a penny to chunks the size of a small truck.



Jan 16, 2009
Paradise City
Geirtýr + Piedra
Gerýtr had his orders. He knew every step to it’s smallest detail. And what was worse, was that no one would be able to stop them. They would all be occupied with the High King, fighting a fight that they could never win. He grabbed his spear at the door and stepped out of his library, summoning his throne, a four legged Olvidado shaped like a chair with a high back. He sat down, adjusting himself into a comfortable position.

Piedra left the room from which the High King awakened, and wandered around the castle. He knew soon enough some King would tell him to assist them, it was only a matter of time. Piedra just hoped it wasn’t one of the more hard to deal with Kings. He turned a corner to find Geirtýr, the fourth King, settling down into a chair of sorts. Geirtýr looked up and saw the Arrancar, seeing what he thought was a face of boredom. “You there, converted.” Damn...... Piedra thought. Gertyý r was one of the more fanatic Kings. He saw them as gods, and felt that they should be worshiped. Not to mention he got around on a creepy looking living throne. Piedra could already tell this probably wouldn’t end well for him.

Piedra walked in front of Geirtýr, bowing. “What can I do for you, sir?” “The High King has assigned me a task. You shall accompany mineself to cause chaos, destruction, etcetera, etcetera.” “Yes sir.” Piedra replied. He guessed that that didn’t sound too bad. Geirtýr opened up a portal and the two of them walked through, reappearing on the top of Saint Basil’s Cathedral, in Moscow, Russia, facing the Red Square. It was night time here, but the square was still full of life, and lights were on all over the city. “Any requests sir?” Piedra asked, looking over at Geirtýr, who was stroking his beard. “Do whatever thy heart wishes. Make sure you brigeth as much attention as possible to us.” Piedra looked back out to the square. “Yes sir.”

With the wave of his hand, Piedra opened up a half a dozen portals, beckoning a fraction of his Hollow army forth from Hueco Mundo. Hollows of varing shape and size began to pour out of the portals, heading for the square, killing humans, smashing buildings, and flipping cars as they went. Total about 30 hollows came out, but that was all he needed. Piedra was sure that this many hollows in on location would get the type of attention Geirt
ýr wanted. In minutes, Red Square had been cleared, and his army had began spreading throughout the city like a wave, and they stood right at the epicenter.


the ego dies forever
Staff member
Dec 15, 2005
Beyond the Final Destination
The queen held a moment of silence for the fallen of Salt Lake City. In an earlier time, she could be called "Lunalie The Forgiving". Later to only bask in her new found bringing of despondence. Her heart however fell to the practicality of a rage kindled in Marko. His everlasting hate that had been so apprehensive for many millenia now, peeving upon all inhabitants, surely soul society felt this.

It made perfect sense, they knew. They'd wish they didn't know, as she folded her arms, to embrace her special one right before the head captain made his entrance from the gate between Soul Society and the spiritual boundaries of Earth. If you looked hard enough, you could hear them, the screams of the souls all being embedded with Catherine's hint of 'despondence'.

You don't attempt to defile the high king in the presence of his most intimate leading lady. She glimpsed at her hand, as she drifted away from Marko to gather them. The souls of the dying...how they've passed on screaming. Their chains of fate were all sliced at the rip cord of her threads tugging them all at once. She would show them a true monster.

Ear splitting screams ripped through the turmoil. Lunalie's lavender eyes flickered to the malevolent orange all Olividado portrayed. She floated up as several hollowfications were being forced by her, amplifying their speeds well beyond their normal success. These hollows, finally having their masks fully formed, there were thousands upon thousands stacked from the left and right. Lunalie's threads at the neck of each and every individual, the queen watched as Marko's colossi of water had began to rise. Taking her place once again at her side, she'd faced the soul reapers down with the hint of a fierce gaze as she'd crafted and army of hollows following the extinction of this city itself as a whole.

The rain was fitting, they'd soon be balling their eyes out in great varieties. These were souls in need of purification correct? It was said the quincies erradicated hollows with no hope of purging them, as that was the duty of the zanpakuto.

"Watch Soul Society. As you're system is chorttled into turmoil, as I destroy all these hollows at once. But not before I use them for something practical."

Lunalie raised her hand and above it a massive ball of black reitasu with a tint of purple began to expand. Each of the hollows forming independent ceros all at the sametime. She pulled them all into her own grasp and began to alter it as it simply grew larger and larger.

"Cero Gigantesco."

This attack was at her finger tips, it did not go anywhere. Catherine was in the seat to make the demands now, they'd no choice as she would lay it flat to them within a matter of seconds.

"Soul reapers. Lets not be hasty here. You are revered for maintaining the balance, your battles with the quincies and their reckless abandon for slaughtering hollows would upset the balance between soul society and the human world. These hollows here and now, if you dont dispose of them and sent them to the other side, Soul Society would flood into the human world wouldn't it? Tread lightly, because I can make that happen just as easily as I forced these simultaneous hollowifcations. Allow my love, High King Marko a moment of your time."

Catherine had truly become the one and only, riot control.

Endless Warrior Sora

Return of the Kid
May 9, 2005
Somewhere in between
Tearing into another Hollow, Miharu warped into midair only moments before seeing Colby's father tumble and an energy blast meet the Shinigami's body. Her seafoam green eyes became like small orbs as her eyes widened at the remains upon Daaku's apparent demise. All that remained of him was a tattered cloak and a blood smear in the sand.

"No way. No way. No way. No way. Daaku can't be....could he? Just how strong are these things?!"

It seemed pretty impossible, but she seethed with anger anyway. This thing had taken innocent, human lives, and now it was taking the lives of people she was close to?! The sight of it made her lip curl in disgust. The way it just gave off a heartless, arrogant aura. She hated it. She wanted it dead. She could feel her scar burning, a sure sign Manifest Halo was processing and manufacturing the light it was absorbing. And in this desert, it was plenty.

"Bastard!!" She shouted, warping feet away from the Olvidado. Her anger was getting the best of her however. She could...she could feel it deep in her soul. Trying to manifest itself. Ready to unleash her hatred. She pointed her blade at the being. "I'm going to end you now." She warped toward the creature throwing a roundhouse it's way. No matter what happened, she planned to follow that by a double sweep kick at it's legs, and prayed that staff thing wouldn't be used.

The staff was used to block the attack, and surprisingly, Miharu didn't break that stupid thing in half. However, diverting her weight to the double sweep kick as intended, she initiated the movement and warped behind the Olvidado as a strategy tactic. However, the being saw through the ruse making the staff into a scythe and swinging it her way. She somersaulted over the weapon, but not before the being could grab her leg and slam her into the ground. A tactic she wasn't expecting to happen.

It's evil.

Disoriented by the impact of her back against the floor, she found it hard to regain stability as the being swung her her in the air for another slam.

It killed...all those people. Without a tinge of remorse through it's heartless body!

The ground hurt. She had definitely bit her tongue in the struggle, while blood had already began to make itself apparent in the sand. Her hands clawed and grabbed fistfuls of sand in her futile search for something solid to keep her from being slammed again so she could find her equilibrium. She was then thrown into the air.

You wanna end up like Daaku?!

The blood crystal was forming into another ball of energy, and Olvidado had sent it her way at a blazing speed before it made impact.

You wanna die?!

[0:00-1:14 or so into it.]

"HRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" Bellowed a shout from the explosion that followed.

The smoke cleared to reveal an unscathed Miharu, donning her Hollow mask, breathing that eerie, distorted Hollowfied breath. The mask had the cross shaped pattern on it adorned with the hole where her burning halo shaped scar was located causing a small fire like appearance to protrude from it. The seafoam green eyes were now yellow with fury as she looked down at her opponent. Without a word, she warped directly in front of the Olvidado unleashing a kick fueled with Cero against it, sending it flying as the Cero exploded. The being took this in stride however, recovering back to it's feet quite quickly and righting itself once more. It began walking toward Miharu as if she hadn't attacked him at all.

"No matter how many changes you make, the outcome will still be the same. It is futile." The being spoke. Miharu cocked her head to the side before turning and raising an arm horizontally, with her thumb and two forefingers out in the shape of a mock gun, held to the side.

"Killshot." She scoffed. Transferring the etheral energy Yubina Tenshi was making she transferred it to her forefingers as it combined with Hollow reiatsu. A small energy ball began to form as she used her thumb as a trigger and fired a volley of rapid fire Balla's at the Olvidado. She warped through light surrounding the Olvidado as she created a small radius around him, warping to one spot and unleashing Ballas at it before stepping to another spot, it looked as if she didn't move at all, as if only her whole body changed areas. She warped directly above it to see if she had inflicted any damage as smoke and sand filled that area.


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