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Birth by Sleep Volume II: What to Expect

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New member
Jan 14, 2011
In a galaxy far far away, next to Burger Town
This contains spoilers for all KH games, including BBS and Recoded. You've been warned.

First things first, this is what to expect, not you're definitly going to see this happening. Meaning, this is more of what you might see. So please don't tell me that it might not happen or worst thing you can do is say I doubt it (because really, you doubt it because you have the game? I think not).

Second thing, yes I know there's probably like 20 threads now covering this. There's more to it than what they cover, that and I don't give a shit.

Pretty much, this is talking about Birth by Sleep Volume II. Usually someone posts about characters, worlds, etc. I'm going to post that too, but explain a lot more, which you'll see below.

Let's begin, shall we?

1) Connecting Birth by Sleep:

This is what I want to talk about first. People are saying this is going to show unexplained stuff after KH1. That seems likely, due to the fact that we saw Kairi, Hayner, Pence, and Olette at the mansion in Twilight Town. But here's the thing. There's a reason why it has Birth by Sleep in its name. It isn't going to explain events for whatever reason, but its going to explain events relating to BBS. Don't get me wrong, they'll probably explain plot holes through out the KH series, but somewhere it must have a relation to BBS, whether it's because of a scene happening in the event that directly or indirectly references BBS or whatever.

For example, what's the point of scene with Riku holding Kairi. Why is that so important? Because it all goes back to BBS. How? I believe that this is the same part Riku realizes he is the original master of the Keyblade, and Terra might of been involved with that (got to remember Terra allowed Riku a chance to wield a Keyblade one day through the ceremony, and the fact that Ansem SoD had his heart, while inside Riku....). Why show the Kairi and the gang at the mansion? It shouldn't just be about finding DiZ's computer room or whatever, but maybe who originated there who had involved with BBS (I'll take a guess: either Ventus or even Eraqus,). Donald and Goofy finding their way around Traverse Town? That I don't have an answer to, but you get the point.

Basically, they all connect back to BBS. Let's go to what I really want to talk about: Characters and events that might happen in BBSv2.

2) The BBS Trio Arrives:

Because this is just a branch off of BBS, I think these three characters are a definite: Terra, Aqua and Ven.

Terra- er I mean Xehanort makes the most sense. Since this game is most likely going to show a ton of plot holes, this is one. We have little information on Xehanort's stay at Radiant Garden. Yes, the Ansem Reports, BBS Secret Ending, and events of KH2 explain what happens, but we haven't seen it in our perspective. We don't know if it holds things unexplained. So how I see it is you playing as Xehanort, explore the castle and some of Raidant Garden, do some science, become curious of hearts, then capture people with the help of Braig, turn them into Heartless, study them, open the door, send Kairi away to Destiny Islands and finally, go too deep in darkness with the other 5 scientists and turn into a Heartless and Nobody, banish Ansem and start up the Organization. And then they'll probably show Maleficent with the Heartless and invade the world, turn residents into Heartless like Lea, Isa and maybe the rest of the Somebodies, and turn it from Radiant Garden to our crappy KH1 Hollow Bastion, which does lead up to KH1. Perfect scenrio.

Last time we see Aqua is her in the Realm of Darkness. While they already touch upon that in Secret Episode for BBSFM, we see her shocked to find the Castle of Dreams during the Secret Ending. We'll probably see Aqua explore the worlds fallen in darkness and the events that happening between the exploring to her first meeting with Ansem, such as the hinting of meeting Mickey.

Also, if we get BBSv2, I suspect Nomura will be nice enough to give us the Secret Episode before actually playing as Aqua in her new episode. Just throwing that out there.

Now you're probably thinking WTF how does Ven play into this when he is in the Chamber of Repose, sleeping and not able to move his body! Yeah I got that, but I find it unnatural if Ven has nothing to do with this game. What I think.....a Sentiment, but I won't say anymore about this. However, it might be what he is dreaming (technically he is sleeping), or perhaps that someone moves the body because of the forehadowing with Ven leaving his chair in the scene. If you think it's because Sora saves him with Aqua or whatever, slap yourself.

Now for our other characters that we can also expect.

3) Hooray! Mutiple Characters:

Nomura did say he wanted a game with multiple characters, and this is pretty much it. Makes sense.

For this point, I'm just going to list the characters in each paragraph, marking them characters in Italic to show they might be shown. If you see a question mark instead of a period, it means there's a possibility for them to be there, but not excatly too sure on.

Mickey. This one is a biggy. We have yet to see how he was mysteriously talking to Sora like when Sora was in the Dive to the Heart, what he was doing at Traverse Town when Sora, Donald and Goofy were there too, how and why he ended up in the Realm of Darkness, how and where he obtained the Kingdom Key D, and if he met Aqua. And maybe we'll see what he was doing in 358/2 Days. This guy is a plot hole himself. >.<

Riku. Also a biggy. Knowing him, he'll have the biggest and possibly longest scenrio. It's mostly likely going to cover events during BBS, events between BBS and KH1, some things that happen to him unexplained in KH1, things he did in 358/2 Days, his absence during KH2, and maybe showing him leaving with Sora for their Mark of Mastery, aka Dream Drop Distance.

Kairi. I'm iffy on Kairi. She really doesn't deserve a spot for a scenrio. All I can think off is her in BBS, between BBS and KH1, what she did for a year on Destiny Islands, and what she is doing with Hayner, Pence and Olette at Twilight Town. I hope she doesn't get this amount of screen time and waste memory :/

Sora? We do see DiZ implanting data into Sora, so I don't know what's going to happen to that. We might see what Sora is dreaming, with Xion affecting him. Idk.

Hayner? We also saw him and his gang, along with Kairi looking at the mansion. This is probably unlikely to happen, but we might get to see what he was doing with the two friends during the KH series. Probably irrelevant but who knows.

Eraqus/Young Xehanort. If anything, I'm dying to see the events before BBS with Eraqus, Xehanort, and their master, and what happens in that timespan. It has the most plot holes. We'll see Eraqus and Xehanort, but most likely Eraqus in his perspective, training to become Keyblade Masters and things that happen to them after it. Not to mention this is the third time they showed a young Xehanort, but never shows his face. Are they trying to hide something? Now I've see the, what people say, the 3D model render of him, but I think it's BS. If they kept hiding the face, there's no need for them to actually make a face for him. They probably did have a spare model for him with a face to use it for BBSv2, perhaps? Idk, but I just don't think they would keep hiding his face but still put his face on the model for the people to take the model and see it for themselves It doesn't matter at this point I'm afraid.

Namine? We still have some unexplained stuff with her, so if they explain what excatly what does she do in the KH series, that would be great.

Data Sora? Hold on, hold on, let me explain. At the end of Reocded, Data Namine asks DS to give the real Sora the message about the others who need healing and what DS felt during his data adventure. Note that she isn't talking to Mickey. So that means he's going to have a future role. BBSv2, DDD or even KH3 are his only options. I'm inclinded to think he might take an appearence in BBSv2, figuring out how he is going to get the real Sora, and DDD, he might be able to get into the Sora and probably mess up *the MoM.

Mysterious Figure? I'm going to leave this up to you guys. Because I don't think he'll appear, but if he does, then he might end up in the Secret Ending of even a Secret Episode (that is, if they have one for this game).

Brand New Character? Meh, just a random option. Wouldn't be surprised if Nomura did that.

Now I'm not saying these are playable characters, at least not all of them. But they are most likely characters that will have their unexplained stories touched upon.

And I'm not saying these points don't connect to BBS. They will, but I don't excatly know know, so don't quote me on this.

The rest of these points will give some more detail on what to expect?

4) Worlds?:

I'm not quite sure on worlds. They'll probably end up recycle all of them.

When it comes to details about events dealing with KH1-KH2, they'll probably recycle all the world they may use.

For Aqua's case, I'm guessing all the worlds shown will be recycled from BBS but changed to make it look dark and dead.

For Eraqus'/Xehanort's case, there could be new worlds. Or they could recycle worlds from the others games to this, like maybe Traverse Town. I wish I knew, because it will kill me if I don't see that scenrio in BBSv2 o.o

5) Secret Ending?:

Most likely.

My guess is that they may show Yen Sid telling Sora and Riku, "Welcome to the Mark of Mastery", attempting to do the MoM, with Reconnect: Kingdom Hearts popping up after it.

I'll let you guys imagine your own way of seeing the Secret Ending.

I don't think they would be a Secret Episode, so I think we're good. But god forid if Nomura makes a Final Mix for this, then probably. Ugh, getting tired of these Final Mixs @_@

And that's all I have to say. Can't think anymore. Hopefully we will some news about it soon. Latest I can think of is if they reveal a trailer at E3 or Jump Festa, or if Dream Drop Distance comes out in Japan first and the Ultimania arrives shortly after, giving us some detail on it. Only time will tell.


New member
Jan 26, 2011
I hadnt thought about Terra being playable. I had originally counted him out because he became Xehanort, but if anything that would make it way more interesting. And besides that, he has amnesia, and he'll probably be searching for answers etc. Would not be surprised a bit if he was one of the characters.


Bronze Member
Feb 13, 2010
Nowhere Land
I liked reading your theory/post alot.

I like the teaming up with Braig and making heartless part.


New member
Jan 26, 2011
If Mickey was playable, he could most likely be my favorite character to play as in bbs v.2. :D


New member
Nov 9, 2008
destiny islands
im not sure about the part where you play as Terra-Xehanort...
it would be interesting to play as the technical 'villian' of the series, but i doubt the Nomura will do that...
besides from a gameplay perspective, i dont imagine playing as Terra-Xehanort would be very interesting... It's not like he fights people or anything, he just does experiments, all im picturing right now, is if we were to play as Terra-Xehanort, it would just be like HEAVY RAIN. :p

but the Aqua part makes perfect sense, i think that will definantly become part of the gameplay: exploring the dead and discarded worlds, meeting the characters of those worlds trying to survive in the Realm of Darkness (DiZ anyone??), and trying to come up with an escape.

The Eraqus and Master Xehanort part? well... its plausible, but i dont think nomura willl create a prequel to birth by sleep, considering its already a prequel to the main series.


New member
Jan 14, 2011
In a galaxy far far away, next to Burger Town
im not sure about the part where you play as Terra-Xehanort...
it would be interesting to play as the technical 'villian' of the series, but i doubt the Nomura will do that...
besides from a gameplay perspective, i dont imagine playing as Terra-Xehanort would be very interesting... It's not like he fights people or anything, he just does experiments, all im picturing right now, is if we were to play as Terra-Xehanort, it would just be like HEAVY RAIN. :p

But yet, didn't we get a chance to play as Xemnas in 358/2 Days? Many people doubted he was going to be playable, but surely he's there.

Ever play Overlord? Yeah, you play as the villian. You kill heroes. Well your minions do most of the work, but whatever.

He doesn't fight anybody? You don't know that. What if the Heartless tried to attack him? That's why we need a scenrio, to see it. Plus, how does he capture the people? He isn't going to go up to them and say, "Hey, I got candy in that castle if you let me do experiments to you". It doesn't work like that. Either somehow he accidently summons the Keyblade and is like WTF or Braig helps him out (hopefully it isn't like something in Recoded where in Hollow Bastion, you needed Donald and Goofy to do everything for you, but just so ridculous). It doesn't have to be in a sense where you play Heavy Rain and you can control every action. It just has to explain plot holes. I even said it doesn't have to be gameplay wise.

The Eraqus and Master Xehanort part? well... its plausible, but i dont think nomura willl create a prequel to birth by sleep, considering its already a prequel to the main series.

You do realize that BBSv2 isn't actually a prequal, right? It's technically not even a sequal. It shows us basically all the games of the series, as far as I can tell.

Besides, the game doesn't have to have Eraqus/Xehanort part being just the entire game. Just one scenrio where plot holes are explained, such as how Xehanort discovers the existance of the X-Blade, something nobody else knew of.


New member
Oct 5, 2010
Tucson, AZ
Eraqus/Young Xehanort. If anything, I'm dying to see the events before BBS with Eraqus, Xehanort, and their master, and what happens in that timespan. It has the most plot holes. We'll see Eraqus and Xehanort, but most likely Eraqus in his perspective, training to become Keyblade Masters and things that happen to them after it. Not to mention this is the third time they showed a young Xehanort, but never shows his face. Are they trying to hide something? Now I've see the, what people say, the 3D model render of him, but I think it's BS. If they kept hiding the face, there's no need for them to actually make a face for him. They probably did have a spare model for him with a face to use it for BBSv2, perhaps? Idk, but I just don't think they would keep hiding his face but still put his face on the model for the people to take the model and see it for themselves It doesn't matter at this point I'm afraid.

I think Nomura said in an interview that he wasn't going to create any games that would take place before BBS. Although we may get some explanations in BBSv2 or DDD or future games.

Everything else you said, I think is very plausible.
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