Here are my theories on Birth By Sleep. I think they're worth a look over. And if you have any criticism, please keep it proffesional. Don't be a jerk.
And to be absolutely honest, I know this isn't a huge "breakthrough", but it got you to click on it, right? And that's the point.
I am starting to believe that Terra is Xehanort.
If you've read the new stuff translated from the trailer (and summaries of it), then you should know by now that Terra is somehow working with/alongside Malificent. Nomura has even said that himself. So here's what I believe...
When a person starts to accept the Darkness into their heart, after a certain point, their apperance begins to change. 1) Their skin becomes that dark, tan color, 2) their eyes will turn bright orange/amber and 3) their hair turns silver.
Evidence: Both Master Xehanort and Terra/Xehanort. We know now that Master Xehanort had done something horrible in the past and had accepted/used the Darkness in some way. In a cutscene from the new trailers, MX asks Terra to come back to his side, and to repent for his wrong-doings, both MX's and Terra's.
Then, also, at the end of the "Birth By Sleep" trailer, we see Terra's eyes flash the orange color, meaning that he is slowly going towards the Darkness.
So, from that, here's what I believe about Terra:
For some reason we don't know yet, he is siding with Malificent and is turning towards the Darkness. So I believe that at some point, obviously towards the end of the game, he either completely turns over and appears like he does in KHII, or it happens after his memory is whiped and he ends up in Radiant Gardens. As for him taking the name Xehanort, I think that it's because all he can remember is the name because of his struggles with the old Keyblade Master. Plus, to explain why his Heartless, when posessing Riku, had similar outfit to the Dark Apprentice, is because that's another small bit locked into his memory that just so happened to transfer to his Heartless.
Now, people are also wondering why Master Xehanort "disappeared" and wants Kingdom Hearts, along with the Princesses of Hearts. What I think is that he wants Kingdom Hearts to rid himself of the Darkness left in his heart, and somehow the Princesses of Hearts help to unlock a pathway to Kingdom Hearts.
People may try to contridict that by saying that MX is the antagonist of the game, and, what we've seen so far of him, he's evil. Well, I think that, just like Riku in some cases, he is still good, but due to the Darkness still in his heart, it can take over from time to time, like a posession.
Now for the second part of my theory: Ven and Roxas.
Nomura has said himself there is a connection. He said that that's actually what the game's mainly about, besides the Terra/Xehanort scenario.
Here's what I think [and by the way, this will also explain the title "Birth By Sleep"]:
Probably due to some kind of pressure, or some event we don't know of yet, Ven asks Aqua to "Erase" him. Now, some people have speculated that "erasing" is some new term, but think it's just their way of saying "killing", seeing as the game's rated E10, they can't exactly say that. Plus, death in the world of KH seems to be a little different when it's not old age or anything....
If you watch the scene where he says this, you can pretty much tell that he's on Destiny Islands when they're talking. Along with Terra, Nomura has said that Ven has seen Sora and Riku on the islands, too. So what I think happens is that, when Ven is "erased", he is sent into Sora's body. When Sora's Nobody Roxas was born, he took on Ven's appearance because of Ven's "existance" inside of Sora.
Now to break down the title "Birth By Sleep"
The "birth" refers to Roxas being "born" when Sora turned into a Heartless. "By sleep" simply meant that Ven "went to sleep" inside Sora and awoke, in appearance at least, when Roxas was born.
So "birth by sleep" means that Roxas was born due to Ven's sleep.
So there ya have it. My theories on BBS.
And to be absolutely honest, I know this isn't a huge "breakthrough", but it got you to click on it, right? And that's the point.
I am starting to believe that Terra is Xehanort.
If you've read the new stuff translated from the trailer (and summaries of it), then you should know by now that Terra is somehow working with/alongside Malificent. Nomura has even said that himself. So here's what I believe...
When a person starts to accept the Darkness into their heart, after a certain point, their apperance begins to change. 1) Their skin becomes that dark, tan color, 2) their eyes will turn bright orange/amber and 3) their hair turns silver.
Evidence: Both Master Xehanort and Terra/Xehanort. We know now that Master Xehanort had done something horrible in the past and had accepted/used the Darkness in some way. In a cutscene from the new trailers, MX asks Terra to come back to his side, and to repent for his wrong-doings, both MX's and Terra's.
Then, also, at the end of the "Birth By Sleep" trailer, we see Terra's eyes flash the orange color, meaning that he is slowly going towards the Darkness.
So, from that, here's what I believe about Terra:
For some reason we don't know yet, he is siding with Malificent and is turning towards the Darkness. So I believe that at some point, obviously towards the end of the game, he either completely turns over and appears like he does in KHII, or it happens after his memory is whiped and he ends up in Radiant Gardens. As for him taking the name Xehanort, I think that it's because all he can remember is the name because of his struggles with the old Keyblade Master. Plus, to explain why his Heartless, when posessing Riku, had similar outfit to the Dark Apprentice, is because that's another small bit locked into his memory that just so happened to transfer to his Heartless.
Now, people are also wondering why Master Xehanort "disappeared" and wants Kingdom Hearts, along with the Princesses of Hearts. What I think is that he wants Kingdom Hearts to rid himself of the Darkness left in his heart, and somehow the Princesses of Hearts help to unlock a pathway to Kingdom Hearts.
People may try to contridict that by saying that MX is the antagonist of the game, and, what we've seen so far of him, he's evil. Well, I think that, just like Riku in some cases, he is still good, but due to the Darkness still in his heart, it can take over from time to time, like a posession.
Now for the second part of my theory: Ven and Roxas.
Nomura has said himself there is a connection. He said that that's actually what the game's mainly about, besides the Terra/Xehanort scenario.
Here's what I think [and by the way, this will also explain the title "Birth By Sleep"]:
Probably due to some kind of pressure, or some event we don't know of yet, Ven asks Aqua to "Erase" him. Now, some people have speculated that "erasing" is some new term, but think it's just their way of saying "killing", seeing as the game's rated E10, they can't exactly say that. Plus, death in the world of KH seems to be a little different when it's not old age or anything....
If you watch the scene where he says this, you can pretty much tell that he's on Destiny Islands when they're talking. Along with Terra, Nomura has said that Ven has seen Sora and Riku on the islands, too. So what I think happens is that, when Ven is "erased", he is sent into Sora's body. When Sora's Nobody Roxas was born, he took on Ven's appearance because of Ven's "existance" inside of Sora.
Now to break down the title "Birth By Sleep"
The "birth" refers to Roxas being "born" when Sora turned into a Heartless. "By sleep" simply meant that Ven "went to sleep" inside Sora and awoke, in appearance at least, when Roxas was born.
So "birth by sleep" means that Roxas was born due to Ven's sleep.
So there ya have it. My theories on BBS.
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