Ok so ive heard and seen about some threads that talk about if mickey is playable.Well why dont people ask if BHK is playable so im going to do it cuz i think he might be playable do you think he will be playable?
RikuHeroOfDark said:it is already confirmed BHK is playable some people think mickey and riku will also be playable but thats not confirmed and i doubt it
yea but only one of them will be palyable if there playable because mickey and riku is together as a team but i havent seen them in the trailers but mickey promised riku he'll stay by his sideNisse said:I totally agree!
Riku and Mickey rulz all the other ones.
At least in my opinion...
yep but we dont no if riku is playable hopefully he is......we'll never no until kh2 comes which suxhecger said:Yeah but i think at least that riku is playable cuz he plays a bigger role in this game as well as mickey. If mickey is playable i htink he would be like in com a buddycard but in like he can help you in the game you know like he can help riku if he is playable. right?
well if riku is playable i think mickey would be like donald and goofy is to sorahecger said:yeah i know but we are talking about if he was playable will mickey be playable i think if riku were playable mickey will be more like a help kind of character and now that he plays a bigger role it would be possible that he will be playable as well as riku he plays a big role too
RikuHeroOfDark said:well if riku is playable i think mickey would be like donald and goofy is to sora
it is confirmed he is playableTender Heart said:well...i am hoping that BHK is playable...