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allright we all know that bhk is playable in kh2 but where are u gonna play as him twilight town awakening any other places u think ??? i mean do u think its available to play him wherever u want ??
I dunno, I just think that you'll be able to play him when you first find out about his background history, like the part where he's talking to Diz. I don't think you'll play as BHK when both he and Sora become aware of each other. That's just my lil idea on it. ^^ I think I'm just hoping because I wanna play as Sora for most of the game. :3
well you play as BHK first because when BHK fights DiZ sora is still in the pod and BHK has a keyblade(which means this is after his awkening) so you'll probably play as BHK for a short while in the following worlds.............Twilight Town, Deep Dive, Castle Oblivion, and his awakening
I Think That First Like Riku Hero Of The Dark Said You L Play In The First Time In Those Worlds But When You End The Game Sora And Bhk Meet And Bhk Would Join The Gang And Then You Can Play Like Bot Sora And Bhk
Maybe they'll have an extra thing where after you beat the game you can go to any world as BHK. You'll play him in the tutorial (his awakening) i think and switch back to sora. I think you'll meet up with him and maybe be able to fuse with him???!?! Maybe they'll put in a 2 player mini-game where someone is Sora and another is Riku or BHK.
Didn't Nomura say that it will feel very strange and confusing in the beginning to play KH2 for people who have played the first two parts of the series. I join RikuHeroOfDark's opinion, because I think Nomura meant that we don't play Sora but another chara which is obviously BHK. And scenes from his awakening which most probably serve as a tutorial as in KH1 have also already been shown.
I am getting the feeling that we will only be able to play BHK in the openning of the game. Then at maybe a few points we will get another chance. Like after Sora leaves a world we go back there as BHK and only play thru a small part of that world. I really doubt this myself tho. i think we will only get him in the beginning
I am getting the feeling that we will only be able to play BHK in the openning of the game. Then at maybe a few points we will get another chance. Like after Sora leaves a world we go back there as BHK and only play thru a small part of that world. I really doubt this myself tho. I think we will only get him in the beginning.
I think that you are going to be able to switch between characters in your party. What I mean is that you are going to be able to play as all the characters in your party no just Sora. So if Micky is in your party you would be able to play as him too. That is what I think.
I beleive that there will be more than one instance where we will be able to controll bhk. I can only hope, however, that these are entirely optional. If the game made it mandatory that play time be taken away from Sora, I'd prolly smash the controller.