Oh crap and a half... o.0 I'm crazy enough to make a novelization! Someone hit meh!! -ish whacked- ...Thank you... x_o; Okay, begin rambling... NOW:
Yesh, I'm making a novelization.
And so far, its just Roxas' story. Cause... I LIKE HIS STORY. IT MAKES ME CR-- NOT. >w>;; Anyways, if I do Sora's story along with his, it could take a WHILE but I think I can handle that. D: Hopefully... it most of the chapter takes about 30 minutes, I think I can handle it... Er... yeah... um, this takes quotes straight from the game [THANK YOU KHIMPULSE AND KH-VIDS!!! -bows-] along with ideas I got from reading the first chapter of the manga... [Daw, Roxas ish so cute in the manga... x3] In other words, it won't be exactly the same... but it will be exactly the same. :0 If you know what I mean.
So, I come with a preview of the first chapter of Roxas' story cause I just started writing it a little while ago and I got up to the very beginning of the first day! Yup, here's the little preview and, depending on how many comments 'n such I get, I'll probably continue on with it. If I don't continue, weeeell... Roxas is gonna be very sad. DON'T MAKE ROXAS SAD!!! -waves sad Roxas plushie-
Alright, onto the story!! x3;
[.beyond light and dark. - a KH2 novelization]
Day 1: Just Another Boring Day of Summer...
The air was cold, freezing you if you were even standing in the wind. The ocean swept calmly back and forth on the gray, grainy sand while a moon, that looked like a plain, glowing ball of white in the sky, shined brightly over the dark, gloomy island. The wind had been howling over the lonesome beach, until there was a loud zap over by one of the huge rocks. A dark, warp hole swirled out of the darkness, pieces of purple and black swirled together in the portal. Stepping out of the dark was a short, black cloaked figure who looked almost like a teenager, their hood pulled up to cover their identity.
"You have arrived." a cold voice stated out of the silence, the shorter enigma stepping towards another black cloaked figure, sitting against a pair of glowing black rocks. "I've been to see him..." the voice started out, turning their head to glance over at the younger figure from underneath the darkness of their hood, "He looks a lot like you."
Who are you? The enigma questioned silently, no words escaping his mouth as he spoke. The sitting figure kept their eyes gazed at them, replying to their unspoken question. "I'm what's left. Or..." He began to turn his head to stare at the grey water, "Maybe, I'm all there ever was."
I meant your name. The figure stated silently once again. "My name is of no importance," they replied once more, "What about you?" He had questioned, then turned his head to gaze at the hovering enigma, "Do you remember your true name?"
My true name... is...
What the... What is this?
The sun shined brightly over the horizon, high up in the blue sky. There were wisps of clouds covering the shades of blue, which the deep blue eyed boy saw as soon as he opened his eyes. He sat up, spiky brown hair falling in his face, before letting out a loud yawn. Yet there was no yawn; just silence. The boy fell backwards back onto the sand but, there was a red haired girl hovering over him. The image became grainy, fuzzy, and filled with static before the spiky haired boy jolted up. "Whoa!!" he exclaimed, literally jumping as a bar of static covered the girl's face. He jerked his head around as the girl gave a giggle. "Gimme a break, Kai--"
More static. The image changed to a desaturated version of the previous image, the boy jerking his head around and sitting on his knees once again. Then the image changed, covered with static for a moment, as a silver haired boy grinned widely as he ran down the side of the beach. "Giving up already?" There was a static buzz for a second before it changed to the brown haired boy running down the beach. Obviously, they were racing each other.
There was another transition of static, a picture of the red haired girl running along for a split second before it changed to another image. The threesome were sitting with their eyes gazed at the twilight sky of their island, the brown haired boy sitting on a tree along with the girl while the silver haired boy stood with his back leaned against the trunk. There was static once again, making the quality much less grainy than it was. "If there are any other worlds out there," the silver haired boy stated, "why did we end up on this one?" The spiky haired boy went to say something but didn't get the chance.
Another screen of static. There was the girl and a drawing on a wall then they both disappeared. Then the drawing came back, a chilling voice talking in the background. "This world has been connected." The spiky haired boy glanced up from the drawing to look behind him at the darkness of the cave, more static filling in between. "Wh-who's there?" he questioned, shuddering. There was a cloaked figure in the background, talking to him. "Tied to the darkness."
The screen completely changed, showing the girl getting up from sitting on a dock. The boy only looked up at her as she stood up and spoke, her hands behind her back. "Sora, don't ever change."
The screen changed once again, the silver haired boy reaching out his hand as the island had become completely dark. "The door has opened." The screen changed back to the younger boy, going to reach out his hand to his best friend. "What?" He desperately tried to snatch his hand but failed as the darkness kept him away just as the screen shifted.
The boy stood up to his feet, staring up at the giant black creature hovering over him and his now destroyed island. The chilling voice returned again, with another confusing quote. "You understand nothing."
There was no longer the destroyed island, but that cave the boy stood in before. The girl stood before a door which blew open from a gust of wind as she reached out her hand, hypnotized. The boy spread out his arms to catch her but, what would happen next, he didn't know himself. The girl stopped right in front of him, the screen acting as if it had a glitch. "So... ra..."
The boy's eyes opened slowly, his gaze blurry as he let out a groan. He sat up on his bed and put his hand on his forehead, messing up his wavy, dirty blonde hair with his hand. His deep blue eyes stared down at the covers and down at his feet. "Another dream about him..." he stated, groggily. There was then the sound of the clocktower, ringing loudly throughout the town, and he couldn't help but look up and out his window. His hands gripped tightly on the large handles, he pulled it open swiftly and just stared out into the forever twilight sky. With his arms hanging over the window sill, his wavy hair blew against the soft wind and he continued to gaze into the sky. That is, until a voice called his name.
"Hey, Roxas!!"
"Hm?" The boy gazed down at the ground below, a small smile curling onto his face as he saw who was calling his name. Hayner, Pence, and Olette! "What, are you gonna sleep forever?" the blonde haired boy questioned with a laugh, grinning widely as Roxas gave a nervous laugh. "Ah! Sorry...!" he called out, turning his head to glance around his own room, "I'll be there in a second!!" With a swift kick off his bed after he closed the window softly, he jumped down the air and onto the wooden floor as he grabbed a wristband and two rings off of one of the tables in his room. Slipping them onto his left hand, he pulled off the grey sleeve shirt and threw it onto his bed before grabbing another shirt, thrown into a chair in the bedroom. Just another boring day of summer... 'I wonder if it'll change...'
And begin comments and critque... NOW. This is just the first draft, mind you. :0 It'll get better, I promise! :3
Yesh, I'm making a novelization.
So, I come with a preview of the first chapter of Roxas' story cause I just started writing it a little while ago and I got up to the very beginning of the first day! Yup, here's the little preview and, depending on how many comments 'n such I get, I'll probably continue on with it. If I don't continue, weeeell... Roxas is gonna be very sad. DON'T MAKE ROXAS SAD!!! -waves sad Roxas plushie-
Alright, onto the story!! x3;
[.beyond light and dark. - a KH2 novelization]
Day 1: Just Another Boring Day of Summer...
The air was cold, freezing you if you were even standing in the wind. The ocean swept calmly back and forth on the gray, grainy sand while a moon, that looked like a plain, glowing ball of white in the sky, shined brightly over the dark, gloomy island. The wind had been howling over the lonesome beach, until there was a loud zap over by one of the huge rocks. A dark, warp hole swirled out of the darkness, pieces of purple and black swirled together in the portal. Stepping out of the dark was a short, black cloaked figure who looked almost like a teenager, their hood pulled up to cover their identity.
"You have arrived." a cold voice stated out of the silence, the shorter enigma stepping towards another black cloaked figure, sitting against a pair of glowing black rocks. "I've been to see him..." the voice started out, turning their head to glance over at the younger figure from underneath the darkness of their hood, "He looks a lot like you."
Who are you? The enigma questioned silently, no words escaping his mouth as he spoke. The sitting figure kept their eyes gazed at them, replying to their unspoken question. "I'm what's left. Or..." He began to turn his head to stare at the grey water, "Maybe, I'm all there ever was."
I meant your name. The figure stated silently once again. "My name is of no importance," they replied once more, "What about you?" He had questioned, then turned his head to gaze at the hovering enigma, "Do you remember your true name?"
My true name... is...
What the... What is this?
The sun shined brightly over the horizon, high up in the blue sky. There were wisps of clouds covering the shades of blue, which the deep blue eyed boy saw as soon as he opened his eyes. He sat up, spiky brown hair falling in his face, before letting out a loud yawn. Yet there was no yawn; just silence. The boy fell backwards back onto the sand but, there was a red haired girl hovering over him. The image became grainy, fuzzy, and filled with static before the spiky haired boy jolted up. "Whoa!!" he exclaimed, literally jumping as a bar of static covered the girl's face. He jerked his head around as the girl gave a giggle. "Gimme a break, Kai--"
More static. The image changed to a desaturated version of the previous image, the boy jerking his head around and sitting on his knees once again. Then the image changed, covered with static for a moment, as a silver haired boy grinned widely as he ran down the side of the beach. "Giving up already?" There was a static buzz for a second before it changed to the brown haired boy running down the beach. Obviously, they were racing each other.
There was another transition of static, a picture of the red haired girl running along for a split second before it changed to another image. The threesome were sitting with their eyes gazed at the twilight sky of their island, the brown haired boy sitting on a tree along with the girl while the silver haired boy stood with his back leaned against the trunk. There was static once again, making the quality much less grainy than it was. "If there are any other worlds out there," the silver haired boy stated, "why did we end up on this one?" The spiky haired boy went to say something but didn't get the chance.
Another screen of static. There was the girl and a drawing on a wall then they both disappeared. Then the drawing came back, a chilling voice talking in the background. "This world has been connected." The spiky haired boy glanced up from the drawing to look behind him at the darkness of the cave, more static filling in between. "Wh-who's there?" he questioned, shuddering. There was a cloaked figure in the background, talking to him. "Tied to the darkness."
The screen completely changed, showing the girl getting up from sitting on a dock. The boy only looked up at her as she stood up and spoke, her hands behind her back. "Sora, don't ever change."
The screen changed once again, the silver haired boy reaching out his hand as the island had become completely dark. "The door has opened." The screen changed back to the younger boy, going to reach out his hand to his best friend. "What?" He desperately tried to snatch his hand but failed as the darkness kept him away just as the screen shifted.
The boy stood up to his feet, staring up at the giant black creature hovering over him and his now destroyed island. The chilling voice returned again, with another confusing quote. "You understand nothing."
There was no longer the destroyed island, but that cave the boy stood in before. The girl stood before a door which blew open from a gust of wind as she reached out her hand, hypnotized. The boy spread out his arms to catch her but, what would happen next, he didn't know himself. The girl stopped right in front of him, the screen acting as if it had a glitch. "So... ra..."
The boy's eyes opened slowly, his gaze blurry as he let out a groan. He sat up on his bed and put his hand on his forehead, messing up his wavy, dirty blonde hair with his hand. His deep blue eyes stared down at the covers and down at his feet. "Another dream about him..." he stated, groggily. There was then the sound of the clocktower, ringing loudly throughout the town, and he couldn't help but look up and out his window. His hands gripped tightly on the large handles, he pulled it open swiftly and just stared out into the forever twilight sky. With his arms hanging over the window sill, his wavy hair blew against the soft wind and he continued to gaze into the sky. That is, until a voice called his name.
"Hey, Roxas!!"
"Hm?" The boy gazed down at the ground below, a small smile curling onto his face as he saw who was calling his name. Hayner, Pence, and Olette! "What, are you gonna sleep forever?" the blonde haired boy questioned with a laugh, grinning widely as Roxas gave a nervous laugh. "Ah! Sorry...!" he called out, turning his head to glance around his own room, "I'll be there in a second!!" With a swift kick off his bed after he closed the window softly, he jumped down the air and onto the wooden floor as he grabbed a wristband and two rings off of one of the tables in his room. Slipping them onto his left hand, he pulled off the grey sleeve shirt and threw it onto his bed before grabbing another shirt, thrown into a chair in the bedroom. Just another boring day of summer... 'I wonder if it'll change...'
And begin comments and critque... NOW. This is just the first draft, mind you. :0 It'll get better, I promise! :3