Here's my words of advise in order to reach level 100,
Step 1-Get to end of the world, save at the save spot in front of the door you go into to fight ansem. (You'll recognize this door from the beginning of the game)
Step 2-Make sure you have all of the keyblade possible (discluding the ultimate keyblade)
Step 3-Equip either Oblivion or Oathkeeper
Step 4-Stock up on all items necessary
Step 5-Go to olympia
Step 6-Beat the hades cup
Step 7- Repeat step 6 many times over.
In order to get donald and goofy's final weapons, you have to beat hades cup on the time trail. (I did it only once, beat it by 30 seconds) and defeat the hades cup with only sora (never did this, because I accidentally deleted the file before I could)
If anybody else has good words of advise to becoming a god on KH, feel free to post.
EDIT: Just realized this is in the wrong forum, any mod feeling up to moving it?
Step 1-Get to end of the world, save at the save spot in front of the door you go into to fight ansem. (You'll recognize this door from the beginning of the game)
Step 2-Make sure you have all of the keyblade possible (discluding the ultimate keyblade)
Step 3-Equip either Oblivion or Oathkeeper
Step 4-Stock up on all items necessary
Step 5-Go to olympia
Step 6-Beat the hades cup
Step 7- Repeat step 6 many times over.
In order to get donald and goofy's final weapons, you have to beat hades cup on the time trail. (I did it only once, beat it by 30 seconds) and defeat the hades cup with only sora (never did this, because I accidentally deleted the file before I could)
If anybody else has good words of advise to becoming a god on KH, feel free to post.
EDIT: Just realized this is in the wrong forum, any mod feeling up to moving it?