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Best Man For Larxene. Axel or Marluxia?


Choose your destiny.

  • Axel

    Votes: 24 50.0%
  • Marluxia

    Votes: 24 50.0%

  • Total voters
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Apr 8, 2008
a mesh chair
You see, the only problem I see with Marluxia is that with most of the scenes that have them together in the same room, I never saw some strong connection. Is like they hold each other in silent respect and trust, yet I've never seen Larxene smile, or act playful (some of her positive qualities, I think *-*), talk to him in other ways than that of a business partner. I don't know if in back doors is different xD, yet outside didn't seem so sexual, to put it plainly. It didn't make me think like, "Hmm, they must be getting freaky somewhere" or make me see that they at least can. Especially with Marluxia's personality. He's so serious, collected, and has this overconfident, not much for petty things type of persona.

That's what attracts me to Axel more for her. I can actually imagine them heating it up somewhere due to the way they both are. He's a wild card in that respect, and I don't think is crazy to be aware that he would've acted if really interested. Whether Axel was playing hard to get or something else when Larxene was flirting with him, there's no way to know what he was thinking at those times, it didn't damper the chemistry that was giving off, for the first time in a KH game making feel actual tingles. Not innocent ones, actual undertones that made me raise eyebrows. Of course, if they did have a relationship, or something close to it, I know it won't be rainbows and fluffy rabbits and flowers. I see them more of a kind of dark, mature, love/hate pair, which would've been nice to see in my opinion, as KH lacks that completely and it's just fairy tale love. Larxel had potential.

What also caught my eye is that Larxene acts more freely around him. He was never a victim of her sadism, if so, was minimum, Axel went to tease her about her loss with Sora, almost beginning a banter if Vexen didn't interrupt (I see them snarky as well), they share the same kind of humor, concerning them teaming up to taunt Vexen (I found that cool xP), they can talk deeply enough to get close to topics like hearts and hints of Roxas, and Axel just seemed more casual. He was always casual, truthfully, it just seems that he takes it more easy when with her. Is almost like her personality doesn't bother him, or intimidates him (he even warns her not to be too rough with wittle Sora) or lets it get to his skin so hard like most would (Marluxia seems to possess this as well), and instead, he chooses to either ignore it or say something back. While they share some qualities together, they're also different at the same time, which comes to balance it. It makes me think that yeah, he probably didn't like her, but he didn't mind her company either, or couldn't handle her if going with choice of compatibility.

To be honest, I think Axene (I like this name better :D) is one-sided canon. Axel isn't clear and it depends on what you want to see, yet Larxene either lusted for him or was attracted. Maybe liked him in personality, if you would like. The moment she kissed the card he threw at her made me question right off, since it was too telling and Axel wasn't really looking for her to take a action like that.

Now the thing with Demyx, is that it can be cute, yes, yet I can't help but feel sorry for him. Close to pity. Larxene is too strong a personality. Which is why I think she'll need to find someone who matches her or at least put her down two notches and not let her take control to the point that you're her loyal dog and her "Yes" man. Most of the other Organization members, including Axel and Marluxia in there, can be more fitting, even Xaldin I think, could overpower her (and I still see her fighting). In fact, him being her plaything and using him for her own satisfactions is more accurate.

As long as you choose Axel and Marluxia on a "if" factor, you can put the other guys you like to see her with too, if you want. I would've put the "Other" option, but this is between Axel and Marluxia that is centered, and not the rest, so I didn't want it to shift.

Actually, that's debatable ;P.

And that definitely doesn't stop rated M fics.

3 paragraphs. Ok. im all for axel. You cant argue with those statements.

XIII's follower

New member
Jan 18, 2008
Mourning in Proof of Existence
Personally, I think Marluxia is better. Sure, the scenes with Axel and Larxene are present, but I saw them much differently. In the game, Larxene was only 'friendly' to those she thought of as pawns or those she may have had contempt for i.e. Sora, Namine, etc. Also, from what we saw in Larxene's final act, all of her 'kind' gestures were pretty much a ruse to misled others.Also, Axel was leading her along, so he obvoiusly couldn't have been that fond of her. I mean, this is the same guy that threw his membership away for his best friend; if there was something there between Larxene and him, I doubt he would have just stabbed her in the back like that.

As for Marluxia, from what I've seen and read about them, Larxene and he seem like a better fit. Marluxia, from what I've read, is arrogant; Larxene, as we all know, likes to put people down. Larxene is also prone to anger; Marluxia is obviously more methodical. In those respects, Marluxia can take just about any verbal abuse Larxene can dish; conversely, Larxene could probably 'hit' Marluxia in just the right spot to keep his ego down.Then, Larxene could probably 'motivate' Marluxia enough that he'd join a fight earlier than he did in CoM; conversely, Marluxia is probably the only one strong enough to actually calm her down.

Finally, Larxene only spoke misleadingly or harshly to others, and Marluxia barely spoke to anyone other than Sora. Now, I know that Marluxia and Larxene merely spoke to each other like they were business partners, but, if you remember, they were on business in castle Oblivion. But, they collectively come up with their scheme to overthrow OXIII, so that means they had to, at least, be on good speaking and have the same mindset about things. Also, from my time with the game, I don't think Larxene and Marluxia ever specifically talked to each other; I don't even think they said each other's names in the game. Now, I know this next part may be reaching, but it was almost as if they were trying to avoid each other. That may suggest that either they have enough of a connection that they didn't have to speak on anything or they may have tried to keep their contact to a minimum in order to not arouse suspicion, keep the speech about themselves down, or any other host of reason.

Anyway, that's why I think Marluxia is better for Larxene than Axel. Sry if I got off track.


New member
Apr 5, 2008
Well, I personally prefer Marluxia/Larxene, and I ship that way.
Besides, Axel belongs to Roxas XD (Oh, shoot the little fangirl)
Just because Roxas isn't in COM doesn't mean he doesn't exi- He doesn't exist does he.. well damn.


New member
Apr 24, 2008
Okay, if I have to choose between those two, I choose Marluxia because Axel doesn't give a crap about Larxene lol.When Larxene was 'flirting' with him Axel flinched and ignored her, turning his way. The 'look' he had when she left after Axel was blandly ignoring her didn't have got to do anything with liking her. They were both talking about betraying the Organization or something like that and Larxene told Axel to keep his mouth shut about it before someone finds out they (Marluxia included) want to betray the Org. After Larxene left, Axel had that playful look on his face because now he knew Larxene was planning something and said "it would be wise if you had done the same Larxene..." (He means about keeping her mouth shut). So there you have it XP he isn't trying to be 'hard to get' at all, he just doesn't give a crap about her....he only cares about Roxas : D (rofl I'm so mean, I think they would be nice together but still..nah..)

And now about Marluxia. I think Larxene and Marluxia would be awesome...but only as...uhm...how do you call it...when a girl has a gay friend and they are veeeery close...but they aren't lovers. Bwhahah XD

Nah, I'll just keep it at Demyx. Dunno why, but it's really cute. She would totally boss him around. Girl power x3!


It's the only NEET thing to do.
Dec 23, 2007
I totally reckon Axel... I mean, could you imagine the reaction? Hot and electric lol.... hahahaha... yeah... but seriously, overall i'd love to see Axel with her, cos... well... Luxy's kinda... "pink" lol... she'd only go with him to be more of a leader lol


New member
Jun 9, 2008
Nexw Jesxrey
The best man for Larxene would be Marluxia because they are both 2 crazy people that belong together, Axel dosent need all that crazy.......he has enough problems already with forceing Roxas to remember their friendship....:nahnah:


Silver Member
Oct 13, 2004
I LUV LARXEL1LOlol & [no]Marlene[/no] Laryx is sooo cute!<3333


No seriously, Demyx.

Hellz to the Yeah!

Now the thing with Demyx, is that it can be cute, yes, yet I can't help but feel sorry for him. Close to pity. Larxene is too strong a personality. Which is why I think she'll need to find someone who matches her or at least put her down two notches and not let her take control to the point that you're her loyal dog and her "Yes" man. Most of the other Organization members, including Axel and Marluxia in there, can be more fitting, even Xaldin I think, could overpower her (and I still see her fighting). In fact, him being her plaything and using him for her own satisfactions is more accurate.

Pfft whatever. *digs in the dirt* Oh looky:

How old and cute <3

Besides Demyx, I could totally see her with Xemnas unless the 14th member interferes with that but he isn't a choice either. Out of the two, she would most def. be with Marluxia. They were the closest with each other. Who knows what else they did besides plotting to take over the Org. They could have even discussed the matter over dinner.

The only person Axel can be seen with is Roxas. Everyone knows why.


New member
Jun 4, 2008
Lurking about the internet
I LUV LARXEL1LOlol & [no]Marlene[/no] Laryx is sooo cute!<3333

Hellz to the Yeah!

Pfft whatever. *digs in the dirt* Oh looky:

How old and cute <3

Besides Demyx, I could totally see her with Xemnas unless the 14th member interferes with that but he isn't a choice either. Out of the two, she would most def. be with Marluxia. They were the closest with each other. Who knows what else they did besides plotting to take over the Org. They could have even discussed the matter over dinner.

The only person Axel can be seen with is Roxas. Everyone knows why.

Laryx is sooooooo cute!!! I think they would be a cute couple!!! But Axel and Roxas... no way!!! Roxas is already taken by Namine anyways, but I would be glad to take Axel! :loveit:


Bronze Member
Dec 30, 2005
I should've expected Roxas to pop up in there :rolleyes:. This isn't about whether you like Akuroku compared to a certain couple, this is about Axene and Marlene and which of those you choose in the context despite what you like. This is mostly about Larxene, really, and they can say what other pairings of her is liked, not about who Axel is with. Keep Roxas the hell away please, fangirls. I rather not have to deal as this is not the debate presented, so I'm halting it before it gets further. And if it continues, then is a easy way to close this thread. I was thinking of putting this in another forum anyway. Even if they talk about Roxas as a reason that Axel cared about him (as if Axel was incapable to care for anybody else, lol xD, might as well add Axel/Naminé loving in there if they go for that. Or maybe Sora), I'm sure they wouldn't throw it out so immaturely.

And Seiramu and Myxkie0rgm1nfin, way to prove a point. This thread should've already pointed out that what some say will be a threat to you.

Going back to what it is, I'm still wondering over what Marluxia and Larxene showed for "closeness", and how talking about a plan equals lovers...? For all we know as well, she was probably dishing it up to backstab him when she felt like the time was right. I've never seen her as one to be second fiddle and sidekick to someone else and remain loyal. Marluxia should know better. It was why Axel got the best of him.
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#1 Xemnas

#1 Sex Man
May 19, 2007
Solid Snaking it through the bush
are we completely sure marluxia is straight? LOL LMAO seriously though whenever i saw him and vexen i thought they were both women! idk why i just did. until i heard their voices i thought they were girls. so proly axel


Uh doesn't everyone know that Larxene is totally lesbian for the XIVth member? It's totally canon.


Jul 30, 2007
Uh doesn't everyone know that Larxene is totally lesbian for the XIVth member? It's totally canon.


Realy!? I thought Larxene was a prostitute who worked for a pimp named Luxord.


Put on your courage and fly
Sep 1, 2007
In a cereal box
I've always picture Larxene and Demyx being a possible couple.
Larxene being the best/toughest of the couple while Demyx doing everything she tells him to.

In this case, I'll go with Axel and Larxene.
It looks like Axel could handle her.
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