OMG, my brain just feels like it had been hit with a serious information overflow...I may need a while to process all this and put it together with the things we saw in the 3D-part.
Gosh Nomura, you once said you felt the series has become too complicated and 3D would be "needed" to tie up loose ends.
What's then with this? As it looks now it is going to be even more complicated...but well, this might be just because it is just a snippet we see here.
Definitely an interesting development...gonna follow closely what Nomura has brooded out there
And this prominent featuring of Ansem SoD, Xemnas and MX...this Xehanort guy definitely has an friggin' insane mind and if this all really goes according to plan he is very much more then just a pedo with a god-complex.
Sora and Ven vanishing...wonder if this is just some symbolism or if something bad is going to transpire (god, I sound like Yen Sid).
I dunno for the castle as that really Castle of Dreams? Or a structure native to the RoD?