I rewatched the video now and.. Well. The last 50 seconds are pretty full of everything. Tehre are at least 2 scenes from KH we "haven't seen", so where donald and goofy are going around traverse town and how Riku jumps from the bell tower with kairi etc..
But there's definitely a hint saying "xehanort wants sora and ven". In the end There's first his heartless, then nobody, then a flash of the original Xehanort, and then Sora and Ven disappearin.
Most likely we'll get to know more about the data hidden inside sora. DiZ is clearly coding it in the video.
If tha game will be for PSP2 I won't buy it. There's a limit to everything, SE. We can all see through you -_-' It can't be coincidence that every single KH game they make is for a different bloody console. Did they make a contract with nintendo and sony to make sure the new consoles sell or what? Besides this is already ridiculous as I said in my previous message... First BBS, then BBSFM, then BBS2, then BBSFM? Where will this end??
Edit: I'm also a bit.... overblown with all this new info on games x_x xiii-2, versus looks great, 3D trailer, BBS2 trailer... wow. It feels like back in the days when SE announced BBS, days and Coded and everyone was like "WHAT? THREE GAMES??

ooo". Damn has time flown fast! And the series developed..
edit2: I 101% agree with Lycoris. Let's hope something will change soon.