lol I love it how almost everyone forgot that they're adding more features other than just translation.
More cutscenes - Nomura commented these were just one that they didn't have enough time to fit in.
New secret boss - This is as easy as a typical DLC
More online modes - Only substantially long part that could amount to a month at the most
Critical Mode - Just add a couple lifebars, add more challenges, and spice it with strategy
Bosses become harder than JP version - That just goes into critical mode
and more... What else? lip syncing could be the only other thing, and if the voice work was finished 2 months ago they should have it done by about the end of this month.
With all of these features added, I'd say September is a fair release date and it IS Summer until September 22nd so to those saying "THIS ISN'T SUMMER!!! D:<" your all idiots (no offense). Your calling us idiots, and you say "no offense'?
Can't we just be happy a release date has been made?