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BbS Release Date Announced

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Black Rose Witch

Dec 8, 2008
DMC is better than this game, in so many ways so go away troll, truely you haven't played DMC since you don't know how epic it is.


yeah no


and also this thread is about kingdom hearts, if you want to talk about how awesome DMC is go to a thread about it, not here


` dragon dance
Jul 8, 2009
netflix probably
Yeah, it's not, because it's on-topic and everybody quite mutually agrees that September wasn't exactly what we were hoping for when SE mentions "Summer 2010".

Saying that BBS sucks and people should play something else, though, is trolling at its most blatant.

So? September 2010 is still in summer. It's kind of your own fault if you were going to assume it would be earlier when your calendar is right there to see when summer ends.

Er, I never said BbS sucks. I said it was nothing ground-breaking.


Aug 28, 2006
Killing is easy once you forget the taste of sugar
. It's kind of your own fault if you were going to assume it would be earlier when your calendar is right there to see when summer ends.

I didn't assume anything.
September 2010 is still summer, yeah, that doesn't take away from the fact that it's taken Square-Enix 9 loveing months to localize this game when the fans have it half-translated within a week of it being patched, which is the frustration some people might be showing. The game's taken forever to release, and the fact that they picked the latest possible date in Summer to give fans the game shows how they're taking their sweet time with this.

It's as douchey (although legit) as a move as to say "Releasing Winter 2010" and then marking a release day for December 31st.

I said it was nothing ground-breaking.

Taking the focus off BBS and telling people to play something else is still trolling, though :p




New member
Mar 16, 2010
So? September 2010 is still in summer. It's kind of your own fault if you were going to assume it would be earlier when your calendar is right there to see when summer ends.

Er, I never said BbS sucks. I said it was nothing ground-breaking.
See, your doing it right now.

No it isn't. If you bothered to looks at the responses, and not do the typical troll thang, and just post over it all then you'd understand that if we had some many placeholders in between June-July that it would make sense that the latest BBS would come out would be August.

That, and already stated that if it takes an illegal fansub of the game to come out in a matter of weeks that we should get this game at the least of 2 months earlier than september since the voice acting was finished 2 months ago, as with lip syncing, and the obvious finished subtitles point to that BBS could've easily been released earlier than September 7th.


yeah no


and also this thread is about kingdom hearts, if you want to talk about how awesome DMC is go to a thread about it, not here
well he was saying how much better KH is than DMC so thats why I brought it up ok? and I know the rules ok.

Black Rose Witch

Dec 8, 2008
See, your doing it right now.

No it isn't. If you bothered to looks at the responses, and not do the typical troll thang, and just post over it all then you'd understand that if we had some many placeholders in between June-July that it would make sense that the latest BBS would come out would be August.

That, and already stated that if it takes an illegal fansub of the game to come out in a matter of weeks that we should get this game at the least of 2 months earlier than september since the voice acting was finished 2 months ago, as with lip syncing, and the obvious finished subtitles point to that BBS could've easily been released earlier than September 7th.

amen .

also @SoulSIlver, i never said you weren't its okay. im sorry if i sounded mean.


New member
Mar 16, 2010
well he was saying how much better KH is than DMC so thats why I brought it up ok? and I know the rules ok.

Then leave it alone.

You have a DMC sig + Avy set I think we can get the message without reinforcement.

I think plenty of games are better than KH, but I don't say "This game is better than KH, and it's nothing as to dirt"? No.


i suppose, but people have to remember this is the main section about kh, so dont be bashing the sites main attraction XD which is kh :)

Yeah I know I'm a KH fan, I'm just not really into it, like I'll play the game and beati t once but thats it, and KH BBS might the only KH game I'll own forever, just because of the gameplay the graphics, and the fact that we get to play as a girl now! finally.

Black Rose Witch

Dec 8, 2008
Yeah I know I'm a KH fan, I'm just not really into it, like I'll play the game and beati t once but thats it, and KH BBS might the only KH game I'll own forever, just because of the gameplay the graphics, and the fact that we get to play as a girl now! finally.

yeahp, i see, but ive loved these games forever and always will. anyway yes the gameplay of aqua is amazing she is easily my favorite


yeahp, i see, but ive loved these games forever and always will. anyway yes the gameplay of aqua is amazing she is easily my favorite
to bad NOmura told us that we have to play her story last to understand, first is Terra then Ven then Aqua gah!


Bronze Member
Nov 29, 2008
See, your doing it right now.

No it isn't. If you bothered to looks at the responses, and not do the typical troll thang, and just post over it all then you'd understand that if we had some many placeholders in between June-July that it would make sense that the latest BBS would come out would be August.

That, and already stated that if it takes an illegal fansub of the game to come out in a matter of weeks that we should get this game at the least of 2 months earlier than september since the voice acting was finished 2 months ago, as with lip syncing, and the obvious finished subtitles point to that BBS could've easily been released earlier than September 7th.
Do you even know what they were doing to be complaining. They had to localize every part of the game from it's original Japanese version. Concept and design new keyblades, and make them in the game. Make new songs for the mini-game. Add a new boss, which most likely caused more problems(I.E. Glitches). Make that new mode. Probably had to change to lip movement so that it would match the voices better. Negotiations. Playtest the whole game over.Fix the glitches from the previous version . And a whole lotta other stuff.

Plus and most importantly, they have a life. They were probably enjoying breaks cause they are not constantly working stuff. There is a whole plethora of Japanese holidays with that.

Now fit that in the timeframe.

Black Rose Witch

Dec 8, 2008
to bad NOmura told us that we have to play her story last to understand, first is Terra then Ven then Aqua gah!

haha, the really funny thing is, he says to play terra then ven, but actually, each disney world has a starting story point who goes there first, and i believe that its actually better to go, ven, terra, then aqau. And yes she wraps up the stories of each


` dragon dance
Jul 8, 2009
netflix probably
See, your doing it right now.

No, I'm really not.

No it isn't. If you bothered to looks at the responses, and not do the typical troll thang, and just post over it all then you'd understand that if we had some many placeholders in between June-July that it would make sense that the latest BBS would come out would be August.

I'm not going to read over 200 hundred comments before making my own.

And yeah, I know that there were placeholders; I'm kind of on site staff and do all your Kingdom Hearts updates so I'm pretty knowledgeable about that, you know.

Placeholders came from gaming sites who made their own predictions without any visible proof from Square Enix. Therefore it is your own fault for believing them without proof and doesn't cancel the fact that Square Enix has the right to release a game any time in summer, be it at the beginning, middle or end. It is still summer, regardless of what sources you chose to believe.

That, and already stated that if it takes an illegal fansub of the game to come out in a matter of weeks that we should get this game at the least of 2 months earlier than september since the voice acting was finished 2 months ago, as with lip syncing, and the obvious finished subtitles point to that BBS could've easily been released earlier than September 7th.

Kingdom Hearts isn't the only franchise Square Enix has going on. They have a schedule that they run on and have to fit everything in. I don't know if you know this but releasing a game to the world's largest nation isn't an overnight job; it takes a lot of preparation amidst all their other work, such as organising press events, shipping millions of copies, adding the extras into the game, sorting out any glitches, switching regions and having their own personal lives on the top of it. They don't live to cater to your needs, you know.


haha, the really funny thing is, he says to play terra then ven, but actually, each disney world has a starting story point who goes there first, and i believe taht its actually better to go, ven, terra, then aqau. And yes she wraps up the stories of each

well since I can't wait for the USA release I'm getting the japanese version, I talked to my parents about it, and they might get me it.
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