I realize this may have been discussed before but when I saw some of the screen shots for BBS and saw the game board thing I thought WTF. What the &*(# is that about!
Well, i pretty much think its gonna be a fun way to lvl up your abilitys and such. Like, something to pass the time and chill while not PwNOrziNg the unversed i guess =D.
So is it mandatory? I don't know if I'll like a boardgame thing...
It's probably going to be the only way to level up and get new abilities
No, you get new abilities by leveling up, but you can improve those, and when you master one, some others become available, and in the board you can get even more commands wich you can improve and make yourself stronger in battle.
Originally Posted by Sparkz
Well, i pretty much think its gonna be a fun way to lvl up your abilitys and such. Like, something to pass the time and chill while not PwNOrziNg the unversed i guess =D.