Hands down, the best season finale for any TV show ever.
Moriarty may in fact be dead. It's hard to fake a gun shot into the mouth. However, on the case of Sherlock surviving with impossible odds, I mean, John watched him jump and hit the ground, it's pretty hard to explain that. But Sherlock knew Moriarty wanted him dead. Sherlock also picked the place, the rooftop. It's not hard to believe Sherlock was able to piece together that Moriarty wanted him to jump.
So, then Sherlock could have set something up with Molly to explain his suicide. I mean Sherlock did call upon her, yet they showed us nothing of what was going on. They could have made a rubber mold of Sherlock's face or something and obtained a dead body. However, the trick to Sherlock jumping, is a bit harder to explain when we watched him stand on the ledge, talk to John, hold his arms out, and then step off. We all know Sherlock jumped, but how did he fake the next part?
I already have an idea, but I want to see what other people can come up with. I'll just leave one hint. NL58 BWK