...crackpot theories that is!
So, a couple months ago I posted a thread called "The 'Key' to Ven's Identity".
It was a theory made only with images. I posted images that hinted at the theory and then asked everyone to make their guesses for what it meant. In the end, the thread reached an alarming fifty pages before i revealed the correct answer. Well, I never explained in great detail how the theory worked....
I should probably say right off the beginning that I have never taken this theory seriously. It was always more of a joke than anything, but I figured that, since I am bored, I will tell you what it was now. At the very least, it is an original approach to Ven's Identity.
To begin, I will lay out the evidence used:
Alright. This theory plays on the notion that Ventus is a Being with a Heart of Pure Light. I'm sure you know what is meant by that, and if you don't, well, too bad. I'm not explaining it.
We know that there are seven such beings in Birth By Sleep. In Kingdom Hearts 1, seven beings with such hearts are known as the Princesses of Heart. These seven are: Kairi, Alice, Jasmine, Snow White, Aurora, Belle, and Cinderella. In BBS however, the title PoH has not been used to describe the seven people with hearts of pure light - not in trailers, or by Nomura himself. This has led many to believe that there has been a change between BBS and KH1 making it so that the seven in KH1 are not the same seven as seen in BBS.
With them being called "Beings with Hearts of Pure Light" instead of "Princesses" this has led some to speculate that one of the seven is a male. For the purpose of this theory, we will be assuming that Ven is this person. But if Ven is one of the seven, who did he take the place of? I believe it to be Alice, who, if we are to go by her supposed age, would not have been born yet during the time of BBS. I will get back to this later.
So, as MX says to Ven, he is "losing it". What he is losing many of us have wondered, but I am about to blow your mind with the possible answer: he is losing his BWHoPL status. That's right. Somehow, Ven is slowly losing his purity (omg, sexual joke to be inserted in your minds here!). How he is, I don't know. The point is he is.
So, with an unbalanced heart, Ventus is a cause for concern, especially for MX who wants all of the BWHoPL. This is why MX tells him to give up, so he can reobtain his purity. Point is, a lot of crap happens, and Ventus' heart ends up going to Kingdom Hearts. Why? How? Doesn't matter. Fill in the specifics yourself.
Now, his heart doesn't stay in KH. As I am sure we will find out in BBS, the specifics on how people are "born" in the series will be addressed, and with that, we will see how the following bit falls into place.
Alice ends up being born with Ventus' heart. Yes, I went there.
With Ventus' unstable Pure Heart, she takes his place and they officially become known as the PoH.
Fast-forward, and the six hearts of the PoH create the Heart Unlocker Keyblade. The five stable Pure Hearts, and the one unstable Pure Heart create the Keyblade, and manipulate darkness and hearts through their power. How the pure hearts could control Darkness may be beyond some of you. But, in this theory, it is believed that the unstable heart of Ven is what causes this ability.
So, when Sora stabs himself with the Keyblade, the unstable heart of Ventus' causes the birth defects that we now know as Roxas and Nami. Why Nami you ask? Well, it is obvious that Nami has also been affected by Ven. She, like Roxas, has blonde hair and blue eyes. The "Ven Factor" has played its part with her too. This is how we know that Roxas doesn't have Ven's heart and that is why he looks like him. Both Nami and Roxas feel the effects, which show that it is more than that.
The unstable heart cause Roxas and Nami to be born in Ven's likeness. And this is the truth of Ven's Identity. Roxas does not have Ven's heart, or soul or body. He was merely created to look that way through the unstable effect of the Keyblade.
And as Nomura put it "by connecting the story between Sora and Roxas [born by turning the keyblade on himself] you will understand who Ven is," Dadum.
So, a couple months ago I posted a thread called "The 'Key' to Ven's Identity".
It was a theory made only with images. I posted images that hinted at the theory and then asked everyone to make their guesses for what it meant. In the end, the thread reached an alarming fifty pages before i revealed the correct answer. Well, I never explained in great detail how the theory worked....
[size=+3]....until NOW[/size]
I should probably say right off the beginning that I have never taken this theory seriously. It was always more of a joke than anything, but I figured that, since I am bored, I will tell you what it was now. At the very least, it is an original approach to Ven's Identity.
To begin, I will lay out the evidence used:
Maleficent: "Those who do not have any darkness, seven of pure light――"
Xehanort: Seems that you're losing it.
Xehanort: However, you haven't lost it permanently.
Nomura: I will hint though by connecting the story between Roxas and Sora, you will understand who Ven is.
Nomura: The Keyblade constructed from the Seven Princesses’ hearts that Riku obtained in the previous game allowed for the Keyhole in Hollow Bastion to appear. For the plan to cause Darkness to overflow from hearts, the special hearts held by the Princesses were used to artificially make this Keyblade, so it is different from a proper Keyblade.
Alright. This theory plays on the notion that Ventus is a Being with a Heart of Pure Light. I'm sure you know what is meant by that, and if you don't, well, too bad. I'm not explaining it.
We know that there are seven such beings in Birth By Sleep. In Kingdom Hearts 1, seven beings with such hearts are known as the Princesses of Heart. These seven are: Kairi, Alice, Jasmine, Snow White, Aurora, Belle, and Cinderella. In BBS however, the title PoH has not been used to describe the seven people with hearts of pure light - not in trailers, or by Nomura himself. This has led many to believe that there has been a change between BBS and KH1 making it so that the seven in KH1 are not the same seven as seen in BBS.
With them being called "Beings with Hearts of Pure Light" instead of "Princesses" this has led some to speculate that one of the seven is a male. For the purpose of this theory, we will be assuming that Ven is this person. But if Ven is one of the seven, who did he take the place of? I believe it to be Alice, who, if we are to go by her supposed age, would not have been born yet during the time of BBS. I will get back to this later.
So, as MX says to Ven, he is "losing it". What he is losing many of us have wondered, but I am about to blow your mind with the possible answer: he is losing his BWHoPL status. That's right. Somehow, Ven is slowly losing his purity (omg, sexual joke to be inserted in your minds here!). How he is, I don't know. The point is he is.
So, with an unbalanced heart, Ventus is a cause for concern, especially for MX who wants all of the BWHoPL. This is why MX tells him to give up, so he can reobtain his purity. Point is, a lot of crap happens, and Ventus' heart ends up going to Kingdom Hearts. Why? How? Doesn't matter. Fill in the specifics yourself.
Now, his heart doesn't stay in KH. As I am sure we will find out in BBS, the specifics on how people are "born" in the series will be addressed, and with that, we will see how the following bit falls into place.
Alice ends up being born with Ventus' heart. Yes, I went there.
With Ventus' unstable Pure Heart, she takes his place and they officially become known as the PoH.
Fast-forward, and the six hearts of the PoH create the Heart Unlocker Keyblade. The five stable Pure Hearts, and the one unstable Pure Heart create the Keyblade, and manipulate darkness and hearts through their power. How the pure hearts could control Darkness may be beyond some of you. But, in this theory, it is believed that the unstable heart of Ven is what causes this ability.
So, when Sora stabs himself with the Keyblade, the unstable heart of Ventus' causes the birth defects that we now know as Roxas and Nami. Why Nami you ask? Well, it is obvious that Nami has also been affected by Ven. She, like Roxas, has blonde hair and blue eyes. The "Ven Factor" has played its part with her too. This is how we know that Roxas doesn't have Ven's heart and that is why he looks like him. Both Nami and Roxas feel the effects, which show that it is more than that.
The unstable heart cause Roxas and Nami to be born in Ven's likeness. And this is the truth of Ven's Identity. Roxas does not have Ven's heart, or soul or body. He was merely created to look that way through the unstable effect of the Keyblade.
And as Nomura put it "by connecting the story between Sora and Roxas [born by turning the keyblade on himself] you will understand who Ven is," Dadum.
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