Namine is'nt the major part of my theory. Ansem's time in the realm of nothingness is the major part.
And that's why you only have his words in one paragraph as opposed to Namine and CO being in a total of three?
How would Roxas have affected Anti-Form.? He was asleep inside of Sora through out the bigger part of KH2.
1) He was hardly asleep.
2) He was
there. What was dormant was his sense of self, not his composition.
3) yeah, I'll officially go with Masta about this. Until we know for a fact there isn't some Past Nobody counterpart, they seem only related to the Heartless.
I don't understand how you found those flaws because Ansem described nothingness as being void of existence and it seems that anything that remains in that realm will also cease to exist.
You obviously don't, otherwise you wouldn't have made them.
Listen, true Existence was
never referenced in KH. I'm not saying Unbirths might not be just that, but you're basing your theory on things which - as far as we know at this time - don't mean that. The Existence as referenced thus far, the ones Nobodies lack - is, as you said yourself, Identity.
AtW was talking about losing his mind, not about disappearing.
The realm of Nothingness has stuff in there - we saw as much - even if those stuff are only leftovers, the things without substance, with neither light nor dark.
They're empty, and yet - they