Sounds painful.
You don't kill your victims, do you? D:
No. Usually it ends up with me banging my keyboard repetitively saying that you're
And then going off to pout.
Sounds painful.
You don't kill your victims, do you? D:
In Dr. Cox style, I'm supposing? ;D
Let's see...the topic was...ah, yes. Death.
KH and death.
Oddly enough they only mentioned that word in COM. :/
Favorite Scrubs character <3
And then they conveniently find ways to kill off other characters with silly reasons.
Possessed Riku talking about Maleficent all like, "She was a tool engulfed by darkness lawl" when quite clearly Sora handed her ass to her.
Must I quote him? ;D
"I love this moment so much I want to divorce the other moment, marry this one, and have a ton of little baby moments."
They blame everything on the darkness. Taxes, Global Warming, death, etc.
Its your hair, your nose, your chinless face, you always need a hug. Not to mention all the manly appletinis that you chug.
That you think I am your mentor just continues to perplex. And oh my god, stop telling me when you have nerdy sex!
Hell, darkness takes the blame even for that song.
It's Guy love!~ Between two...guuuyysssss!~
This song was written specifically for Sora and Riku. Seriously.
Luckily, the darkness was given more credit in KH2.
I wonder if you going to be able to play as Terra in "Kingdom Hearts 3" if they ever make a KH3. By the way in KH2 (not FM+) is there any extra keyblades that you can get in game other than Fenrir? I already beat the game on normal and i'm trying to beat it on proud and i can't beat Sephie so i can get Fenrir. Does any1 know???