Might be both.which outfit is the real the one on the left or right?
The left one looks like princess clothes and the one on right looks like keyblade clothes : )
Might be both.which outfit is the real the one on the left or right?
Might be both.
The left one looks like princess clothes and the one on right looks like keyblade clothes : )
Hmm.. Was the dancing part a mistranslation?
First it was said that Aqua was dancing and Ven and Terra watches, then its said that she dance with swords and then it was said she was dancing with a keyblade O_____________-o
The first two things were mistranslations.
I don't like your signature.
How she dances with a keyblade? Would it be that she was practising with it?The first two things were mistranslations.
You gonna report it?I don't like your signature.
How she dances with a keyblade? Would it be that she was practising with it?
She's probably pretending it's a handsome prince, like Pooh.
You gonna report it?
Why? Because I don't like it? That's a bit much.
SufferingAngel said:Yannis, Switch Riku with Pooh and he'll approve of the signature.
Stay out of my mind.
I know that many yaoi-fangirls would like to switch Xion with Sora :/ ..or Ansem... okay,now I gotta stopYannis, Switch Riku with Pooh and he'll approve of the signature.
I know that many yaoi-fangirls would like to switch Xion with Sora :/ ..or Ansem... okay,now I gotta stop
I can make you a sig similar to this. Just say who is in it and what are they doing xDWell, I wouldn't be against it either XD;;; the Sora part, not Ansem X_X
Though I wouldn't be against switching Riku with Vennot Roxas though XD;
Well, I wouldn't be against it either XD;;; the Sora part, not Ansem X_X
Though I wouldn't be against switching Riku with Vennot Roxas though XD;
ouch. D:Roxas can never get any.
Roxas can never get any.
Ven can't either 'cause he's dead.
Poor Roxas.
Ven's dead? :O
Someone even said that she sounds manly! :/
I thought of that first when I heard of it. Paine's voice is manly in English(my opinion) and I felt I can't accept it. I didn't know how Paine's voice is in Japanese ver. Hence I tried searching FFX Jap. ver. clips in Youtube and I have to say... her voice in Japanese is not like English! It's PRETTY, so that I could feel relieved Aqua's voice will NOT come out badly XDD Actually I think it suits her! ^__^
I'm now crazy of Aqua so much she's totally kick ass. I gonna be her fangirl!
See what Paine's speaking in this clip. I think it suits for Aqua if she has her voice like Paine.
YouTube - Final Fantasy X-2 Ending (Japanese Version)