To be honest, after seeing the FF XV trailer i completely wasn't expecting nothing related to KH, but when they trailer showed up i knew it was KH3. Using the sony conference to show off KH 1.5 HD Remix didnt seem likely in my opinion. I think KH 2.5 will be announced at TGS.
I just hope we also get Birth By Sleep volume 2 soon, dont get me wrong, i know KH3 has been announced, but the game will take at least another 3 years to be completed, in the meantim just gettting 2.5 HD remix is a big gap. They could make easily BBS volume 2 a "short game" so to say, a PSN downloadable title or something, that just focus on Aqua's adventure on the realm of darkness ( and maybe Mickey) that would always give something while waiting for KH3