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Any theories on KH:BBS Volume 2?

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Bronze Member
Oct 13, 2007
I don't see how Aqua can have a grand adventure saving worlds that have fallen and then not longer after ask Ansem 'Did something happen out there? Are the worlds in danger?'

That'd be a major retcon.

Now, please don't flame me, this is just my opinion. But I honestly don't see how KH:BBSV2 would be possible. As a GAME anyway.

Well, remember, they've already shown Aqua running into the Castle of Dreams in the Realm of Darkness. Doesn't that already throw her inability to figure out what was going on in the Realm of Light into question? One benefit to making BbSv2 a game is the ability to explain why that would be the case. =P

My thoughts on the matter are as such: remember what happened to Ansem the Wise when he was thrown into the Realm of Darkness? He slowly started to forget everything -- "I can tell you this is my second time on these shores. But unfortunately, much like the first, I do not remember who I am or whence I came. Everything was washed away in whatever currents carried me here."

It makes sense, if you think about it. Darkness eats away at one's heart, and one's memories are stored within one's heart, so it wouldn't be all too strange for them to be affected. Ansem remembered his apprentices and their betrayal by obsessing over them, and Aqua remembered her friends due to a similar focus... but if she was to have found herself in the middle of an adventure and didn't have the time to constantly remind herself of what was going on, she might have forgotten the vast majority of what happened to her.

I mean, imagine her going through a whole game worth of what data!Sora faced in Castle Oblivion, revisiting people who she knew but not being able to remember who they were after she left the area. It'd certainly give her "torment" a more interesting meaning, and wouldn't require much in the way of retcon since BbS was probably made with something like that in mind given Castle of Dreams' appearance in the RoD.

Also, there isn't a grand twist to add to this game. It'd be pretty straight forward. KHDDD's RoS plot with YX and Vanitas thrown in, I wasn't expecting at all. KHBBVS2, eh Aqua's gonna be traveling the RoD, Riku and Mickey are off doing stuff which they don't even mention during 358/2 Days or KH2.

That depends on what they do with the RoD, does it not? I could see them doing a lot with memories if they wanted (that's certainly the way I'd go with it) -- they probably couldn't use the Disney characters as they were in the RoD, but it wouldn't be too hard to create a situation where Aqua could access the worlds' memories and visit them that way. And that would allow them to portray the downfall of each of the worlds, in a way that would be hard to do otherwise -- show Apprentice Xehanort's creation of the Heartless, show Maleficent coming in and taking over, show Leon and friends escaping Radiant Garden as the Heartless appear, show Beast desperately trying to save Belle and creating a Corridor of Darkness out of pure force of will as his castle fell around him, etc. They could also let us see the characters stuck behind with their worlds in a state of sleep, frozen in time as Aqua passes through in an attempt to save their worlds. That kind of thing would be a rather shocking twist just because of how dark it would be.

Then, at the end, you could pull Aqua into Mickey's acquisition of the KKD, possibly with some kind of "I'll stay behind to hold them off!" sacrifice as Mickey finds the KKD and Riku and they both get out of there (Mickey's lack of immediate interest in saving Aqua could also be explained by memory shenanigans), and the other scenario(s) could run from there.


New member
Jan 18, 2011

Most importantly, I think we should consider the corrupting nature of darkness. Aqua's been in the ROD longer than any other character in the series, barring Xehanort. Memory loss is certainly a possibility, but more sinister elements are at play as well. Aqua only has a keyblade, she has no armor or cloak to protect herself from the darkness with.

And you know what they say "Stare too long into the abyss, and the abyss stares into you..."

Number Zero

New member
Jul 5, 2009
Not necessarily. She could've just passed the Castle of CoD and assumed the RoD was playing tricks on her and continued on; Making her asking Ansem completely plausible. There doesn't have to be an adventure in which she completely forgets all about.

Also, what's the gameplay dynamic? Each game introduces a new style of gameplay. Aqua will have her flashy Keyblade moves, but then we switch out to Mickey/Riku? Who don't really have that many moves. Besides, who'd be thier final bosses?

Ack! I dunno, maybe Nomura has something planned. Has Nomura even mentioned anything about Volume II, since BBS FM's release?
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New member
Jun 8, 2010
i think some one form behind the currten is pulling all the strings of MX and every thing else and it/he is hidden in the real KH witch i think bbsv2 will show i think garden is the puppetteer and he is evil as hell it might show some back stoy onthat heartless


Bronze Member
Oct 13, 2007
Not necessarily. She could've just passed the Castle of CoD and assumed the RoD was playing tricks on her and continued on; Making her asking Ansem completely plausible. There doesn't have to be an adventure in which she completely forgets all about.

If that's the case, why show her finding it at all? It would be completely irrelevant if Aqua just passed by it, and that's literally the only part of the Secret Episode involving Aqua with any purpose whatsoever. =/

Also, what's the gameplay dynamic? Each game introduces a new style of gameplay. Aqua will have her flashy Keyblade moves, but then we switch out to Mickey/Riku? Who don't really have that many moves. Besides, who'd be thier final bosses?

There'd be no reason Mickey couldn't have flashy Keyblade moves, given that he's a Keyblade Master in his own right. He'd have tons of awesome Holy-powered attacks, and move like Yoda.

Riku might be more difficult if they don't want to pull the Separation of Cutscene and Gameplay trick, but given that Data Sora used the Command Deck, I could imagine them giving Riku a Command Deck too.

For final bosses... Aqua could have the Heartless form of End of the World, and Mickey or Riku could face off against a Darkside invasion of Kingdom Hearts itself (remember how many of them there were behind the Door to Darkness in KH1?).

Ack! I dunno, maybe Nomura has something planned. Has Nomura even mentioned anything about Volume II, since BBS FM's release?

He hasn't, apart from repeatedly mentioning that there's a "mystery game." =/ It's pretty clear that there's at least one reveal that they're holding back on, most likely for another 1st Production Division Premiere event or something.

Number Zero

New member
Jul 5, 2009
If that's the case, why show her finding it at all? It would be completely irrelevant if Aqua just passed by it, and that's literally the only part of the Secret Episode involving Aqua with any purpose whatsoever. =/

It could have just been a foreshadowing of KH1. Nomura said in an interview new players aren't gonna be entirely spoiled of the plot in KHBBS, so showing CoD in the RoD shows Maleficent's started capturing Princesses and if they wanted to find out more they'd have play KH1.

And an army of Darksides as a final boss fight...? No offense, you DO make a good argument, but it all would just seem sloppy for Nomura.

That and it would seem about as useful to the plot as Coded....

He hasn't, apart from repeatedly mentioning that there's a "mystery game." =/ It's pretty clear that there's at least one reveal that they're holding back on, most likely for another 1st Production Division Premiere event or something.

Not to dispute you or anything, but when did Nomura state this exactly? Nomura hasn't said anything about a new game in recent news, which would break the 'release a game once a year' trend, at least until they finally get to the point where they need to develop KHIII.
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ᴋɪɴɢᴘɪɴ &#743
Mar 30, 2010
i have some feeling this game will be connected to the ten-year anniversary thing.

Probably not. This year is the tenth anniversary and KH3D is probably our "present" for this. It's still possible though I guess.


New member
Jan 18, 2011
It could have just been a foreshadowing of KH1. Nomura said in an interview new players aren't gonna be entirely spoiled of the plot in KHBBS, so showing CoD in the RoD shows Maleficent's started capturing Princesses and if they wanted to find out more they'd have play KH1.
The trailer implies far more than that, though. It shows that what happened in the Realm of Light affected the Realm of Darkness and vice versa.

And an army of Darksides as a final boss fight...? No offense, you DO make a good argument, but it all would just seem sloppy for Nomura. That and it would seem about as useful to the plot as Coded....
Come now, don't be so simplistic, there's plenty more options than that. The heartlesses of Organization 13, Ansem SOD, Possessed Riku, a "Ruler of Darkness", the ROD has a ton of potential, both in terms of story and enemies.


Staff member
Sep 23, 2010
It could have just been a foreshadowing of KH1. Nomura said in an interview new players aren't gonna be entirely spoiled of the plot in KHBBS, so showing CoD in the RoD shows Maleficent's started capturing Princesses and if they wanted to find out more they'd have play KH1.
How does that make sense? They showed Aqua seeing CoD in the RoD so new players would automatically know that Maleficent was capturing Princess' Hearts and sending worlds into darkness? The only way to know that's what was happening is if you had played KH1 before BBS:FM.

The whole concept of a "BBSv2" would be to answer the rest of OUR questions and possibly to be a game that would help new players get into KH.

And an army of Darksides as a final boss fight...? No offense, you DO make a good argument, but it all would just seem sloppy for Nomura.

That and it would seem about as useful to the plot as Coded....
An army of Darksides would be incredible but it seems like it's something Nomura wouldn't do. However, that does not make it "sloppy" at all. o_O

What? You're saying that Riku/Mickey/Aqua's journeys through the RoD being showcased would be as useful to KH as Coded was? How do you figure that? There are tons of things Nomura could implement to the story by adding those things. Coded was still useful by revealing Mickey's letter/setting up DDD with the tormented ones and data hidden within Sora. Let alone all of the things they could play with for BBSv2.

Not to dispute you or anything, but when did Nomura state this exactly? Nomura hasn't said anything about a new game in recent news, which would break the 'release a game once a year' trend, at least until they finally get to the point where they need to develop KHIII.
Nomura has mentioned a mystery game on several occasions and clarified that it wasn't BBS:FM. He hasn't said anything since before BBS:FM came out though, in which I believe he said to "pay attention to the secret ending".


Bronze Member
Oct 13, 2007
An army of Darksides would be incredible but it seems like it's something Nomura wouldn't do. However, that does not make it "sloppy" at all. o_O

Yeah, I was really stretching it with suggesting that as a final boss fight, to be honest (if only because Darksides don't talk), but it'd be an awesome fight as part of a final boss rush.

Other options are some form of Xehanort or Kingdom Hearts itself (possibly as a test for Mickey to get the KKD).

Nomura has mentioned a mystery game on several occasions and clarified that it wasn't BBS:FM. He hasn't said anything since before BBS:FM came out though, in which I believe he said to "pay attention to the secret ending".

He also said that it wasn't Re:coded, too:

Re:coded Ultimania: When we were discussing in the Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep Ultimania, you mentioned that there were 2 new Kingdom Hearts titles other than Kingdom Hearts III coming up. One coming out in 2010, and one more being announced in 2011. It seems the title releasing in 2010 was Kingdom Hearts Re:Coded, but what about the other one? Were you referring to Kingdom Hearts 3D or Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep Final Mix?

Nomura: No, at the time of that interview I intended to hint toward a different project. However, focusing my energy on Kingdom Hearts 3D and Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep Final Mix comes first. Since a new Secret Episode is revealed in the Birth By Sleep Final Mix, I definitely want it to be seen. I think when you see it you’ll be excited for future developments.

If Aqua's time in the RoD isn't relevant to future developments, that quote would have been rather odd... especially since nothing much of note happens in the playable part of the Secret Episode apart from Aqua seeing a fountain of darkness gushing out, Aqua fighting a Pureblood Heartless with red eyes, and Aqua finding the Castle of Dreams in the RoD.

It also seems like the mystery game got "first things first"'d like Versus, from the "at the time of the interview I intended..." bit. I hope that doesn't mean we have to wait until after KH3D comes out to find out what he had intended to refer to. =/ On the other hand, it could imply that the mystery game is something big and/or made by Osaka; I can't imagine they'd find a Days/Coded-level effort to be a threat to any of the games they're currently working on, and no one knows what they're planning to do with Osaka once 3D is complete in March anyway.


The prince of Tides
Dec 26, 2009
i have some feeling this game will be connected to the ten-year anniversary thing.

The ten year aniversary is next year. unless it was alredy in secret production


Staff member
Sep 23, 2010
Yeah, I was really stretching it with suggesting that as a final boss fight, to be honest (if only because Darksides don't talk), but it'd be an awesome fight as part of a final boss rush.

Other options are some form of Xehanort or Kingdom Hearts itself (possibly as a test for Mickey to get the KKD).
It would still be incredible, and now I'm vying for that to be at least in the game. xD

Yep, those are pretty good ones. They could do a lot there, like Organization Heartless... or some RoD natives such as the Red Eyes Heartless in FM. There could just be Xemnas in the RoD as well.

He also said that it wasn't Re:coded, too:

Re:coded Ultimania: When we were discussing in the Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep Ultimania, you mentioned that there were 2 new Kingdom Hearts titles other than Kingdom Hearts III coming up. One coming out in 2010, and one more being announced in 2011. It seems the title releasing in 2010 was Kingdom Hearts Re:Coded, but what about the other one? Were you referring to Kingdom Hearts 3D or Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep Final Mix?

Nomura: No, at the time of that interview I intended to hint toward a different project. However, focusing my energy on Kingdom Hearts 3D and Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep Final Mix comes first. Since a new Secret Episode is revealed in the Birth By Sleep Final Mix, I definitely want it to be seen. I think when you see it you’ll be excited for future developments.

Yes, I recall him saying that. It all but confirms a "BBSv2". I don't see why, just because he's refrained from mentioning it, all of the sudden people think it isn't going to be relevant or a game now.

If Aqua's time in the RoD isn't relevant to future developments, that quote would have been rather odd... especially since nothing much of note happens in the playable part of the Secret Episode apart from Aqua seeing a fountain of darkness gushing out, Aqua fighting a Pureblood Heartless with red eyes, and Aqua finding the Castle of Dreams in the RoD.

It also seems like the mystery game got "first things first"'d like Versus, from the "at the time of the interview I intended..." bit. I hope that doesn't mean we have to wait until after KH3D comes out to find out what he had intended to refer to. =/ On the other hand, it could imply that the mystery game is something big and/or made by Osaka; I can't imagine they'd find a Days/Coded-level effort to be a threat to any of the games they're currently working on, and no one knows what they're planning to do with Osaka once 3D is complete in March anyway.
I still look at the FM of BBS as a "test" of sorts, to see how people would receive playing in the RoD. The concept is incredible, though the playable episode was fairly hollow. All of the things Aqua saw in the secret video were hinting at too much to just be "foreshadowing KH1". There's a lot they can work with and a lot of potential.

I'm positive the mystery game was pushed to the back burner so DDD could be focused on entirely. Maybe Nomura found that announcing three games at once wasn't as great of a marketing strategy as he initially thought it was, and decided that it would be best to let the fans focus on DDD until it was closer to completion or even until it has been released.
It would make sense for Osaka to start on a "BBSv2" once they're done with DDD, as it would give Nomura more time to complete Versus and tide us over until KH3. Possibly, during BBSv2's development, Nomura could wrap up Versus and have time to build a framework for KH3.


New member
Jan 18, 2011
Well, DDD comes out in a little more than two months.

....I just hope they give us an awesome trailer for what's up next BEFORE releasing a DDD Final Mix

EDIT: Also Legend of Korra is going to be awesome


New member
Dec 15, 2009
I don't have a lot of expectations for it, seeing as Nomura said we could mostly guess what happened between BBS and KH (yes, I know there will supposedly be more). Hopefully, it will still introduce new elements.


Bronze Member
Oct 13, 2007
I'm positive the mystery game was pushed to the back burner so DDD could be focused on entirely. Maybe Nomura found that announcing three games at once wasn't as great of a marketing strategy as he initially thought it was, and decided that it would be best to let the fans focus on DDD until it was closer to completion or even until it has been released.
It would make sense for Osaka to start on a "BBSv2" once they're done with DDD, as it would give Nomura more time to complete Versus and tide us over until KH3. Possibly, during BBSv2's development, Nomura could wrap up Versus and have time to build a framework for KH3.

Well, if there's one thing Nomura has little to no control over, it's the marketing of the games that he's directing. I don't think his personal thoughts about what's best are the thing that matter here -- how many times has he complained about not being allowed to show anything for Versus? It's more likely that Squenix corporate told him he couldn't announce it just yet. =/

And, yeah, the more I think about it, the more Osaka's involvement makes sense. It won't be long until 3D is out and we know they're still planning to use the Tokyo team for KH3, so it'd make sense as a potential next game for them (considering that the other option would be them making something that isn't a KH game at all). If that's the case, BbSv2 could be much bigger than we've generally thought and on a more capable machine (since it wouldn't be outsourced to a lesser team).

Horizon's Knight

Currently [REDACTED]
Jun 22, 2009
SCP Foundation
They could do a lot there, like Organization Heartless... or some RoD natives such as the Red Eyes Heartless in FM. There could just be Xemnas in the RoD as well.

I'm pointing more towards the RoD natives. Perhaps some of the Heartless in the RoD could even have intellect? After all, if Heartless populate the RoD like whole beings do the RoL, then there must be some beings of sentience in the RoD. Plus, it would be more exciting than just have Aqua fight Purebloods.

On the topic of Organization Heartless, Nomura said that there woudln't be any other Heartless of Ansem SoD's nature, so they'd mostly be composed of your normal run-of-the-mill Heartless; though I wouldn't doubt that people with lots of darkness in their Hearts like Braig and Isa would have boss Heartless running amuck.

Number Zero

New member
Jul 5, 2009
When Nomura said future developments he might mean KH3D...? You'll notice that young Master Xehanort turns around slowly, but they still didn't reveal his face, ergo they were saving it for KH3D.

I always thought the whole 'BBSV2' trailer was to signify that the Xehanort saga has affected many people and that Xehanort will ultimatley have to be stopped.

I'm gonna be frank, I wanna be done with KH. Recently it's all I think about. So much so that I can't put focus on school and up-coming college.

I figured it would be KH3D, then we'd have to wait a bit for KH3. Instead we get a teaser for a story that has absolutely nothing to offer to advance the story. How exactly would Aqua's adventure be relevant at all to the plot, if she forgets everything she does? And another thing, if something bad---REALLY bad happens in KH3D, we'll have to go through a completly irrelevant story and will have to wait until KH3 is released to find out how said event will get resolved. I wouldn't get that.

I'm being honest when I say I'm hoping it's not a game.
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New member
Jan 18, 2011
Well, the series is not going to end at KH3. It's not going to end until it stops being insanely popular and profitable for that matter.
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