KH13, was anyone a part of that forum site as well?
As soon as the KH ultimania forums packed up I made an account on KH13, and damn, was I a part of that forum, I think if you look at the top 5 users post count I have one of the highest there. I miss it a whole lot man :/
We used to rib on KHI a lot there too, for its supposed uppity ness (is that a word?) and I remember the irc chatroom regulars all having the wildest times, and counting down/ taking bets on when the site would crash when there was a big event happening haha. And of course, if KH insider crashed before us that was the
funniest thing. It's too bad, it's really too bad that a lot of the users, mods and staff members just left because of a literal handful of users that made the experience worse for everyone. I really enjoy KHI but if KH13 still had the user base it had in 2016, I'd go back in a heartbeat. All the stupid inside jokes and stuff we had on that forum too was such an unmatched experience for me, and with the way statuses and the chatroom worked, it was the one forum that most greatly resembled a social media site, and had the ecosystem to boot to replace the need for twitter or Facebook for me. Well, that's all in the past anyway, it's sad but I'm really glad that I get to be a part of this place too. I hope KHI doesn't die out though, then where would I go? KH ultimania, KH planet, KH13, I'm glad I got to experience all of them.
EDIT: geez I'm remembering all sorts now, like the pokemon tournaments, the GMV competitions, conquering old statuses and on the flip side, hijacking a certain trump supporting users status comments to 100 so nobody could see more of his bs. We were kinda menaces haha. And learning what apk's were because of KHUX! And making the "official" unofficial European kh13 party for it because the real official party was taken up by boring Americans

. Well, I say this but we allowed some Americans into the party. Also testing out the UX chat censor haha. Ahhh, everything is a good memory really