Xaldin a badass? You've got to be kidding me. :toungesmile:
Is not grabbing six lances, a few of which in slow motion not badass? Is having some of the best/ best-looking attacks of all the Organization members not badass? I mean, the dragonic thing made of the lances is pure ownage, as is most of his attacks. The battle theme music also seems to suit him and Saix a lot better than say.. Xigbar and Demyx.. Also, Xaldin's death was by far, the best one and he was the second hardest fight, for me.
Saix is very good because he's just the kind of the guy that draws hatred to his character, has a pretty cool battle/ attacks, and just looks awesome. Villians that make you hate them (for all the right reasons) own and Saix is probably the best example of the Organization. Xemas isn't as hatable, though Luxord kind of is. Luxord's attacks are fairly cool, but Xaldin's and Saix's are better. Anyways, that's why I likethose two better. I heard Axel's better in CoM/ Re:CoM, so I might bump him up past Xaldin, but until then, Xaldin's my second most favorite.. second only to Saix.. followed by Roxas, Axel, Luxord, Xemnas, and Demyx.. in that order.. The CoM cast won't count until I play Re: CoM. (I just wasn't as much of a KH fan back when CoM came out. Today, I would of bought a GBA and CoM, but back then was before I had beaten KH1 four times and beaten KH2 twice. I just wasn't as hooked.)