that is what makes me think BHK is soras shell.
If the BHK was a shell then how could he wield 2 keyblades? YOU NEED A HEART TO WIELD KEYBLADES. This is the 12th time I told u this and u still don't listen.
Is there any possible way that BHK and Sora could have met in CoM or just anywhere? (I haven't played CoM yet since my brother won't let me play his BGA..damn..) It can be possible that BHK could have gotten the keyblades from Sora and Mickey, but he'd have to be a keyblade wielder to even hold two. In KH we only hear of two keyblades that Sora and Riku had, but King Mickey had one too. Three Keyblades that everyone's aware of then.
If the thing about Sora losing his heart is true, then BHK being his shell would be very possible right?
They don't meet and my response above kills the "BHK is a shell" theory. And Sora never lost his heart....he just became a Heartless.
Originally Posted by Ultima Monkey:
What about Namine's charm that everybody keeps bringing up? Does that have anything to do with it?
No it doesnt.
Yes it does. I swear you are one of the biggest, dumbest, and one of the most lyingest n00bs on this forum.
ASAS is another side, so there for another story. Remember when tetsuya nomura said one of the charecters in it was Riku? well i believe it is the BFU, but tetsuya didn't clairify "Riku". i belive it is, "another side" of riku. The other side of his heart. How is that possible u ask? well, take in case when sora fought Vexen in CoM. sora did not recognize twilight town, but Vexen told him that it was the "other side" of soras heart that knew it. And remember that axel said "If you awaken your true memories, you may no longer be you." Thus saying why BFU is "another side" of riku, which would mean "another story" to a different part.
thats all i have for riku, every one else is a huge "?" .
Too bad I proved it wrong in the topic u made.
Maybe a Keyblade doesn't have to have a "certain" keychain to take a different form. Maybe it's the symbol of what the keychain meant. Remember, Sora made a promise to Kairi when she gave him her lucky charm. Thus he made an "Oath" to her. Sora, who is a boy/man of his word intends to "Keep" this "Oath" to Kairi, thus transorming his Keyblade into the Oathkeeper. So, BHK could have made a promise to someone, possibly Namine'. How the others have a symbol I'm not sure. The only one I can think up would be the Jungle King, which was a symbol of Sora and Tarzan's friendship. Another thought is that BHK has a VERY strong heart, like Sora's, and everyone knows that only a person with a strong heart can weild a Kayblade. But, maybe BHK has an exceptionaly strong heart, and can mold his Keyblades into the forms he wants. I remember reading somewhere that Keyblades are also made of hearts, similar to Riku's, who's was made by the first six Princess' of Heart. But that's just me!
That's totally possible. Wow, there is actually 1 correct and possible theory in this topic. FINALLY!!!
this tpic has been posted soo many itmes before... so boring........ ugh.... dont have enought energy to explain and/yell at you so..ughhh...
Since you won't I guess I will...even though I was going to do this anyway.
What do you think about this?
Riku is wearing the same outfit that the unkowns, and the BHK and King Mickey too
Riku have his own Key blade (or that´s what we are thinking), and BHK (who has two)and King Mickey as well.
Riku and King Mickey were at the same place at the end of Kingdom Hearts...
So, does this mean that BHK was on a place that gave to him this keyblades and this outfit??? And Im not thinking this because of the outfits, that´s from the organization, but the Keyblades...
And there´s another question:
That frase "He looks just like you" that one unknown tells to another. I think one of them is the BHK who looks just like Sora... Well, I´m not sure, anyway.
1. That's not really the BHK...only an earlier version with no name except the DWU. So he is the DWU. ASAS/DD = DWU, BHK = KH2
2. Riku does not have his own keyblade.
3. You don't even make sense.
4. The GEU is not the BHK or DWU. When has the eye of the BHK glown in screenshots, magazine scans, trailers or DWU ever glown in ASAS/DD? Never. They are 2 different Unknowns.
5. The BHK looks nothing like Sora.
*you have been added to my n00b list for starting a pointless topic that has only got stupider and brought even more n00bs with stupider info and you didn't even put thought into what you wrote*