Yeah, I'm trying to remember how I told... the dude... That I liked him. (Very complicated story) It was kind of a mix of... waiting for him to talk to ME about it, and I guess I was sending some signal subconciously or something.
Well, initially, one of my friends told him that I liked him... And I knew she told him, but I didn't act different around him, because we were still friends and all, and he didn't bring it up, and I didn't bring it up (except for sending him a Christmas-Gram at school that was, like... kind of hinting, I suppose), and we just stayed friends and everything, and a couple months later, a little after Christmas, I think, he told me (over MSN) that he had a crush on me.
I totally didn't believe him, actually. I was way pissed, and I was like, "WHY would you say that? Who put you up to this?" I was fine with the idea of liking him, but him liking me back was far too much to ask for, y'know?
Anyway, in that same conversation, he asked me who I liked, and I was still mad, and I said, "You," and then I signed off. Lawl. And then the next day I kind of realized he wasn't kidding...
ANYWAY, I sort of took the first step with the christmas gram, and my friend told him, just really fast, like, "Pickle likes you," and then she took off, so I don't really know how that went, as she only told me about it after... So yeah, it was kind of a mix of telling him and yet waiting for him to speak up. I kind of took the first step, but then I backed off and just let him think it over, I suppose. I think it's a good way to go.
Face-to-face could be hard. If it were me, I guess I would wait until the end of a really good hang-out session, y'know? Like, you've been having a good time, you get a minute alone (if you're not already), and you tell her... It's possible that that could work out. I mean, it gives her time to think about it and all, if it's toward the end of the hang-out.
One of my friends wrote her beau a letter. o.o Just a nice letter that was to the point, but not a big deal, really. Letters are good, because you can say whatever you want to, and you don't have to worry. You can let it all out, and you can reread it and make sure you said everything correctly, how you wanted to, and then give her the letter. That'll also give her a lot of time to react.
Not wanting to lose the boy as your friend doesn't surprise me. If you two are good friends, it's going to be hard. But, if you decide to tell her, then she may talk to him about it, and you can try to get a chance to explain that you care about both of them, and you don't want to lose friendship over either.
It's a really tough choice, deciding to tell someone how you feel about them, but I'm confident that you can come out stronger in the end, whatever you choose. You seem to care about the two of them a lot. They're lucky to have a friend like you!