Okay people, seriously, STOP calling it an 'Alternative ending' and STOP calling it a 'secret ending'
It is NOT an 'ending', it is a secret VIDEO
By calling it an 'alternative' or 'secret' ending, you are confusing people into thinking that there is a different ending to the game other than what happens
The video of the 3 Knights should be referred to as a 'Secret Video' not an 'Alternative ending', because calling it so will just lead to mass confusion
An 'aternative ending' is where by doing certain things, or making certain choices in the game, you are lead to a different ending then what you would normally get by jsut playing through it normally
Kingdom Hearts 2 does not have one of these. Kingdom hearts 2 has a Secret Video after the ending Credit's that you can earn through certain tasks being done in Standard Mode, or by simply completing the game on Proud Mode
There is no 'Alternative Ending' or 'Secret Ending', there is merely a 'Secret Video' that could hint to a possible sequel