This is my first time discussing my impressions on Birth By Sleep, and I have to say...
In my opinion the fighting "style" was superb over the other Kingdom Hearts games, and the plot was just as good (if not better) than previous games also. I give it a DEFINITE "thumbs up"!!! and WAY UP!
Further opinions:
Gameplay- almost completely flawless. the only thing that annoyed me was, for some reason, for loading d-links and special combo stuff, it took FOREVER to load up, but other then that, PERFECT>>> nice variety of attacks, the camera angles weren't too bad, and the game wasn't too hard, yet not too easy. i like that =D
Story- true, there are a lot of repeat scenes, but WHO CARES?! i like that they did that because it shows you the plot from each character's different viewpoint. VERY NICE. plus, there were many times when i "OMG, hkjagbiaalfwo!!?!? -jaw dropped-" just because of the epicness. voice acting was SUPERB! i don't care what anyone says i liked ALL the voices. the ones who stuck out to me, though (best performances) were VEN, MASTER XEHANORT, (blah blah- insert spoiler here-) as VANITAS and MASTER ERAQUS, their voice actors were TOP NOTCH amazing
i haven't been able to see all the extras and such yet, but from what i've heard of "special" fights you can receive/battle/whatever, i'm stoked. mini games are awesome! the menu is very well set up with easy-to-use selections of attacks, items, etc. plus viewing prizes/items you've earned.
Characters- WOW. such great thought into these. being spoiler free here, all i have to say is they linked the characters in this KH game with other characters and what happens in other KH games VERY WELL -applause to square!-
oh, and VENTUS ftw! i loved his story/gameplay the most! (actually...i kind of figured i would lol)
and i'm also playing the game in "not recommended" order: VEN, then AQUA, then TERRA (and OMG Aqua's story is actually REALLY easy

i don't know why so many said it would be the hardest)