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All About KH2 FM+

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New member
May 5, 2007
On the edge of sanity and insanity
Ok, so I just got the game, and because most people don't have it, I'm going to do my best to create a step by step of the game so you can see what is on it.

So here are the big things:
1) You [B]need[/B] a [COLOR="Navy"]Japanese PS2 [/COLOR]or[COLOR="SeaGreen"] swap magic [/COLOR]and[COLOR="seagreen"] slide card [/COLOR]for your American PS2 to actually play the game. The new PS3's will not play it unless the PS3 is Japanese. You can find swap magic packs on Amazon or other websites. Beware that using the slide card can ruin your PS2 because you might take off something that you need and not be able to fix it, so make sure you read and re-read the tutorials on the Swap Magic sites before you try and play the game.
2) Swap magic packs range from 30-45 dollars, and the Japanese PS2's range from 150-230 dollars depending on where you go, same with American ones in case you don't want to risk breaking your own system, you can buy used.
3) FM+ can be found on EBay, Play Asia, Yes Asia, but I didn't see it on Amazon. It was cheapest on EBay. It's price is about 60+ the shipping.

There are two games that come with FM+, those are Re:CoM and KH2 FM.


I have to say that I'm really impressed with this game. It has been completely redone in 3D with voice acting, the only thing is that all of the worlds have no voices except for the battle system where you obviously have the sound bites of the characters.

You start out where KH1 left off, where Pluto is shown with the letter and Donald and Goofy and Sora chase him. It pans to night, and Sora wakes up and sees an Organization member who talks to him briefly, if I remember from CoM the man said "Ahead lies something you need, but to get it, you'll have to loose something dear." (I'm not exactly sure what all is being said because it's Japanese, but I'm working on getting translations for it.)
You head into Castle Oblivion and you are given a card, you progress into Traverse Town of Sora's memories and you pretty much follow the same guide as the original.

Differences and Adds not stated above:
-Goofy's voice is very funny to listen to because he sounds like a drunk. The cool part about him is that when you summon him from your card, he does Goofy Tornado right off the bat instead of having to stock him three times to get it. Also, if you stock him and an attack card, he charges an enemy and you can use a reaction command to hit that enemy two times more.
-Stock Goofy, Donald, and an Attack in that order, and you do a trinity type thing where you and Donald hold Goofy and run around the battle field using him as a battering ram.
-There seems to be a Pluto card, but I haven't gotten it yet, it is on the ability's list, but I don't have him yet.
-Moogle Points are red balls that resemble the HP balls.
-In Wonderland, the Queen's cards were harder to beat than the Trickmaster.
-Wonderland, there are these funky plants in the rooms that you have to destroy before you can open any of the doors.
-The Creeper Plants will suck away your Moogle Points if you get close to them and don't move
-In Agrabah, Aladdin takes on his KH2 abilities, and when you use his card, he attacks the enemies and makes them drop Moogle Points and Health.
-In Olympus, you can hit pillars and they fall over on top of each other.
-There is a brand new room card that creates the Black Room. Pretty much, it's a pure black room and you can't see anything but the doors on the sides of the walls.
-Nothing special about Halloween Town except that the enemies are really easy if you use Jack in most of your sleights, and if you have pleanty of Blizzard cards eqipped.

I'm working on Monstro now, so I'll have more soon.

[U]KH2 FM[/U]
I haven't gotton very far because I'm alternating between Critical Mode and Proud Mode.

So far it's all the same, that is up to Olympus. After you see Demyx and he runs away yelling "Run, run away!" there is a short scene where a purple portal shows up near the entrance to the cave of the dead, and it looks like there's a book on it. I can't enter it yet, and I have no clue what Sora says when he examines it. So when I have more, I'll put it up.

Notable differences:
-Critical mode should be called Clinical, because you have to be clinically insane to try it with Exp Zero. So, don't equip it. On day three, you get 50 AP on this mode, and you get six starter abilities.
-Some of the weaker Heartless are much more difficult.
-Fat bandit is the most annoying in Beast"s Castle because he defeated me with one hit, and I was level 14 this was on Proud Mode btw
-A lot of the Heartless have gotton color changes:
-The Samurai Heartless on horseback in Land of Dragons is now a violet and gold-ish color
-Fat bandit is more orange-y and lighter colored
-The annoying door heartless in Beast's Castle is more blue and has maybe one or two colors on it that is not blue
-The dogs in Olympus are different colored too


Just finished Monstro and defeated Larxene. Man! She was difficult. Ok, so Larxene fights with her magic, but it's crazy powerful. She starts with three bars of health, and she does a crazy amount of sleights, but they are cool.
Notable differences from the first CoM.
-She doesn't do that psycho bolt thing where she holds you in place.
-Replaced with an awsome attack where she fills the battle field with lightning.
-Parasite Cage was pretty easy, but the acid is way more corrosive
-There are annoying growths along the rooms that make you dizzy and suck away your MP
-After you talk to Gepetto, you get High Jump, which is pretty cool considering that we never saw in the original CoM
In the middle of 100 Acre Woods, but here's what's in it:
-Pooh's house is explorable and you can get a lot of HP and MP (Moogle Points) in there
-All of the pots outside are destructable
-Unlike in CoM, Re:Com 100 Acre Woods doesn't place Pooh with a Honey bar, so wandering is a lot more fun
-Rabbit's mini-game is fun, you press square and circle to hit the cabbages and pumpkins, as well as carrots and giant pumpkins

[U]KH2 FM[/U]

After I posted, I realized one HUGE new aspect of the game, there is a Crown Quest now:
CQ's are a similar add-in of the Trinity Quests from the first game. There are several crowns littered around each world, some are very easy to obtain, and others require high jump and glide. The way that the crowns work is that once you collect them, they act as square puzzle pieces that you can access from Jimminy's Memos. Once all of the pieces are in place, it gives you a synthesis item.
I am working on Critical Mode and just got to Land of Dragons, I stopped with Proud Mode because Critical is way easier to fight once you get to the high levels, so no major updates with this yet.

Update v.02

Hey everyone, I've been playing like a crazy person to get this to ya. :D


100 Acre Wood:
Some very fun mini-games here:
-Tree float. This game takes you and Pooh as you float to the top of the Honey tree collecting honey balls. You only get three balloons to float, and if you hit a tree branch or get hit by bees, you loose a balloon.
-A memory game with Tigger where you bounce from tree stumps and follow where he jumps. It gets pretty difficult after about 50 jumps.
-A freefall game where you're blasted into the sky and you fall to the ground collecting honey balls along the way.
You get the Bambi card from Pooh at the end. Bambi is pretty good, and he can attack as well as drop HP balls.

First Riku fight:
This fight was pretty hard, as he can stun you with certain attacks. You get the Areo card when you beat him.

-Long Heartless battles, but really good rewards by beating them.
-Ariel card is very good. She gets a reaction command after every attack from her.
Ursula Battle:
-Her attacks are annoying, but they can be easily broken
-She has a very funny man voice when she attacks.
-The green zero card is really funny because it makes her choke.

Second Riku Fight
This fight was very hard, even at level 31. I had to use all magic cards, they were my friends in this battle. I didn't use a single attack card. Only magic cards were able to hurt him.

-You get the Glide ability. Glide is used by pressing X twice and holding it.
-It was not as annoying as the original CoM version
-New colorful rooms like Bedroom cabins.

[U]KH2 FM[/U]

Pretty much the same all throughout. I got to Halloween Town.
-The pirates in Port Royal can catch fire if you use that magic. They run around screaming.
-Will pointed the gun to his head when he threatened to kill himself.
-There is a portal on Isla De Muerta that leads to an absent sillohoutte battle with Larxene. The battle is very difficult and I died right away. She has five HP bars not counting her starting HP.
-During the battle with Barbossa and Jack, the sword is sticking out of his rib cage.

Ok, I'm working on Halloween Town now. So I'll update soon.
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New member
Oct 2, 2007
in a microwave
nice. yea, i heard about all that stuff, and i wanted to get it, but i don't have the required money and if i get a psp for BBS like i think i will, i'll need to start saving up now.

good luck on the game! i can't wait to see the rest.

Danica Syer

Trivia: Love ღ
Apr 7, 2005
Sounds great but I wish it would just come out to America...but I'll read the Swap Magic tutorial, guide, or whatever it's called!


New member
Sep 16, 2007
Fukuoka Fukuoka
Seems like the game is challenge I would love to know more about the Cavern of Remambrence..
Is it possible to play the game with an AR Max? Cause I cant get all this stuff now I have to buy a PSP too


Prepared To Die
Sep 17, 2007
Would swap magic and all those other accessories you need to play KH2 fm+ not on a japanese Ps2 work on Ps2's in Australia, if not are there swap magic etc's that are for aus ps2's


New member
May 5, 2007
On the edge of sanity and insanity
Hey everyone, I just updated a very little bit. As for Kurix, very cool name btw, but yes, the swap magic should work on any system.
Oblioath: Sorry, it's pretty much been confirmed that it won't ever be here. Sadly. Square has dodged the subject each time it's been brought up, they would loose money over here according to them if they released it here, and the first FM never came here, so it's a sad for sure bet that FM+ isn't getting to us. A lot of my friends are bummed about it, but the most we can do is keep hoping that Square will get their heads out of their butts and give us the game in English. :)


New member
Apr 13, 2007
i have a slim ps2 so i need swap magic and magic keys rite? where do i get magic keys??

Sexy Angel
Apr 17, 2007
>_> There should already be a sticky about this. You dont need to create threads like this. They are helpful, and nice, but its similar to a sticky thread.


New member
Oct 2, 2007
in a microwave
Namine, that's about as good as asking santa to bring u an american version of both the Final Mixes, and all the 3 new games that aren't supposed to come out for quite a while now.

Unless u tell ur parents, and give them long enough to ship it.

but i agree with the praying to God part, but it's still unlikely it'll come to the states. Sad...


New member
Jul 18, 2007
There's a import thread already. As for KH2:FM+, would someone please tell me when was the last time a J-RPG AND its remake made it over here to North America!? :huh: That's about as much chances as you have for those who are still waiting. You're better off importing it if you must play it. :closedeyes:

keyblade39 said:
i have a slim ps2 so i need swap magic and magic keys rite? where do i get magic keys??

Magic keys for slim PS2s, and slide card for fat PS2s. And there's always an alternative keyblade39. Could always try a tape and tissue/straw mod but it involves opening your slim PS2. Google for more information if you're interested..


New member
May 17, 2007
By the way Carsonj, I think the pluto card appears for Sora in dangerous situations or late in a battle, I'm not sure, I had a bad run on Hades and the pluto card appeared when I had an almost empty deck [damn sleights], meaning barely any cures and low HP, and after quite a while into the battle, so I'm not sure, as for what it does, Pluto goes forward and digs up HP prizes for you, as you can probably guess, 3 pluto card = more HP.


cameo lover
May 17, 2007
Oblioath: Sorry, it's pretty much been confirmed that it won't ever be here. Sadly. Square has dodged the subject each time it's been brought up,


they would loose money over here according to them if they released it here,

What? When did they say that? I've been away for a while, so I might have missed it, but I doubt they'd just let that slip, although you can assume they consider it a bad business move because they're not localizing it.

And anyway, SE is right. They WOULD most likely lose money, they're not stupid. They've been in business a long time, and they know their customers reasonably well, I'm wagering.

A lot of my friends are bummed about it, but the most we can do is keep hoping that Square will get their heads out of their butts and give us the game in English. :)

How is not wanting to lose money having your head in your butt? SE is not a risky company, they know it wouldn't be worth risking localizing KH2FM, that's why they didn't do it.

But anyways...

i hered the game is coming out 1/1 2008 from 1up

Untrue. A member, Grace Assassin, e-mailed them a while ago, and they admitted it was just a placeholder, that SE did not announce plans to release it yet, that they're just guessing.

1UP fails, really. KH2FM will not be released anywhere outside of Japan, and I composed a huge list of reasons why such is so (and have added to it since it was posted here).

I'm sorry, but anyone who says it still has a chance of being released here is either being overly optimistic and/or very misinformed.

By the way Carsonj, I think the pluto card appears for Sora in dangerous situations or late in a battle, I'm not sure, I had a bad run on Hades and the pluto card appeared when I had an almost empty deck [damn sleights], meaning barely any cures and low HP, and after quite a while into the battle, so I'm not sure, as for what it does, Pluto goes forward and digs up HP prizes for you, as you can probably guess, 3 pluto card = more HP.

Yes, this is correct. I haven't gotten him myself yet, but the Pluto card appears when you're in dangerous situations (low health, few cards, etc).
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