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Spoilers ► Actions of Lauriam & Elrena in future games

May 3, 2021
This couple that once disappeared as rebels of Organization13 but will return as good ancient keybladers in future games.
What do you think they will do in future games?

Ventus and Skuld (probably Subject X) are also characters that have been time-traveled from the past to present.
Ventus has brother-like friends Terra and Aqua. On the other hand, Skuld who believed to be Subject X is the girl Isa and Lea are looking for.

In this way, they all have common friends and interests with each other.
If this couple causes any interaction with TVA & RXA, what would it be?



Dec 26, 2021
I bought the KH Character Files book, which, by the way, I would definitely recommend. Anyway, under all the characters, they have a story from that character's perspective. Larxine's and Marluxia's stories, "Wise Up Girl," and "Ephemeral Flower" take place after they've been recompleted. Of course, all we get from these are what they think about having been recompleted. Marluxia seems like he's also wondering what he'll do now, and Larxine hates that she has a heart now. Marluxia, or Lauriam, definitely seems kinder, but Larxine's/Elrena's personality doesn't seem to change.

Face My Fears

She's not an "it"!
Apr 9, 2007
I'm hoping that they are used sparingly - in the sense that, they get their one storyline then get written out.

That one storyline being... Lauriam wants revenge against Ven for killing his sister. Elrena is there to back him up (and love interest). This could also be an "unconscious reason" why Marluxia wanted to betray and take over the Organization. Lauriam probably wanted to kill Roxas (thinking he was Ven), but the Organization wouldn't allow it.

Honestly, I do want Elrena to do something on her own separate from Lauriam, but I can't really see them getting folded into the mix without them basically doing exactly what happened with Axel... which I found kind of lame. I don't want Marluxia and Larxene to lose their personalities just because they're keyblade wielders and "good" now. I haven't seen them much in KHUX, but I'm thinking about them in the future games and I don't feel confident that we will get more than a switch to good a la Axel and probably less screen time than him.


Active member
Jan 10, 2020
Lauriam wants revenge against Ven for killing his sister.
I'd like to ReMind you that this already got fully resolved in the UX finale. Lauriam has absolutely no reason to hate Ven. Quite contrary, I expect them to go looking for Strelitzia and the other union leaders together, perhaps even as playable characters.


Dec 26, 2021
Man, I'm just excited all the UX characters are making their way into the main story. Before, I just thought it was filler or something- I guess kind of not to have it interfere with the story of present times, but now they're all coming back. Really excited to see the new designs for these characters in future games.
Anyway, I think even though Ven himself didn't kill Strelitzia, Lauriam might have some bad feelings toward him.

Face My Fears

She's not an "it"!
Apr 9, 2007
I'd like to ReMind you that this already got fully resolved in the UX finale. Lauriam has absolutely no reason to hate Ven. Quite contrary, I expect them to go looking for Strelitzia and the other union leaders together, perhaps even as playable characters.
I watched the KHUX finale, but I don't remember that. Didn't Lauriam figure that it was True Darkness in Ven that killed his sister?

Well, anyway if you say that it's resolved, then I assume Lauriam and Elrena will just never return then. If they did nothing with their keyblades pre-CoM and post-KH2, then I doubt they will do anything else. They wanted something in the Organization and/or from Master Xehanort, but that's been destroyed, so now what? They'd just be additional keyblade wielders that we really don't need. And if they end up replacing Roxas and Xion... ugh.


Jan 2, 2013
Considering Scala ad Caelum used to be Daybreak Town maybe they'll both return there somehow. They could help out Mickey in his goal of reaching Sora


Silver Member
Nov 28, 2005
Opening their own pet shop just so they can torture puppies all day & then selling the bodies to some woman with black & white hair.

No I don't have a particularly high opinion of them getting an unearned redemption arc, how could you tell?


Active member
Jan 10, 2020
I watched the KHUX finale, but I don't remember that. Didn't Lauriam figure that it was True Darkness in Ven that killed his sister?
They made Lauriam carry unconscious Ven into the machine. Isn't that to show there is no hostility between them?
Lauriam did have some trouble understanding that the Darkness is not Ven at first, but he got it at the end.
And if they end up replacing Roxas and Xion... ugh.
Unfortunately this appears to be the best guess for what is going to happen with them. Twilight Town Gang has very little connection to where the story seems to be going (there is Isa's crush on subject X, but I can't see that leading to anything), and the series is suffering from having too big cast of characters, so benching them looks like a natural thing to do.


Bronze Member
Jan 4, 2010
There's no way Laurium wants revenge against Ven. He's fully aware it's not Ven's fault.
Who can say what their future holds, I imagine they're going to continue being Team Rocket-esque except not an antagonist. They might show up to be helpful now and again, kinda like the FF characters used to be, but even less so in this case.

Marluxia's probably only desire moving forward is to find/save his sister which might be an impossible task to be honest. But he does still need some closure after everything that's happened. Larxene will likely continue just trying to help him, being asked for help and helping find his sister probably gives her purpose. It's too bad the writers made the odd decision to have Elrena and Strelitzia as acquaintances at most. If he'd allowed them to be friends, Larxene would have more purpose than just following Marluxia's heels because he asked.


Well-known member
Jun 5, 2016
I think there's a difference between "Lauriam wants revenge against Ven" and "Lauriam wants revenge against the Darkness inside of Ven and destroying the vessel is the only way to kill it."

In KHUX, Lauriam wonders about the Darkness, has a vision of Strelitzia asking him what happened to her kind brother, gets distracted by her, and Ephemer immediately walks in to tell him Elrena wants to see him.

I don't think Lauriam wants to do it, but he definitely considered it at that moment. It was only stopped later because Elrena gave him hope that he might see his sister again. A hopeless Lauriam could fall back into it, if the whole data thing doesn't work.

Face My Fears

She's not an "it"!
Apr 9, 2007
They made Lauriam carry unconscious Ven into the machine. Isn't that to show there is no hostility between them?
Lauriam did have some trouble understanding that the Darkness is not Ven at first, but he got it at the end.

Unfortunately this appears to be the best guess for what is going to happen with them. Twilight Town Gang has very little connection to where the story seems to be going (there is Isa's crush on subject X, but I can't see that leading to anything), and the series is suffering from having too big cast of characters, so benching them looks like a natural thing to do.
Yeah, but why bench Roxas and Xion when they are way more useful and popular than Lauriam and Elrena? The two of them didn't even do much in KH3 besides fill slots in the Organization. Sure, there was a brief moment of connection to KHUX... but that's it. It would be way easier to write off and never see Lauriam/Elrena again versus writing off Roxas (Xion I can see being written off easily unfortunately).

I'm sure there would be a bigger outcry if Roxas was never seen again compared to Marluxia/Lauriam and Larxene/Elrena.


i'm nobody
Staff member
Mar 22, 2005
I think it is possible to have Elrena get something of a redemption arc while still being for all intents and purposes an asshole. Honestly, Sora needs someone to read him down from time to time.

Vulpes XIII

Well-known member
Nov 28, 2020
Castle Oblivion
I think that when it comes to an interaction between TVA and Lauriam and Elrena, I think it’s going to be dependant on just how much Lauriam actually remembers as the impression I was getting from Lauriam story in the character files was that he is gradually remembering things and is still trying to make sense of everything as he says
Just as always, I barely know a thing. There is, however, one thing I am sure of: the name of that little flower. Perhaps I had a weak heart that turned its back on the truth—perhaps I shackled my heart with chains of memories and threw away its freedom. I lost as I gained, gained as I lost. But what did I lose? Memories? Or something else? I don't even know that. But, that's fine. I did gain memories. And, I regained these dark feelings.
So I think that when they do meet again that it‘s going to go one of two ways. Best case scenario is that while there searching for clues about Strelitzia they come across Ventus who is with Terra and Aqua which will somehow lead to a conversation of how do they know Ventus and they end up explaining everything they know and what their goal is. ( Since Ventus never fought them at the Keyblade Graveyard and even when the Guardians of Light did meet the Seekers of Darkness all of the members had their hoods up at the time so there no way Ventus could recognise them since I imagine Ventus probably would have little memory of what happened in the past at this point of the game)

Worst case scenario, Lauriam remembers about Ventus killing Strelitzia but doesn’t remember that Darkness was controlling him at this point which will result In a boss battle against Lauriam and Elrena and Terra and Aqua will be Ven’s party members for the fight.

As for their meeting with Roxas, Axel, Xion and possibly Isa too. It may not lead to a fight but there is definitely going to be a hostile interaction between the two groups as the Sea Salt trio and Isa are probably going to think Lauriam and Elrena are up to something which will probably lead to Elrena insulting/ arguing with them and making the situation worse ( plus even though the stuff at Castle Oblivion is all in the past, I think Elrena is probably still going to be a bit annoyed about being betrayed as she seems like the type to hold a grudge)
May 3, 2021
They wanted something in the Organization and/or from Master Xehanort, but that's been destroyed, so now what? They'd just be additional keyblade wielders that we really don't need. And if they end up replacing Roxas and Xion... ugh.
There's no way Laurium wants revenge against Ven. He's fully aware it's not Ven's fault.
Who can say what their future holds, I imagine they're going to continue being Team Rocket-esque except not an antagonist. They might show up to be helpful now and again, kinda like the FF characters used to be, but even less so in this case.
Do you remember KH3 epilogue ? 
A cutscene that young Eraqus and young xehanort were playing chess.
Eraqus said ”I heard about this new game." and seven black pieces appear there.
As most people think, these suggest the Foretellers or Seven Primitive Darkness that will be the main adversaries of the next saga.
And finally, Eraqus said ”Just watch…”, the cutscene faded to black and ended.
Inferring from this series of events, it suggests becoming The New Guardians of 13 Lights.
I predict that the conventional number of people on the light side and the dark side will be reversed.
If that's so, I'm sure Lauriam and Elrena will join the GoL. (SRK, RXA, TAV, Mickey, and this duo. I don't know who the last member will be, but I think it's Skuld, Strelitzia, or someone else.. )

Even if not, Given the history of the Ux Finale and their importance, it's unlikely they'll end up with a low turn like what you say a " Team Rocket-esque".
And if anything, the position of ”Team Rocket” is equivalent to Team Maleficent & Pete, right?
May 3, 2021
Worst case scenario, Lauriam remembers about Ventus killing Strelitzia but doesn’t remember that Darkness was controlling him at this point which will result In a boss battle against Lauriam and Elrena and Terra and Aqua will be Ven’s party members for the fight.
As for their meeting with Roxas, Axel, Xion and possibly Isa too. It may not lead to a fight but there is definitely going to be a hostile interaction between the two groups as the Sea Salt trio and Isa are probably going to think Lauriam and Elrena are up to something which will probably lead to Elrena insulting/ arguing with them and making the situation worse ( plus even though the stuff at Castle Oblivion is all in the past, I think Elrena is probably still going to be a bit annoyed about being betrayed as she seems like the type to hold a grudge)
Good prediction.
I also hope that one of these two events will happen.
Last edited:


Active member
Sep 15, 2017
Yeah, but why bench Roxas and Xion when they are way more useful and popular than Lauriam and Elrena?

This is like asking why Sailor Moon or Demon Slayer ends up in a way that closes up possible sequels. So that devs doesn't ask the author to milk the work to hell and back, even way past their burnout line. Sure, I was giving entire work as example here, instead of characters , but same principle. The fandom's favorite character , that will surely bring money is not the same as the characters the authors want to explore. I don't deny how popular Xion and Roxas are, I just as have Nomura reach legit burnout with them to continue with the,.


Bronze Member
Jan 4, 2010
I think beloved characters, such as Roxas and Xion, can have a role. But if you force them into the story just because they're popular, it starts getting... mediocre. Sorry if Axel is some peoples favs, but he's a perfect example. Axel in no way NEEDED a keyblade to be involved in the story at all. His constant allusions to his popularity being reason he's there is also kind of bothersome. People like Axel could serve the exact same purpose without a keyblade imo. What's next, Saix gets one?

Roxas and Xion could still be present in the story in their own way, but their story arcs are kinda closed. Xion's problem was not being a real person and just a copy. Well now she's a real person, no problem. Roxas's problem was being a nobody, not his own person. Welp, now he's his own person too and finally gets to do what he wants with the Twilight Gang.

Nomura seems to have no interest in exploring Sora's bonds outside of Riku (all that build up for the reunions between Sora and Roxas or Sora and Ven, for example, was lackluster. Once again, only Riku has any significance in the search for Sora) So, there's not much else to explore with those characters. Even Axel and Saix got more of a future plot thread going than they do (Subject X).

Lately I feel like Nomura and team are running out of angst to explore, and the new angst they come up with is a little less interesting.


Active member
Jan 10, 2020
It's true that no-one axes Axel, and the same is even more true for Roxas, but that doesn't prevent putting them in background roles for a while. The natural solution would be to give them their own game, which would be only loosely connected to the main story, but such side games are hard to get accepted after the failure of UX/DR.

Lately I feel like Nomura and team are running out of angst to explore, and the new angst they come up with is a little less interesting.
I think he has simply turned the whole KH storyline into a Reckless Plot to bring the stuff originally meant for Vs. XIII to existence. And, back to the original topic, I believe Lauriam is going to have an important role in that. His part in UX story is basically one big build-up to make him the next hero in the series.

Face My Fears

She's not an "it"!
Apr 9, 2007
This is like asking why Sailor Moon or Demon Slayer ends up in a way that closes up possible sequels. So that devs doesn't ask the author to milk the work to hell and back, even way past their burnout line. Sure, I was giving entire work as example here, instead of characters , but same principle. The fandom's favorite character , that will surely bring money is not the same as the characters the authors want to explore. I don't deny how popular Xion and Roxas are, I just as have Nomura reach legit burnout with them to continue with the,.
How is Nomura burnt out with Roxas/Xion? They are barely explored! They've had the same storyline since 2009!

I do agree that their storyline is complete now and I would understand them being written off. It's just that it would be nice to not have their only storyline be "becoming real". Also, it would be fulfilling to see them actually BE people instead of them becoming real, then never seen again.

I think Nomura should give them a game (the sea salt trio w/Isa and Namine) that writes them out. Maybe Roxas and Xion realize they don't want to be keyblade wielders anymore and that's the whole plot of the story, that they actually choose to not be part of the keyblade life? I like the idea that both of them were born without a choice, then chose to die, and can finally make a choice that separates them from the life they were forced into. Even if it's not a full game, I just would love a series of cutscenes that explains their departure.