Y'all are gonna hate me fer this. xD; Well, at least the people who were celebrating. o.o;
...I am too depressed for random lyric time...After...after....
*cries* I'M A BAD FANGIRL!! ;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;
I'm pretending the end of DNAngel and FMA NEVER happened. ^-^;
I shot up from my position on the couch in the Accessory Shop. I took a quick look around, trying to remember where I was. I poked myself in the head several times.
It was a dream?! Kairi's not dead!! YES!! HAHAHA! ..Fascinating. Aw, crap, I thought about Kairi... ...Oh, you did, didn't you!! ^-^ DARK!!! I scrambled to my feet, leaving Cid's Shop asap.
I had my eye on that Gummi outside, 'ya know... NUUUU!! >.<
After leaving Sabrina at the dalmation's house, I now headed back to the First District. Someone brushed past me, and I caught a glimpse of dark purple; my eyes widened. I grabbed his shoulder, stopping him.
"Dark?! What the hell are you doing out?!" I whispered feircely.
Dark turned, making his deep purple locks swing. I twitched slightly as Dark smiled at me.
God....why do you hate me?! o.-; I shook out of my fangirlyness rapidly, kicking myself.
"I'm just having some fun! I haven't been out in.......what? A month?" Dark protested with his evil, evil, evil, EVIL voice.
I twitched a few more times, "You shouldn't be out here...in...the open.... Yeah..."
He ruffled my hair, still smiling that evil, evil, evil, evil, evil, EVIL smile, and I glared. Gripping his wrist, I pulled Dark along, scowling.
"You gonna change back any time soon? >.>;" I glared.
"No. ^-^" Dark was being especially evil to me.
I sighed, and turned, Sora-pouting at Dark and clasping my hands together. "Please change back....Dark..."
Said hawtness blinked at me, and his eyes glazed over, as if he was remembering something-or someone. I poked his shoulder cautiously.
"Dark?" I asked quietly.
In a moment, Dark was replaced with the shorter, less-hawt Sora. He took a quick look around before lifting his arms triumphantly.
"VICTORY IS MINE!!!" The older brunette shouted excitedly.
Sighing, I shook my head, walking ahead, and Sora trotted up next to me. Once inside the First District, I couldn't see mah other life-less friends anywhere.
..Ok...TO THE GUMMI GARAGE!! *Batman Theme* Leaping away toward the Gummi Garage, Sora followed me, only with less enthusiasm. There was a cry of:
"POCKY!!!!" ((Pocky's here too, Pickle. DON'T HURT MEH, KAT! I WON'T SCRATCH IT....WE JUST HAVE TO KEEP SO-KUN AWAY FROM THE PIT!! o.o; *ties Sora to chair* There! ^-^))
"It's ginormous!" Sora exclaimed, poking the hull of Pocky.
Kat was there in a second. And Sora soon learned never to touch Pocky ever again.
Once inside, Silver zoomed about with Hoomhaha, shouting "SHAZAM!" every five seconds, Amme- wait, how long has she been here? ._. Well, Amme was sitting with-HOLY SHIZNAP, IT'S STITCH!! Amme was stroking Stitch's cobalt blue fur, and the kawaii little alien seemed to be thoroughly enjoying the attention Amme was giving him. Pickle-PIKU, DAMMIT. Piku was piloting, Riku was doing somethin' weird with Soul Eater, Kat was in a fetal position in the corner, hugging a....trumpet and clucking every few seconds. Cloud and Nina were arguing pointlessly("What's up with your name anyway, Cloud? Cloud?! Who named you Cloud?!" "Shuddap, dog!!" "I AM A WOLF!!")), and Matthew kept slashing at Sora with his ninja sword, shouting, "DIE, AELITA!!" Too much Code Lyoko, I assume. I edged toward Amme and sat next to her.
"How long...has that thing been with you..." I asked, wanting very badly to poke Stitch.
Amme frowned. "Stitch isn't a thing!! He's just speshual."
"Speshual..." I echoed absent-mindedly.
"Buckle up!" Piku said through the intercom. "We're warping to Hollow Bastion."
"...Why..." I asked no one in particular.
Kat shot up from her spot in the dark corner, trumpet blowing. "HEARTLESS ARMY!!"
"....We're gonna fight it? THE WHOLE DAMN THING?!" I yelled, twitching.
"[incoherent, high-pitched squeaks]"
"..." I was silent.
Shoving my hands in my pockets, my hands touched cold metal, so I pulled my hands back out, gripping the cold...thing. Opening my closed fist, I found a bracelet; it had a silver chain and a polished rose quartz plate with silver writing which read
"Mai Bakari Aikou". Blinking, I clasped it onto my right hand, smiling.
Piku's voice called over the intercom again. "All right, Muffin Soldiers!...And...annomnous...only spelled right..... We're here! Hollow Bastion!! Heartless Army ready to be SMITED!"
...I hafta go soon....ish....
Violence next chappy...>.>;