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Fanfiction ► Absolution's Reign


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New member
Apr 13, 2007
In my own personal world
Well whatever anyway here's chapter 14

Chapter 14:
Battle Royale (Part One)

After a good night’s sleep, all of us woke up and headed to the coliseum for the Hero’s Tournament. We entered the main lobby and saw that Phil had already set up the matches. I looked at the match ups and it said:

1st Round:

Ray vs. Roxas
Xonic vs. Mega
Riku vs. Zetssu
Draco vs. Kairi
Sora vs. Elle

5th match will be seeded to final round

“Hmmm interesting match ups” I commented, then Kairi walked up to me, “So I face you first then” she said, “Seems that way” I said, “We’ll don’t expect me to hold back “ She commented, “Wouldn’t have it any other way” I replied.

We walked into the Coliseum and sat down as Ray and Roxas took to the field. “All right now, it’s one on one and remember to fight fair” Phil said, “All right then? Ready, set… GO!” Phil shouted. Ray and Roxas rushed at each other and Ray managed to get the first hit in, but then Roxas turned around and got a 5-hit combo in. Ray turned around and then unleashed a flurry of attacks and Roxas managed to block most of them with narrowly dodged the one’s he didn’t block.

Roxas ran at Ray and Ray prepared to deflect the attack, but Roxas then jumped over Ray and landed a 3-hit combo on Ray. They stood on opposite ends of the arena and then Ray’s blades began glowing red hot, meaning that he was about to use his special move. He dashed at lightning speed at Roxas but Roxas cart wheeled to the side and hit Ray on the side, Roxas then rose into the sky and his Oathkeeper blade began to glow a pure white. Roxas unleashed a flurry of light blasts; Ray tried to dodge but got hit squarely in the chest with several blasts.

Kneeling in defeat Roxas rested the Oathkeeper on Ray’s shoulder to claim victory. “And the winner is Roxas!” Phil called; we all clapped and cheered for both of them. “Good match” Ray said standing up and looking at Roxas “You too, better luck next time” Roxas replied. They both walked back to us “That was certainly exhilarating” Xonic commented, “Right next up is Xonic vs. Mega” Phil yelled out, “Good luck” I said to both of them “Thanks” they said in unison. Mega, since the battle a year ago, obtained a rather strange looking keyblade that looked like a spanner, "When did he get that?" I wondered as they faced each other on the field. When the battle started, Mega started by throwing his keyblade at Xonic like a Boomerang, Xonic was able to dodge and then took out his dark blade and deflected it back at Mega, causing his own blade to hit him in the head, "Ow..." I thought as they continued fighting.

Xonic then made his first move by firing dozens of blasts of darkness at Mega, Mega did the best he could to dodge and even managed to deflect some of the blasts at Xonic, damaging him slightly. Xonic landed and looked at Mega, who was standing in a attack position, Xonic put away his dark blade and pulled out his keyblade. They rushed at each other and the sound of blades clashing rang through the arena, they struggled to push the other person back. They both rtied to fire a firaga blast at the same time, but the two blasts colliding sent them flying. They were able to both get to thier feet and each was running out of ideas.

"This is gonna be close" I commented, "I'll say, I haven't seen Xonic fight this good in ages" Roxas replied. Xonic then started to glow a combination of black and red, "Hmm I wonder what this is?" I wondered, Xonic then disappeared in a flash, "What the?" I said suprisingly. Xonic then appeared behind Mega, and all of a sudden Mega's blade was knocked out of his hand. Xonic then did his disappearing attack several more times before finally claiming victory.

“And the winner by a close call is Xonic!” Phil yelled, “That match sure was close” Sora commented, “That’s Xonic and Mega for you” I said. They walked back and I had to ask, “Mega, where’d you get the keyblade from?” “I got it shortly after the first war finished when I was on Mulan’s world” Mega said, “Well it certainly looks interesting” I commented, “Well I am a mechanic as well as a medic” Mega replied, “True” I said.

"Hey Xonic what was that move?" I asked, "I learned a few tricks since the end of the last war, that one was my 'Phantom Run'." Xonic replied, "I see..." I said re-viewing the move in my mind.

“Next up is “Riku vs. Zetssu” Phil called, they walked to the arena and stood ready for battle. As the battle commenced, Riku started off by firing a blast of Darkness at Zetssu, but Zetssu disappeared in a flash of smoke as he was a ninja by nature. Riku looked around the arena for Zetssu, but Zetssu appeared behind Riku and dealt a blow. Riku staggered to his feet and then let loose a flurry of blasts, Zetssu tried to dodge most but one hit him in the leg. Zetssu stumbled a bit but regained his balance, Zetssu then started to glow red and his eyes turned red as well as his blade.

Zetssu ran at Riku in a mad rage and started attacking in a frenzy. Riku was lucky to dodge most of the hits, but was hit a few times hard. Riku got up and then eventually found a way to easily dodge the hits. After studying Zetssu’s attack pattern a bit, Riku jumped over Zetssu and send a blast of darkness at him causing Zetssu to fall over. Riku then rose up and created a portal of darkness and flew into it, he appeared out of another one and slashed Zetssu and created another portal, he did this several times before he appeared a final time and put his keyblade on the exhausted Zetssu’s shoulder to claim victory.

“And the winner is Riku!” Phil shouted as they both walked back to the stands, “I didn’t know that Zetssu had that kind of power” I said, “Yeah we didn’t know until some heartless attacked the island one day “Kairi said. “Next up, Draco vs. Kairi!” Phil said, “Well it’s out turn” Kairi said, “Alright then” I replied. We both walked to the battleground and took our positions, “Don’t hold back now” Kairi called “I wouldn’t give you the benefit of it” I replied, “All right then, ready, set… GO!” Phil called.

I summoned my katana’s and ran at Kairi at quick speed, Kairi elegantly jumped over me and tried to take a slash at me, but I managed to turn around and block it. I tried summoning my crossbow and shot an arrow at her, but she deflected it with her keyblade. “Damn she’s good” I thought, “Hey here’s a little trick I learned” Kairi said, she twirled her blade in front of her and it started to glow pink. The blade then spat out thousands of flower petals, which covered the whole area, “Hey, where are you?” I called, “Right here!” Kairi said as he slashed me, “Argh!” I said in slight pain. I tried to use my arrows to blow the petals away but to no avail, “What’s the matter? Out of tricks?” Kairi asked, I thought for a second, “Hmm if I can’t divert them, then I’ll…” then I took out my Fira revolvers and yelled, “Burn them!” I charged my weapons up and yelled “Dragon Breath!” the revolvers then let out a burst of flame that burnt all the petals to a crisp.

“Ahhh!” Kairi exclaimed jumping back, and then I summoned my katana’s again and ran at her with my blade’s glowing red-hot. “Zanmato strike!” I yelled as I slashed in an X formation, the strike hit Kairi head on and he knelt down. I walked over to her and was about to put my blade on her shoulder in defeat when she sudden attacked again, I managed to block it partially but she managed to cut me a bit. “Ow!” I said, the cut stinging a bit, “You didn’t think it was going to be that easy did you?” Kairi said, “You know for a second there, yeah I kinda did” I replied.

“Well what you going to do now, any more tricks left?” Kairi asked, I thought for a second, smirked and said “Just one” as I began to glow a golden colour. “Absolute Judgment!” I yelled as I created a portal with Absolution, running in it I waited for a second, “Hey where’d you go?” Kairi said looking around. “Right here!” I said as I appeared out another portal and slashed her, I took my time to find a hole in her defense and slashed again, I did this several times before appearing and putting my blade on her shoulder and claiming victory.

“And the victor is Draco!” Phil called, I offered Kairi a hand up, “You’re pretty good Draco” Kairi commented, “Well I learned a few new tricks,” I said. As we walked back Riku said, “That move you used, it seems very similar to my Dark Aura attack”, thinking about how our move’s went I replied, “Yeah you’re right”.
“All right, final match of first round, Sora vs. Elle” Phil said as they took to the arena.

This was a close fight too; Elle was all fired up, literally, as she was sending blasts of fire at Sora which Sora didn’t seem to have a problem dodging, but he was hit several times, leaving some burn marks. “Hey watch this” Sora said as he dived in a dark portal, which caught Elle’s attention, as Elle was looking around the arena for Sora, Sora took the chance to slash her. “Hey watch it!” Elle exclaimed, “Oh sorry Elle” Sora said apologizing, “Psyche!” Elle said as he hit Sora with another blast of fire. “That was sneaky” I commented watching the battle, “She used that all the time when Sora accidentally hurt her, he falls for it every time” Kairi said, “I see then” I replied laughing slightly.

Sora and Elle traded blows with each other and they both weren’t going to give in, then Sora tripped up Elle with his chain and claimed victory with a final 3-hit combo. “And the winner is Sora!” Phil yelled, “Sora will be seeded to the final match,” Phil added. After the first rounds were over, we retired for the night. As I lay there on my bed, I tried for the memory that I couldn’t reach before, but to no avail, “Damn that spell is strong” I said to myself. “Don’t fret over it, once we destroy the rest of the members of the Order of Shadows and possibly Organization XIII, I’m sure the barrier will weaken enough for you to remember” Xonic said from the above bunk, “I hope so” I replied as I fell asleep shortly after.

While we slept, two figures spied on the ship from afar, “So they’re having a tournament then, that’s interesting to know” one figure said. “Should we report back to base?” the second figure said, “Yeah we better” the first one replied as they disappeared into a portal of darkness.


Dartanian was pacing the throne room and looked like he was going to wear out the rug in the room. “Don’t worry, I’m sure that we can finish the task before they find out where we are” Xemnas said trying to console Dartanian. “Don’t worry? You don’t know who you’re dealing with, that pathetic brother of mine almost ruined my plans the first time!” Dartanian snapped at Xemnas. “Even so, know that you have my men to use as well as your own” Xemnas replied, “Yeah well, now I have to worry about his pathetic friend too, he’s the key to finding us and he’s become more powerful than before” Dartanian explained.

“Dartanian, sir” a voice said as two figures appeared before Dartanian and Xemnas. “Ah Jake, you’ve returned,” Dartanian said, “Sir, it would seem that Xonic and his friends are participating in a tournament at Olympus Coliseum” Jake explained. “Hmmm, this may serve as a perfect time to try and eliminate them, they’ll be worn out from the fights” Dartanian said. “Do you want us to exterminate them?” Jake asked, “No, I don’t want to risk the situation of losing one of my soldiers again” Dartanian replied. He thought for a second and said, “What about our contact on that world?” Dartanian asked, “I think he’s still around” Xemnas commented. “Good he can deal with them, saves having to risk losing my men again,” Dartanian said as he created a portal and walked through it.

To be continued…
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New member
Apr 13, 2007
In my own personal world
Damn I missed uber muchos lots.

I'll have time to catch up on it soon, but I skimmed it and looks fantastic.

:thumbsup: Thanks eddie, next chap should be up soon, if I can maintain a level of focus and also a level of access to a computer

and sorry bout your character losing PN, I randomly chose tournament selection


New member
Apr 13, 2007
In my own personal world
Anyways, here is chapter 15 after 3 months of writer's block, I hope I haven't lost my touch...

Absolution’s Reign
Chapter 15
Battle Royale (Part Two)

After a night’s sleep, the second round of the Hero’s Tournament was about to begin. We all walked to the board to see how we were matched up, the board read:

2nd Round:

Roxas vs. Xonic
Riku vs. Draco

Sora seeded to final match

“Don’t expect any mercy from me” Riku said walking up to me, “Well don’t expect me to let you win” I replied jokingly. We all made our way inside the coliseum where Phil seemed to be waiting. “So you’re all here then?” Phil asked, “Yeah” Sora said, “Well let’s get the next round started, we don’t want to keep the audience waiting” Phil added. “Audience?” I asked, “Yeah, Herc’s gonna be watching and his parents and their friends” Phil said, “And who are his parents and friends?” I asked again, “Why they’re Zeus, Hera and the rest of the gods of Olympus” Phil explained.

“GODS!?!” I said in surprise, “Yep, they heard about the tournament and wanted to see if there are other potential ‘True heroes’ out there” Phil said. “Well that certain adds to things a bit” Xonic commented, “Well it would if your audience was the Gods of Olympus,” I replied.

We walked out onto the arena and saw the Gods of Olympus sitting in a special area, most likely a V.I.P area of sorts. “Well at least they get the royal treatment” I commented, “Indeed” Roxas said. The rest of the combatants took to the stands including Riku and myself whilst Roxas and Xonic took to the arena.


Down in the underworld, an obviously infuriated Hades walked up and down his throne room. “Hercules, he’s strong, he’s kind and handsome to boot, he’s perfect…” then his hair flared up into a scorching flame “He’s perfect alright, perfectly infuriating! Everytime a plan of mine seems flawless, he comes and smashes it to pieces! Why I oughta…” Hades cursed to himself.

He then noticed Dartanian appear before him from a dark portal, “Who are you and what the hell do you want?!?” Hades demanded. “Now, now Hades, can’t let our tempers get the better of us now can we?” Dartanian said.

“Temper? Hey I’m the coolest guy this side of the underworld” Hades said finally claming down. “Indeed you are and that is why I want to help you” Dartanian said. “Help me? In what way?” Hades asked, “Patience my friend, but before I help you I want to ask you a favour” Dartanian said. “And what would that be?” Hades asked, “You remember Sora and his friends right?” Dartanian asked.

Hades hair flared up again “Remember? REMEMBER? Course I remember, they’re the one’s who always get in my way all the time and trashed me one way or another!” he said in a rage. “Now now, we must calm ourselves, the one filled with rage is the easiest to defeat” Dartanian said in a clam tone. “So what do you want me to do?” Hades said after broiling down again, “It’s a simple job, just destroy Sora and his friends” Dartanian replied.

“And how on earth am I supposed to do that?” Hades asked, “Simple, I’ll lend you power over some of my half-heart army” Dartanian said. “And what guarantee do I have that they have the goods to defeat them?” Hades asked, “You doubt my power?” Dartanian asked, “Well… all right then, if you insist” Hades finally replied.

“Very good, and as an added bonus you can also test out my newest creations” Dartanian said, “Creations?” Hades asked. “Yes, they are half-hearts based on Cerberus and the Rock Titan”, “You can do that?” Hades asked. “Yes, by studying their structures and methods of attack, I made replicas of them that pack three times the power” Dartanian explained. “Well if they’re that strong, I’ll be happy to take them for a test run” Hades replied.

“Very good but one more thing…” Dartanian said, “And what’s that?” Hades asked. “I want you to make sure that you take care of two individuals by the names of Xonic Cryoliz and Draco Carvhall, they pose a significant threat to me and I want them erased… permanently” Dartanian explained. “Is that all, you just want me to destroy two kids? Easily done” Hades replied, “Do not underestimate them, they have powers that are not to be taken lightly” Dartanian added.

“Yeah, yeah, I’ll make sure to stamp them out” Hades said, “They are in the midst of a tournament right now, so you should wait until after it is over to attack” Dartanian suggested. “Sure thing, this should be a synch” Hades said “You had better hope it is…” Dartanian said in a solemn voice as he headed back through a dark portal.

Back at the arena…

Xonic and Roxas stood at opposite ends of the arena ready for battle, “All right then, you both know the rules? Good, alright GO!” Phil shouted. Xonic and Roxas ran at each other at high speed, Roxas managed to get the first hit in and sent Xonic soaring in the air, but Xonic pulled out two chakrams and threw them like boomerangs. The chakrams soared past Roxas “What’s the matter Xonic, aim a little off today?” Roxas asked mockingly, “You wish…” Xonic replied.

Roxas was confused by Xonic’s comment, but soon realized what it meant after the two chakrams came back and hit Roxas in the back of the head. “Owww! Sneaky bastard…” Roxas commented. “Ohhh Roxas just got owned!” I commented, “Xonic is like that, always has a few tricks up his sleeve” Elle replied.

Roxas rose into the air and began to fire blast of light from his keyblades, Xonic countered by summoning his dark blade and firing a blast of darkness. The two blasts collided in mid-air causing a small explosion and we covered our eyes from the blast and the rushing wind that followed the blast. “Well this is turning out to be a blast,” I said laughing, “It’s good to see that you still have your sense of humor about you” Mega commented. “Yeah well I suppose old habits die hard,” I said as we continued to watch the arena as the smoke cleared.

Roxas and Xonic were both still standing, but both sides showed signs of wear. They rushed at each other and a loud ‘CLANG!” was heard as the blade collided. They were at a face off as they tried to find the opportunity to attack, unfortunately for Roxas, Xonic saw the first open spot and knocked Roxas’s blades out of his hands. And with that, the match was won “And the winner is Xonic!” Phill called as they walked back to the stands. “Nice work Roxas, at least you tried your best” I said to cheer him up “Yeah, my biggest mistake was that my leg gave way when I was trying to push Xonic away” Roxas said.

“Well maybe you can work on that for next time” Xonic suggested as he walked up, “Yeah maybe” Roxas replied. “Wow, I’m supposed to be the master of the keyblade and my nobody can’t even beat someone like Xonic!” Sora said, “What’d you say?!?” Roxas said, obviously hearing Sora’s comment. Sora laughed and said “Come on Roxas! It was only a joke, nobody’s perfect right?”, “Oh I guess I took it wrong way, must’ve missed the sarcastic tone” Roxas replied in a sarcastic manner to make his point.

“Well now that’s settled” Kairi said laughing a bit for the conversation that had just taken place. “Okay, last match for quarter-finals, Draco vs. Riku!” Phill called. “I suppose it means I’m up” I said as I got up, “Give it all you got!” Elle said, “Thanks Elle” I replied as I watched Riku getting a pep talk from Kairi and Sora. Sora was saying random things about how to avoid attacks and attacking when Kairi interrupted Sora by saying, “Sora, shut up. Look Riku, I think he’s just trying to say give it your all and try not to lose”, Riku laughed and said “Fair enough”.

We both walked into the arena and stood at opposite ends of the arena, “Okay fighters ready? GO!” Phil yelled. Riku started by firing a blast of darkness at me, but I summoned my blade and hit the blast out of the arena like a baseball player hitting a home run. “You better try something else, because Roxas told me out that little trick of yours” I said. “Hmm I see…” Riku commented, he then jumped up and brought his blade down in a stabbing pose.

I barely dodged it as I fell back onto the ground, he wasn’t finished though, and he jumped back up and brought his blade back down. I managed to move my arm before the blade hit where it was, then he went again and I rolled sideways to prevent it hitting my chest. The next one’s almost hit my head and he was still going strong, I tried to think of a way to counter as I continued to avoid the constant stabbings one almost hitting one of my legs.

I suddenly thought of a plan, I waited for his next strike and tried to find the right moment. Finding the opportunity, I rolled forwards and turned around and delivered a powerful kick when his blade was stuck in the ground, sending him sailing into a nearby column. We were both exhausted, me from dodging the stabs and him from performing the stabs. Then he charged up for a Dark Aura attack, quickly thinking I prepared myself for my Absolute Judgement move.

We both ran into portals and then reappeared and traded blows between portals. We continued this for about a dozen blows, and then we both appeared a final time and our blades clashed sending a loud ‘CLANG’ sound throughout the arena. We both stood there pushing against each other’s blade’s, I studied him carefully and perceived the right moment of attack and sent his blade sailing into a column as it drove into the column.

“And that’s it! The winner for this match is Draco!” Phil called. I stood there as Riku went and retrieved his blade, he then came back and looked at me, “Hey man no hard feelings?” I asked. “Nah it’s cool, never expected an ending like that though” Rikue replied, “Yeah I felt kinda weird for a moment, like I could see the instant that you faltered” I said.

We both walked back to the stands as Phil talked to Hercules about something. “Hey good job Draco” Xonic commented, “Thanks, but something bothered me about that last bit” I said. “What’s that?” Xonic asked, “When we were pushing our blades together, I felt weird for a bit, as if I was pinpointing the exact moment to attack” I explained. “Ahhh so you have discovered the power to ‘perceive the enemy’” Xonic said, “Perceive the enemy?” I asked.

“You remember that bracelet I gave you?” Xonic asked, “You mean this?” I said as I showed a black bracelet with rune markings on it. “Yes, that is no ordinary bracelet, it has the power to detect changes in body temperature, usually associated with an enemy who let’s his guard down” Xonic explained. “Really?” I asked, “Where’d you get this?” I added, “From my late mother” Xonic said.

“Your mother?” I asked, “Yes she specially designed those for that purpose and gave them to me before she passed away from illness” Xonic explained. “Those? What do you mean those?” I asked, “What you thought you had the only one?” Xonic said, “I have the other” he added as he showed it to me. “These bracelets have saved me more times than I care to mention in the first war” Xonic explained, “Wow, accessories that do more than just look good” I commented.

Phil then came over and said “Well, you all better rest up, the finals and exhibition match are tomorrow”. “Exhibition match?” I asked, “Oh sorry I forgot to tell you, the winner of the tournament, not only gets a trophy and prize, but also the chance to go head-to-head with Herc” Sora explained. “Wow, that’s some prize” I commented, “But anyway, you all seem tired, better go and get some rest for tomorrow” Phil said.

We all headed for the door to the Gummi ship when a voice roared “Not so fast!” We all turned around and saw Hades standing at the podium where the winner would be announced. “Who’s that? I asked, “Hades, God of the underworld and resident psycho” Sora said jokingly. “Hey I heard that!” Hades yelled “This time I’m going to destroy all of you, especially you Wonderboy!” Hades yelled pointing at Hercules.

“Hades, haven’t you learned from your previous failures?” Zeus said standing up, “You know you will always be destined to fail, it is the will of the Sister of Fate” Zeus explained. “Shut up brother! I’ve had enough of you lecturing me, besides I had help from an unexpected ally” Hades said, “Unexpected ally?” Ray asked.

“Dartanian, no doubt” Xonic said, “That’s right, he’s given me the power to destroy you all once and for all!” Hades said as he clicked his fingers. A group of Darkside half-hearts appeared to attack the gods, while we faced off against half-hearts that looked like the grim reaper. “Reapers” Xonic said “Dartanian’s personal army”. “Goddammit, can we have ONE day without being attacked by Dartanain” I complained as we prepared to face off against the half-hearts.

To be continued in part three!

Note: The bracelets will become important items in the story.


Gold Member
Dec 28, 2006
I don't mind the bracelets at all.

I've been busy, haven't finished the final chapter yet. Could you possibly post in it though? That and Shattered Regrets?
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