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Fanfiction ► Absolution's Reign


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Gold Member
Dec 28, 2006
You have no prove !!!!


1- It's 'proof' not 'prove.

2 Read this:

name:Bella or elle
personality:elle is a smart quiet young girl who is in love with Xonic.:wub: she is beautiful,loving ,care free person who would do anything for her friends.she is physic,teleiapathe,and can stop time.She is known to be a witch.She can also write spells.

appearance:she has strawberry blonde hair that goes down her back with red highlights.she wears a red mini skirt with stars on it and a red shirt that starts at her chest and sheelves that end at her fingers.she has beautiful sky blue eyes with a hint of green in them.she also has black high heels with straps going up her legs.:blushing:

Lol. Just playing. But seriously. I IS RIGHT!


New member
Apr 13, 2007
In my own personal world
Sorry bout the double post and the wait but here's chapter 11!

Chapter 11:
The Search Begins

After exiting the palace, we discussed about where to look for Shan-Yu, “Why don’t we just look for him in the mountains” I asked, “I suppose, but he might have moved since then” Sora said, “Then what do we do?” Ray asked, “How about we split up?” Roxas suggested, “That’s a good idea, we need to look in all places possible” Mulan commented. “All right then” Sora said.

“Okay so what’s that plan?” I asked, Sora stood up after a moment of thinking “Right, Ray, Zetssu, Riku you take the imperial checkpoint and the mountain path that joins to that” Sora said, “All right then” Riku said and the others nodded in agreement. “Xonic, Elle, Kairi, Roxas, you take the army camp and the bamboo forest adjacent to that” Sora continued, “Yay! I get to go with Xonic!” Elle said hugging Xonic and Xonic looking embarrassed, “Oh Brother…” I commented. “And me, Mega, Mulan and Draco will take the mountains and village” Sora finished, “Okay then Sora” I said, “Oh! And before I forget…” Sora said pulling out three cell phones, “Use these to communicate and let us know if you see anything” Sora said, we all nodded and then went our separate directions.

As Mega, Sora, Mulan and me walked up the mountain path to the village, I asked Mulan, “So, uh Sora told me that you have a dragon”, “Oh you mean Mushu?” Mulan replied. “Mushu?” I asked, “Did someone say my name?” a voice said, “WTF! Where’d that voice come from?” I asked, then a small creature hopped onto Mulan’s shoulder, “Yes it’s me the illustrious and magnificent Mushu” the creature said, “Dragon? This guy looks more like a lizard!” I said in disappointment, “Hey! Hey, it’s DRAGON not lizard, I don’t do that tongue thing” Mushu said and ironically enough he flicked his tongue, “Obviously…” I said sarcastically. “Are you two done yet, we already made it to the village” Sora said, the village was magnificent, it was flourishing with colour and many people walked through the streets, “It’s actually hard to believe but Shan-Yu several years ago reduced this place to rubble” Mulan said, “Well you have certainly done an excellent job on rebuilding it” I replied, “Thank you” Mulan replied back with a smile.

“Well we better start off here” Sora said, we all split up, but Mega decided to stay with me and searched the village for any signs of Half-Hearts or Shan-Yu. As we walked Mega asked, “So Draco what have you been doing this last year?” “Well it’s kind of a long story” I replied, just then I spied someone selling noodles, “How bout we talk about it over some noodles?” I said, “All right then” Mega replied, we went over and asked for some Egg Noodles, paid them and went and sat down under a Cherry blossom tree. For the next half-hour I talked to Mega about what had happened and how I came to remember everyone again, “So Dartanian must’ve manipulated yours, Xonic’s and everyone else’s memories” Mega said, “It seems that way” I replied, “But for some reason mine were never erased, I wonder why?” Mega asked, “I guess you were just the lucky one” I commented, “Yeah maybe you’re right” Mega said laughing.

As we finished our noodles, Sora shouted “Draco, Mega get over here now, there are Half-Hearts here!” “Oh damn!” I said as we quickly rushed over to a small square where Mulan and Sora were fighting some regular half-hearts and another kind of half-heart that wielded a big shield, “Draco, Mega where’ve you been?” Sora asked, “We were taking a break” I said, “Well never mind, just get your weapons and help us destroy these things!” Mega ran off to fight another group of half-hearts, whilst I prepared myself for battle.

I yelled “Rabidus Flare!” and two katanas appeared in front of me, I grabbed them and began rushing towards the half-hearts. I shoved one of my blades into a shadow half-heart destroying it then a soldier tried to take a swipe at me, I jumped over and brought my blades down in a powerful slash, cutting it in three, “Gee I guess he decided to ‘split’” I said laughing. Just then a shield wielding Half-Heart made a swipe at my chest, “Argh” I said slightly in pain as the Half-heart jumped back preparing for another attack, thinking quick I said “Hey what’s that?” point in a random direction, it looked away then I ran, jumped and then shoved one of my blades into the half-hearts head, “Ohhh you’re gonna have a hell of a headache in the morning” I said mockingly as it vanished.

The half –hearts eventually were all destroyed and Sora, Mulan and Mega walked back over to me “Well this must mean that Shan-Yu must be around here” Mulan said, “Or it might be just a distraction” Mega added, “I’d better check with the others” Sora said. Sora called the others, “Riku, are you there?” Sora asked, “Yeah Sora go ahead” Riku replied, “How’s things where you are?” Sora asked, “We just got attacked by a whole bunch of Half-Hearts” Riku explained, “Are you kidding? We just attacked by them too!” Sora exclaimed, “I called the others, they had similar situations” Riku said. While they were talking, I was looking around, and out of the corner of my eye, spotted a sinister looking person enter a cave outside the village, “Who’s that?” I asked myself, “Who’s who?” Mulan asked looking where I was, then she saw it too, “Ah! Shan-Yu!” Mulan exclaimed, “What, where?” Sora asked looking around, “He went into that cave over there” I said, “Then lets catch him then!” Sora replied running towards the cave.

We dashed over towards the cave and traveled a ways until we reached a shrine of sorts, “What kind of shrine is this?” I asked as I looked at it, “I think a more important question is where the hell is Shan-Yu?” Sora said. We looked around trying to find any trace of Shan-Yu, “I guess he must’ve gone” Mega said, “It looks that way” Mulan commented, “Well let’s get out of here and think of what to do next then” I said walking towards the cave exit. As I walked I hit thin air but it felt like I walked into a wall “Ow!” I said in pain, “What’s the matter?” Sora asked, “I felt like I hit a wall, yet there’s nothing here!” I said, Sora walked up and stared at the air for a second, “There is something here” he said, then he pulled out his keyblade and a beam of light shot from it.

The light revealed a wall of ice, which looked almost transparent, “Ice? Who the hell uses ice to make a blockade?” Mega asked, “Who cares, we need to get out” Sora said, “Oh I don’t think that will be happening” a unknown voice said, we all looked around and then from behind the wall appeared a guy in a black and white coat, “Who are you?” Mulan asked demandingly, “Who am I? I am the chilly academic known only as Vexen” the hooded figure said he pulled back his hood; he had blue eyes, girly looking hair and carried a large shield which I identified from the new half-hearts running around. “Vexen!” Sora yelled, “Oh so he does remember me, how touching, unfortunately this is the end for you” Vexen replied with a sneer and with that he snapped his fingers and a ton of half-hearts appeared behind us.

“Goddamit” I cursed, “Just what we need more of these things”, “Well lets just concentrate on dealing with them a swiftly as possible” Mega said, “Oh I got an idea!” I said, “What is it?” Sora asked, “Just watch, but you better take refuge around that corner otherwise you may get hurt” I said. They all ducked around the corner then I yelled “Oblivio Obscurum!” and a large black minigun appeared in my hands, then I yelled “Darkness Storm!” firing a barrage of bullets at the enemy from every direction, after several waves of bullets they were all destroyed.

“Wow Draco that was amazing, where’d you learn that?” Mega asked, I looked at him and said “Well I’ve learnt a few things since the last time we were together”, “Well that was impressive” Sora commented, “Thanks Sora” I said. “Sora!” a voice said from the phone, Sora looked at it and saw that it was Riku, “What’s Up Riku?” Sora asked, “Shan-Yu is attacking the palace!” Riku exclaimed, “WHAT?’ Sora said in shock, “Get over to the palace right away!” Riku said, “Got it” Sora replied. “Just one thing” I said, “What’s that Draco?” Sora asked, “How are we supposed to get out? The exit is blocked” I said, “Oh yeah…” Sora sighed, “Hey looks like a job for Mushu!” Mushu said hopping down from Mulan’s shoulder, he opened his mouth and a stream of fire shot out and hit the ice wall, but it didn’t crack the ice, “Argh we need more firepower!” Sora complained. I pulled out my fire pistols “Here’s your firepower!” I said facing the wall of ice, “Firestorm!” I yelled releasing a barrage of bullets that then transformed into fireballs, the fireballs joined with Mushu’s fire breath and caused a large hole to form in the ice. “Good job Draco and Mushu, now we can get out!” Sora said happily, “Just glad to help” I said confidently, “Hey kid you’re pretty fiery!” Mushu commented, “Thanks, I guess I can be at times” I replied, “Same old Draco” Mega said, I just looked at him and laughed. “Well let’s get to the palace quick!” Mulan said, “Right” Sora said, as we raced out of the cave and towards the palace.


New member
Apr 13, 2007
In my own personal world
Hey guys chapter 12 now ready for reading!

Chapter 12:
An Imperial Battle

We rushed to the palace and saw the others fighting half-hearts, “Hey they started the party without us!” I said, “Well let’s get in there then” Sora replied, we all summoned our weapons, me choosing my light burst-handguns and dashed into the battle. I ran for a shield half-heart, jumped over it and then shot it in the back, killing it. Then I saw another new half-heart that looked like a centaur of sorts, it was dashing at Xonic who was destroying half-hearts in front of him with his dark blade. As the Half-heart ran towards with a spear, I ran towards it, jumped, grabbed the spear and shoved it into its chest before blasting it with a headshot as Xonic finished the last half-heart in front of him. Xonic looked at the half-heart then me; I shrugged and said “You missed one” as we both started laughing.

I began to observe the others fighting, Ray’s keyblades were glowing a bright red as he rushed at the enemy, he slashed through them leaving a bright red X on them, I observed a bit more then the half-hearts blew up, “Whoa” I said as I fell over, Xonic pulled me up, “It seems Ray’s learnt a few tricks since last time” Xonic commented, “Yeah, no battle’s complete without a good explosion” I said, “True…” Xonic replied. I began watching Elle fight; she was glowing like she was on fire and sending fireballs at the enemy, setting them alight “Geez Elle can get a bit fiery sometimes” I commented. Then a centaur half-heart and a shield half-heart eyed us, “Ready for a bit of teamwork?” I said, “Always” Xonic replied drawing Twilight Mystery, I drew out Absolution, and said “Ready Absolution?” I asked, “Ready when you are” Absolution replied.

I performed a time spell on the enemies as we both rushed in and performed a series of slashes, then Xonic shot a beam of darkness at the enemy and I shot a beam of light at the enemy damaging them more. We both got ready for the last move; we both pointed our blades above the enemy and beams of light and darkness fused together to create twilight, then the ball of twilight dropped and exploded like a bomb.

“Well that takes care of that” Roxas said, killing the last half-heart, “Well now that’s done let’s find Shan-Yu” Mulan said. We ran to the gate and saw two injured soldiers; Mulan ran up to one of them and asked, “Where’s Shan-Yu?” “In… the palace, he’s… holding the emperor hostage” the soldier replied as he collapsed from exhaustion, “Wait!” Mulan said, Mega approached the soldier and checked him over, “It’s okay, he’s badly hurt” Mega commented. “Well let’s go, we need to rescue the emperor” Mulan said, “I’m afraid that’s not an option” a voice said, and then Vexen appeared.

“Godammit Vexen, can you just leave us alone?” Sora complained, “Unfortunately I can’t, you see with each person killed, brings about more hearts and more hearts means that we are that much closer to becoming complete again” Vexen said, “Oh shut up Vexen, you were always all bark and no bite, why don’t you just go and play with your chemistry set?” Roxas said mockingly, “Oh aren’t you the big mouth you always were” Vexen commented. “Look are we going to fight or what?” I asked, “We’ll have to” Sora said, then he looked at Riku, “Riku you get the others and find a way inside, Me, Roxas, Draco, Ray and Xonic will handle this” he said, “Right then” Riku said as they started to run, trying to find a way inside.

“You can’t do that!” Vexen said trying to stop them, then we jumped in front of him as Roxas said, “Oh come off of it, we’re your opponents now, so get ready to fight!” “Grrr, you’ll pay for this!” Vexen said summoning some half-hearts and a shield that was ice blue in colour. We all took battle stances, me summoning my keyblade Absolution “Ray, Roxas, Xonic you take the half-hearts, me and Draco will take care of Vexen” Sora said, they all nodded as Vexen took a battle stance. “Attack!” Vexen yelled as the half hearts charged towards us, Xonic, Ray and Roxas slashed through the half-hearts as me and Sora rushed at Vexen, “Attack at the rear!” Sora called out, “Gotcha” I replied, I used my time magic to speed myself up a bit and managed to dodge the ice spears that Vexen shot at us. I managed to maneuver myself behind him and tried to take a swipe at him, but Vexen summoned an ice-wall that knocked me back, “Ow!” I groaned as Vexen smiled at me mockingly.

Sora maneuvered around and tried to make a swipe at Vexen, but ended up being knocked away by the same barrier, “Well this is new” Sora commented, “Change of tactics you take the back and I’ll take the front” Sora explained, “All right then” I said. I sped round as Sora readied himself, then we both slashed at the same time and it almost worked, but Vexen blocked form both sides. He started to laugh then I said, “Grrr I’ve had enough, give me that!” I sped towards him and snatched his shield. “Hey give that back!” Vexen exclaimed, “All right I’ll give it to you” I said as I grabbed his shield and slashed at him several times, leaving some deep cuts, then I took the shield and threw it at his head, which knocked him into a daze. “All right, my turn” Sora said as he drew another keyblade, it looked like the oblivion, but with a more sinister design. A chain started to slither out of the end of the blade, then a spear head appeared on the end as it sped towards Vexen, it pierced him in the heart, well half of his heart and Vexen fell to the ground.

“No! Defeated again…” Vexen yelled as he started to disappear, “Well that’s what you get for getting in our way” Sora said as Vexen vanished completely. “Well that was interesting” I commented, and then the shield that I took from Vexen started to glow a light blue. “What the-?” I exclaimed, then my Tec-9’s appeared in front of me and began to glow the same colour, then there was a blinding flash of light. When the light died down, I looked at my weapons and notice they changed into a more advanced model of SMG. I remembered looking through a weapons database and identified them as MP5’s, “Well it seems as though you have attained the next level of ice magic” Xonic said, “The next level?” I asked, “Yes Draco, there are three levels of ice magic; Blizzard, Blizzara and Blizzaga and with each level the power of the weapon improves and a new elemental limit is unlocked” Xonic explained, “Does it happen with all elements?” I asked, “Most” Xonic replied, “Cool!” I said happily. “Well now that’s over and done with, we need to rescue the emperor!” Mulan said urgently, “Right” I said, just then Riku and the others came back, “Riku! Any luck?” Sora asked, “None” Riku replied bluntly, “The place is locked up tighter than a prison” Elle commented.

“How are we going to get in?” Roxas said, then Mega said, “I know a secret passage to the throne room”, “You do?” Sora asked, “Yes I have memorized every inch of this place and know every possible entry point” Mega explained, “Then what are we waiting for? We got to rescue the emperor!” Riku said, “Right” Sora replied.

Mega lead us onto the roof of the palace and then showed us a secret door inside, we walked along the top level of the palace, making sure not to be heard as there was many half-hearts patrolling the hallways. We eventually sneaked into the throne room and hid, we watched as we saw Shan-Yu hold a blade to the emperor’s throat and Shang being restrained by Half-Hearts. “I’ll only say this once more, BOW DOWN TO ME!” Shan-Yu yelled at the emperor, “I will never bow down to someone as evil as you” The Emperor said standing firm, “Then prepare to die!” Shan-Yu said raising his blade. “Oh no, we need to do something!” Mulan gasped, looking at what was happening I quickly ran over to a ledge near the emperor, and as Shan-Yu was about to bring his blade down I jumped and managed to cut Shan-Yu with Absolution.

“Argh!” Shan-Yu yelled staggering back, “Mind if I drop in?” I asked mockingly, “Why you little-!” Shan-Yu yelled angrily. I brought out my new MP5’s and started firing at the Half-Hearts restraining Shang; the blasts coming from my guns were larger and more powerful than my Tec-9’s due to the level up. I managed to blast most of them way and Xonic and the others jumped down, with Mulan running over to Shang, “Shang! Are you okay?” Mulan said in distress, “Yeah, just a flesh wound” Shang said jokingly. “Grr, you’ll pay for this!” Shan-Yu said readying his blade, “You want a fight then? Come on!” “We better get of here” Xonic said, “But what about Draco?” Sora asked, “Don’t worry, he can handle it” Xonic replied. I readied Absolution and said to the Emperor, “Your majesty, you better go with them” “Very well then,” the Emperor said as he made his way out with the others.

“No you can’t!” Shan-Yu running towards the group with his blade, I jumped in front of him, kicked him back and said “Hey pal! I’m your opponent now so deal with it!”, “Tch fine, I’ll kill you then kill them and become emperor of this forsaken country!” Shan-Yu said laughing, “The only thing that’s forsaken about this country is you” I said mockingly, “Ha ha ha, you’ll be regretting you said that boy” Shan-Yu said, “Try me” I said taunting him.

He ran towards me with his blade in full force, I summoned my samurai swords and managed to block the blow, he was strong but I stood my ground, I managed to grab one of my swords and cut him again. He staggered back a bit and said “Wait a minute, what am I wasting my strength for? My army will make quick work of you!” he said summoning several Soldier and Centaur Half-Hearts, “CRUSH HIM!” Shan-Yu yelled as the Half-Hearts charged towards me. I smirked and summoned my ice MP5’s again but this time I yelled “Frozen Wind!” and two blasts of icy wind came from my ice MP5’s and froze all of the Half-Hearts in place, smiling I clicked my fingers and the whole lot of Half-Hearts shattered and around a dozen pieces of hearts reunited with their other halves and vanished.

“Grrr, how dare you do that to my army!” Shan-Yu said angrily, “I don’t care, and I’m gonna put a stop to your reign of terror right now!” I said as I began to glow a golden colour. I yelled “Absolute Judgment!” as I slashed the air in front of me and quickly dashed into the portal my blade created. Waiting for a good chance to strike, I let loose with a series of slashes, I appeared for the final slash and delivered a punishing blow.

Shan-Yu knelt down in pain and said “No! Not now! Not when victory was just in my grasp!” “Well I’m sorry but it’s game over for you,” I said to him and with that he vanished. I noticed that he dropped his blade and knelt down to pick it up, then the blade started to glow a burning red, knowing the element it was radiating, I drew out my Fire Pistols, they glowed the same colour then a bright flash occurred. When the light had dissipated, I saw that my pistols had transformed into a powerful model of Revolver, “Cool! Another upgrade!” I commented.

I walked outside where everyone else was waiting, “Did you take care of Shan-Yu?” Sora asked, “Yeah, he was tough but I got rid of him, and look new weapons!” I said showing my revolvers, “Your powers are growing more powerful by the day” Xonic commented, “Well I had a great teacher” I replied looking at Xonic. “So the threat of Shan-Yu is finally over,” Mulan said relieved, “Aaaaaagggghhhh!” a voice yelled out, we all looked behind and saw Shan-Yu but only half of him, “Eeeek!” Elle screamed, “Gah! When you’re dead, learn to stay dead!” I said annoyed as I threw my blade at him. My blade sliced him in half and he disappeared again, “…Well that was interesting” Sora commented, “Geez, that was freaky!” Ray added.

After a few minutes of getting over what just happened, we decided to head off. “So you’re going now?” Shang said, “Afraid so, we still need to go to the other worlds and help them” Sora said, the emperor approached us and said “Sora, Xonic, everyone I thank you for the deeds you have done us today” we all bowed, “And you Draco…” he said looking at me, “Thank you for protecting me in my time of need”, “Ahhh it was nothing your majesty” I said a bit embarrassed. “Well we have to go now,” Sora said, “Thank you for all you’ve done” Mulan said, “Hey all in a day’s work” Sora said confidently, “Sure it is” I said sarcastically as I gave him a friendly punch on the shoulder and we both laughed

We all climbed in the ship and strapped ourselves in and after saying our last goodbyes, we took off. “So what’s our next destination?” I asked, “Well the Olympic Coliseum and Beast’s Castle are about the same distance away” Sora said. “Ohhh can we maybe go to the Coliseum? I always wanted to go to a real life arena!” I said, “What besides your dream of meeting a dragon?” Roxas said, “Yes, I have ambitions that don’t involve dragons” I said slightly annoyed but not letting anyone know, “We’ll then it’s settled, next stop: Olympus Coliseum!” Sora said as we blasted off towards our next destination.


New member
Apr 13, 2007
In my own personal world
Sorry for the Double Post, but no one will obviously comment so here's chapter 13

Chapter 13:
A Godly Encounter

Having stopped Vexen at the Land of the Dragons, we made our way to the next world: Olympus Coliseum. “So what’s this coliseum world like?” I asked, “Well it’s place that looks like it came right out of Greek Mythology” Sora said, “There’s Hercules or Herc for short, he’s the hero icon there” “There’s also Phil, he’s Herc’s trainer, he can be hard to please sometimes when it comes to showing that you’re a hero” Sora continued, “Right…” I replied, “There’s also Auron, he’s a former guardian but no one has seen nor hide or hair of him since we defeated Organization XIII the first time, it’s like he disappeared of the face of the planet” Sora continued explaining, “So there’s no trace of him?” I asked, “None” Sora replied.

“We’re here,” Riku said as we landed, we climbed out and I looked around and saw the huge coliseum, “I can see what you meant,” I said. “Hey guys” a man in a Greek warrior’s outfit said, “Hey it’s Hercules!” Sora exclaimed, “How’s it been going ‘hero’?” Hercules asked, “Oh nothing much, saving worlds, wiping out heartless and half-hearts, you know the sort” Sora replied, “A hero’s job is never done is it?” Herc asked as he shook hands with Sora, “You know it” Sora replied.

“So what brings you here?” Herc asked, “Well we just found out that the Order of Shadows has revived the Organization, so things aren’t exactly the best right now”, “Hmmm…” Hercules stood there thinking, “Well, there’s been no word of anyone messing around here, or in the underworld” Hercules explained, “Oh well, I suppose we better stick around just in case” Sora commented. “Hey you should see Phil, he may not look it, but I’m pretty such he’s missed training you” Herc commented, “Heh, he has, has he? Better go see him then” Sora replied. As we walked towards the gate, I asked “Who’s Phil?”, “Phil? He the one who I told you can be hard to please, but even though he may seem a bit arrogant at first, he really is a good guy” Sora replied.

Upon entering the coliseum, we saw a goat humanoid creature looking at a board of sorts, “That’s Phil?” I asked, “Yep” Sora replied. As we walked up, Phil said “Hey herc, great timing, I’m looking for some competitors for this new tournament I’m setting up, you know anyone who could join?”, Sora decided to have a bit of fun with him and said “Yeah, what about Sora? I’m sure he would be a great competitor” in a tone that sounded similar to Herc’s voice. “Sora? That kid? Yeah I suppose he would be good to have, I suppose I should send him and inviat…” Phil was saying as he turned around and then saw Sora.

“Hey Phil” Sora said laughing, “Kid!” Phil exclaimed, “How you going, living up to your title of ‘Hero’ are we?” Phil asked, “Yeah, saving worlds, destroying some heartless you know, the usual stuff” Sora replied, “Glad to hear it!” Phil said. “What’s this tournament you’re talking about?” I asked, “And you are?” Phil said, “Oh I almost forgot, this is Draco” Pointing to me “Xonic, Roxas, Elle, Riku, Kairi, Mega, Ray and Zetssu” Sora said introducing each person, “Yeah so anyway, what is this tournament about anyway?” Sora asked.

“Oh Herc and I have both been bored, since we haven’t seen much of Hades lately” Phil explained, “Hades?” I asked, “He’s the god of the underworld” Sora explained, “Sounds powerful” I commented, “Nah, he’s just a big sap, I defeated him loads of times”, “I’ll take your word for it then” I replied. “Anyway, me and Herc thought that we would hold a tournament to liven things up around here, only problem is finding competitors to compete” Phil continued explaining. “Well how about us?” I said cracking my knuckles, “You? I don’t know you don’t look so tough…” Phil commented, “Well looks can be deceiving” Sora added, “Ain’t that the truth” Phil said, “You really surprised me Sora, going from a nobody to a true hero in such a short time!” he added.

“So that means you’ll let us compete?” Roxas asked, “Sure! I’m sure you’ll make this tournament interesting enough for us” Phil said, “Well you better get practicing, the tournament starts tomorrow” Phil said to us. For the rest of the day, we were all practicing our fighting styles and abilities. After a hard day’s training, it became nighttime, so we had dinner and slept in the gummi ship’s cabin, which were quite luxurious for most ships.

As I laid in bed I thought about what Xonic had said about the location of Dartanian’s base being hidden. I tried going through my memory to try and find it, but just as I did, a splitting headache ensued “Agh!” I groaned as the pain went away. Roxas was sleeping on the bed across from me and noticed that I was in pain “You okay Draco?” he asked, “Yeah, I suppose that spell must be strong, because something is preventing me from reaching that memory of where the base was” I replied. “Well once we defeat some members of the Order of Shadows, that barrier should weaken and maybe you might be able to remember where it is” Roxas explained, “Yeah, you’re right, anyway night Roxas” I said, “Night Draco” Roxas replied and laying there on the bed I soon fell asleep feeling ready for tomorrow’s tournament.

Meanwhile at Dartanian’s Base…

A cloaked being was running up the stairs, he came to a room with a throne at the end, where Dartanian sat, “You called?” the cloaked being said, “Ah yes Haeseus, have the rest of our colleagues been revived?” Dartanian asked, “Yes master, the remaining members are being revived as we speak with the power you obtained from Kingdom Hearts” Haeseus replied, “Good, send Jake along with Demyx to Olympus Coliseum, I want a report done on their progress as soon as possible” Dartanian said, “Very well” Haeseus replied as he walked out of the room.

A cloaked figure stepped out of the shadows and pulled down his hood revealing a middle aged man with silvery hair, “What’s the matter Dartanian? You seem troubled” the man said. “Oh Xemnas, that kid Draco tried to break my barrier on his mind which holds the location of our base, I need to know if they are going to be a threat to us, I mean they already destroyed Vexen” Dartanian explained, “Ha! Vexen was one of the weaker members of the Organization I predicted this would happen” Xemnas said. “Well if you’re sure, just remember, that kid could be the key to our demise” Dartanian said, “How so?” Xemnas asked.

“Draco is an unusual person, he is a denizen of the twilight, standing between light and darkness, if he manages to harness that power, he could pose a serious problem” Dartanian explained, “Well I’ll make sure to keep a close eye on him” Xemnas said as he entered a portal of Darkness. Dartanian was left there sitting on his throne and thought “You may have won the last battle brother, but we will win the war”
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