Hey guys I finally got the next chapter done, so have a look
Chapter 10: A Hidden Past
After taking off from Destiny Islands, my friends and me set course for the land of the Dragons. The war between the Order of Shadows and us had just renewed and what’s worse Dartanian revived the original Organisation XIII (Well more like XII now because Roxas was on our side) and this only added to the work that had to be done.
“Sora…” I said, “Hmm? What is it Draco?” Sora asked, “You never actually told us how you came to be a half-heart” I explained, “Oh sorry I totally forgot, I’ll tell you what happened then” Sora said. “You see, a little while after the first battle between us and the Order of Shadows and returning to the islands, I began sensing that Roxas wanted to have his own form again. So I made a deal with him that if I gave him his own body back, he had the task of protecting you, and since he lived in Twilight Town it wouldn’t be too hard” Sora explained. “So that means…” I said, “That I’m a Half-heart as well, yep” Roxas said stepping into the conversation, “But don’t worry, we’re still us” Sora said, “The only notable differences are that our clothes are slightly different and they have half-heart symbols on them” Roxas added.
“We’re here” Xonic said as we neared the Land of the Dragons, “So…” I said to Sora “What do the dragons here look like?” I asked. “Well I’ve only seen two, one had been transformed into a heartless and unfortunately we had to destroy it, and the other well you could say he’s a little on the ‘short’ side” Sora said as he turned to Roxas and they both started laughing, “…Ok then” I said.
We landed the ship and started to walk amongst the bamboo trees and came across what looked to be an army camp, “Oh look the army camp is still here” Sora commented. We walked down to the camp, we noticed that the camp comprised of only men, “Uh Elle are you going to be ok with all these men around?” I asked, Elle looked at me and said, “Oh don’t worry, I can hold my own”, “Oh can she ever,” Xonic said. “Xonic leaned over to me and said, “I remember this one time that a guy tried to hit on Elle and she knocked him unconscious, he was in a coma for a week” Elle, myself and Xonic all started laughing as I said, “Thanks, I’ll keep that in mind”.
As we entered the camp, there were only a few soldiers there, and three of them noticed Sora and one of them said, “Well look who it is, its Sora!” The one who acknowledged Sora was about average height, fairly skinny and wore Armour with some yellow cloth on it, “Hey its Ling!” Sora exclaimed, “How you guys doing?” Sora asked, “We’re doing fine, there hasn’t been much to do lately though…” Ling explained, “Well I think you may be encountering some enemies soon, so keep on guard” Sora replied, “Thanks for the warning we will” Ling replied. “By the way where’s Mulan?” Sora asked, “At the palace of course” Ling said, “The palace got it” Sora replied as we began to walk away.
Who’s Mulan?” I asked, “Mulan is a woman who helped us defeat the heartless in this world, and the dragon I was telling you about is her… guardian of sorts” Sora replied, “Okay…” I said. We made our way up to the palace and noticed that it was mostly empty, “It is always this empty?” I asked, “Pretty much” Sora replied, “Not many people come here, only for big festivals”, we made our way up to the door and saw two guards at the gate. “What business do you have here?” one of the guards asked, “We’re here to see Mulan” Sora stated, “Just a moment” the other guard said entering the palace, after several minutes the guard came back out, “Very well, you may enter” he said.
We walked inside and I noticed that there were many expensive looking artifacts lining the walls, “Geez this emperor must have a lot of cash to spend” I commented, “Must have” Xonic replied. We made our way to the throne room where the emperor was sitting in his throne and either side of him was Mulan and a man who had a cape on and a long sword. “Sora!” Mulan exclaimed, “Hey Mulan” Sora replied, “Hello Sora, it’s nice to see you again” the man with the sword said bowing to Sora, “As with you Captain Shang” “Well, well it’s been a while” The emperor said, “Yes emperor we bring urgent news” Sora replied.
“Well if it isn’t Draco and Xonic!” a voice said, looking around we saw a teenager he had black hair, bluish-green eyes and wore a blue jumpsuit, but the most distinguishing feature about him was an odd pair of goggles that he wore on his head. Looking at him I needed no time to think as the memories came back almost immediately, “Mega!” Xonic and me shouted, “Well its about time you guys showed up, how are you?” Mega asked, “Well…” I said. For the next half an hour or so, Xonic and me explained what had happened and also about my memories were being restored piece-by-piece.
“Hmm so the electrocution did affect your memory…” Mega said, “Wait a minute I thought that Xonic caused my loss of memory” I said, “Xonic? You told him that?” Mega asked Xonic, “Well yeah because that’s what I thought happened” Xonic said. “Well it’s not” Mega said, “I remember it very clearly and Draco being electrocuted by Dartanian was the cause of his amnesia” Mega explained, “So you mean that this guilt that I have been living with for the last year was of an incident that never happened?” Xonic asked, “I’m afraid so” Mega answered, “Godammit Dartanian! He had to kill and torture my friends, but mess with my memory? Does your evil know no ends?” Xonic shouted, “Calm down Xonic…” I said, “But Dartanian he-“, “I SAID CALM DOWN!” I yelled punching him.
“Draco why did you…” Xonic said, “Look Xonic, I’m just as ticked off at Dartanian as you at the moment, but we need to concentrate at the task at hand, then when we find Dartanian then you can swear you’re head off” I said to Xonic, Xonic looked at me for a second and said, “You’re right Draco, I got carried away”. Everyone was staring at us but I simply said, “It’s all right, problem solved”, then Mega looked at me and said, “Same old Draco”, I just smiled at him before turning back to the rest of the gang. “Well then…” Sora said, “Yes so what was this news you wanted to tell us” The emperor enquired, “Well I believe Xonic can explain in more detail” Sora said, Xonic stood next to Sora and said “Well emperor, I won’t bombard you with trivial details, but to put a long story short, Dartanian and the Order of Shadows have returned and what’s more, he’s also gone and revived Organisation XIII as well” Xonic explained.
“Say what?” Shang said in shock, “Hmmm this is a most troubling matter indeed” the emperor commented, “I would suggest that you best prepare for any battles that might be coming in the near future” Xonic suggested, “Yes there’s no telling what they might-“ Sora began saying when a soldier burst through the doors. “Cap-Captain Shang…” the exhausted soldier said, “What is it?” Shang said, “I-I have urgent news” the soldier said still trying to catch his breath, “What happened” Mulan asked, “It’s, It’s-” the soldier said, “What’s happened?” the emperor asked sternly looking annoyed, “It’s Shan Yu! He’s back!” the soldier blurted out. “WHAT?” Shang shouted, “Is this true?” Mulan asked the soldier, “Yes, my lady” the soldier replied, “One of our soldiers in the hill spotted him in the mountains, with a large army of black and white creatures” The soldier explained, “Dartanian…” Xonic muttered, “He must’ve revived him just like he did the organization” Xonic said.
“I suppose we should go and check and how close Shan Yu is to the Palace” Riku asked, just then Shang looked at Riku and said, “Wait a minute, I remember you”, “Yes I was the one who warned you about the Dragon Heartless” Riku said, “Yes and burst in uninvited too!” Shang exclaimed, “Riku, next time just knock” Sora said, “Well they wouldn’t let me in, so I just burst in, I needed to warn the emperor about the Heartless” Riku replied, “Well, still you need to show some-“ Sora began saying until Kairi stepped in saying, “Oh just quit it you two, this problem isn’t going to be solved any quicker with you two arguing like you always do”, “Yes Kairi…” they both said. “She’s good” I commented, “Well someone has to keep these two in line” Kairi said to me, “You sound like my sister” I replied, “I hope she’s okay…” “Don’t worry, I’m sure they’re just fine” Roxas said reassuringly, “Thanks Roxas” I said.
“Well we better get to it” Mulan said, “You’re coming with us?” I asked, “Of course, any friend of Sora’s is a friend of mine” Mulan said, “Then good luck, and remember, be careful, Shan-Yu is a ruthless killer” Shang said, “Don’t worry, we’re on the job!” Sora said, “I’ll come with you as well” Mega said, “Thanks Mega” Xonic said with a smile, “Hey anything to help my old friends” Mega replied. And with that we all headed out in search of Shan-Yu and hopefully find some trace of the Order of Shadows.