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Fanfiction ► Absolution's Reign


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New member
Apr 13, 2007
In my own personal world
Hey guys here's my fanfic "Absolution's Reign", for fans of the "Hearts of Twilight" Fanfic, this story takes place one year after the events of Hearts of Twilight so me and Frozen are kinda working together on this.

But anyway here's my fanfic:

Chapter 1: Reign’s Beginning

Draco had been spending the last week on vacation at the beach with his family after enduring a grueling year of high school at the Twilight Town High School. He was sitting on the beach lounging around listening to his MP3’s while everyone else was swimming having fun, then he heard his sister yell out “Hey Draco, come on in the water’s great!” Draco thought “Oh well… why not?” He put away his things and put his swimsuit on and jumped in. After an hour of swimming everyone got out and Draco went to go and get changed into his regular clothes, a black dragon shirt with the words “Teneo thy Fatum” which was Latin for “Know thy Destiny” and a pair of blue denim jeans.

After he had finally finished changed he heard his sister scream, in desperation he yanked the door open yelling “What’s going on?” he gasped as he looked out, hundreds of black shadows surrounded his family, he quickly ran to his bag and pulled out a pair of burst handguns which he always carried with him and started firing at them but the bullets went right through them. Draco kept firing and firing until one of the shadows knocked him into a sand bank, he yelled in pain and saw all of the shadows coming towards him his family started to yell for help but no one came.

As he sat there watching the shadows come ever closer he thought to himself “This is it for me” as his family continued to yell for help. Then, in a split second all of the shadow leapt on him and Draco found himself being overcome with darkness but just before darkness had completely overcome him, a bright light shined in front of him and he heard a voice saying “Don’t give up, you have the power to defeat the darkness within you!”

The bright light knocked all of the shadows away and he stood up feeling re-energized, and then a blade appeared in his hand. Draco jumped back for a second and then stared at the blade, it was white with a gold chain running down it and also had a gold handle and was shaped like a key, as he stared at it he felt a strange power flowing through him, then his arm lifted itself and he yelled something as if something was controlling him, when he yelled several shadows disappeared and saw hearts floating up into the air from the dark shadows.

He stood there amazed and then heard a voice in his head saying “Absolution” he looked at the blade and said “So this blade is called Absolution, well then… it’s payback time!” he took the blade in both hands and rushed at the shadows. One at a time he destroyed the dark shadows with his blade with ease as his family stood there in disbelief after he finished the last one was destroyed he stood there relieved, but then more shadows appeared he leapt back saying “There’s more of these things?!?”.

He then thought of what happened before about how he destroyed several of them by yelling, he figured that this blade gave him some sort of psychic powers. Thinking this he raised his right arm and yelled hard and all of them disappeared, but more shadows appeared in their place. He kept yelling at them, destroying wave after wave of shadows and after the last wave disappeared he fell to the ground exhausted, as he saw his family rushing over towards him. They run over to him and his sister yelled “What on earth just happened, what where those things?” “I don’t know but whatever they were, they’re gone now” he replied exhaustingly, “You aren’t hurt are you?” his mother asked. “I’m fine mum, just a bit exhausted ” Draco replied

He just started to catch his breath when the ground started to shake, he said “What now?” and then a huge monster rose out of the ocean, his sister said in a panicking voice “another one?” Draco quickly replied, “No, this one is different from those other creatures”, Draco knew that this monster wasn’t the same as the shadows because he could sense that this being only had half a heart still he tried to lift up his blade but he had used the last of his energy destroying the shadows.

“We have to get out of there quickly” Draco exclaimed, his family agreed and his dad lifted him up and carried him to the train station which quite far, they tried to run as fast as they could but the creature was rapidly approaching from behind, then his dad dropped him out of exhaustion and the creature was soon towering over them. Draco tried to lift his blade again but still had not recovered his strength from the battle before, the creature stared at them leering, then it reached down to try and grab Draco but before it could do so it just disappeared, and standing in its place was a teenager about the same age as him he wore a black jumpsuit similar to those a drifter would wear and carried a long dark blade. The teenager walked over to Draco and said “Are you all right?” Draco replied “I’m okay, thanks for saving us”, “No need to thank me” he replied, then Draco’s sister said “ You also have my thanks but… who are you?”

“Oh I’m sorry my apologies my name is Xonic, Xonic Cryoliz and I live in Twilight Town, same as you” Xonic explained. “That’s an interesting blade you have there where did you acquire it?” he asked. “I don’t know, there were these shadow creatures before and they attacked me, and when I thought I was done for a bright light appeared and this blade appeared in my hand” Draco explained. After hearing this Xonic appeared deep in thought and said in a soft voice, “So your keyblade has returned to you”, “Keyblade? What’s a Keyblade?” Draco asked. Xonic turned towards Draco and explained, “A Keyblade is a sacred blade given only to those who are pure in heart in, light, darkness or even of the twilight, which you have been chosen as”

Draco was stunned and then asked “But what was it that I did before? I just yelled and those shadows disappeared”, “Each keyblade has it’s own special effect or ability, in your case it seemed to bestow you with what seemed to be psychic abilities and that is an ability not common in keyblades” Xonic explained and then said in a low voice with a hint of disbelief “Hmm I guess his magic was stronger than I thought"

Draco sat there trying to figure out what was going on but he thought that it could wait for later and asked “Look Xonic would you be able to help us get back to Twilight Town? Because we’re exhausted from trying to get away from those… things”, “Sure” Xonic replied, he lead Draco and his family to the Train Station while Draco’s parents struggled to carry him to the station because he was still tired from before. When they reached the station Xonic turned around and said “Well here we are”, “Look Draco if you need to discuss this matter some more in private come and see me at my house and I’ll tell you everything, who knows you and me might become good friends" Xonic began to say then lowered his voice and said "Or you'll might end up remembering those memories" Draco heard and said "Wait a minute what do you mean-" But was cut off by Xonic saying “Well, so long!” and vanished in front of their eyes. And with that they boarded the train and went back home unaware of what was to come in the future”
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New member
Apr 13, 2007
In my own personal world
Chapter 2

Chapter 2: Legend of the Keyblade

After the incident at Twilight Beach, Draco and his family returned home to Twilight Town. When they arrived they saw that Draco’s best friend Roxas was hanging around the station as if waiting for them even though they weren’t due back for another few days. Draco had partially regained his strength and was able to walk again but his legs felt like jelly but despite this he was able to keep his balance as he was getting off. As they got off Roxas spotting them and ran over, seeing Draco and how badly hurt he was, Roxas asked “Draco! What happened to you?” Draco replied “I’m not sure, but at least all of us made it back in one piece”.

Roxas stood there stunned seeing how badly hurt Draco was then Roxas said “Oh! Draco a guy named Xonic came to see me about half an hour before you got here and told me to tell you that when you are feeling better you go see him at his house you know the mansion near the Tram Plaza”. “Thanks for telling me Roxas” Draco replied with a smile as his dad carried him home to their house in Sunset Terrace. For the next few days Draco stayed at home recovering from the brutal attack at Twilight Beach and thinking about what Xonic wanted to see him about. About four days after the incident Draco fully healed and was able to move around without any pain, he remembered what Roxas had said and started to walk towards the station to go to the Tram Plaza. When he arrived at the station he saw that Roxas was there waiting for him, Roxas saw Draco and said “Hey Drac, you feeling better?” “Yeah I’m feeling better now” Draco replied with a smile.

“Well I thought about it and I decided that I want to go with you to see Xonic” Roxas said, “What for?” Draco asked, “Because I want to find out what happened and why he wants to see for” Roxas explained. Draco smiled and they both got on the train.

On the train Draco explained a partial truth of what happened making up that Xonic saved him and leaving out that he acquired the Keyblade; Absolution, “You say that Shadowy creatures plus a large black and white creature attacked you?” Roxas said “They sound an awfully lot like the Heartless and Half-Hearts”. Draco was stunned when Roxas said this and immediately asked, “What are Heartless and Half-Hearts?” Roxas turned towards Draco and said “The heartless and Half-Hearts I’ll let Xonic explain that because he know more than I do, but I would like to tell you about another creature that existed: Nobodies.” “Nobodies are creatures created from the empty shell of the victim who had their hearts taken by heartless, the body begins to act with a mind of it’s own despite not having a heart”. Roxas added “ And because a nobody has no heart means that they have no feelings, they cannot feel happiness, sadness or even anger” Roxas continued explaining “Even though nobodies do not possess hearts they are far more intelligent than heartless because the heartless act purely on instinct whereas nobodies can think and plan, strategize their moves”

They arrived at the station and headed towards the mansion as Roxas continued explaining, he saw Roxas pause for a moment then Roxas said “Even though most nobodies become these white creatures, in certain cases it is possible for a nobody to retain their human form if they possessed a strong enough heart”. As Roxas finished Draco wondered why Roxas knew so much about these creatures and then had to ask, “Roxas how is it that you know so much about heartless and particularly nobodies Roxas?” as they entered the woods they both stopped, Roxas looked at Draco and said “Draco, I must ask you to please do not be alarmed about what I am about to tell you, but the reason I know so much about the nobodies is because… I am one myself”. Draco felt his heart skip a beat at the sound of Roxas saying those words and stuttered “B-But how Roxas?” Roxas explained “A few years ago a Keyblade master by the name of Sora lost his heart protecting his friends and from that I was created, however Sora’s feelings for his friends were so strong that he was able to keep his heart and turned back into his regular self again, but unlike other nobodies in the past I can feel emotions so I am not as empty as other nobodies, and because I am his nobody I can also wield the power of the Keyblade” and saying this he stretched his arms out and as if out of nowhere two keyblades appeared, one in each hand.

Draco looked at the blades and said; “So then you also have the power of the Keyblade as well” Roxas was stunned and said in a puzzled voice “What do you mean ‘as well’ Draco?” Draco looked at Roxas and said “Look Roxas, I haven’t been too truthful to you either” “What are you talking about?” Roxas asked “Well I did tell you what happened at the beach earlier it wasn’t the whole truth, while Xonic did save me I left out one important detail, when the shadows attacked me I thought I was done for but then a bright light appeared and a voice spoke to me and from that I acquired this…” Draco stretched out his arm and called to Absolution, and then it appeared in his hand.

Roxas jumped back in surprise and almost fell over, when Roxas finally regained his balance he looked at Draco and said “So you are the new Keyblade Master then” “How did you know?” Draco asked, “Xonic told me that a new Keyblade Master had arisen and it looks like he was right, but in a way I’m not surprised that it was you because you always did have a strong heart” Roxas complimented Draco. “Uh… Thanks” Draco replied with some slight sarcasm in his voice, “You’re Welcome” Roxas replied with a smile on his face.

They arrived at the mansion; it was a two-story mansion, quite large and also looked like it was constructed a long time ago, “Man this place looks kinda creepy you sure this is the place?” Draco commented, “I’m sure” Roxas assured Draco. As they walked inside the mansion they saw a staircase leading to the second floor and at the top of the staircase was Xonic who was waiting for them.

“So you have arrived, come this way we have much to discuss” he said and led Draco and Roxas into a room on the first floor. The room looked quite old, it had three chairs which were situated around a table that had been practically broken in half and a chandelier that was barely hanging off it’s chains, “Please sit down” he said, Draco and Roxas sat down and then Xonic sat down. “So you have become the new Keyblade master” he started off “And there is a few things I need to explain to you”.

“Now Roxas did you explain everything about the Nobodies and also that you are one as well?” Xonic asked “Yes I did” Roxas replied, “Good, it less complicates things”. “The Heartless and Half-Hearts however I’ll clarify that for you” Xonic said, “The heartless were accidentally created when a man by name of Ansem the Wise was research the darkness in people’s hearts, at the time he had six assistants, helping him with his work, one of which went by the name of Xehanort” Xonic explained. “As Ansem continued researching the darkness, Ansem had to stop his research because his assistant’s began developing an insatiable obsession for the darkness” Xonic continued.

“When Xehanort and the other assistant’s found this out they couldn’t accept it and continued researching in secret, and Xehanort stole Ansem’s identity and recorded their research in what he would call ‘The Ansem Reports’. As they continued research they came across the Heartless evil creatures created from the darkness in a person’s heart, these creatures will go around stealing the hearts of those unlucky to meet one.” Xonic continued “Intrigued by these creatures they created a machine to make artificial heartless, however the experiment went wrong and lost their hearts to the darkness, all of them except Ansem, he created a body for himself and proclaimed himself the ‘Seeker of Darkness’.

“What happened to him?” Draco asked. Xonic replied by saying “When he began terrorizing the different worlds, it was at this time that Sora, a keyblade master received his keyblade”. “Different Worlds?!?” Draco said in disbelief, “Yes there are more world’s than just this one” Xonic replied. Xonic continued on; “Anyway after Sora received his keyblade, he ventured on a journey with Donald Duck and Goofy, two people under the service of King Mickey”, “King Mickey?” Draco asked, “Yes King Mickey, King Mickey is the King of Disney Castle, he was the first one to realize the threat of the heartless and set out on a journey to stop them with a keyblade of his own, when he left, he left a note behind for Donald and Goofy, telling them to find Sora and stick with him no matter what” Xonic explained in response.

“So after Donald and Goofy found Sora they joined him and went to the various worlds scattered throughout, vanquishing heartless and sealing the keyholes of each world, because each world has a keyhole that leads to the heart of that world, yes even the world’s have hearts” Xonic continued as Draco and Roxas listened carefully. “After a series of events occurred, they eventually encountered Xehanort and defeated him in battle, but that wasn’t the last of it, no not by a long shot, you see after Xehanort and the other assistants lost their hearts to the darkness, their nobodies were created in human form and they became the first members of Organisation XIII” Xonic explained.

Draco’s head was buzzing with questions but the only one he could get out was “What’s Organisation XIII?” “Organisation XIII are a group of nobodies, with Xehanort’s nobody as the leader, their goal was to trick Sora into using the keyblade to collect hearts from the heartless to remake Kingdom Hearts and regain their stolen hearts” Xonic answered. “Kingdom Hearts? What’s that?” Draco immediately question Xonic, “Kingdom Hearts, the heart of all worlds, it is said that Kingdom Hearts contains phenomenal power but has been ever seen by few” Xonic explained.

Xonic continued “After about a year in which Sora, Donald and Goofy’s whereabouts were unknown reappeared one year after defeating Ansem and set out on another journey to vanquish the heartless across the worlds and stop the Organisation achieving it’s goal”. He continued; “After securing the worlds from evil they finally defeated the organization and saved the world’s again, at least that what they thought”, “What do you mean?” Draco asked, “That’s why I called you here Draco and Roxas, you see, a new group called the Order of Shadows emerged, this group of individuals consisted of nobodies who had lost their hearts but managed to salvage half or people who lost half their hearts to the darkness and thus called themselves ‘Half-Hearts’”

“Half-Hearts carry the traits of Nobodies and Heartless, they are ruthless and act on instinct but are at the same time able to think and strategize their moves, and what’s worse they can control both heartless and nobodies as well as their own personal Half-Heart army” “The main objective of the Order of Shadows is to remake Kingdom Hearts once again and become complete beings, whilst crushing anyone who dares stand in their way” Xonic finished explaining. “Then what are we here for and why did I receive my keyblade?” Draco asked. Xonic got up looked at Draco and said “You receiving your keyblade and our meeting I do not believe to be pure coincidence, I believe that you, me and Roxas are going to become the new warriors of the keyblade to take up the fight against the newly formed Order of Shadows”.

Draco was shocked to hear this and shouted “What? Me? Take on the Order of Shadows, No I can’t, I didn’t want any of this!” “I’m sorry but your fate has already been decided, I can’t do anything about it” Xonic replied in a slightly depressed tone. “But what about my family? What will they say about this?” Draco asked, “Not to worry Draco I took the liberty of explaining things to your parents and sister” Xonic replied, “Well… if I must” Draco said depressingly, “Don’t worry, you’re family will be safe I’ve made sure of it” Xonic said trying to cheer Draco up, “Thanks Xonic” Draco replied in a slightly cheery voice. “You’re welcome Draco, now you and Roxas better head home you and I have got to start training tomorrow”. Draco and Roxas both left the mansion and headed home, when they arrived at Draco’s house Roxas said “Well see you tomorrow, we’ll have lots of training to do tomorrow” and left.

Draco walked inside and there his family was sitting in the living room with worried looks on their faces, he walked over and explained everything to his family. After a long conversation he walked upstairs to his room, and stared out his window, wondering what was going to be waiting for him and his friends in the future”


New member
Apr 13, 2007
In my own personal world
Chapter 3

Chapter Three: Training Begins

Draco woke up to a beautiful sunny morning though he hadn’t had the best night’s sleep; he had a nightmare overnight. He had dreamed that he was standing in a room and several people were lying in the room, presumably dead, as he looked around the room he saw Xonic, but something was wrong he looked as if he was possessed then Draco saw a person in a black and white cloak saying “That’s right, kill them all!” Xonic then turned towards Draco “No… this can’t be happening” to himself as Xonic lunged at Draco but Draco couldn’t move and just as he hit he woke up, clutching his chest in pain. He got up still terrified from the dream and remembered that Xonic had agreed to train him in fighting and magic.

He pulled on his favourite dragon shirt and blue jeans and walked downstairs to have breakfast, as he sat down he noticed that his family was still a bit shaken up from last night but reassured them that everything would be ok. He walked outside where funnily enough Xonic was waiting. “Good morning Draco, I trust we had a good night’s sleep?” Xonic greeted Draco, “Not really Xonic, I had a terrible dream last night” Draco replied, “Would you like to tell me about it?” Xonic asked. Draco told Xonic about the dream he had and after he finished explaining Xonic stood there in silence “What, what’s wrong?” Draco asked, Xonic looked at Draco and said “No, it’s nothing come on, we’re behind schedule” Xonic said, “Where are we going?” Draco asked, “To the sandlot, I definitely think there will be enough room there to train”. They both boarded the train and the train began to speed off towards the Market District.

As the train sped on towards the Market District, Draco and Xonic made themselves comfortable and Draco asked curiously “So Xonic you said that ‘we’ are some of the new keyblade masters, so I’m guessing that you are a Keyblade Master as well?” Xonic looked at Draco and said, “Yes, indeed I am” and stretched out his arm and a Keyblade appeared in his hand. Draco looked at the blade closely, it was the same colour as the sky in Twilight Town, as it had sunset colours on it such as orange and red and it also had black and white mixed in. “My Keyblade’s name is ‘Twilight Mystery’ as it has the word ‘Mystery’ engraved and it is the colour Twilight Town’s sky, not the most original name I know” Xonic said sarcastically, “Eh, my keyblade’s name is Absolution but I didn’t make it up, a voice in my head said it’s name when I acquired it, I’m guessing I heard the voice because of my psychic abilities when wielding it” Draco said.

“Ah so it must have been your inner warrior that spoke to you, but never mind that now we’re here” Xonic said. The train stopped at the station, they got off and headed towards the Sandlot, the place was empty except for the odd bird or two, which made it perfect for training. As they approached they saw that Roxas was waiting for them “Hey guys what took you so long?” he asked, “I had to explain a few things to Draco here” Xonic replied. “

Ok then, let’s start” Xonic said, “Draco, Roxas will be your dueling partner,” he added, Draco turned to face Roxas “Roxas pulled out the Oathkeeper saying “Ok Draco don’t hold back!” Draco summoned his Keyblade and they were ready to fight. Over the course of the day Xonic taught Draco various techniques such as how to catch an enemy off guard, and also how to break through an enemy’s defenses, and Draco mastered every one of them, then they trained with Roxas using both his Keyblades and still Draco learnt quickly and was able to deflect a lot of Roxas’s hits “Good Draco, you are doing quite well” Xonic commented, “Well I’m a quick study” Draco replied.

“Well here comes your first test, I want you to see if you can beat Roxas” Xonic said to Draco, “Well Draco, don’t expect me to hold back!” Roxas said confidently, “Don’t expect me to either” Draco replied also in a confident manner. “Ready… Go!” Xonic shouted, they both rushed at each other exchanging blows, even in midair, the match on with both sides refusing to give up, eventually Draco found a hole in Roxas’s defenses and did a final 3-hit blow to claim victory. Roxas landed breathing heavily “Wow… hardly anyone’s been able to defeat me” Roxas said to Draco “Thanks Roxas you put up a good fight too” Draco replied.

“Well I think that’s enough for today” Xonic said, Roxas go on home there’s one more thing I need to teach Draco” Xonic said to Roxas, “Ok then, see ya later Draco!” Roxas said to Draco “Thanks Roxas, you too” Draco replied. When Roxas left Xonic turned towards Draco and said, “Ok then before we start…” Xonic said and then muttered a few words and suddenly Draco felt re-energized again.

“Ok then” Xonic said looking at Draco “Now I am going to teach you all of the magic that I know and they will benefit you in more ways than one” He added, “How so?” Draco asked, “You’ll see” Xonic replied

“Ok First off I’m going to teach you how to command the element of light” Xonic told Draco, “Ok then”. “Right now first and this is one of the most important parts, I need you to picture the element you want to control, in this case light it’s not hard just maybe think of a time you have seen it”, Draco went through his memories and thought of the time he had seen the light after nearly being consumed by the heartless “Right now repeat after me and make sure you say it loud and clear: Rutilus Lux Lucis!” Draco repeated these words and suddenly a pair of Burst Handguns appeared in his hands, he recognized them as his but they were now a silvery white instead of black like they were before.

“Congratulations Draco you have summoned your first elemental weapons!” Xonic said to Draco, “Elemental Weapons?” Draco asked “Yes Draco, you see I have seen that you are proficient with various firearms, and I’m sure that your keyblade knows this as well, so each time you master an element you gain a new weapon imbued with the power of that element” Xonic explained. “So If I master more elements…” Draco started “You’ll receive more weapons at your disposal and that is not all, if you concentrate really hard on that element you’ll perform an ‘elemental limit’, a move that enhances the power of your element and cause great damage to your enemies, however the move changes with the element” Xonic finished

“Now, I want you to perform an elemental limit with the weapons you have gained, and don’t worry about injuring me or yourself I have already cast a spell that protects us from harm” Xonic explained to Draco. “Alright then… “ Draco said, he concentrated really hard seeing light becoming a powerful force then two words came to him and he pointed his guns in the air and shouted “Meteor Shower!” his handguns glowed then shots several bullets, as they sped upwards they split into several beams of lights and came crashing down narrowly missing both him and Xonic.

Afterwards Draco said “Wow…” and knelt down because he felt like a big chunk of his energy had been used, “Yes Draco, these elemental limits do require a lot of energy” Xonic began to say “Also one thing I must point out, when you wield Absolution, you can use all the elements you have learned and their elemental limits but be warned that using them while wielding Absolution requires a lot more energy, a lot more so it is wise to use your elemental limits only when wielding the required weapon” Xonic finished “Ok then, I’ll keep that in mind” Draco replied

Xonic then handed Draco a letter “What’s this for?” Draco asked, “That is a list of all the elements I have learned over the years, learn them as you see fit but don’t overdo it, anyway I’ll see you here tomorrow” Xonic said “What for?” Draco asked “For your final test” Xonic replied as he walked away.

Draco went back to Sunset Terrace, but he did not go straight home, he walked into the abandoned subway and found a room large enough to practice in. He opened the letter and saw a list of elements along with the casting words as follows:

Light: Rutilus Lux Lucis (Shining Light)
Fire: Ingneus Incendia (Burning Fire)
Ice: Gelidus Glacies (Freezing Ice)
Wind: Turbo Ventus (Tornado Wind)
Gravity: Contricio Sepulchrum (Crushing Gravity)
Thunder: Levitas Tempestas (Lightning Storm)
Earth: Matris Terra (Mother Earth)
Flare: Rabidus Flare (Raging Flare)
Darkness: Oblivio Obscurum (Oblivion Darkness)`
Water: Liquidus Unda (Flowing Water)
Reflect: Pondero Obex (Reflect Barrier)

He got into position and started to practice with the various elements and as he did he gained more and more weapons after several hours of practice he had gained the following weapons:

· Fire Pistols
· Ice Sub-Machine Guns
· Wind Crossbow
· Gravity Rocket Launcher
· Thunder Rifle
· Earth Shotgun
· Flare Samurai Swords
· Dark Chaingun
· Water Staff
· And also learned how to create a magical barrier

After training for many hours he was exhausted so he packed up his things and went home, when he went inside his sister saw him and said “Oh Draco, your friend Roxas is upstairs in your room waiting for you”, “Thanks sis” Draco said walking up to his room and saw Roxas “Hey Draco, heard you learned a bit of magic while I was gone” Roxas said “Yeah, and I even got some new weapons too” Draco replied showing Roxas all his weapons “Wow that’s quite an arsenal of weapons you got there” Roxas commented “Thanks Roxas” Draco replied “Well you better get some good rest I heard that you are performing your final test tomorrow” Roxas suggested, “Yeah I better, anyway see you later Roxas” Draco said “You too” Roxas replied as he headed back downstairs.

Draco went to sleep after having dinner, but all was not well that night, he had the same dream again and woke up the next morning in another cold sweat. “Why am I having this dream, is my keyblade trying to tell me something?” He wondered, he decided not to think about it, put on his clothes and went downstairs ready to take on whatever test Xonic had set for him.


New member
Apr 13, 2007
In my own personal world
Chapter 4

Chapter 4: Draco vs. Xonic

Draco went downstairs and had breakfast ready for Xonic’s test and after he finished he went outside where Roxas was waiting.

“Hey Draco, it’s your final test today I’ll be rooting for you the whole way” Roxas said in a cheery voice “Thanks Roxas…” Draco said in a slightly depressed voice “Hey Draco, what’s wrong?” Roxas asked “Well lately I’ve been having this nightmare and it’s the same one every night” Draco explained “Really? What’s it about?” Roxas asked.

Draco told Roxas about the dream and after he had finished Roxas stood there in the exact same silence Xonic did “Roxas… You know something about this don’t you?” Draco asked Roxas “Yes, but it is not my place to say, it’s Xonic’s decision whether to let you know yet or not but I’m sure he’ll say something about it soon” Roxas replied “But anyway we better get to the sandlot” Draco reluctantly agreed and decided to wait until Xonic said something. They got on the train and traveled to the Market District.

When they got there they got off and headed for the sandlot where Xonic was waiting. “So you have arrived” Xonic said “Well anyway, Draco it is time for your final test” he said walking up to the platform “I will be your opponent, to pass this test you must defeat me in battle, or at least wound me” he explained.

Draco stood there with his mouth wide open, “Me, battle you?” Draco asked, “Yes Draco I believe that in order to see whether you are truly ready you must face me, because the leader of the Organisation is just as strong as I am” Xonic explained “So if you are ready, come at me!” Xonic said with confidence.

Draco stood there in silence for a moment, only one day of training and already he was going to face Xonic? Draco though felt like he was ready for his test then summoned his keyblade, took a step back and lunged at Xonic. Xonic effortlessly dodged but Draco persisted and started to slash faster at him, then Xonic penetrated his defense and tried to slash Draco, but Draco was able to maneuver his keyblade and block the attack.

The battle lasted for what seemed like an hour with each side failing to back down, but both sides were getting tired Draco exchanged blow after blow with Xonic but then saw a hole in Xonic’s defense and knocked his blade out of his hand but just as he was about to end the match, Xonic pulled out his keyblade and slashed with Draco narrowly dodging it and jumped back. Xonic stood back and said “Good Draco, I see that the training has served you well, but you seem to be running out of attack plan’s, anymore tricks up your sleeve?”

Draco thought for a second and a vision came to him of what seemed to be a technique of some kind, he was using the elements of time and space to open dimension holes which he would enter and reappear out of others, which would catch an enemy off guard. The vision then subsided and Xonic stood there saying “Well?” Draco replied with a smile on his face “Just one”.

Then light and darkness surrounded him and he yelled “Absolute Judgment!” then he swung his blade and opened a dimension hole and ran through it, Xonic jumped back in amazement and started looking around for Draco. Draco reappeared out of a dimension hole and slashed Xonic, which caught him off guard; Draco then performed several more slashes, which Xonic had a hard time trying to keep up with Draco. Draco reappeared a final time jumping up and touching Xonic on the shoulder claiming victory.

Xonic got up and said “Draco… what was that move?” “I don’t know I just had a vision of it and I suddenly could perform it” Draco replied, as Draco finished his sentence he kneeled down suddenly, he felt like a huge chunk of energy had been used more so to his other weapons. Xonic looked at Draco, lifted him onto his shoulder and said “Hmmm we better get you home, you look exhausted, Roxas would you mind giving me a hand?” “Sure thing” Roxas replied. They helped Draco home and up to his room, explaining what happened to his family on the way.

When they got up to his room Draco asked “Xonic do you know what happened back there?” Xonic looked at Draco and said “Hmmm it would seem that you have mastered a special ability with your keyblade, similar to you elemental moves” “It’s interesting, not many people have been able to do that, I guess your keyblade trusts you enough to teach you this move, but be warned these kinds of moves should only ever be used as a last resort, because you were lucky this time but on most occasions people tend to fall unconscious for several hours after performing such a move” Xonic explained in detail.

“Right well we better be going we still have much training to do tomorrow, because even though you have earned the right to fight the organization, we do not know of any new strengths they may have found and we must be prepared for that” Xonic explained. “All right then I guess I’ll see you around” Draco said, “Yeah you take care” Xonic replied, “See ya later” Roxas replied also. They went downstairs as Draco sat on his bed thanking of the events that happened today, he went back downstairs to have dinner, then went back upstairs and went to sleep thinking of what tomorrow would bring.
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New member
Apr 13, 2007
In my own personal world
Chapter 5

Chapter 5: A New World

After several days of training and mastering his ‘Absolution Judgment’ move, Draco woke up to a rainy day after having more nightmares, but these one’s were a lot more clear and more information was being revealed to him. He had dreams that he and Xonic participated in a struggle tournament and strange creatures that he knew now were half hearts. He also had visions of him meeting several other teenagers with keyblades among other things, but the dreams always ended the same way with a possessed Xonic lunging at him and waking up in pain.

He got up and put his clothes on, but just as he was about to go downstairs, he summoned his keyblade and as if he was talking to the blade like a person he asked, “Absolution, what are these dreams? What are you trying to tell me?” and to his surprise a voice spoke back to him “You will find out soon enough Draco” he jumped back then stared at his blade once more, then put it away.

He went downstairs and had breakfast, and then even though they couldn’t train today, Draco decided to visit Xonic, so he grabbed his umbrella, which not surprisingly was black and had dragons on it. He walked outside where it was pouring, put up his umbrella and walked to the station, where he boarded the train and headed of towards the Market District. When the train arrived he made his way to the mansion where Xonic lived, he got there and knocked on the door, no one answered so he decided to take a look inside. He saw Xonic walking on the upstairs walkway, but didn’t come to the door he walked into a room on the other side of the walkway, so Draco decided to follow him.

Draco followed Xonic and looked from outside the room, which seemed to be a library, he saw Xonic standing at a table then how took out a sketch pad and drew something on the table. Draco was observing this, when amazingly half the room’s floor disappeared, Draco kept watching as Xonic walked down the steps and into another room so Draco followed. Draco then came to a room with a computer in it, as he looked around, he saw Xonic staring at a red beam of light so he hid around a corner. As Draco observed, he saw Xonic reach out and touch the light and in an instant he vanished, Draco jumped back in surprise, he walked up to the light and examined it without touching it.

Then without hesitation, he touched the light and a strange feeling flowed through him, then it suddenly stopped, but nothing seemed different until he turned around and saw that the computer that was there had been smashed to bits “Did Xonic do this?” Draco wondered to himself, he decided to have a look around. He came to a rather large room and upon inspection he saw what looked to be a portal, worried about Xonic’s safety he hurried through it and came to an open space that looked weird, the walls were covered with weird symbols and the place was all blue, scared he saw another portal and hurried through it.

When he jumped out of the portal he found himself in a town of some sorts, with tall buildings and it was dark all the time, he got the shivers “What is this place?” He asked himself, and a voice spoke to him “The World that Never Was”.


New member
Apr 13, 2007
In my own personal world
Chapter 6

Chapter 6: Friends Lost, Memories Found

Draco knew that it was his Keyblade that told him the name of the new world he was in; Draco decided to have a look around since he was here and also in case that Xonic was someplace to be found. The place was dark and gloomy; it made him feel a bit depressed, as he turned a corner he saw a giant castle in the sky he was stunned at the size of it, he kept walking and came to a corner and heard what he thought was Xonic’s voice so he quickly ducked round the corner.

Draco observed Xonic staring at the sky talking to himself; Draco tried to listen in to what he was saying “I don’t know what to do, Mystery I want to tell Draco about it but I just don’t know if he’s ready” Xonic said to himself.

“Tell me what?” he wondered then he looked round and saw Xonic surrounded by the black shadows that attacked Draco and his family at Twilight Beach. Draco stood there wondering what he could do then more appeared in front of him he didn’t know what to do, then he saw an insignia on one of them then he realized “These things are heartless” he said to himself. He stood there trying to think of something, then he remembered his weapons, Draco said “Ingneus Incendia” and a pair of pistols with a flame design on them, one by one he shot them down, mostly with headshots because he had practice with his weapons. After destroying the last heartless he relaxed for a minute but then other creatures appeared similar to the heartless, but different then he saw the insignia on one of them, it looked like the heartless insignia but this one was half black and half white then he remembered what Xonic told him “Half-Hearts” he muttered. He then summoned another weapon by saying “Gelidus Glacies” and a pair of sub-machine guns with ice designs appeared in his hands, as he fought, he saw that they were harder to take down than heartless.

Finally he was finished off the last half-heart and was able to relax for a bit, and then he suddenly remembered Xonic. He ducked back around the corner and then heard Xonic talking to himself again as he listened he heard Xonic say, “Damn that Dartanian! I swear he’ll pay for this” Draco backed round the corner and thought to himself “Dartanian… where have I heard that name before?” then he suddenly had a sharp pain in his head, like someone had struck him in the back of the head with a blade. After a few seconds the pain had subsided, he stood up again and hid around the corner, and then he heard Xonic say, “You may come out now, Draco”.

“Damn, I’ve been found out!” Draco cursed under his breath, he walked over to Xonic saying “Sorry for eavesdropping”, “That’s okay Draco, but tell me why are you here?” Xonic asked. “I… followed you here, you see I was on my way to see you and then as I got to the mansion, I saw you go into the library, so I followed you and when I followed you to the computer room you were looking at that light and when you touched it you disappeared”. Draco continued, “After you disappeared I hesitated for a bit, but then grabbed the light and well you get the idea”.

“Well next time just be careful about what you do, you could’ve been attacked along the way” Xonic said, “No kidding, I was attacked by about 50 heartless and I think Half Hearts attacked me before but I managed to take them down with my new weapons” Draco said sarcastically. “Well just be careful next time, come on we need to get back” Xonic said as he started to walk back; “Wait!” Draco shouted, Xonic turned around, Draco looked at Xonic and said “Look Xonic I really need to ask you something, when I was listening to you talking I heard you say something about, not being sure if you are ready to tell me something, what did you want to tell me?” Xonic looked at Draco and said “Oh it’s nothing, come one let’s go”.

“No” Draco said sternly, Xonic turned around again, “I also heard you say the name ‘Dartanian’ and for some reason the name sounds familiar, I need to know who is he?” Xonic looked at Draco in a half serious, half sad expression and said “Dartanian… Dartanian is my evil brother” “Your Brother…?” Draco said in a confused tone.

Draco stood there and then another sharp pain befell before him except worse, he knelt over in pain trying to figure out what was happening to him then a series of visions played back in his mind, all of them from his dreams. He had visions of him and Xonic being friends, the struggle tournament, the half-hearts appearing, the meeting of other keyblade masters, a vision of a cloaked man saying, “Well, well, look what we have here, My little brother”, one of his best friends betraying him and the final vision of Xonic hitting him in the back of the head with his blade.

The pain eventually subsided and Draco stood up again puzzled “What are these visions I am having?” He wondered, then his keyblade appeared and then seemingly spoke to him and Xonic seemed to hear it as well by the expression on his face “Those visions were memories of your past” his keyblade said, “Memories of my past?” Draco asked. “Yes Draco the memories of your past, you see that vision of Xonic was real” “Then that means…” Draco said looking towards Xonic “That I knew you before that incident?” Draco finished saying.

“Yes Draco, we used to be the best of friends” Xonic replied, “But then how is it that I have gained these memories now did something happen to me?” Draco asked. Xonic looked at Draco and said “Draco… during a fierce battle, Dartanian took control of my mind and made me turn on all of my friends including you Draco, I tried to fight it but I couldn’t retake control, and when he made me strike you and you were knocked unconscious I managed to retake control, from there we battled and I gravely injured him but he managed to escape” he continued, “After the battle, I was scarred for life” Xonic turned around and Draco saw a scar on the back of his neck which looked like a cloud with lightning bolts coming out of it, and a jagged 'D' in the middle.

“After that battle, many of our friends were lost but I was able to get most of them back to their worlds and then brought you back to Twilight Town, I brought you back to your family and told them to give me any updates on your condition”, “After several days, they told me that you woke up, but you had lost all your memories of me and your friends” Xonic said in a depressed tone

Draco’s keyblade then spoke to him “Because of the fact that you lost your memory of Xonic and the others, it meant that you lost the ability to summon me for a while, but it wasn’t until that incident at Twilight Beach that I was able to be by your side again because I wasn’t sure if you were ready to learn about your past again”

“When you became friends with Roxas, I met with him and told him what happened and gave him the task of watching over you, because I too knew of Roxas’s past, but I told him not to tell you anything about your past, because I felt that it was my duty to let you know when the time was right”

“We both were unsure about letting you know about your past, because we weren’t sure whether you were strong enough to know about your past, but after I saw your progress during training I thought that you were ready to know” Xonic explained

Draco stood there trying to take in all that was explained “But what now, I mean I’ve regained my memories… Draco started so say when Xonic interrupted “Draco I believe that you haven’t fully regained your memories, because the spell that Dartanian cast was very powerful” “Oh…” Draco replied, “Don’t worry Draco I’m sure that you’re memories will be restored in time” Xonic said trying to cheer up Draco

“But anyway, I’m sure that Dartanian must know that you have regained Absolution by now, so we must prepare” Xonic said walking back to the portal “Prepare for what?” Draco asked, Xonic turned back to Draco and said “For the battles that lie ahead” Draco started to walk with Xonic thinking of what battles might lay ahead.


New member
Apr 13, 2007
In my own personal world
Chapter 7

Chapter 7: Preparing for Battle

They both entered back through the portal and then made their way to the light and Draco had to ask Xonic “Xonic were you the one who broke the computer?” “No Draco I didn’t, it was Roxas” Xonic replied. “Roxas did this?” Draco asked, “Yes Draco” Xonic answered “You see this computer was broken a long time ago by Roxas, you see when Roxas first came to be he was actually one of the members of Organization XIII”, “Organization XIII? But weren’t they the one’s who wanted to take over Kingdom Hearts?”

Xonic looked at Draco and said “Yes Draco, but the only reason he joined with them in the first place was because he had nowhere to go, but after a while he began to question why he had the keyblade, you see at that time he had no memories whatsoever of being Sora, so he set out looking for answers in which he was labeled a traitor by the Organization, when Roxas came here in search of answers, he was found by Riku, who was looking for him” Xonic explained

“But why?” Draco asked, “Because, Riku was looking to help Sora, because after defeating Xehanort’s Heartless, he and his friends came to Castle Oblivion, a castle which they encountered 6 members of the organization” Xonic began explaining. For the next hour or so Xonic explained to Draco the events that had occurred in Castle Oblivion and how Sora lost his true memories and Namine agreed to put them back the way they were. “But how does this relate to Roxas?” Draco asked Xonic replied “Well you see in order to put Sora’s memories back fully restored, Ansem the Wise or DiZ as he was known then needed Roxas to fuse back together with Sora in which Riku went and tracked him down”, “After defeating Roxas in battle he and Ansem put Roxas in a simulated Twilight Town, which we are in” Xonic continued to explain.

“We’re in a virtual town?!?” Draco said in a surprised tone, “Yes Draco, that light is what connects the two towns together, anyway after being in the town with a new personality for about a year, Sora’s memories returned to him and after coming here he smashed the computer out of rage of what he remembered Ansem had done” Xonic replied, “Poor Roxas…” Draco said in a sad tone, “Don’t be“ Xonic said, “Eventually, Roxas was able to become his own person once again and now lives in the town we are”.

After finishing explaining about Roxas’s past to Draco, both of them touched the light and were back in their own town again they walked outside where Roxas was waiting “Hey guys, where’ve you been I looked all around the mansion and couldn’t find you” he said, “We were at the World That Never Was” Xonic explained “You mean you found it?” Roxas asked “Yes Roxas” Xonic replied

“Oh all right then” Roxas said then he looked at Draco who had an unsure look on his face “Hey Xonic what’s wrong with Draco?” Roxas asked, “It would seem that Draco has started to regain his past memories” Xonic replied. “Well that’s great news, but why the sad face?” Roxas asked Draco “Because… I just regained my memories and realized that several of my best friends were killed by Dartanian!” Draco yelled in anger, “Now Draco don’t get upset…”Xonic began to say trying to calm Draco down, “Upset? UPSET? I’m not upset, I’m furious! I can’t wait to get to get my hands on that…” Draco began to say but then just as he was about to finish he fainted. “Draco!” Roxas yelled, “Don’t worry Roxas, I’m sure that Draco was just exhausted, him regaining his memories must’ve been a stressful experience, plus the fact that he re-lived the horrors of that fight” Xonic said reassuringly.

Draco woke up in his room “Ugh, what happened?” he said feeling dizzy, “You exhausted your energy and collapsed” Xonic said sitting on the couch in the room with Roxas sitting next to him, “Geez Draco don’t do that I thought that I was going to have a heart attack…” Roxas said, but then they all realized what he had said and began to laugh “Well anyway what are we gonna do now?” Draco asked, “We are going have to train for a few more days before we leave, plus we’ll have to buy supplies for the journey” Xonic said. “Well I guess we’ll have to do that tomorrow, don’t worry I’m friends with most of the merchants in the plaza so we should be able to get a discount on some items” Roxas said “And I have heaps of materials we can use to make some equipment at the Synthesis Shop” Xonic replied, “So it’s settled then” Draco said in a confident voice.

Draco woke up the next morning and found some clothes on the couch there was a shirt that looked similar to his old one and also some long pants and a cloak, which were all, colored black (picture Vincent's clothes from FFVII but all black) and there was a note attached. Draco looked at the note it said:

“Here Draco, these clothes are for you they should help you perform a lot of your moves and magic using less energy, think of it as a thank you present for restoring my hope” - Xonic

Draco put on the clothes, a strange power flowed through him, he felt like he could perform any move with ease, he went downstairs and had breakfast then walked outside where Xonic and Roxas were waiting. “Ah Draco I see that you found the clothes I left for you” Xonic said, “Yeah they fit perfectly, Thanks Xonic”, “You’re welcome” Xonic replied with a smile on his face. The three of them boarded the train and set off for the market district.

They arrived at the market district and walked towards the shops, they browsed through the various wares and bought a whole bunch items including Hi-Potions and Ethers. Then they proceeded to the synthesis shop where they used all of the materials that Xonic had gathered to make various accessories and some more items for the journey ahead.

After they finished their day of shopping they proceeded back to the station when they got there Draco stopped for a second and asked Xonic “Hey Xonic, are most of our friends alive?” “Yes Draco” Xonic said in a reassuring voice “A lot of our friends did manage to make it through that battle even Sora, Riku and co.”, “So they made it as we-”. As Draco tried to finish his sentence they all heard a voice saying, “So, he lives… that was unfortunate I thought I managed to kill you”, they all looked around with Xonic yelling out, “Who’s there? Show yourself!” in a loud voice.

“Now, now Xonic is that any way to speak to your brother?” the voice said, and the several people appeared on the top of the station, all wearing cloaks. The leader took off his hood, he had blonde hair and green eyes and Xonic immediately recognized him yelling “Dartanian!” “Now, now we mustn’t lose our temper” Dartanian said in a mocking voice, “That’s Dartanian? Draco asked in a confused voice with Roxas gesturing as if to ask the same question.

Draco stared at Dartanian for a second then another sharp pain went through his head as he knelt down, “Draco! What’s Wrong?” Roxas asked “Yes… let all of those awful memories come back to you” Dartanian said in an evil voice. Draco had visions like before except this time he could clearly see Dartanian in his visions then more memories came back to him, he had visions of Xonic who was possessed fighting him in his friends and Draco asked “Xonic! What are you doing?!?” then Dartanian turned to him and said “He’s under my control now fool!”. Then another vision came to him in room, which seemed to be in a castle and Xonic standing beside Dartanian with an evil look upon his face the Dartanian saying “Now brother, why don’t we end this? ANNIHILATE THEM!” and Xonic rushing towards them and a final vision of him lying on the floor looking at Xonic and said “Xonic… Why?” and started to black out watching Dartanian laughing evilly.

He regained consciousness and got up again, with Roxas saying “Draco! Are you okay?” “I think so…” Draco said standing up again, Dartanian began laughing evilly saying “Well Draco, enjoying reliving all those memories of how I was able to control Xonic so easily, like the weakling that he is?” Xonic became enraged and jumped at Dartanian yelling “You’ll pay for what you did him and all of my friends!” Dartanian just kept laughing and said “Oh sorry brother, but I have more important matters to attend to, bye-bye!” and then they all vanished.

Xonic walked back towards Draco and Roxas saying “Damn! I swear I will get him someday…” “Don’t worry Xonic, I assure you if it’s anyone who will stop them, it’s us” Draco said reassuringly, “Thanks Draco… I couldn’t have asked for a better friend than you” Xonic said with a smile on his face, and with that they boarded the train and traveled back to Sunset Terrace.

When they got there they walked over to Draco’s house then Xonic turned to Draco and said “Well Draco you better get some rest, our journey begins tomorrow”, “Okay then” Draco replied, “Bye Draco” Xonic said walking back to the train station, “Bye Draco! See ya tomorrow!” “You too!” Draco said back to Roxas. He walked inside had dinner and talked about what happened with his family and went up to his room, he stood there for a moment and said, “Gee, I hope Xonic is okay he seemed quite upset…” he decided not to think about it and went to bed.

The next morning Draco woke up and was relieved because he didn’t have a nightmare overnight. He put on his clothes and his cloak and went downstairs to have breakfast, after breakfast, he and his family walked to the station and headed for the Market District, when they got there they saw that Xonic was waiting outside with Roxas in front of a giant ship “You’re here” Xonic said in a cheery voice “Well you ready?”, “Yeah, Draco replied as he turned towards his family.

“Well bye then…” he said to his family, “See ya son, make sure you give them shadow guys a good walloping for me” his dad said “Don’t worry, I will” Draco said sarcastically, “Bye sweetheart, just be careful out there” “I will Mum…” Draco said and he looked back and saw that Xonic and Roxas laughing “Hey, shut up!” then he looked at his sister “Bye bro, just make sure you’ll come back safely” she said, “Don’t worry sis I will, I promise” Draco said hugging his sister, then his sister looked at Xonic and Roxas “And if either of you give him any lip…” she said in a serious tone and then Draco saw that they had looks of fear on their faces and started to laugh.

Draco said his last goodbyes and walked over to Xonic and Roxas, they boarded the ship and started to take off Draco managed to yell out “Bye Mum! Bye Dad! Bye Sis! I’ll send you a postcard when we get there!” then they blasted off until he couldn’t see them anymore, he sat back in his seat and prepared himself for the biggest journey of his life.
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New member
Apr 13, 2007
In my own personal world
Chapter 8

Chapter 8: Old friends, A New Journey

After saying goodbye to his family and taking off in the gummi ship with his friends, Draco asked Xonic “Hey Xonic, where are we headed?” “We are going to the world of Hollow Bastion, I’m sure we can obtain some valuable information there and also see a couple of old friends” Xonic replied. “Old friends? Will I recognize them?” Draco asked, “I’m not sure Draco, but I’m sure if you can’t remember that the memories will come to you when you meet them” Xonic said reassuringly, “Well if you say so” Draco said looking out the window.

They soon came to a world that had a small town and a rather large castle like mansion on it. “We’re here” Xonic said, Draco felt a small buzz in his head and then looked at it “I remember this place” he said, “You all right?” Roxas said sitting next to him “Yeah I’m fine, I’m getting used to it now so it doesn’t hurt as much” Draco replied with a smile on his face.

They landed and started to walk along the streets of Hollow Bastion. “Okay then let’s go and find Leon, he should know where to start looking for Dartanian and the others” Xonic said, “Start looking? I thought that you already knew where they were” Draco exclaimed, “I did” Xonic replied “But after being controlled by Dartanian, he erased my memory of where that place was so it looks like well have to start again, and I’m sure that Dartanian made sure that none of our friends remembered either” Xonic explained.

“Right then” Draco said, they continued to walk the streets when they got to the main residential area, as they continued walking they heard a voice say “Xonic, Draco is that you?” They all looked up and saw a teenager about the same age as them; he wore clothes similar to those of Xonic but was red instead of black and carried two keyblades; one of which looked like Draco Absolution but without the extension on the side and was black and the other one was a silverish gray color with a head that had what looked like to the a metal lion head as the keychain.

“Hey guys how are ya how’ve you been?” the teenager said, Draco had a puzzled look on his face and said “Ummm hi and you are?” in a confused voice, the teenager looked shocked and said “Draco, don’t you remember me?” just then Xonic walked over to the teenager and whispered in his ear “Oh I didn’t know” the teenager said as Xonic walked back towards Draco then Xonic spoke “Draco this is Ray, one of our friends who survived the battle a year ago”. Draco thought for a second “Hmmm Ray…” then a slight pain came to his head, like a minor headache and then various memories of Ray flashed in his mind and then he remembered everything he knew about Ray. “Hey Draco you all right?” Ray asked, “Yes I’m fine, everytime I regain memories of someone I have a slight pain in my head but I’m getting used to it” “So that means…” Ray began to say, “That I now remember everything about you” Draco finished, “Well that’s great! Welcome back” Ray said in a joyful voice.

Xonic stood forward and said “Well that’s out of the way, lets go and see Leon we need to find info on Dartanian”, “Dartanian? But don’t we already know where he is?” asked Ray “We did” replied Xonic “But I’m sure that Dartanian went to great lengths to erase those memories so we wouldn’t find him again” “Oh” Ray replied.

They all walked further in and came to a house “Well this is Leon’s House” Xonic said, they walked inside and saw two women talking to each other and a little girl who seemed to be blind; one of them was wearing black clothing and looked as if she was dressed as a ninja, the other was wearing a long pink dress the little girl seemed to know that Xonic was there and ran over shouting “Xonic! You’re here!” “Hello Lylie, how are you?” “Lylie’s good, I waited for you like you told me!” The ninja said “Hey, if it isn’t Xonic and Draco! “Come in we missed you!” the other woman said. They walked in and the ninja woman said, “Well aren’t you a sight for sore eyes”, then the other woman stepped in saying, “How are both of you we haven’t heard from you for so long!” Draco stood there, staring at them for a few seconds “Draco are you ok?” the ninja asked, “Let me handle this” Xonic said stepping into the conversation “Draco, this is Yuffie and Aerith, and this little girl is Lylie” Xonic said to Draco pointing from the ninja woman to the other woman, “Hmmm Yuffie, Aerith and Lylie” Draco said thinking for a second then he felt a small pain for a second then it quickly subsided.

“I remember now” Draco said, “What do you mean?” Yuffie asked, “Look we haven’t got time to explain, you know where Leon is?” Xonic asked, “Sure he’s down at the computer room” Aeirith replied “Thanks” Xonic replied. They walked out and towards the large mansion through the debris of a battle a few years ago, they approached the computer room they saw a guy dressed like Ray and carrying a huge sword “Hi Cloud” Xonic said almost immediately, Cloud turned around and said “Oh hi Xonic, Draco how’ve you been?” “Hmmm Cloud” Draco thought for a second then a slight pain hit him as memories of Cloud came back to him but it didn’t worry him, but then a huge pain came across him an he was force to kneel down in pain as he saw visions of another person who carried a long blade and he seemed to teem of darkness.

“Draco!” Roxas shouted, the pain subsided and he stood up again “Draco what happened?” “I don’t know” Draco said, “I felt this powerful force as I regained memories of Cloud, but who was it?” “Sephiroth” Cloud replied “The darkness of your heart” Xonic added. “Well sorry about that” Cloud said to Draco “I guess his darkness effects me in more ways than one” “That’s okay” Draco replied, “It’s not as if you meant for it to happen”, “ Well anyway it’s nice to see you two again” and with that they continued to walk to the computer room.

They walked the corridors and almost got lost but they managed to find the door to the Study, the looked like as if it hadn’t been used for years and there was a walkway that extended further in so they continued walking an eventually came to a large room where two guys stood at a rather large computer “Hi Cid, hi Leon” Xonic said as they walked in and Draco regained his memories almost immediately of them. “Hey Xonic, Draco, Ray and who’s this?” Leon asked “Oh I’m Roxas, I was Sora’s Nobody and a friend of Draco” Roxas said “Nice to meet you, anyway I think you’re all gonna be wanting to look at this” said Leon looking at the computer screen.

“What’s wrong?” Xonic asked, “What’s wrong? The Order of Shadows has declared all out war with the worlds that’s what’s wrong!” Cid said in a serious tone “WHAT?” Xonic yelled in disgust “Dartanian what have you gotten yourself into this time?” he said in a disappointed voice. “Well one thing is for certain, they have made an all out assault to find enough hearts to create Kingdom Hearts before you get to them” Leon explained “Why?” Draco asked “Because before they could have taken as long as they need to as long as you couldn’t remember who you really were, but know that you are regaining your memories they are in a sense scared that you will eventually remember where their base is” Xonic explained. “How would I remember? Wasn’t my memory erased of that information?” Draco asked “No, he thought that you were already dead so saw no need to, but what he didn’t realize is that you were never killed just knocked unconscious because I managed to put a spell on you during the battle that made you look like you were dead” Xonic continued “He divided the strength of the spell he used to control me amongst the remaining members of the order of shadows and I think that spell affected your memory when I hit you”.

“So that means…” Draco began to say “Yes if we destroy the last members of the organization, the spell will loosen and you might be able to remember the location of his base so we can finish this” Xonic finished. “Well if ya gonna go and save the world’s again at least take this” Cid said throwing over a phone “Thanks Cid” Xonic said gratefully, “Don’t mention it, now you’s go on and give them shadow guys something to REALLY worry about” Cid replied, “Xonic, Draco, Ray, Roxas, I think it would be a good idea to also go to Destiny Islands and find Sora and Co. they should be able to help you” Leon suggested, “Thanks Leon we will” Xonic replied.
Just then Aerith, Yuffie and Lylie walked through the door “Oh you’re leaving again?” Aerith asked “I’m afraid so” replied Xonic, “Well you just promise you’ll all come back in one piece all right?” Yuffie said in a serious tone, Draco, Xonic, Roxas and Ray all nodded. “You going away again Xonic?” asked Lylie “Yes Lylie I got an important job to do” Xonic replied “Well I won’t cry because I know you’ll come back to me promise?” asked Lylie “Yes, I Promise” Xonic said hugging Lylie.

They all walked back to the Gummi Ship and they all got inside, “Remember go and get Sora and the others first” Leon said to Draco “We Will” replied Draco. “Go get them!” Yuffie yelled out, “And make sure you keep in contact with us there’s no telling was Dartanian is planning” Cid added, “Bye Xonic! Bye Draco! See you when you get back!” Lylie also added.

And with that they blasted off and sped off towards Destiny Islands with Draco and his friends bracing themselves for the battles that lied ahead.


New member
Apr 13, 2007
In my own personal world
Chapter 9

OMFG I actually finished the 9th chapter *Faints*

Chapter 9: A Hero’s Reunion

(I’m gonna try talking in first person from now on)

As we approached Destiny Islands I asked Xonic “Hey Xonic you think they’ll be willing to help after what happened?” “I don’t know we’ll just have to hope that they will” Xonic replied, “Don’t worry! You know Sora, he’s always willing to save the world” Roxas said with enthusiasm “Yeah you’re right, thanks Roxas” I replied, “You’re welcome” Roxas said with a smile on his face.

“We’re here” Xonic said as I looked out the window there were several islands and what looked like a fort on one of them and automatically identified it as Destiny Islands and the memories of that place. We landed and got out, I felt the cool sea breeze blowing against me “So where are they?” I asked, “Patience Draco I’m sure they are around here somewhere” Xonic replied “Why don’t we split up?” Ray suggested, “Okay that sounds like a good idea” Xonic replied, “I’ll go with Draco” Roxas said, “And I’ll go with Ray” Xonic said. Roxas and me decided to look on the other side of the island, while Ray and Xonic went searching on the fort, as we started searching little did anyone of us know that a member of the Order of Shadows was watching us from a palm tree and wielded two what looked to be guns “Heh heh, I think it’s time for a little reintroduction” he said before vanishing.

Me and Roxas walked through the door onto the other side of the island and started to walk across a wooden bridge “I wonder what they’ve been up to lately” Roxas said “Well I don’t know I’m just hoping I recognize-“ I said then I stepped on a loose board and fell through “Ahhhhh!” I yelled as I landed in the water with a big splash “Oh man my cloak!” I complained, “Hey Draco you all right?” Roxas asked, “Yeah I’m all right, just a bit wet” I said. “Who’s there?” a voice asked as I layed on the sand shivering from the coldness of the water “Sora! Riku! Kairi!” Roxas yelled as he heard several sets of footsteps going across the bridge. “Hey Roxas how you doin?” a voice asked notably female, “All right” Roxas replied, “What are you doing here?” a male voice asked, “I’m here with Xonic, Draco and Ray looking for you all” Roxas replied, “Draco’s all right? That’s good, where is he anyway?” Another voice asked. “I’m down here” shouting still cold from the water, a kid looked over the side he had hair like mine but unlike his, mine was black and a bit shorter “Hey Draco you all right?” the kid asked, “Perfect” I said in a sarcastic voice, “It’s good that you are all right” a female voice said all she looked over the side as well, she had red hair and a pink dress on. “You need a hand?” the male kid said, “Wouldn’t mind it” I said they grabbed my hands and pulled me onto the bridge, as I gasped for air after taking a dip I saw a pair of black shoes that I immediately recognized as Sora’s and my head buzzed for a moment as I regained my memories.

“You should always watch out for that board it’s always loose” Sora said, “And who asked you Sor-“ I was saying as I got up but as soon as I saw Sora I knew something was wrong, his eyes were a weird yellow and purple colour, and his clothes were red and black with Half-Heart symbols on it “What the hell?” I yelled as I jumped back and drew my keyblade. “Draco what are you doing?!?” Sora asked, “Get away from me you evil monster!” I yelled in a battle stance “Draco stop it! It is Sora!” Roxas yelled at me, I lowered my keyblade “Geez Draco, don’t scare me like that!” Sora said in a tone that I only know the real Sora would say it. “Sora?” I asked, “What happened to you?” “Well it’s a long story” he said “But why don’t we find the others and I can tell you back at my house?” Sora suggested, “Okay then” I said.

We walked to the fort as Xonic and Ray came walking back with a male and a female, the male stood at about 5”10, wore a blue sweatshirt unzipped with a red shirt, green pants, and red shoes. The female stood at about 5”11, she had strawberry blonde hair, blue eyes, fair skin and a average body-build. She wore Nylon black halter-top, tan cargo capris (Sorry if I spelled it wrong), white peep toe flats, she had her hair in ponytail and a heart shaped opal choker. I didn’t even need a name for some reason, as one name seemed to come to me naturally: ‘Elle’. She ran over to me hugging me shouting, “Oh Draco, you’re all right! I was so worried about you and Xonic!” “Thank you Elle” I replied.

The rest of them walked over and Xonic said, “Well look who we found”, “And look who we found” I replied showing them Sora and Co., “Well it’s nice to see you…” he said, then as soon as he saw Sora, he asked “Whoa! What’s with the new outfit Sora?” “Well let’s all go to my house and I’ll explain” Sora said. And so we all made our way to the main island by boat and came to Sora’s house. As we walked inside Sora’s mom was cooking dinner, she turned around and said “Oh Sora, you bring some friends over?” she asked, “Yeah mom, these are some of my friends from about a year ago after well you know…” Sora replied, “Of course I do, I be sure to make extra for your friends” his mom said, “Thanks mom he replied.

We all walked upstairs and sat on the numerous couches in what looked to be an upstairs lounge room. “Well…” Sora started, “It’s nice to see that you’re all safe” he said towards me, Xonic and Roxas and Ray, “So what’s been happening in Hollow Bastion and Twilight Town this past year?” Kairi inquired. “Well Hollow Bastion is pretty safe, there aren’t as many heartless any more, so it’s made my job boring as hell” Ray commented, “And what about Twilight Town?” Sora asked, “Well everything has been fine in Twilight Town except…” Xonic said and his voice trailing off at the end of the sentence, “Except what?” Sora asked. Xonic looked at Sora seriously and said, “It’s Dartanian, he’s back…” Sora and the others were shocked, “Dartanian! But I thought you killed him!” Sora exclaimed, “I almost did, but he managed to escape along with a few of the remaining members back to his castle and he also put a spell on all of us to make sure we didn’t know where it was” Xonic explained. “Then how the hell are we supposed to find him?” Riku asked, “Draco” Xonic said, “Draco?” Elle said in a confused voice looking at me, from this point I stepped into the conversation, “From what Xonic has told me, the spell that Dartanian used to control him, also affected my memory, but the only reason Dartanian didn’t decide to erase my memory is because he already thought I was dead because of a spell that Xonic put on me” I explained “And the power of that spell was divided amongst the remaining members of the Order of Shadows, meaning that if we destroy all the other members, it will weaken the spell and we’ll be able to find the portal again and finish this”.

“We get to fight again? Oh good, I haven’t had much of a challenge lately” Riku said cracking his knuckles, “And don’t forget me, I’m fighting too!” Kairi added, “And of course I’m going, I mean I’m a Keyblade bearer too” Sora said grinning, “What gonna play the ‘hero’ again?” I said jokingly and we all started laughing except the kid in the blue sweater.

“Oh! I almost forgot I’d like to introduce you to Zetssu” Sora said pointing to him. “He’s not a keyblade bearer but he can still hold his own when it comes to defeating heartless”, “And how’d he get here?” Xonic asked and Zetssu stood forward. “During the between you and the Order of Shadows, my home world was attacked by them in their bid to collect hearts to recreate Kingdom Hearts and my world was destroyed, I was the only survivor of the attack and eventually made my way here, and since then have sworn revenge against Dartanian” he explained, “Well, we’re gonna need all the help we can get to defeat the Order of Shadows” Xonic said, then he looked down saying “He’s been haunting my dreams everyday since the end of that war, I swear he will pay!”, “Hey don’t sweat it!” I said “I’m sure that with all of us working together we’ll send him back to the Darkness from whence he came”, “Thanks Draco” Xonic replied.

“I wouldn’t be too sure of that,” a voice said from outside “What the…?” Sora said, we all ran outside looking around and saw a guy in a cloak like those of the Order of Shadows “Who are you?” Xonic said demandingly, “Who I am is none of your concern, however for Sora, me and my friends have an old score to settle, and that means you too Roxas!” the cloaked man said, “What do you mean?” Sora yelled at the man. At this point he took off his hood, but he didn’t look like any other member he had seen before, he had his gray hair in a ponytail, and also has a scar across one eye which was covered with the kind of patch you see pirates wear. Sora, Riku, Roxas and Kairi all looked at the guy with shock, then Sora yelled “Xigbar, you fiend! How’d you…”, “Well, well it looks like he remembers me, that’s right Xigbar’s back and better than ever thanks to Dartanian!”, “Dartanian?” I asked, “Geez you’re hopeless aren’t you? Dartanian used what power he gained from Kingdom Hearts to revive the whole Organisation as Half-hearts and now we’re helping him complete Kingdom Hearts so we can become whole beings once again!” Xigbar explained.

“Grrrr you!” Roxas yelled as he drew both his Keyblades and rushed at Xigbar, “Tsk tsk, such an unwelcoming return, well don’t worry you all can still enjoy the entertainment!” Xigbar said as he summoned several Dragoon nobodies and Half-Hearts which looked like the Dragoons but they wielded two crossbows instead of one, then Xigbar disappeared. We all drew our weapons and I saw that Zetssu had changed costume that very much resembled a ninja and carried a long katana with curse marks on it, but then Sora said “Wait we need to find a safer place to fight! Let’s draw them to the other island”, “Good idea” Xonic said.

Through lots of dodging and running, we all managed to draw the Nobodies and Half-Hearts to the other island via a hidden sand bank that lead to the island and also to the fact that it was low tide. As we made it we all drew our weapons, me choosing my Ice Tec-9’s, and all divide up so that we each had a Nobody and half-heart each. We each went to different areas, me choosing a small island that had a few palm trees. Then I started running trying to aim carefully, but the nobody kept dodging them and then I avoided a few sneak shots that the Half-Heart Dragoon shot, “Damn this is not working!” I said, and then I remembered that I had been studying Latin in school and decided to invent a spell of my own. “Vicis Subsisto!” (Time Stop) I yelled and then time suddenly stopped around me, “Wow it worked…” I said to myself, making sure to not let the moment slip by I fired around 50 shots at the nobody, then time started moving again and the bullets had frozen it to bits and it shattered, “Wow, I’ve heard of falling to pieces but man…” I said laughing.

Then I felt a shot hit my arm, “Agh!” I yelled turning around and seeing the Half-Heart smirking, then I looked at my arm and saw that my arm was bleeding, “Man that’s it you’ve crossed the line!” I said. I summoned my thunder rifle “Now you’re in trouble!” I said with a smirk on my face, the Half-Heart looking unimpressed and firing another shot at me, I dodged it and shouted “Thunderbolt!” and a charged bullet of electricity hit the Half Heart squarely in the chest ultimately killing it. I relaxed knowing that I had just destroyed it, but then I saw half a heart join up with another half then disappear.

I walked to the others clutching my arm, which was still bleeding, and then I remembered my Water Staff I said “Liquidus Unda” and my staff appeared. Pointing it upwards a tiny rain cloud appeared over my arm and started raining on where the shot had hit and it slowly began healing until all that was left of it was a scar, putting my staff away I headed back to the others.

“Who was he?” I asked as I walked over, “Xigbar, No. 2 of Organization XIII” Sora said, “Organisation XIII is back?!?” I exclaimed, “It would appear so” Riku added. We walked back into the house and Sora’s Mom came rushing into the lounge room saying “Oh my god, Sora are you all right?” in a panicked voice, “I’m fine mom, but it would seem that I need to go away for a bit again” Sora replied, “Oh…” She said “Well at least spend the night here before going, I don’t want you going in your current condition” she suggested, “Thanks mom” Sora replied.

We spent the night at Sora’s house and after dinner we all went to sleep, and I lay there on the mattress when I heard Xonic say, “Dammit Dartanian, does your evil know no bounds?” “Hey Xonic calm down, I mean of course the Organisation is back but that doesn’t mean we don’t have a chance against them, we’ll crush the Organisation and then we can settle the score with Dartanian once and for all” I reassured Xonic, “Thanks Draco” he replied.

The net morning, we went to a selection of shops to replenish supplies, then we all walked to a Gummi Ship that Sora owned, staring at the ship I said “Wow! This ship is yours?”, “Yep a gift from a friend” Sora replied. We all climbed inside and sat down in the numerous chairs inside that looked like a jumbo private jet, we got to the cockpit and all sat down. “So where to first” Sora asked, “Well we have no clue as to where the base might be and all the worlds are in danger” Xonic commented, “Well how about we deal with all the problems on the other worlds and we might find them in the process” I suggested, “I suppose that is the only plan we have” Xonic replied. “Well if that’s the plan let’s go to the Land of the Dragons first, they’re the nearest to us” Sora suggested, “Dragons? There are dragons there?!?” I asked enthusiastically, “Yeah why?” Sora asked, Xonic stepped in “Oh Draco has had this fascination with Dragons, he’s been like that ever since primary school”, “Hell yeah!” I said, “If there was a record for largest collection of Dragon merchandise, I would be the record holder!” “Well it’s settled then, set course for The Land of The Dragons”!” Sora yelled.

We all sat down in our seats as the gummi ship took off, and as the gummi ship headed towards the Land of the Dragons, we all knew that the war between us, The Order of Shadows and the revived Organisation had just begun.
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Mar 27, 2007
Wow really great chapters so far, I look forward into seeing what happens next.


You Swear To Listen
Apr 15, 2007
Refused to read it because you had done more than triple posting, which is not allowed, wait for comments, then post a new chapter...or edit your post


Gold Member
Dec 28, 2006
^ A few things...

1- He had the majority written before he even joined KHI. (Trust me, know him from another site).
2- I can understand correcting him, but refusing to read it is downright mean. You didn't have to say you refused to read it, just correct him.


You Swear To Listen
Apr 15, 2007
^ A few things...

1- He had the majority written before he even joined KHI. (Trust me, know him from another site).
2- I can understand correcting him, but refusing to read it is downright mean. You didn't have to say you refused to read it, just correct him.

1. Yeah so??

2. Hahahahahahaha, I am only telling the truth! I'm a truthfull man! I give it to him straight!


Gold Member
Dec 28, 2006
I understand the thing about correcting him. I did the same thing he did with multiple posts at first. The site we both originated on has COMPLETELY different rules than KHI, and has NO editing AND a character limit.

I respect that you were honest, but I don't respect on you the fact that you went out and said that you "Refused to read it" only because of a little detail.
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