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A Story I Wrote

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joeXnickXkev HA!

New member
Aug 30, 2008
In Riku's Closet- with the mini fridge!
Someone said I didn't know how to write stories. *rolls eyes* I wrote this when I was 9 or 10:
Amika walked around the castle, looking rather bored. “What is there to do around here?!” Amika laughed. Amika ran around looking for her father. “Oof!” Amika had dashed too a bit too hard and had squished her head into her sister’s stomach. “Ow! Amika! You ought to watch where you’re going! “Oops! Sorry, Madion! I promise not to do it again!” “No, you promise to watch where you’re going from now on!” “Fine! Sorry! Sheesh.” With a displeasure of her sister, Madion walked off. Amika didn’t particularly care that her sister had been hurt. She didn’t have any feelings about the situation, except the fact that her sister was a little rude about it. With that, she ran off to find her father. Her father was being asked about helping a poor man’s nephew back into hospitality. The man explained to him that his brother’s son become a feared warrior in a small town, quite a distance from Nadime. The man was too poor to travel, and didn’t know any moves and wasn’t strong enough to at least scare him back. Everyone in Nadime looked up to King Kidosaime because of his great strength and reflexes. Being king of Nadime just made him even more famous and respected. Either way, he was still very trusted and worthy, so he had to agree to lots of requests. Then came up the realization of Amika’s hobby. Amika adored ninja, and dreamt of becoming a ninja one day. All she ever wanted to do was train to be a ninja- in any way possible. She came along with her dad on requests often, and took every chance to memorize notes, and whatever he said, not mention helping out at any possible moment- with her dad’s say-so. Amika, finding her father, ran off with her dad on the request. After about 4 or 5 hours of traveling, they finally came to the entrance of Dante*, a town in Kindowa*, which was bordered next to Nadime. Amika ran off looking for the boy that the poor man was talking about. Amika ran off quite a distance from her father- out of his sight, at least. She heard some noise coming from the big parking lot for the hotel. She ran up the parking lot, trying to track the sound she heard. Up on the 3rd floor was a girl- obviously a little older than Amika*. She had light purple hair- lavender like. She kept repeating- “Eggs, milk, bread, check, check, check.” She seemed a bit hesitant, more or less worried. A few guys came by looking at the girl- but not only her- the basket she was carrying. They walked a little closer, eyeing the girl and her basket. Amika, on the other hand, was still getting up to the 3rd floor. She was walking up, and looking around. “This place is like a partially abandoned New York.” Amika walked up closer. Amika happened to see the girl… and the guys. For a moment, the girl didn’t really notice the guys behind her. She noticed someone was behind her. Then she turned around, and screamed at the sight of the worst gang in town. Dante is the biggest threatening town in Kindowa- full of gangs, thugs, hobos, and theives- which is why it looks so crummy. A young boy walked up to the girl. He -said, “Tell us your name. Your full name.” “N-nozomi A-anshi-shinii. Nozomi Anshinii*.” “Hmph. What a stupid name.” “Hey, you!” Amika saw they were obviously going to take the girl hostage or steal her food or something. She must take a stand. It’s just what she does. “Don’t even think about doing anything to that girl! Or-” The biggest guy- probably the leader of the group- thought she was just another “brat.” “Or what? You’ll make us ride your imaginary pony of doom? Hmph. Just go away, you little baby. You’re no help here.” “I was saying- ‘Or you’ll get it!’ So back off!” “As if. What can you do?” {Oh, that’s it!} “I’ll show you what I can do!” Amika ran up to him. He readied to punch her, seeing she wasn’t doing anything. Quickly, Amika grabbed hold of his wrist, and not only flipping his body, but also twisting his wrist. “Ohh!” “You were saying?!” “Yo, kira*! Grab the basket and get those girls!” “I told you not to call me that!” The boy stamped his foot in the other guy’s stomach. “Shut up- I‘ll do what you said!” He took his hand trying to snatch her basket, but being stopped by Amika’s hand. “So, tell me. What’s your name?” “Hmph. Kuchizuke. Just call me Kuchizu.” “Last name?” “Inkiaina. Kuchizuke Inkiaina*.” “Well, nice to meet you.” “Don’t try being formal. I can kick your butt in one second, if I wanted.” “You and what army?” “The rest of the-” Kuchizuke looks over seeing the rest of Hitojichi* is gone. “Aw, man! But I can still-” “Don’t make me flip you!” “Dang! I can’t flip you! I’m just a show-off!” “I’ll teach how to flip people!” “Can we be a little less formal? We just met, I know, but-” “Oh, yeah!” Amika bent over to greet them both in the traditional Japanese way. “Ii-ni-deau-anata! Ii-ni-deau-anata*!” “Okay… so, can you tell us your name, now?” Nozomi asked. “Huh? Oh, sure! My name’s Amika! Of the royal Hanazoku family! Pleasured to meet you two!” “Whaaaaaaat!?!?!” Both Kuchizuke and Nozomi said in unison. “Wait! If you’re royal, why’re you here?” Nozomi said. “Oh my gosh, don’t you know? Amika’s dad is like a super ninja, and the people in Nadime come to him asking for help and stuff, and Amika started to come along with him when she nearly 9! But then, what did a Nadiman* ask for this time?” “My dad explained that the man asked to his nephew back because he had ran away to become a apart of a gang or something like that. But anyway, he asked for me to get him back. I didn’t care much. The guy who ran away sounds pretty cool to me.” Kuchizuke looked over at Amika. “!! No way!” “Huh? What? Did you stop breathing? I don’t know how to do CPR!! Gah!” “Nozomi! Calm down! I think he’s fine! But I know what’s up! You’re that guy who ran away aren’t you?!” “! Well, yes. But you won’t make me come back! I like it here! In fact, I love it!” “Really, ‘kira’?” “Dah! Don’t call me that! I never killed anyone!” Amika laughed. Nozomi kind of giggled. “Ha-ha! You hate it here! That’s a no-brainer! Why’d you even come to this scrap of a trashcan anyway? It sucks here!” “Because I needed money! We were completely desperate, and no one else would do anything! I live with my dad, my uncle, and my little sister! We needed something!” “Pfffft! If you needed something, you could’ve just come to my dad and asked for money- he doesn’t care if take any money of his! He’d still get what he already has! People spoil him, because they love him.” Nozomi raised her hand. “Wouldn’t that be called ’respect’?” Kuchizuke scoffed. “It’s called ’worship’! People think he’s so amazing, they treat him like a god!” “Oh! I forgot! I need to find my dad!” Amika looked worried. “Ngh. Hey, can’t you come back? I mean, I really like you, so…” Kuchizuke blushed. {Omigosh! She likes me! My uncle said girls aren’t supposed to like me! But, she’s really cute, and-} “Hey, snap out of it! So, are you coming or not!?” “Dah! U-um.. I- well- I mean- I-I- umm- well-” “Hey, what’s gotten into you!?” Kuchizuke blushed a bit more. {Wow! She’s cute! And her attitude! I think I’m in love! But I can’t fall in love! That’s what my uncle said! I can’t help but look at her! It’s so embarrassing! What do I do, what do I do?!?} “So you must not be coming, huh?” Amika grinned. “Well, I can’t- I mean I can- But I- I can’t go- Well, I can, but- and-” “Okay then. Come on, Nozomi. You’re gonna need protection!” Nozomi blushed. “O-uh-okay…” “Oh and Kuchizuke?” “H-huh?” Amika walked over Kuchizuke, and held her mouth to his ear. “NA-NA, NA-NA-NA! You didn’t kiss me, bet you’re gonna miss me!” Kuchizuke fell over. “Dah! Wh-what!? I didn’t what!? Ow-ow-ow-ow! Ow, my ear! Why’d you have to scream!?” Amika laughed. “You are so stupid. It’s obvious you like me! But why so suddenly? Anyway, are you coming?” “Dah, u-u-um. You know what, okay!” “Hmph, thought so.” Amika, Kuchizuke, and Nozomi walked off. “DADDY!!!! WHERE ARE YOU!?! DAAAAAAADDYYYYYYYY!!!!” “Amika, shut up! My ears are bleeding, god-” “KUCHIZUKE!!! Don’t be so rude! Puh-lease!” “Nozomi!? How strange for a person like you to be so loud and bossy. I can’t believe you just did that!” “…S-so what.. a-and what? I wasn’t.. Um… Okay. Whatever… I- I guess. A-am I really those m-mean things you said? I- I.. um-” “I could listen to you talk for hours and never get used to it, I swear.” “Ditto. Amika!” “Mmm? Yes? What is it?” “Look! It’s your dad!” Amika gasped with happiness. “DADDY!!!” Amika ran up to her father and hugged him tightly. “Oh, Daddy! I thought you left or got hurt or- or- oh, Daddy, I was so worried. I was looking for you for hours.” “U-um…” “Hunh? Oh, Daddy, this is Nozomi and Kuchizuke, my new friends.” They smiled. “I-I’m Nozomi. Nozomi Anshinii. Nice to meet you, Sir Kidosaime.” “Ah, yes. Nice to meet you, Kidosaime-san. I’m Kuchizuke Inkiaina. Just call me Kuchizu, or Inkiaina-san, if you please!” Kidosaime smiled. “Nice to meet you two. I don’t usually meet new people unless they’ve come to ask for help.” “Papa, can I have my friends come back with us?” “Oh, sure. I don’t mind at all whatsoever.” “See? I told you he was super nice!” “More like a pushover,” Kuchizuke muttered. Nozomi giggled. “Hey do you wanna ride in the back with me or with Papa in the front?” Kuchizuke raised his hand quickly. “In the back!” Amika giggled. “Dah, um, I- I wasn’t.. saying.. I- I like you… or anything… j-just..” “I-I’ll ride in the back too, Amika.” “Thanks, Nozomi. Tch, you can ride in the back too, Kuchizuke.” Kuchizuke blushed. “Oh, th-thanks..” {Why is this happening!?! I’m so embarrassed, and she’s so…. CUTE!! Dah, I gotta stop! I’m so embarrassed!} “Hey, Kuchizu, are you coming?” “Ku-kuchizu?” {Yes, she called me Kuchizu!!! I’m in heaven!!} “Dah! Um, coming!” Kuchizuke and Amika explained about Kuchizuke being the man’s nephew and Kidosaime agreed to let him be his daughter‘s friend. Kuchizuke, Nozomi, and Amika all got onto the small train* and Kidosaime got in the front, as usual. “You know, I’m so glad Amika’s finally making friends. She doesn’t get along with her sister very well. But that’s just her sister- she’s very stressed out a lot, because of all her appearances at special openings and junk. I don’t go to those stupid things since I’m usually out on these little ‘missions.’ Either way, at least she’s making friends.” Amika got out some sushi from the back. The sushi box plopped on the ground in front of Kuchizuke and Nozomi. “Here. Eat.” “Wh-what is it? What kind of sushi?” “Seashore compliments!” “Huh?” “Whaaat? You’ve never heard of it? Seashore combo- compliments of the chef. It’s fresh!” “Ah!” “I have some dragonfly somewhere. Maybe even california roll!” “Uh! You know, I didn’t notice until now-” “Oi, Nozomi! I didn’t notice until now either, that Kuchizu looks like Sasuke!” “What!? I do not!” “Hmm, but you act like Dominic!” “Dah! Don’t say that! I’m not similar to Dominic or Sasuke!” “Yes, you are! At least, I don’t call you kira!” “Hmph, why wouldn’t you?” “Because- 1. You’re my friend, and 2. I wouldn’t call you by Light’s nickname.” “You wanna be a ninja, right?” “Well, duh!” “How many different anime do you watch?” “I ‘unno, 15, 18.” “You are weird.” “Duh. Most ninjas are weird. Take Naruto for example… Or you.” “I am not weird!!” “Oh, it’s your first fight!” Kuchizuke and Amika blushed. “No-nozomi! That’s so- I mean we like each other, but not like- and you aren’t the kind of person to- I- I-” Nozomi giggled. “I didn’t know two people younger than me would be such good friends with me!” “Nozomi, that’s… that’s so nice.” They smiled. “B-but, you shouldn’t joke about me and Kuchizu! I mean, it’s like Kuchizu just said, we do like each other, but we don’t like each other!” “Whatever. It really looks like you two are-” “Dah! Don’t say that!” “Pfft, and I quote, ‘You didn’t kiss me, bet you’re gonna me!!,’” “Dah- Well, she was just teasing me!” Nozomi stuck her tongue out. “As if.” “You know, I really like you guys!” Nozomi and Kuchizuke looked over at Amika. “Wow, dah, thanks, Amika.” Nozomi giggled. “A match made in heaven.” “Nozomi!!” “I was just kidding!” {No, not really.} “How about just ‘peas in a pod’?” “I guess that’s a little better.” “Ah-um, y-yeah.” “The princess, the princess!!” “Huh?” “It means the guy sees my sister. Oops, I mean, the princess. Not to be self-centered or anything, but…” “Madion, darling. I haven’t seen all afternoon. How are you?” “I’m.. I’m fine. How did your request go? Did you the man’s nephew?” “Why, yes. I did. In fact, Amika found him. She’s befriended him, and a girl about your age, too.” “Oh, I see.” “Hey, Madion! How you been?” “Fine. Nice to see you, Amika. I need to go feed Kaito. Goodbye.” “But, Madion! Don’t you wanna see my friends? They’re really nice.” “Hmm. Mmm. No thank you. Goodbye.” “But Madion-” “I said goodbye!! Now let me leave already!” “Ugh, fine! Whatever, I don’t care.” {Gosh, what’s her problem?} “Come on, guys! I wanna show you my room!” “O-okay!” “Sure.” “Papa, have you ever thought how childish Amika acts? She’s so immature.” “Of course she acts childish, Madion. She’s only 9, and she hasn’t been that old for long.” Madion poured food for Kaito in his bowl, looking as if she was ignoring her father. “But you know, she’s mature in some ways. You just have to look for it.” Madion pet Kaito. “Hmm. Whatever.” “So, this is my room!” “What is that?” “Huh? Oh, that’s Kaito’s pet bed! Kaito is our lemur!” “You have a lemur?” “Well, yeah. I know, it’s weird. But we couldn’t decide on a kitten or a puppy, so I asked for a lemur. Papa thought it was a good idea!” Nozomi made a confused gesture. “O-kay… why did you ask for a lemur?” “I ‘unno. I thought it would be cool.” “Weird. Kind of… awkward.” “Well, anyway this is my room.” Kuchizuke and Nozomi looked around. “Homey.” “Room-y. I guess. So…” “So…” Kuchizuke and Amika looked over at Nozomi. It was silent for a minute. “Nozomi!!!” They yelled. “Aaaah! What is it? What did I do?” Kuchizuke and Amika stood in silence for a moment, slightly blushing. It took Nozomi a moment to realize Kuchizuke and Amika obviously wanted to talk in private. “Oh! I’ll just leave then. Sorry.” Nozomi ran out the door. She put her ear to the door, trying to see what they had to say. Kaito came over and mimicked her. He looked like a cross between a panda, a raccoon, and a small wiener dog. His beady eyes were adorable because of their lucky shine. Nozomi looked at the door and looked back at him. She repeated this for a few seconds. “You hear anything?” Raito squeaked quickly as if he said no. Nozomi noticed the door knob was turning and jolted up. Raito jumped onto her shoulder. Nozomi acted as if she was pacing. “Okay, so…” Amika came up from behind the door, smiling. “So what’d you two talk about?” “None of your business. But it was important.” {I have a feeling I know just what they talked about.} Nozomi thought. “Hanazoku-san!” “Oh boy.” “Huh? Who is that?” “Some stupid prince. He adores me, but I can’t stand him. “Just tell him you already have a boyfriend.” “And lie? I can’t lie!” Nozomi made a ’like that’s true’ face. “Okay, fine. But what if he wants proof?” “Just-- come up with something!” “On the spot?” “Basically.” Amika thought and looked around. “Okay. I’m ready.” “We’ll come along then.” “Perfect.” Amika walked up to the boy. “Hello, Hanazoku-san! Is it okay if I call you that? Or is it too formal? What would to be called? Just asking, don’t be offended.” “Listen… stalker,” Amika started, “I don’t- uh- I-… Listen, I have a boyfriend. And I’m seriously in love with him, so don’t mess with my mood. We can never see each other, if you catch my drift.” “Really? So tell me, just who is your little boyfriend?” “Uuuhh…” Amika looked around. “He’s right here.” Amika clenched Kuchizuke’s hand. Kuchizuke blushed. {I’m going to die.} he thought. Amika didn’t seem affected by it. “So, what else do you have to say?” “Kiss him.” “HUH?” “Kiss him. You said your seriously in love him. So you can obviously kiss him easily.” “Oh, well. We just got together t-two days ago, so…” “Fine, then. But I’ll be waiting to see you kiss him, Hanazoku-san. I’ll be waiting.” He left, without a trace. Amika was still clenching Kuchizuke’s hand. “Y-you can let go now.” “Huh? Oh.” Amika blushed. “That was kind of… awkward.” Amika bit her lip. “K-kind of? What are talking about?” “Well.. Uh.. You know what, never mind.” Nozomi imagined Amika and Kuchizuke kissing a lot of the time. She heard of Kuchizuke and Amika liking each other and totally fell in love with the idea. “They are the cutest couple ever!” Nozomi bragged to her friend about Amika and Kuchizuke all night. One of the last things her friend said on the phone that night was; “I wanna meet Amika and Kuchizuke right now!” Nozomi agreed and decided to take her friend along to the castle the next day. It wasn’t exactly a castle. More like a mansion made of stone. Nozomi put up her hair in a ponytail, and wore short dress, it was frilly and pink. She didn’t usually dress like that. Her friend had short blond hair and wore a blue tank top with a denim mini skirt. They both wore sandals. “So… this is that girl’s home you were talking about?” “Mmm-hmm.” Nozomi winked her eye and whispered to her friend, “Be careful, she’s only 9, but she’s a little bit more mature than other ones.” Amika ran over to the gate that blocks people from entering the backyard. “Oh, it’s Nozomi! And she brought a friend!” “Huh? Nozomi!” Kuchizuke was in the backyard with Amika, of course. “We were making out.” Amika said, being silly. “Uh-oh. Watch out for hormones,“ Nozomi joked with Amika. Nozomi and her friend laughed. “We were not smooching.” “I bet you wish we were.” Amika stuck out her tongue. She twirled around and ran off. “Hey! Get back here!” Nozomi entered the backyard without intrusion of the guards. Kuchizuke was chasing Amika around the backyard. Nozomi winked at her friend. “See what I mean?” Her friend laughed. “Um, excuse me. I never introduced myself. I’m Kiki Hasudai. Nice to meet you.” Amika paused. “Ii-ni-deau-anata!” Kuchizuke ran up and grabbed onto Amika’s shirt strap. “Hey!” “Hey!” Kuchizuke said mockingly. Amika turned around, puckering her lips at Kuchizuke. “Aaaah!” Kuchizuke let go of her strap, and ran off. Amika was choking up. Nozomi smiled with a sort of confused look on her face. “Hey, Kiki.” “Hunh?” “Aren’t 9-year-olds supposed to think kissing’s gross?” “I don’t know. I guess. Amika sure seems into it.” “Amika’s childish, but she can be mature…” Amika stuck out her tongue at Kuchizuke. She shoved her face in front of Kuchizuke’s, making him fall over. Amika laughed at him crazily. “…sometimes. But she can be mature, believe me. She’s a cool friend, and very caring…” “Hey, Kuchizu!” Kuchizuke looked over at Amika, who was lifting up her shirt at him. “Daah!” He covered his eyes and fell over. Amika laughed crazily at him again. “Again, sometimes.” “Yeee-ah.” About half an hour of this silliness went on, until a few minutes to sundown. Amika stopped and ran out of the backyard. She jumped onto her bike and started peddling. Kuchizuke, Nozomi and Kiki started following. 3 miles later, she got off her bike and ran over to the edge of the hill, where a thin metallic gate was placed to keep people from jumping or falling over. Amika always rode there to see the sunset. “You come here every day?” “Usually. Sometimes I bring Kaito.” Amika’s big eyes glistened in the sunlight. Amika usually had her eyes wide-open at moments like these, but that was just a childish trait. Kuchizuke walked over to her. Amika gazed at the sky, as if she was being mesmerized. “It’s all orange and yellowish. I never thought the sunset would change the colors of the sky around it. It’s way up in space, and the sky surrounds earth nearby, so it’s kinda weird.” “It’s all scientific and junk. I don’t understand why people have to learn about the earth when they can just look around and notice the surroundings all around them at every second. It’s beautiful. No one takes the time to look around themselves and really notice where they are.” Kuchizuke looked over at Amika, and smiled. “You know, you make perfect sense.” Amika giggled. End of Chapter.
I'll post Ch.2 in a few seconds.

joeXnickXkev HA!

New member
Aug 30, 2008
In Riku's Closet- with the mini fridge!
Chapter 2 is still not finsihed, yet, but I'll still post it. I might finish this later on, if I feel like it.
Amika woke up, her hair was messy, and her eyes were bloodshot. “Nng!” Amika fell back in bed. Her phone rang. Amika sat up and took her phone, falling back down. “Hello?” “Amika-chan?” Amika sat back up. “Ku-kuchizu-kun? What’re you calling me for in the morning?” “It’s noon, Amika.” “Dwah?” “It’s Saturday, so you’re clock must not’ve gone off, right?” “Huh?” “Like for school.” “School?” “You dunno what school is?” “No, but it sounds pretty formal.” “School. Where people under 18 learn. Where they’re taught by teachers. And have cafeteria lunch unless they bring their own.” “What’s a teacher?” “You sure are weird. Don’t you know some anime where they go to school?” “Yeah… but I never really paid attention to that. I thought it was just some place they go to formally like church.” “It kinda is, but not exactly. How’d you get an education if you have no idea what school is?” “I read stuff. Like manga. And I learn some stuff on the Internet. And I listen to people talk.” “Wow, you’re really weird.” “I got that. Why’d you call me in the first place?” “Oh, I wanted to see if I could come over and play again.” “Sure. See you in a sec.” “Okay, see you.” Amika got dressed in her usual outfit, and ran into the front yard. She played around, and kicked in the air, punched in the air, whatever helped pass the time. “Oi, Amika!!” “Kuchizu!! You shoulda seen me! I did a aerial double kick flip dip thing!” “Heh, sounds cool.” “It totally was!” “So wanna go in the backyard?” “Yeah, come on!” Amika and Kuchizuke ran into the backyard and started playing, like they did last time. Nozomi was back in Kindowa, going to her mistress with her things. “I picked up your groceries, Miss.” “Thank you, finally! Now may you please do for me a special favor?” “Yes, ma’am?” “I want you to find this man, and hunt him down.” “I’m not sure I could do such a cruel thing.” “Or you could bathe my precious Magenta.” Magenta was a chihuahua, more like half-chihuahua, half-piranha. “I’d rather hunt him down.” “Okay, dear, here.” The mistress handed over a picture of a strange-looking man. “I know his name, but you would forget it. Fetch him, and bring him here. I’ll do the rest.” “Yes, ma’am.” “Make sure you do this before next winter hits. It’s very interesting what he can do with snow.” Nozomi walked off. She left the picture in her pocket, expecting to wait until next year get him at all. “Sheesh, it’s December right now so I don’t count on ever getting him until late spring at the earliest. What does this woman’s mind get the power to even work?” “Grape juice!” “Hunh?” “Grape juice! That lady’s mind works on grape juice!” “I don’t get it.” “Grape juice is healthy for you, yes, but much too much is very healthy for you.” “Isn’t that a good thing?” “Yes, at first. But after a while, it starts to add up. Too much grape juice can make your brain very tired form being much too much healthy.” “I get it, I guess. Who’re you?” “Name’s Tafi, miss ma’am!” “Tafi? What kinda name is that?” “It’s a unique name, ma’am. I don’t believe Nozomi’s quite a normal name, though.” “Hmph. What’re you here for? And how come you know Mistress Duresan?” “Well, for one- I’m not here for any particular reason, miss ma’am. And two- Duresan is my new auntie. My mommy fell for a some stupid guy on a motorcycle. No one likes except my mommy- but my mommy doesn’t know that ‘cause people just act like they like him around her. Otherwise, it’s pretty obvious. That man is not my daddy!” “I wish I had a mom and dad. I wish I had some kind of family.” “We could be family. Then Duresan wouldn’t do such mean things to you.” “But how can I even become part of your family?” “Easy peasy- my mommy can adopt you. You’ll be fine. Other than my new ‘step-person’, my family’s very nice. We would love to have more company.” “Hmph. Well, I guess I could come along with your family.” ‘Good! We’d love to have you.”

Danica Syer

Trivia: Love ღ
Apr 7, 2005
So yeah I cannot read this even though I tried. So, I have something to comment on this. A reminder: Please make sure it's in paragraphs and please make sure you type in a BIGGER FONT. But NOT too big because that'll mean you're shouting in a sense. Please and thank you.

Oh yeah, don't double post.
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