But you know that makes it crappy and obvious!
Too many people knew Roxas was Sora's Nobody because they all but spelled it out in the Final Mix, what with him duel wielding the Oblivion and the Oathkeeper in Deep Dive, and there being an Ansem Report talking about Nobodies that are created when someone turns into a Heartless.
They're not trying to hide those "twists" nor are the twists on themselves that important.
Ok, so Roxas is Sora's Nobody. Gasp, shock, shrug. Onwards to what they're gonna
do with it.
The same goes for Xion and the truth about her. They don't need to hide what she is as long as they pull the plot involving her well.
I'll take this a step further and say that if it's obvious, then it's
based. Twists often tend to make people blink and tilt their heads,
because no one saw them coming. That means it's not 'wow', it means the writers pulled that out of their asses.
Namine being Kairi's Nobody is a good example imo, especially since the same exact plot could've happened just as well had she been the Magical Memory Girl from Castle Oblivion instead of being Kairi's Nobody born of Sora's Body and Soul :\
To me, that was them trying to give Kairi importance when there was no reason to do so.
The rest of the PoHs were redundant even still inside KH1. Kairi didn't really prove herself worthy of staying around after that, is how I see it.
Then came Namine and of course they threw Kairi in again. Amazing.