I just wonder what she's going to be like. (Like everyone.) She might be like Ed from cowboy Bebop..crazy and awesome. Or atleast that's what I think.
Also Sign is't s been a few months. Fallen Angels are like criminals in TWEWY. They could not all be like Mr. H.
There might be a few around to cause some problems. TWEWY wasn't all that clear on the higher plane of things.You're assuming that Fallen Angels are in abundance.
Lan, when was the last time you played TWEWY or read the Secret Reports?
And then it's revealed the only reason Mr. Mew would fight is because the head Angel is actually...
Mr. Mew.
explaining why she has one if she's an angel![]()
Also since there is an Upstairs or Heaven...there must be a basment or Hell of some kind.
There might be a few around to cause some problems. TWEWY wasn't all that clear on the higher plane of things.
Mr. H is really the only one we know of but when i think of fallen angels....yeah I think you know where I'm going.I think that's pretty much what the Underground is. When you do shit right you either come back to life or ascend; if you lose the game or just flat-out die without a second chance you're completely erased from existence.
Who said they're all bad? The one in the original was only there for breaking some rules that ultimately helped all of the characters.
Spoiler Show
I entered the parallel world and contacted the
Composer. Unexpectedly, he seemed to be enjoying
his stay. In fact, the reason he had not contacted
me was because he was too busy playing Tin Pin.
I made him promise to meet me at the Shibuya River.
In the meantime, I need to hide out so as not to
meet myself in this world.
Usually, Angels existing as multiple entities within
the same world poses little problem. However, mine is
a somewhat...special case.
You see, I am the Fallen Angel who taught Minamimoto
how to refine Taboo Noise.
Minamimoto owes his successful rebirth to the
corrections I made to his flawed Taboo refinery sigil.
I must hide in Pork City for fear that my alternate
self in this world may report me on sight.
Minamimoto is my backup plan to ensure Shibuya's
survival. If the Composer does not change his mind,
this unique city will be lost.
I must prevent that at any cost.
Thus, I've deemed it necessary to cross the
boundaries Angels usually respect. I happily accept
the stigma of Fallen Angel for this cause.
Well then. It's about time to meet him...
After calling the Composer and hearing his cheery
voice, I feel as if my shadows fall even darker.
But darkness has always been husband to light.
I sincerely hope that someday my sins will be judged
I still hold faith that they will. Now, and
One last thing. To the Composer's pick.
Neku Sakuraba...
The future you must choose is within you.
I am glad to have had the chance to meet you.
Mr. H is really the only one we know of but when i think of fallen angels....yeah I think you know where I'm going.
As for UG it's wave is above the RG so I don't think that's the same.
Hmm, her hand's over her mouth. I wonder if anyone thinks her voice could be her 'ticket' to play the Reapers Game. (Assuming she's a player at all XD)
Considering the only fallen angel we know of was demoted because he broke some paperwork rule, I don't see where you're going. For all we know the other fallen angels are they way they are for just jaywalking or stealing from the office supply cabinet.
The idea is, how much lower than the RG or UG can you go? You can easily move up, as it has been proved, but to go any lower would be getting erased or not existing at all. If we use Imagination to gauge the planes, then you have Angels as the highest who are only there because of their superior Imagination, and Noise, just about the RG, which are scattered, inconceivable emotions. You'd get more real the closer you get to the RG. Would lower than the RG just be some meta fourth wall-breaking plane?
You're just saying that because you don't want a sequel.Looks to me like it could be DLC. The 'New 7 Days' thing fits in with the gap between the end of Neku's third game and when he properly meets the gang in the RG. Character might be Shiki's sister or a friend of her's or something, plus if she fights with the doll, it'd be easier to recycle animations and movesets.
My first reaction was to squeal mentally, but like Chaser I'm a bit wary now.
I'll wait for TGS, of for some new kind of info from SE before releasing my inner TWEWY fan girl.
And for those who have the theory that's the girl could be the daugter of Neku/Shiki for example, for god's sake, Neku just got the real meaning of friendship at the end of the game, he's not going to have children any time soon. (If any)
Plus, they would have to be in the fourties/fifties, since the girl looks seventeen-ish.
Really can't see it. And I doubt the fans want to see Neku & Co that older. In general, sequels (if it's one) tend to take place a few months/years after the original game.