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A Keyblade World

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Aquaman OS

New member
Feb 10, 2010
No, a whole world out of a Keyblade is a bit over the top, even for Kingdom Hearts?
I mean what they do with it? Who would live there?

I am in favor of Sora learning Keyblade transformations and getting a Rider though. Not only is it infinitely more useful than a Gummi ship (seeing as it can be used in combat or to chase after fleeing bad guys as Terra shows us) but it will also solve the problem of the Gummi ship getting abandoned at the end game worlds that always collapse upon completeing the game. Yensid can't magically save it all the time.

Plus it means Sora won't be stuck on Destiny Islands all the time unless Mickey has a mission for him and lends him a Gummi Ship. He could come and go between worlds as he pleased.

Allister Rose

French Lover
May 13, 2009
No, a whole world out of a Keyblade is a bit over the top, even for Kingdom Hearts?
I mean what they do with it? Who would live there?

I am in favor of Sora learning Keyblade transformations and getting a Rider though. Not only is it infinitely more useful than a Gummi ship (seeing as it can be used in combat or to chase after fleeing bad guys as Terra shows us) but it will also solve the problem of the Gummi ship getting abandoned at the end game worlds that always collapse upon completeing the game. Yensid can't magically save it all the time.

Plus it means Sora won't be stuck on Destiny Islands all the time unless Mickey has a mission for him and lends him a Gummi Ship. He could come and go between worlds as he pleased.

no, it's too fandom, personally he would also have to get armor, and that would also mean ditching donald and goofy, unless his keyblade somehow turned into a keyblade hovering mini van.

also it would be best if sora stayed in the island in the end, he is suppose to be a normal kid according to nomura.


Armor isn't too bad of an idea, since it's purpose is to stop darkness(Terra tried to activate it to stop Xehanort from projecting his heart in I think, but it was too late).

But Keyblade minivans are over the top.

Donald and Goofy could construct a new gummi ship from Disney Castle(How did they get back to Disney Castle?) if the old one is destroyed.

Allister Rose

French Lover
May 13, 2009
Armor isn't too bad of an idea, since it's purpose is to stop darkness(Terra tried to activate it to stop Xehanort from projecting his heart in I think, but it was too late).

But Keyblade minivans are over the top.
, no not really, they just use it for protection, not to stop darkness though they could use it for that indirectly. He used his armor for protectionand when mx went in to his heart, the armor had some of terra's final thoughts.

Donald and Goofy could construct a new gummi ship from Disney Castle(How did they get back to Disney Castle?) if the old one is destroyed.
they probably got back by mickey.

anyways, armor is a bad idea, ventus despite being my second favorite character in kh did not look good in armor, maybe his helmet did but his body looked really bad, plus sora doesn't look like the type to wear armor

Aquaman OS

New member
Feb 10, 2010
With all the Keybladers showing up, I actually think Sora's days of traveling with Donald and Goofy are done. They really have no further business going with him, unless they need to be looking for Mickey again and that plot was kinda over and done with.

Meanwhile with Sora being the protagonist for good and Kingdom Hearts seemingly going to span tons and tons of games at some point he's going to have to commit himself to heroics full time and not just hang out on the Islands. Which would generally mean armor and Keyblade rider, or at least his own personal Gummi Ship.

Allister Rose

French Lover
May 13, 2009
With all the Keybladers showing up, I actually think Sora's days of traveling with Donald and Goofy are done. They really have no further business going with him, unless they need to be looking for Mickey again and that plot was kinda over and done with.

Meanwhile with Sora being the protagonist for good and Kingdom Hearts seemingly going to span tons and tons of games at some point he's going to have to commit himself to heroics full time and not just hang out on the Islands. Which would generally mean armor and Keyblade rider, or at least his own personal Gummi Ship.
your basically asking kh not to be kh. also once TAV is saved, he won't need to go out to other worlds. it's not like he wan'ts to

Aquaman OS

New member
Feb 10, 2010
Yeah more less. BBS was a step in the right direction and reverting back to KH 2 style gaming will basically kill the series in my eyes.

Furthermore if he's not gonna leave the Island's after the Xehanort Saga is over how will he be the protagonist of the next saga?

Allister Rose

French Lover
May 13, 2009
Yeah more less. BBS was a step in the right direction and reverting back to KH 2 style gaming will basically kill the series in my eyes.

Furthermore if he's not gonna leave the Island's after the Xehanort Saga is over how will he be the protagonist of the next saga?
well no offense, but that's stupid. kh system wasn't bad, but they made it so it was too easy. BBS was a side game, and BBS style shouldn't affect any game about sora. plus kh2 style was almost the same as kh1.

i say keep kh traditional. don't over adap it or else there wont be any point having disney in it

Aquaman OS

New member
Feb 10, 2010
Well I guess we'll see what happens. But if the next games regress to KH 1 and 2 style after the awesome improvement that was BBS I'm moving on.

Allister Rose

French Lover
May 13, 2009
Well I guess we'll see what happens. But if the next games regress to KH 1 and 2 style after the awesome improvement that was BBS I'm moving on.
BBS was an improvement for a side game, not so much for the main series. though the story did take upon that, the traditional things it should keep is party members such as donald and goofy, gummi ships (ieven if i didn't like them, i still think they should stay) and keppt it that oldstyle.


Waiting on FF XV and KH3 :D
Oct 5, 2009
Los Angeles
no...no offense but thats the worst idea.
a keyblade turning into a world is a little over done.

I can definitely see Nomura doing it. he's got this whole Transformer esque thing going all why stop at vehicles.


New member
Aug 10, 2008
Manila, Philippines
It's like saying a caterpillar can metamorph into a bear if it stays long enough in the cocoon

That argument doesn't hold much ground, unfortunately. A caterpillar's transformation is genetically programmed and can only be changed via bioengineering. Not so with the keyblade, which seems to run on the rule of cool.

Put simply, a caterpillar is an insect, and the keyblade is a magical sword. Not a good choice to show comparisons with.

I mean what they do with it?

Hypothetically in order to attack, or defend from, other keybladers while in space.

Or in extreme cases, to prevent rival keyblader factions from sabotaging your base of operations (read: world) by unlocking its heart. Since keyblades don't seem to have keyholes, they're probably immune to such a tactic.

And then there's also the added bonus of a keyblade world being capable of fighting back. It'll be a deathworld for any hostiles that set their foots on it.

I mean what they do with it? Who would live there?

A really powerful keyblade master, or even several of them. They might even just combine their keyblades, each one formnig a segment of the world, in order to overcome the presumably high energy requirement of such a feat.

That being said, the highest probability of this ever happening would be before, or more likely during, the Keyblade Wars.


sans 911
Oct 8, 2008
Dumb Idea. Sorry.

A more logical idea would be a Keyblade Wielding World. Worlds have hearts. But it's too stupid to be considered.


New member
Sep 29, 2009
i can imagine that keyblade world warp into a very HUGE ultima canon .... WEAPON OF M<ASS DESTRUCTION YEAH!


That argument doesn't hold much ground, unfortunately. A caterpillar's transformation is genetically programmed and can only be changed via bioengineering. Not so with the keyblade, which seems to run on the rule of cool.

Put simply, a caterpillar is an insect, and the keyblade is a magical sword. Not a good choice to show comparisons with.

....Is this serious?

I wasn't comparing them mechanics-wise....I was saying both notions are equally as ridiculous.


New member
Aug 10, 2008
Manila, Philippines
Which you officially just failed to deliver.

Anyways, to anyone saying this is dumb or stupid, I guess the level of Fridge Logic inherent in Kingdom Hearts hasn't sunk into you guys/gals yet.

Think about it this way...

Warcraft has a planet-spaceship hybrid, yet Warcraft manages to be at least several levels less ridiculous thanKingdom Hearts.

Besides, stupid is highly subjective. Using that to verify one's point isn't very effective. Does anyone here possess a considerable idea about Japanese Culture and Psychology, or any considerably foreign society for that matter?


New member
Dec 25, 2009
Yuu said:
Anyways, to anyone saying this is dumb or stupid, I guess the level of Fridge Logic inherent in Kingdom Hearts hasn't sunk into you guys/gals yet.

Think about it this way...

Warcraft has a planet-spaceship hybrid, yet Warcraft manages to be at least several levels less ridiculous thanKingdom Hearts.

You're trying to justify a fairly out-there idea by basically saying "it's okay, Kingdom Hearts is ridiculous anyways."


Yeah, sorry to say but that's not the best argument and you should expect a fair amount of skepticism.
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