Well all know (or should know) that the three new characters ( Ven, Aqua, and Terra) have thier own stories in Birth By Sleep. Each story describing what happens to them and how the different people they meet and friends affect that character and situation that character is in. Now, old pictures of like... last summer, ithink...showed of Mickey training and Donald and Goofy watching . What if, Nomura never told us about a fourth scenario of the game???
see, if it was, it would strongly resemble the game play of Sora. Mickey is somewhat in the same situation as Sora and Donald and Goofy accompany him. It kinda makes sense, why would scenes of the king training be shown in the scenarios of Ven, aqua, or Terra??? With Mickey's scenario, we we can learn about his secrets and maybe unviel certain decision he makes in the first, middle, and second game of Kingdom Hearts.
Wouldn't it be AWESOME if there was another side of the story?!

I'm REALLY sorry if this has been mentioned b4. I haven't been on for months so please... be gentle when flaming.
