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Fanfiction ► A Figmental Truth

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Danica Syer

Trivia: Love ღ
Apr 7, 2005
Yep, so here I am with another fanfic at the moment. I'm writing a different story but like the last story....I have Earth characters and Earth stuff on here....and that since I hated my first fanfic, I decided to make up for it, I must make up for it! Okay, this story is a new fanfic story. This is in the KH world but of course it'll not be anything related to the future KH games and yes, it does take place but in my own point of view and remember how they got the note from King Mickey or whatever, that well not be in there since I don't know what the note meant and such. So think of it, almost as if KH starting again but in a fanfiction world, well not literally starting it. Except the Organization XIII has found a way to come back (except for the fourteenth member rumored in KH: 358/2 days due to not knowing much about the game and that it'll be too late for me to do anything by then, even if did came out sooner or whatever but you get what I mean, don't you? ) and instead of making two more Organization members. It also takes place on Earth half of the time and other half, Kingdom Hearts worlds. I am willing to take any suggestions, that'll make this story better. I know this was long.. oh and before you read. I must tell you that I'm in the processing of making this chapter and I'm not good at grammar and sometimes puncture. I'm good at mostly spelling and I'm willing to have anybody help me. Just PM me if you like the first chapter. ^_^ .
Whew! That was long but you'll find out about the characters as you read along. Otherwise I will you this, it includes the characters that were in KH game....and this time, think of it as though they did it realistically or whatever....and I will try to make this fanfic, creative and unique! Any suggestions recommend and would be good! I'll credit anybody for anything else or whatever!


Well read on, if you'd like!

Thanks for reading this part and I'm sorry if I bored you with my long comments. >_<

Hai, hai! (I mean, yes, yes!)
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Ban Mido

Kissing the skies.
Aug 24, 2007
the Honkey Tonk.
Sounds interesting, But you might want to explain the "earthling" thing a different way. Technically, almost every world that you visit in the game could be considered "Earth," since they are modeled after real live locations and historical events.

that's my only beef with it. Other than that, the plot is good. There are a few fics with organizaton XIII "Returning" from beyond already in them, but if you do it in an original and interesting way, you'll definatly be able to attract some readers.

Good luck on tearing down the fourth wall!

Danica Syer

Trivia: Love ღ
Apr 7, 2005

NOTE: Sorry the delay, lot had to be looked over as well as checked by myself. Thanks for beta-reading, Neloangelo! :D

There was nothing. Not a light shining, not even a single moment was passing by. There was nobody in sight at all as well. Instead just an eerie silence that would drive one’s mind crazy and the darkness that stretched around it.

“Where am I?” It was then that a person’s voice spoke up. One couldn’t see the voice but from the questioning tone, it sounded very much like a stranded yet weak traveler, stumbling upon a wrong turn along the path or somehow got caught up in a big mess.

“Behold, this is darkness.” A cold voice responded from within.

The silence was still humming despite two voices that awoken it. Nobody was there. Was he hearing things? Or was it just his imagination?

“And this darkness, is caused by the darkness in your heart.” There was another silent moment. “You’ll be in here unless you can seek a way out.” It continued as if it were speaking to nobody else but itself.

“A way out, what do you mean?” The uncertain voice continued.

It was then another voice spoke from within. It was different then the first.

“Don’t listen to him! The light can help you.” The third voice said.

“Wait what? What do you mean, the Light?”

“The Light is much stronger then the darkness.” The same voice continued to explain. “It will always be.”

“Silence, you imbecile meddling one.” The cold voice cried out. “The darkness is more powerful. For it creates a much more deep power that will overtake the light, it is much vast and powerful.”

“Now, I’m totally confused. So who are you guys?”

“A friend.” The third voice replied. “A friend who’s here to help.”

“Really? And what else?” The traveler voice wondered out loud.

“Trust the light,” It replied, not really answering his question.

“You cannot help him!” the first voice said, sounding more outraged.

“And why is that if I might ask?” The second voice challenged it.

“Because he has gotten himself dragged into the realm of darkness, no light will ever shine for him.”

“But if there’s a will, there’s a way and that’s not true, the light is stronger.” The second voice replied optimistically.

“Oh really is that so? Then what happened to Riku?” The cold voice challenged the optimistic one.

“Riku’s fate has nothing to do with this one.” The second voice shot back.

“STOP!” The traveler screamed as the voice kept going on and on. It just couldn’t be.

No. Not this, not the darkness. Not him. This couldn’t be, could it?

It was then he could feel as if he couldn’t breathe nor be able to see.

No, where’s the light? He thought. The light? The one that he was talking about?

Whoever the voice was. But wait a minute, who was the other voice?

The optimistic, cheerful, reassured voice. Who was it?

And the first, it couldn’t be. Could it? Was the first voice belonging to the traveler….who could be possibly him?

It was then the blackness was gone and soon blinded by what seemed to be bright sunlight. It was then a pair of hazel eyes flickered open, seeing the picture of his room slowly forming around him as if he were in a storybook. It was within a few minutes that a boy with hazel eyes and unkempt, short, light brown hair laid still, staring up at the dull white ceiling as if it fascinated him. So he wasn’t in darkness but what was that strange dream about anyway? How come the voices sounded familiar? Was it because he heard of them before or was it because he had heard of them before? Some dream, like I’ll ever be in darkness. He thought as he stretched his legs and forced himself to get up. Dreams like that will never be real. There’s no way that I’ll be trapped in darkness. The darkness can’t get to me! That kind of darkness is just a figment dream of mine, though it did feel like it was real. It was then he rolled out and off the bed but had managed within minutes to pick himself up. He instead tried to focus on going on ward to the bathroom and get prepared for the day. It was all just ridiculously plain stupid and very much a weird dream he’d ever had.
Or so, that’s what he thought at the time.

Okay, sorry for it being so short, somewhat vague, and abrupt but it was hard coming up with a good prologue! And this is supposed to be the mystery of the three people. Clue one: NOT any characters from Birth By Sleep. Too late in the time line for that. XD Sounds like Riku situation, sort of but much different! Similarities? You betcha! But not saying how and why. Criticize and review please! Remake of Chapter One coming right up! Yes and this is the main character as the stranded traveler..er..whatever you wanna call it. :p
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Ban Mido

Kissing the skies.
Aug 24, 2007
the Honkey Tonk.
It's good for a first part, but there are lots of errors that you should take care of. Try rereading it later, and see what you think.

Keep doing your best!:thumbup:

And FYI, I was saying that many of the KH worlds, such as the Land of Dragons and the Pride lands, are based off of actual locations in the real world. I'm just saying you might think of giving Mac's world a different title other than 'Earth' since other worlds could also be considered 'earth' as well.
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New member
Apr 22, 2007
Somewhere Where Imagination Runs Free.....TO ATTAC
Sorafan, that's cool! A NEW FANFIC! I LOVE THE IDEAS AND THE FIRST CHAPTER! ^_^ I love your story...ooh it's Mac in the KH world. ;D Anywho, I agree w/ that Allstargamer user about the world name...I know what you can call Mac's world...instead of Earth...: MAC WORLD! JK JK! JK! JK! SOMETHING COOL THOUGH! LOL! Great story...so far though! I'm pretty sure you'll find something. I have a feeling it's going to be better then the first fanfic, you wrote.

Danica Syer

Trivia: Love ღ
Apr 7, 2005
Note: FINALLY CHAPTER ONE RE-WRITE!!!! Sorry for the delay and if it does need more stuff tell me. I made it less exciting but the idea of this chapter is to let you know—or at give you a part in the story where Mac discovered KH during one of the boringest days of his summer vacation, thanks to one of his closest friends.. Only about three weeks after school ended. :D So comments please! Oh and sorry for the dialogue formatting.

CHAPTER ONE (RE-WRITE VERSION): It's Worth The Shot Right?

Bring! Bring! Bring! The phone was off the hook, sounding off. “Coming, coming, coming!” A deep voice called.
There was the sound of footsteps that could be heard as the speaker was heading towards its destination. Bring! It was then a hand grabbed the phone off the headset.

“Hello?” a male’s deep voice answered. “YO MAC, WHAT’S GOING ON?” a loud voice yelled, causing the boy with gelled, light brown hair to hold the phone away from his ear. Geez, if he keeps this up, I’m going to go deaf. The boy named Mac, thought as he heard this.

“Who is this?” Mac yelled back as if the person was intruding his phone line.

“Dude, you don’t recognize my voice? What after we known each other since I was born.” The other person on the other line asked, a bit of hurt and shock sounded in his voice.

“Oh it’s you, what do you want?”

“Geez are you like in a bad mood or something?”

“Yo, Quinn. What’s up? How are you? Is that better? No, sorry, just got up.” Mac said exasperated by his younger brother. He realized that he and his brother usually got along, so he had no idea why he was speaking like an anti-social monster.

“Oh I see. So are you hanging with the guys today or you doing nothing?”

“Nothing. I guess. Everybody except Herold is on vacation or at a different camp. Why?”

“Well before I left, I forgot to remind you I have three video games or rather some you could try, you know just to lighten up your mood and get going.”

“Quinn, you know I’m not into video games. I haven’t been.”

“Oh come on, Mac. At least give this one a try.”

There was a bit of silence as Mac was wondering what kind of game Quinn could suggest. He liked Halo but he preferred to play it when the guys were around. Not to mention, they did have a box load of games and systems in their family room. It was then he sighed and gave in. After all, Quinn knew good video games.

“Sure, what’s it called?” Mac asked. He didn’t even bothering to write it down on a piece of pad and pen that was right in front of him. “Kingdom Hearts. Try it Mac. Try it.” His brother continued on.

“Okay, so what’s it about?” He wanted to know.

“I can’t tell you everything but a name to remember: Sora.”

Sora? What kind of name was that? A girl’s name? It sounded like a Japanese name. He wondered if it could be a Japanese girl’s name.

“Okay Sora, is that a girl by any chance?” Mac wanted to know.

“Nuh-uh. It’s a guy in the game and his name in Japanese means ‘Sky’.”

Sky huh? Wow, couldn’t it be more like a jet or speed? Why Sky?

“Okay. So how’s camp going for you?”

“Good and how are you and the rest of the family doing?”

“It’s empty now. Mom and Dad left for work. Eileen’s at a friends house and Cliff is handling camp fine.”

Mac said observing around the kitchen, wondering if he can anything to eat. He heard his stomach grumble as Quinn finished with, “He actually likes it.” Mac could remember when his youngest brother who was ten didn’t want to come to camp; because he thought he wouldn’t have any friends and that he thought camp was some nature outdoor place with nothing to do. Several weeks passed and the news from Quinn, Mac was glad to hear that Cliff was doing well and enjoying it.

“So can I talk to Cliff?” He wanted to know. He wondered if his younger brother was doing alright. They haven’t talked since he left for camp.

“Yeah you could but he’s asleep. Hey do you want him to call later?”

“Yeah, that’s fine Quinn. Have fun at Camp.” Mac said.

“Ditto. You go have fun with that video game I recommended.”

“Sure and maybe.”

“Maybe so. Bye.” Quinn cried happily.

“See ya,” Mac replied, pressing the HELLO button off. He glanced up at the digital clock that was on the wall of his dad’s cluttered office. It read: 10:30. Too early to call Herold, Mac thought as he looked up at it.

‘Wonder why Quinn likes that game. I mean it sounds good and all but from what I heard it’s supposed to be a total waste.’ He thought to himself as he started to yawn and saw that he should cook breakfast, he forgot. He glanced at the clock; it was almost 9:30. I should call Herold, bet he’s the only friend I feel like hanging out today. He thought. He would be sure to do that after he was done with his breakfast and finished with watching the soap opera, Romantic, Madness, and Complex Lies where the show would have its grand season finale soon.

A few hours passed by as the phone in Mac’s house rang. “Hello?” Mac said into the phone, assuming that it was Cliff calling from camp or his parents who were checking up on him from work. “Pac-Mac, what’s happening?” An excited voice rang in his ear. “Oh urm, not much.” Mac said, recognizing the person. It was one of his friends, Herold Harperlis. One of his friends but of course nobody knew how Mac and Herold became good friends since they seem complete opposites. Whereas Herold was more into video games unlike Mac who gave it up when he was just eight. Herold also didn’t care to go to the coolest parties in town whereas Mac would and Herold was a dud at every sport except for Football and Track whereas Mac was good at kicking a Soccer ball to shooting a Basketball into the hoops. Not to mention, Mac seemed more serious and easygoing whereas Herold was more of the goofy, outgoing person. The only common ground they had at the time was attending the same schools together. They were also picked on by the same bully named Albert Grunningtone who was in the same grade as them. He was taller, sarcastic, rude, and scary all at once. They became friends after they both made sure that Albert and his friends butt were kicked, thanks to their other friends and the authority. Although they still didn’t seem quite as close, it had led them to being better friends. “So are you free today?” Mac wanted to know, hoping his friend was. “Yeah, I’m up for anything.” Herold said. “So would you mind coming over? I want to try out some video game.” He wanted to know. “Sure, I’m up for anything.” Herold said. “Just wondering if you've played this game Kingdom Hearts before?” Mac wanted to know. “Kingdom Hearts? Pfft! Who hasn’t?” There was silence on Mac’s end of the line as if Herold just told him he’d rob a bank in the latest Joker costume. “Oh right, my bad.” Herold apologized realizing what he just said.
"It’s a pretty sweet game, why?”
“I was thinking about playing it but I heard it was kiddish and lame.” This time, it was time for Herold’s side to go all mute. It took a few minutes until, “It’s not that kiddish, there are moments where a game can get serious and it’s far from lame.” Mac could tell how serious he was. Unlike most of his other friends, Herold knew what was serious and what not. For once, he was glad that his other friends were on vacation. They probably would just laugh at both him and Herold if they knew he was playing a game that wasn’t something cool like Halo and that it was just somebody else who can him a more insight advice on video games instead of just his brother.

“So are you still willing to come over,” Mac looked up at the clock that said 9 am. But he wasn’t ready yet.

“About 1 p.m., which is 5 hours from now?” He had some stuff to do including some chores while his parents were gone to work as well as eating his own lunch.

“Oh yeah, definitely, see you then.” And with that Mac agreed and the two both hung up.

3 Hours Later….

“Why isn’t it Pac-Mac! What’s happening, dude?” Herold greeted him, and Mac moving aside, let Herold in and ignoring the high five.

“Not much. I was going to try to play Kingdom Hearts…” he trailed off.

“Who recommended you the game?” Herold’s eyes widened as if somebody else just told him that Mac was a real live alien.

“Quinn.” Mac replied, without enthusiasm, that Herold seen to have.

“Oh yeah, my other buddy. How’s he enjoying the summer camp?”

“He’s doing good; he’s at that summer camp up in Willowfordis.”

“Oh I see, cool.”

“Fine but do you mind if I use your PS2 to at least teach you or get you motivated?”

“Sure, why not?” Mac said, remembering that his brothers always told him if he was ever interested in playing any of the video games, he could use any of the game system and the games, just as long as he didn’t break any of it. Herold nodded at this. “So where is it?” He wanted to know. Mac forgot that Herold didn’t know where the systems were since they used to put in the living room but switched everything and were now in the family room. “It’s downstairs in the family room.” He said remembering. “Okay, then, lead the way.”

The two boys then head downstairs to what looked like a pitch black room but with a hit of switch, the light flooded on what looked like to be a medium-sized room where there was a white couch standing in front of it. The walls were painted green and there was a big flat-screen TV that stretched out. Aside from those were glass cases that hung on the walls nearby where there were tall glass shelves that were attached. In each shelf, it held something. The first shelf held the portable games from Gameboy Advance Color to Nintendo DS on the top shelf. On the lower shelf were the bigger game systems from the original Nintendo 64 to the latest PS3. The games were on the side cases nearby those shelves, arranged neatly and also labeled. Mac scanned for the ones labeled PS2 and saw it was on the bottom. He opened it and saw there were Final Fantasy VII games, Final Fantasy VIII, and the entire collection of the Final Fantasy series that was ever released on the PS2, Grand Theft Auto, and then finally found two Kingdom Hearts boxes. “Try Kingdom Hearts. Just Kingdom Hearts, that’s the first game of the series.” Herold suggested as Mac took out the game box. Mac then popped open the game box and got out the disc. After a few minutes of setting up of the Playstation 2 and turning the television screen to the right channel.

Herold pressed the button open and put the Kingdom Hearts disc in and closed it. The two boys then relaxed. Herold sitting on a red and white couch that didn’t match the room while Mac sat on the black leather yet comfy sofa. The screen was pitch black, then slowly it faded to white and soon the opening credits appeared. Mac could feel some kind of bizarre curiosity and ecstatic feeling as an image of Sora, looking out what looked like to be the ocean came onto the screen. Once it did, the classical melody of ‘Dearly Beloved’ filled the room; Herold instructed Mac what to do as they started the game. As they waited for the introduction to come up on screen, Herold turn to Mac. “Remember if you need any help or clarifications. I’ll be here.” All Mac could do was nod, wondering if it’s anything like. It was worth the shot right?
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New member
May 8, 2007
Inside my one green square =3
Hmm, fair story line, but a bit over-used in my tastes for fan fictions. However, you could take any basic over-used clichè topic for a story and just with a bit of throughout thought and create that one thing that makes that story an individual from its hundreds of other clones basic starter topics.

Frankly, spelling, perfect. Thank you for that, but you just need to know some of the more proper capitalization for some nouns and names. Grammar is very good and most mistakes are fairly simple.

However a big thing here is your time progression. It just seems to me that one second he's in his brother's room, then he's playing soccer from nowhere! A big thing to also help is between two different characters conversing is to skip a line inbetween each dialogue line. It'll be easier for the readers to follow.

As far as I can see however, this story could really have that potienal to be amazing. You just need to find that within the writing. I'm so happy to be helping write this and bring that astounding feature in your fan fiction into reality! Send me the second chapter as soon as you are done writing it, alright? K, thanks. ^-^


New member
Apr 22, 2007
Somewhere Where Imagination Runs Free.....TO ATTAC
Yeah, I can't BE patient, lol! Can't wait to see more of Mac's life and the part where you introduce Sora and the Organization and take them to diff. world! So this wait better be worth it, considering you only have three readers. Oh well, I'm not demanding too much, just wish people can try and appreciate your story as they appreciate others. Well Sorafan, nice editting with the chapter. Oh btw, what Disney Worlds are you doing again?

Danica Syer

Trivia: Love ღ
Apr 7, 2005
Heh. Yeah, I'm editting that chapter...now...and thanks for the pointing it out....

Chapter 2 is coming soon. It's getting editted.

Disney World, axemyxas are all the worlds in KH games and of course I'm adding my own world and then of course, a Disney World!


Danica Syer

Trivia: Love ღ
Apr 7, 2005
OK but I'm no longer putting this story up on this forum any longer.

1. I opened up a fanfic account
2. I rather type it up, get it editted, and get it back (which I haven't got a response from the person who was editting my story, if she/he even remembers...)
3. It's tiring putting up on the forums...if you know what I mean.
4. Oh and I did change names for purposes of my own.

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New member
May 8, 2007
Inside my one green square =3
I'm sorry... I've been through a lot lately, which includes major study cramming and midterms and having my computer taken away from me...

But I guess I'm just really a bad beta..;~;

I can finish it in about a hour or so, but only if you'll put up with me...

Danica Syer

Trivia: Love ღ
Apr 7, 2005
Okay, that'll I do....but I'm still planning to move it to another location. Sorry guys.

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Danica Syer

Trivia: Love ღ
Apr 7, 2005

Here is Chapter 2. :D

Chapter 2: Heart-to-Heart with the Other Half


It was a scorching and humid summer day while in the distance two male figures were moving about on a sandy white beach that was on an archipelago-island. They had rather distinctive features about themselves. For example, one's hair was silver as a spoon that grew straight down to past his shoulders, with multiple waves of spikes at the end and bangs that reached his eyes. His outfit was a sleeveless-tannish vest down to his blue pants and his black and white shoes. The other one had somewhat pointy or as some say, spiky, honey-hinted brown hair nevertheless. He was wearing a black suit with large shoes that were yellow but covered in black and the soles gray. He was also clutching a unique-shape object that looked like it was in a form of a key.

"Hey, do you think we'll get to see the other worlds ever again?" One of them asked, sounding buoyant and curious.

"I'm not sure, I mean we already had a lot going on, what more to do you want?" the other one told him hesitantly.

"Nothing it's just that-"

Before he could response with anymore than that fragment of words, they were interrupted when a rather loud voice cried out both of their names.


The two boys simultaneously glanced at each other and pondered who would be calling their names. They both turned to see a red haired girl in a pink outfit running towards them, waving both her arms, elatedly.

"Hey Kairi!" Sora yelled back, waving his keyblade. Being their childhood friend, Kairi sprinted forward to catch up with the two. Her outfit accessories clinked and rang as she ran, then slow down as she halted. Kairi panted heavily from all the hard running she had done to catch up to them.

"So what are you guys up to?" she asked, her breath still weighted and a few drops of sweat glistened on her face. Kairi didn't mind though, she much rather be with her friends. She slightly cocked her head though while looking up at her two friends. They were trying not to snicker, seeing how far she had to run and how worn out she now was.

"Not much. So yeah, how come were you running so much?" Sora queried, a smirk on his face. Kairi, on the other hand, gave him an apathetic look that Sora couldn't place into words.

"What?" Sora asked, startled by the stare she was giving him.

"Because I was trying to catch up to you guys. You guys left without me, what's up with that?" Kairi had asked, yet her tone and body language revealed that she demanded an answer. She crossed her arms and her feet were tapping on the ground, as if she were counting the seconds before she obtained her answer. She looked back at forth at two of the boys. Riku remained silent, yet Sora spoke up to reply.

"Well, we just went over to your house and your mom told us you weren't home and-," he was interrupted by a whack that was sent to him on the head. A gift from Kairi. "Ow!" What'd you do that for!" Sora cried, rubbing his head while Kairi turned her head and scoffed. Riku only sighed at the immaturity of his two friends.

"Well Sora, I've been calling your and RIKU'S names," she said, averting her gaze and fixing upon Riku. His face didn't seem to be fazed, but his body jumped a bit as the stare was a little startling.

"Geez Kairi, we thought you-" Sora began yet was once again cut off as Kairi put her hand up to silence him, her vision back to him.

"Are you guys deaf or what? My mom said I was out in the back but oh no, you guys left. Thanks for waiting..." Kairi hissed out, but by the last part she uttered, her expression fell and she turned her body slightly to the side. She gripped both her arms while they were crossed together, slightly hurt.

Sora and Riku looked at each other and back at Kairi. There was a moment's silence among the trio.

"Sorry?" Riku attempted at an apology.

"You guys are hopeless..." she sighed, shaking her head. Before they could say anything else, she smirked. "It's okay, you know what? I'll take you two somewhere; it's new by the way."

'New place?' Sora thought. "Wait, what new place?" He wanted to know.

"Yeah, what place are you talking about, Kairi? There's nothing new on the island." Riku told her. Kairi simply took Sora's arm and linked it with her right and then Riku's arm onto her left. Sora blushed at this while Riku appeared rather unfazed by the action.

"Don't worry boys, you'll soon find out. Just stick with me." She chirped, grinning from ear to ear. Sora and Riku were then dragged off as Kairi led them to a strange new location that the two boys had never of. They hoped it wasn't some kind of clothing store or something else to their dismay.

"Close your eyes!" Kairi commanded as they drew nearer to an area on island where Sora heard many distinctive voices.

"Why?" Riku asked at the same time Sora did.

"Are you positively sure that you're not taking us to the mall?" Sora demanded, shivering at the fact that he and Riku would have to see purple and pink frilly dresses, the latest "Island" styles, and women selling perfume that reeked and made both the boys sneeze and cough.

"You'll find out, trust me." Riku immediately obeyed her. Sora, seeing how Riku did without questioning, followed suit. "Now, when I tell you to open your eyes, do so right away, okay?" The two boys nodded, unaware of their gesture. Kairi then escorted them on and on. They kept their pace and Sora could hear the sand crunching beneath their shoes. It seemed to be a long walk to the impatient Keyblader.

"Okay, so how long is this going to take?" Sora seemed now to be rather appetent for any form of a straight forward answer, but at that moment, Kairi cried out.


Both the Keybladers flickered open their eyes and Sora realized it was worth a surprise. They arrived at what looked like to be a bamboo stick shack with a few tables and benches scattered around it. He saw that there was a sign with a popsicle stick and a fruit smoothie cup painted on to it hanging in the air. These words were emblazoned with great bold letters: Selphie's Tutti Fruitti Café.

"No way, Selphie has her own Tutti Fruitti Shop?" Sora saw that the stands were a lot more common from the island, sitting down and drinking what looked like to be fruit smoothies or licking ice cream and popsicle sticks.

"Kairi! Is that really you?"

A familiar voice greeted them and the three turned to see a girl with light brown hair, the end of it curled up in tendrils and green eyes that matched the leaves of the coconut trees that loomed over them.

"Hey Selphie!" Kairi greeted her friend who was standing on the other side of the shack-like café. Then the two girls both squealed excitedly to each other. Sora and Riku who seem to remain forgotten, watched from aside rather awkwardly.

"Kairi! It's so good to see you again! Where were you and how did you come back and…." Selphie trailed off, noticing both Sora and Riku. "You must tell me everything!" she exclaimed. "I was so worried!" She then turned to the two boys and stride towards them. "You guys I missed you! What happened?" She inquired. Her eyes darting back and forth, awaiting their response, but laid on Riku's. The guys tried to speak but for some reason, Selphie's question had made them feel diffident to answering her.

"Selphie, how long had you had this café?" Riku blurted out, needing a change in topic to end the silence between them.

"Um, since three months ago. Tell me later about what happened, okay?" She said, scanning and seeing the café had more customers. "If you want anything, the menu's just above your head," she pointed to the a big rectangle object displaying pictures of a colorful variety and delectable-looking fruit juices, ice cream, popsicle sticks, shakes, and smoothies.

"I'm on it!" Sora said as he and Riku both headed to see the menu. Kairi was right behind them. They looked up to see many smoothies, ice cream, popsicle, and shakes with flavors such as Mango Melon, Cherry-Lime, Grape-Berry, Blueberry-Apple, and Berry-talope Popsicle. There was even a Paopu Fruit special and, to Sora's surprise, Sea-salt Ice Cream.

He was about to ask but Selphie already began elucidating for him. "It's very popular I heard, so I wanted to have it be one of the non-fruit ice cream here."

"Hey Selphie, what's the Paopu Fruit Special?" Kairi wanted to know.

"Oh that! It's a paopu fruit smoothie that's mixed with many assorted ingredients but I can't say, since they're special and one of a kind. You should try it. It's great! I'd recommend to anybody..." Selphie had been watching Riku out of the corner of her vision when she said these words. Riku, however, seemed to be more intent at the menu and unaware of the pining look that she was giving him. "So what do you guys want?" She added as she snapped out of her daze, whipping out her order pad.

Sora couldn't decide, there were so many choices. Kairi, on the other hand, had her choice already in mind. "I would love the Merry-Melon Smoothie!"

They all ordered. Riku ended up getting Grape-Berry Smoothie (to Selphie's utter disappointment) and Sora got the Cherry-Lime Ice Cream. "Okay then, I'll ring up when your order's done. You can have a sit anywhere." Selphie told them. The three thanked her and went to find a spot which was nearby was facing the ocean where the waves came rushing in.

"Well aren't you guys surprised?" Kairi asked her two friends once they sat down. The people around them started to eye them curiously. Sora tried not to look when some of them pointed at him, though Riku and Kairi seemed oblivious to it. The two boys nodded.

"I still can't believe Selphie has a Tutti Frutti Shop- and she owns it too!" Sora said, genuinely surprised.

"Are you saying that she can't open a business of her own and make good profit of out of it?" Kairi interrogated, crossing her arms and a subdued look on her face. Sora waved his hands frantically around in a flurry and grinned sheepishly. "No-no! That's not what I meant!" He told her.

"I think he's just surprised just as I. I'm impressed that she managed to get so many visitors too." Riku said, cutting into the conversation. Sora nodded at this. How Riku was able to understand him when Kairi couldn't was helpful. Kairi relaxed and sighed.

"Well it's been one of her dreams." She grinned at the two boys who returned the smile.

The three sat there and took pleasure in silence as Sora looked around. His mind drifted to his other friends, Donald, Goofy, and King Mickey. He sighed as he thought about them. Donald and Goofy were two of the closest friends he had met while on his adventures to save the worlds and both Kairi and Riku. He felt morose knowing that he had not heard from them and wondered if they were alright.

"Hey guys... I'm going to be by myself. Don't worry about me..." Sora told Riku and Kairi, his voice sulked. He hadn't heard from them for two whole long years, although King Mickey before getting in the cockpit promised him. "Don't worry Sora, we'll keep in contact." Goofy had also added, "Yeah you can count on us to come and visit you."

'When though?' Sora thought to himself. When are they going to visit the Island? Four years later? Six years later? Ten years later? He'll be an old man by then. He was pondering this thought when a concerned voice piped up inside his head.


He glanced up, darting his head around trying to find the origin of the voice, and saw that both Riku and Kairi were looking at him. Worry was displayed in Kairi's eyes. Riku was also looking at him inquisitively.

"Are you okay?"

Sora, not wanting his friends to worry, faked a grin. "Yeah, I'm be fine."

Sora lied but really on the inside, he was feeling more and more dejected by the second. Sora wondered if they even thought of him or still had him in their heart as he had them. He recalled the day before they left Donald had gave him a paper. "Now don't lose sight of it! It's very important, if you ever need us! This paper will help." He had instructed to Sora. Sora wondered if it was still in his bedroom but he wouldn't find out at the moment. His disordered bedroom was in such ruin that he would need to spent hours cleaning up. He'll have to check later though.

'Dang! I can't believe I misplaced that paper! It would have helped me at this point!' Sora thought, slapping himself on the head.

"Sora... are you sure you're okay?" Riku asked, giving him a funny look. Sora grinned again.

"Yeah, oh hey, I'm going to go out by the water," He pointed to the waters that were rushing into the white sand where several small children were splashing and giggling as the waves hit their feet. "Uh, come and get me when the order are ready. And don't worry, I just need some time alone." He didn't want his friends to worry. He then got up and quickly ambled away to the water. As he got there, he looked out at the azure clear skies that laid out in front of him.

'Missing your friends huh?' Sora heard the familiar voice once more. He had thought for a moment it was Riku who had followed him, but then again, Riku's voice didn't match to the one that spoke to him. Then he finally recognized whom it was.


The same familiar voice responded back.

'Yup that's me. Your other half.' Then he continued. 'So what's been happening with you lately?'

'Not much', Sora replied. 'How come I can still hear your voice?' He heard an exasperated sigh let out.

'Sora, isn't it true that I'm the other side of you, right?' Roxas had not waited for answer from Sora though. 'Well, after I merged with you, I also merged within your mind. I'm the voice in your head now.' Sora liked this, he had to admit the truth.

'That's kind of creepy but pretty cool at the same time.'

This got a laugh from his other half who somehow thought that was amusing, though Sora couldn't understand why.

'I know what you mean, Sora, but remember I'm your other side, I'm also, well…call me crazy but, your friend.'

'How are you my friend if you're my other half?'

Sora quire. Roxas' response was automatic.

'Because I'm your other half. I'm different and ever heard of opposites attract?'

Sora nodded his head but realized afterwards Roxas couldn't see. So he instead replied. 'Yeah... but that's kind of weird too.'

Roxas let out another sigh and corrected himself. 'I don't mean we attract that way, but we're both one being and that's you. And you alone as I'm not counted as a separate person. I'm only your other half.'

'That's not true! I think you're me. It's just you're inside or some other part of me, and people don't see that.' Sora tried to assure him. It was the honest truth in some ways too. There was a long silence and Sora wondered if he said something wrong.

'Yeah, well, sometimes if you have the other half though, I guess I can say I'm your 'bad' side. When I was a person alone but without a heart, I still can act like I had one and through my year of being with Organization XIII, I learned how to act if I knew what was good for me and what was bad for me. And though we're one person now and I'm just the voice in your head as the other side, I have to say you still have me to talk to.'

True, Roxas was his other half and alter-ego but how could he be a friend? Did his other side experience the loss of his pains with him throughout the whole time when he searched for Riku and Kairi though they were merged as one?

Sora was thinking this when Roxas continued. 'But that's okay if you don't need me….'

'No wait! I do, it's just that I was trying to take time to absorb this information in my head, y'know?'

Roxas laughed. 'Yeah, you sound like Rai.'

The two guffawed, though Sora's laughter came out loud as raucous snicker. He that saw that several people turned and stopped to gawk at him. "Um I wasn't laughing at you!" He tried to tell them, though it came out rather awkward.

'So Sora, you've been thinking about Donald and Goofy right?' Roxas asked, trying to continue on the conversation.

'Right!' Sora responded.

'Well then do you still have them in your heart?'

'Yeah, of course! Why wouldn't I?'

'You still think of them right?' Roxas kept inquiring.

'Yeah, I guess so. What's what's with the questions?'

The big question though is do they still have you in their hearts?

Of course! I mean why shouldn't they? We had adventures together and everything!

'Well, I can't say anything else but one simple thing.'

'What is that?'

'Think about them constantly.'

'And how is this supposed to help?' The thought of this idea seemed unreasonable to Sora.

'Just trust me on this one,' Roxas told him.

'Okay then...'

'Or you can look at the paper the one you misplaced and try to find it.' Roxas added on to his suggestion.

'Roxas, since when did you think of me?'

'When I found out I was your other half... and when Axel vanished away…'

There was another moment of silence as the two of them dared not to speak. Axel was an Organization XIII member who was one of Roxas' closest friend, but he died fighting the Nobodies with Sora in the World of Betwixt and Between. It lasted more than the first silence but Sora broke it.

'So do you miss Axel then?' Sora knew his question was stupid, but he had to ask Roxas even though the answer was painfully obvious.

'Yeah, I miss him. he was one of my best friends, like Donald and Goofy are to you. But unlike you, I can't get my best friend back like you can. So you're lucky...'

Sora was about to protest. He couldn't believe he was hearing this. 'Lucky? How am I luck-'

'Just face it Sora', Roxas cut him off. He didn't care for what Sora had to say, he wanted to make a point.
'I was never meant to exist for anything except for being your other half.'

'Who told you that?' Sora demanded, feeling a strange sorrow in his heart.

'Naminè. It's the truth.'

'Naminè?' Sora tilted his head pondering.

Sora then remembered the young blonde haired girl who had put him and his friends to sleep to repair his memories. In actuality though, she was forced to dissemble his chain of memories by orders of Marluxia. After being freed, she refused to adhere to the Lord of Castle Oblivion's commands any longer and restored Sora's memories after he had defeated him. She hadn't acknowledge him or made any contact but at least he managed a glimpse of the witch before she merged with Kairi.

'Sora, just take my advice. If you take the time to think about them, I'm sure if they have you in their hearts as well. I know this sounds, once again, "crazy" coming from me… but even I had a feeling that they might be thinking about you too...'

Sora thought for a long while. Maybe Roxas was right, he pondered, but how can Roxas sound so sure if he wasn't really friends with Donald and Goofy. Suddenly, he remembered that Roxas was his other half and Roxas may have seen them through the same eyes as his as Sora saw them. Though he may not know Goofy and Donald…he might have felt them through what Sora felt for Axel as he died. He wanted to ask Axel but didn't feel it was necessary. Maybe later he would.

'I know for a fact that I still remember Donald and Goofy, though they might not know me… oh, and one more thing? Lighten up! Besides, isn't about time you get back to Riku and,' Roxas finished with a slight teasing in his voice, 'your girlfriend?' Sora felt his face flush that moment.

'G-girlfriend? W-what are you talking about...?' Sora flustering stuttered back. He and Kairi were just friends, weren't they? But the tone of his voice gave it all away to Roxas.

'Don't fake it, Sora. I know you like her.' Roxas persisted with his teasing voice. Roxas digressed from his bullying. 'Just go and at least try to be happy again. You keep thinking about them as I would have done.'

To which Sora responded, 'Okay, I'll think about them.' Sora smiled but this time, it was an actual real smile. 'I'll think about them but if you're wrong-'

'Which I hope I'm not!' Roxas had managed to cut him off.

'Don't interrupt me while I'm talking!' Sora snapped back, sounding annoyed.

'Sorry, just had to say that.' Roxas apologized and truly meant it.

'Anyway,' Sora continued on, 'I'll just try and find that paper that Donald gave me and once I find it and if I ever see the three again, I'm going to go and tell Donald, "where were you guys? You promised you'd visit!"'

Roxas laughed at this. 'Now that's the Sora and my other half I know!' he said and, for the first time, Sora seemed to agree with him.

Sora then heard his name being called and saw Riku running towards him. "Geez Sora, you're so slow that your ice cream will melt!" he yelled to Sora.

"I'm coming! Wait for me!" Sora then ran towards him.

"Hey why don't we race back and see who will win?" Riku challenged him. "Or you still not willing to because you're a chicken?" He smirked at Sora. Sora smirked back at him.

"You kidding? I'm in!"

So the two then raced far to where Kairi was waiting for them, though Riku had managed to beat Sora on the way. They almost collided into Kairi who cried out, "Geez, you two! Slow down! This isn't the finish line for a racing marathon!"

The two boys chortled with laughter as the people around gazed at them. They took seats after the laughter had subsided and Kairi passed them their orders.

"So Sora? You feeling better now?" she asked as she sipped her Paopu Fruit special. Sora nodded and licked his Cherry-Lime popsicle.

"Of course, why wouldn't I?" Sora stuck his tongue out at her and Kairi smiled chuckling.

"Your tongue's all green!" Kairi teased.

"It is?" Sora said, with an unexpected hint of excitement.

Sora then smiled as the two of his friends grinned back. though they couldn't understand why he would seem truly excited for having a green tongue. He glanced up at the skies that were now filled with seagulls flying and hunting around for mouth-watering snacks and leftovers.

'Donald, Goofy, if you guys can hear me or at least manage to think of me, I miss the both of you and King Mickey also. I hope you guys can come and visit me someday… wouldn't that be great?' he thought, looking up at the birds that flew above into the clouds and heard children giggling, people chatting, and waves pouring onto the sandy beach shore in the distance. 'Oh, and thank you Roxas… for cheering me up although, weren't you suppose to make me the opposite? And you'll see Axel, maybe in the next life?'

There was no answer that came immediately back to him until a small voice replied. 'Anytime Sora and maybe you might be right. Just maybe.' It was a hopeful voice and Sora was glad that he had a heart-to-heart conversation with his other half.

Tell me what you think and all. Chapter 3 and 4 and 5 are still in progress......THANKS!


Smile like you mean it
Jun 25, 2005
Glamorous New York City
Hey SF! Great job on chapter 2, its well neatly done! Love the deep conversation between Sora and Roxas, its deep and the description make feel like I'm there!


Nov 17, 2006
wow! that was long :p

You did a great job on this though:) hopefully you will finnish chapter 3 soon.

Danica Syer

Trivia: Love ღ
Apr 7, 2005
wow! that was long :p

You did a great job on this though:) hopefully you will finnish chapter 3 soon.

Sorry. Yeah, chapter 3 has to be finished. Having some trouble. I'm posting up the prologue and chapter one soon. Cool, did I play or at least try to describe their roles right? XD
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