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[ A Darker Shade of Red ]

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New member
Mar 11, 2005
A happy universe filled with bunnies.
Drip. Drip. Drip-drip. Drip.

When first one awakens in such a strange place, it's hard to believe any of it is real. It sounds like some sort of cave. The first flash of vision is oddly overlaid with red and it makes one wonder if they've hit their head on the way down... Down to where?

When they sit up and look about, there's nothing to focus on. It looks like the insides of a cave, yes, but the details are all fuzzy and any quick motion of the eyes blurs up the surroundings so that it all is shown in a dreamlike state.

Eventually they stand, make their way down the tunnel towards the faint light. Nothing seems quite substantial to the touch. Everything is solid, but it feels like one has just awoken from a very long sleep.

The cave opens up and one finds themselves astonished at the sight below. It's quite suddenly all very real. Floor upon floor of gargantuan shelves have been carved from the rocks. Collections of glowing cottages and small buildings are all bunched together--bridges cross every which-way across a gaping chasm that stretches on for miles. The floor of the cave acres below looks like a swirling mass of fireflies from such a distance. The caves are alive with all manner of people.

No one believes that you do not know where you are. No one believes that you just suddenly "woke up" and your frantic cries for explanation go ignored. The kinder one bring you to the side and explain to you that you must rest--keep breathing and you'll remember in time. This is the village you have always lived in. You've simply become sick. Rest, and all will be well.

Others whisper behind your back of "moon fever", some sort of illness that has been plaguing the villagers, making them think they're from "other places" and giving them an overdeveloped sense of imagination. Odd name, considering seeing the moon is impossible here. They're completely below ground, after all. They grow their own food, keep each other safe from the troublesome creatures of the caves, and even make their own light. But still, there are traces here and there of things that just don't seem right.

Are you really just sick? Is this where you should be?

Was your entire life before this just a dream? Or are you dreaming now?
Are they both dreams, and have you never really woken up?

Or is it all real?

this is almost as exciting as cable television

I'm back. ♥

Although I'm sure most of you don't know who I am; that's what you get for disappearing for what, six months? Ah well, it is of little matter.

I'm pretty rusty at role-playing thanks to my leave, so bear with me.

SO THERE YOU ARE. A character that suddenly wakes up in this crazy cave city. You'll have no idea why, and everyone in the city will either dismiss you as childish or insane if you say you're not from around there.

The city itself is rather low-tech. No computers or anything like that. If they have anything technologically advanced, it'll be such a complicated device that no one would be able to make sense of it. Everything here is powered, instead, by magic.

As with any of my other threads, I encourage originality and risk-taking in the field of role-playing. Just follow the rules and you should be good. If you feel like you'd like to work in a bit of your own plot stuffs, feel free. Just try and make it so you can include everyone, eh~?

If you have any questions or comments or ANYTHING, feel free to ask via thread or private message or whatever. There are no stupid questions. Only silly answers.

Have fun in the cave cities, chums, and beware of the mysteries that lurk within...

they're more like guidelines, really

01. No godmodding, power-playing, or ignoring the mod. Seriously, that stuff just ain't cool.

02. This is, for the love of all things holy, a literate role-play. If I deem that your skills aren't up to snuff, you can't play. I know it sounds mean and terrible and scary--but really, it's not as hard as I make it sound. Just have alright spelling and grammar (I have horrible spelling, but thankfully man invented spell-check) and an average of two or three paragraph posts, and you'll be just fine.

03. Original characters is a must. This goes for their abilities, also. You can base things or borrow ideas from other sources, but if I see any Sasuke or Riku clones walking around, there will be trouble. You can re-use old original characters if you want, just make sure to twist them to fit this role-play.

04. This game is not all about who has the biggest guns. Furthermore, this role-play is not about you. It's about everyone and the storyline. This is one of those role-plays where there can occasionally be moments of glory for everyone, but the plot is driven by the characters and not their battles, capiche? It's alright to be the best sometimes, but remember to give glory to other folks once in a while.

05. Let's keep this thing mostly PG-13. In other words, some swearing and violence is alright, but don't do anything that would scar the kiddies, should there be any.

06. Let's also keep this thing fairly realistic. While all characters are different, most would not stand up right after being thrown through a brick wall (ouch). If you're stabbed in the side, that could kill you if it isn't treated soon. If you're zapped by several thousand bolts of electricity, you'll probably keel over and die. While certain characters like demons and whatnots might have certain exceptions, try and keep in mind what would happen in real-life. It makes for a more interesting role-play, in my experience.

07. Just because a character is an asshole, doesn't mean that the player is an asshole. Just sayin'. Because sometimes characters do dirty rotten things to another, but it's important to remember it's all in good fun, eh?

08. Put "Tango with a Mango" at the top of your template and make sure that you've read all the rules, mmmkay? You guys are pretty good at this, though. ;D

09. Please don't kill off anyone elses character unless it's been totally agreed to by both parties, please and thank you.

10. Um. I dunno, I feel like there should be another rule here. Oh well.

the stuff in red is just me explaining; feel free to delete it

Name: Pretty obvious, right?
Gender: Also pretty obvious. Male, female, no gender, transvestite, whatever floats your boat.
Race: Your character should look fairly human, but they can be any range of creature. Humans, elves, sea-folk, aliens, they're all good. Note that if your character had robotics in or on them (like a mechanical arm or something) before coming to the caves, it will have been replaced with flesh and bone upon arrival.
Age: Anywhere from 8 to 7000, really. Just act your age, eh?
Appearance: Please don't post uber-huge pictures that stretch out the page. Go into Paint and resize it if you have to. Descriptions are also welcome, if not more so.

Item: When you come to the caves, your character gets to keep one item that was most important to them in their previous world. This could be a necklace, a tracking device, a journal, a weapon, whatever. But again, any technology will be replaced with magic when you get there, so watch out.
Magic/Abilities: If your character has any special abilities like fire-power or immunity to poison, that would go here. A few abilities are fine, but don't go too overboard.
Strength: This is a characteristic strength. Are they a genius? Are they especially brave? Do they have a habit of being in the right place at the right time? Make one or two strengths for your character, and have fun playing them out in the game.
Weakness: And now you chose a couple of weaknesses. Are they bad at talking to girls? Do they have an over-the-edge fear of spiders? Do they constantly trip over their own feet? Do they suffer from a crippling disease? Pick one or two weaknesses and see if you can work these into play on occasion.
Personality: What your character is like. Anything and everything is alright to talk about. How do they act around boys? Around girls? Around crowds? Around old people? When they're alone? Is the glass half-empty, or half-full? Feel free to go into as much detail as you want.
Bio: What did your character do before they came to the caves? I don't need a novel here, but I need at least three good paragraphs of background. More is always loved. Remember to say what the character was doing right before they woke up in the caves. Sometimes a fun thing to do is to write the background from the point-of-view of your character, just to get in the mood~
Other: Do they have a favorite color? A least favorite food? An odd way of sleeping? A theme song? Anything else you think would be neat to mention, but doesn't really fit anywhere else, can go here.

If you need me to post my template as an example, just ask. Otherwise, I'll post after a few people have joined, or after I get impatient. Post your own templates to the thread, or PM them to me if for some reason you feel like you need them approved first. I'm also alright with reserving spots, just remember to come back and fill them! ~♥
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)-(The Anomaly)-(

New member
Sep 15, 2006
Somewhere on this planet...
Tango with a Mango

Name: Troy Pen (Entropy)

Gender: Depends on the forms he's taken at that specific time.

Race: A universal force, an entity of power in physical form. He is Entropy, the natural running down of everything. Or the unnatural death of a world.

Age: Depends on his form. His most common age is 13.


No one really knows what the heck he, it, she, looks like or is. Which means no one can tell what gender, body type or anything. His most common for is in fact male. A darkly handsome boy of thirteen or fourteen with longish black hair. He has reddish eyes and wears a pair of black jeans. He wears a large black t-shirt and white coat over the shirt. His skin is tan and he has a few freckles on his face.

Item: A Necklace with a black metal chain. In the middle there is a blood red gem that glows and pulses like a beating heart. It has strange magical properties.

Magic/Abilities: Ability to become shadow and other people, dangerous dark powers, controls of life and death of those close to him or of a specific area.

Strength: Great knowledge of the workings of the universe and also knows the intricacies of the afterlife. He is very smart and his young form makes him quite agile in battle.

Weakness: Hatred of anything living and also difficult to get along with. People always get uneasy around him, even if they are trying to be nice to him. His biggest weakness is that he's unable to defeat death completely. He can only temporarily push it away from an area enough to heal the wounded person and if he doesn't so it in time, the person cannot be saved at all. Then again, better to have a chance then no chance at all.


Hatred is his main state of existence. Not exactly anger, but just outright inability to react friendly. Yet, he will help you if it will suit his own plans. Yet in his human forms he receives some human emotions like love....or as close to love as entropy can get. He is the kind of person that you try to get close to on your own peril, literally.

He thinks in a very negative and logical way. He's is far from pure evil, but he is still closer to it than most people. Where people would look at the glass half empty or half full he sees it as an empty and broken glass. He's not depressed, but don't try to make him happy. He oddly enough, does have a sense of humor. Not a bad one either. This is one of the only times you will find him happy, or when you are away from large areas where death has been.


Death and Age are universal elements of existence. Somehow it became a physical being, or at-least, able to become physical. The running down of the omniverse, Entropy, could take human form and Entropy has no idea how. There must have been a strange event in that cave at the time of its arrival.

He was born there and then and soon he made his move. He killed a boy who lived near by and then took his appearance. The only difference between the boy and Entropy was that Entropy had red eyes not blue. People all of a sudden became scared of it and when they found the body of the real boy they attempted to drive Entropy away. The sad thing is, Entropy is every where. How can you drive away death and age. All they managed to do, was seal away some of his immense power into the earth below.

There were consequences by doing this. More people died of natural and unnatural causes than before, but not as many as was predicted if Entropy got control. Now he wanders here and there looking for his power. The necklace around his neck is a magical item that binds him when ever he looks to use the power from the earth. It's a curse upon him, which he himself cannot remove. That's where the others come in.

Other: Theme songs: "Why do all good things come to an end" by Nelly Furtado or, my favorite, "Psychobabble" by Frou Frou...
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Darkrooms and safelights
Mar 19, 2005
Sitting inside the viewfinder of a camera, watchin
{ Hook me up for a tango with a mango, dearie. }

Name: Arianrhyx. Her full name is quite long; but she'll never, ever tell anyone what it is. She goes by Arian, no more.

Gender: Female.

Race: Faerie. More specifically, a changling, one who once masqueraded as human.

Age: She's very young- only about twenty. However, she shed her last semblences of mortality at the age of sixteen, so that's how she'll always look.

Appearance: Arian is tall and long-legged, reaching halfway through 5'7'' in height. Her eyes are considered odd even among the fey, being all one colour, iris and pupil, a metallic grey. It's the colour that gives them a pause; "iron-touched", unlucky and unsettling.

Arian's clothes are coloured a dark red and silver. She wears an effeminate type of frock coat, like a long hooded shirt attached to the bottom part and cinched at the waist by a girdle, the rounded tail reaching down to her knees with the front end a bit shorter. The sleeves are short and trimmed in silver. The cloth is form-fitting and light to allow for movement. On her feet are slightly battered tall brown boots without heels, securely tied.

Item: Arian carries weapons with her at all times, having lived amongst dangerous folk. They are bracers crafted from silver and obsidian to never break. Running from her elbows to the bottom of her wrists are thin, curved blades kept wickedly sharp, and over the knuckles on each hand are spikes that form "claws". Both blades and claws are made from equally unbreakable opal, constantly shimmering in colour.

Magic/Abilities: Arian can use a faerie's innate ability of glamour, the ability to create illusions foremost among this power. She uses glamour to change her appearance and that of other things. She can turn a pebble into a glittering butterfly or an old mushroom into a delicious-tasting cake. She can even craft herself clothing out of thin air.

But these things, while they seem entirely real in term of the senses, eventually fade. The butterfly will drop from the air, once more a pebble, and someone will find themselves suddenly sick from the decaying fungus in their stomach. Likewise, her glamour can be broken by outside interference, or she will be unable to do it at all if she's too tired.

Luckily, she doesn't have to rely entirely on glamour. Faeries are creatures of magic in and of themselves, and they can use this magic to do terrible and wonderous things. Get on her bad side, and you can find yourself on the wrong side of a curse- or, if the opposite is true, a benediction.

Personally, Arian happens to have a certain amount of spiritual empathy, meaning she can sense some other magicks.

And lastly, Arian has some very helpfully heightened senses.

Strength: Arian is a very skilled fighter, swift and deadly. She can take care of herself in tight situations, and doesn't stress under pressure.

Weaknesses: Arian has several very dangerous problems as a faerie. First among this is iron.

Faeries can't touch iron. They can't even be around it. Coming in tactile contact with it will burn their skin. Having too much of it around will make them sick, which is why most faeries stay away from human cities and towns- they call it "Ironside." Exiled fey who have to live in cities often die of iron poisoning, overexposure to the metal, unless they take constant antidotes. Heavy glamour can protect them, but at the same time, the iron saps their strength, making this limited.

Understandably, iron can easily kill a faerie, which is bad news since most weapons are made of iron. This is why Arian is such a good fighter: if she ever gets into a battle with an enemy using iron, she wants to be able to finish them off as quickly as possible without giving them a chance to hurt her instead.

Also, faeries cannot tell lies. They can avoid questions, keep secrets, and bend the truth so far that it snaps on itself, but they cannot outright speak something that isn't true. Faeries generally become very manipulative due to this restriction, but it can pose a problem once in a while.

And last but certainly not least, her name. If anyone finds out Arian's full name, they could force her to obey their every command, as knowing someone's name is to have control over their soul. Thus, faeries hardly ever use their real name. Arian is very cautious and jealously guards her name, because knowing it in full puts her in a certain amount of danger.

Personality: Arian is an extremely intense individual. Her thoughts, actions, and emotions are never done halfway. She is fierce, enigmatic, and reserved. But if she genuinely likes someone, she is a loyal, protective friend. Alone or not though, she loves to laugh, and tends to find humor in everything, whether it be a dry and cynical humor or an irreverant one.

Her thoughts are imaginative and whimsical, though contemplative. She isn't a mortal girl, and despite having lived as one for sixteen years, there are times when she doesn't act human anymore. However, being a changling means that she is more human- and humane -than most fey, with a more appropriate sense of what's moral and what's isn't. And maybe her protectiveness and compassion comes from seeing the world of the fey in comparison to the mortal world of Ironside.

Arian honestly isn't afraid of much, and sometimes her impulsiveness mixes with her lack of fear and gets her in trouble ... but she doesn't mind, as long as no one else gets mixed into it.

Bio: Arian was born a faerie but raised amongst humans. The mortal Arian as switched, as a baby, with the young changeling. She grew up uneventfully enough, and if she sometimes saw things that no one else could, well, she kept it to herself. Likewise, if her parents or anyone else noticed her strange quirks, they tried not to dwell on it.

It was when she was sixteen that things finally came out. She was out walking in the woods near her home, looking for her missing cat. She lost track of the time and wandered a little too far, and was still there when night started to fall. Arian instinctively knew twilight was a bad time to be out, tramping around back there, so she began running towards home in an attempt to make it out before full dark.

This was a mistake though. While running, she slipped on uneven ground and stumbled, falling down the steep incline. Arian tried to keep on her feet, searching for balance, but to no avail. Her head hit a part of the rock outcropping, and she was knocked out.

When she woke up, the first thing she saw was a boy standing over her, her cat in his arms. He watched her silently as she sat up groggily. There was something unnerving about the boy, she realized as she finally stood up, picking up her cat. He could be no older than seven or eight, yet there was a mocking, knowing smile playing on his lips that she didn't like. He was wearing patched, raggedy clothes, and had bare feet. His brown hair stuck up like a weed. There were kids his age on her block, but he didn't look like any of them.

"Thanks for ... finding my cat," she managed, her mouth dry and her head spinning from the fall. The boy smirked.

"She wanted to go home. Your cat is smart, girl. You shouldn't be here this late."

"I can handle myself," Arian found herself saying, taking a step past him. She started to walk away, but his voice stopped her.

"Do you like sweet things?"

She turned around. "What?"

Still smirking, he pulled an apple out of his pocket and held it out to her. "I bet you do. But most sweet things are bitter in the end."

Numbly, Arian took the apple. Then, her cat's claws digging in through her shirt, she turned and ran.

Later that night, she sat on her bed, holding the perfectly red, perfectly soft apple. She was confused, angry, and- curious. Defiantly, she took a bite, and found herself tasting an apple that was like nothing she'd ever eaten before. But then the taste suddenly burned on her lips, and she doubled over, coughing.

A major upheaval was happening within her, and she realized this. Arian staggered over to her mirror and watched in shock as her appearance shifted. The grey of her eyes shone, and the colour seemed to bleed into her pupils. Her fingers lengthened, gaining an extra joint. Her ears became tall and pointed, and her skin gained an eerie sheen. Mouth agape, she saw that she had fangs. Still human- but not.

Desperately, she ran from the house and back into the woods, finally coming upon the boy again. And not just him, but an entire revel of other fey, beautiful, terrible, and all laughing at her.

"What did you do to me?" she screamed, rounding on the faerie boy. He snickered.

"Nothing. I showed you for what you really are. Is that so bad?"

And ever since then, Arian has been living amongst the fey, as one of them.

Until now.

Other: Theme song - Lose Control by Evanescence

Arian keeps a daily journal.
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The 5th Apocalyptic Rider
Jul 20, 2005
Riding with Famine, Death, Pestilence and Destruct
Tango with a Mango
^catchy phrase ^_^

Looks interesting.... I'll edit this with my template soon....


Name: Pent

Nickname: ‘Dark’

Gender: male

Race: human/ dark elementals.

Age: 21

Appearance: http://www.clubskill.com/downloads/Fire Emblem Path of Radiance/3_fire-emblem_GCN_art4.jpg

Item: His rapier and it's sheath.

Magic/Abilities: Manipulation of shadows and darkness. He’s Also a good swordsman.
Living alone most of his life, he was forced to make the best of it by learning as much as he could as fast as he could so he would survive. Life in the mountains is certainly survival of the fittest, and he knew that death would envelop him if he was defenseless. His sword, a silver rapier adorned by a golden hilt and a shimmering dark blue orb in its bottom is his weapon of choice; however, he relies most of the time on Dark based attacks like his Black Dragon and Shadow Spike when in battle. To maximize his attacks, he learned to enclose his blade with a dark aura which he is then able to shoot from his blade or use it to cut trough tough material.

Strength: Fast thinker. He’s a brilliant scholar who spent most of his life reading books ranging from things like war strategies and battle techniques to antidotes and even rough catering. He tries practicing his swordplay here and there by hunting small game for suppers, and at nights he uses the time to go the depths of the forest near his home to use trees to practice his dark elementals.

Weakness: Quiet. Not shy, he just tries to speak when he needs to….
He also has a problem with adjusting his eyes to light, for he spent too many years inside studying books and practicing dark magic that his eyes are not comforted by strong lights or light based attacks
Personality: A thinker. However, he’s not antisocial at all. He practiced poetry and other romantic ideals. He doesn’t mind company and welcomes help when needed...

Bio: Dark’s past is blurry and full of painful memories that over time shaped him into the person he became.
He ran away from his home at a very early age after being sick of the fighting between his parents. This is a dark part of his life which he has work so very hard to forget, but the scars and dreams still hunt him…
On the street, he began to feel cold, hunger, pain, suffering, and the evil of mankind firsthand, as he tried to survive each day with whatever he could find.
He tried to move as far away from everything as he could, so Pent started wondering from town to town, gaining jobs as a mercenary here or a freelance worker there, just to get enough money to eat or pay for a place to stay..
At the age of 16, he came to a city where he was hired at a library, which was where he began his love of books and novels. And soon he became a very tactful and knowledgeable individual. He lived in peace for quite a while, until a gang of ruffians came to burn and sack the village.
Pent decided to join a small force of 12 to fight back the criminal group, which at the time had about 20 money-hungry thugs and got his first experience in battle. He was the only one not wielding a physical weapon, and yet, he shocked the others by using techniques long ago forgotten…
Pent was nicknamed ‘Dark’ after being one of the 5 survivors who were able to fight back the attack and was given his rapier as a present for his support.
He was also given a modest monetary payment, which Pent used to buy some books and a small wagon so he could move along with his travels.
At the age of 18, ‘Dark’ decided to stay and live in a small log cabin he found in a plain near some mountains and a forest, after he decided to stay there and master his techniques before he would move along and teach pupils about dark magic and swordplay.
He lived a fairly modest life as a loner living in the log cabin with barely anything other than a huge pile of books and his sword which he polished daily….
Two years passed in peace and Dark decided to do a trip to a nearby town to gather some potions and antidotes he needed after a wound of his got infected when all of a sudden he was knocked unconscious by a supernatural force….
Everything became dark and cold after that and he awoke deep inside a cave with a bad sense of direction and a sharp headache throbbing his head.

Other: His right arm and right part of his chest are covered by an intricate red tattoo design that glows depending on how much strength he is using while controlling darkness. He tries covering this with his robe.

Song: Fueled by Adrenaline-by Kazzer
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Miss Murder

Tango and Mango

Name: Kaine

Gender: Male

Race: Demon

Age: Demons don't exactly have 'ages', but Kaine's appearance suggests that he is the age of 17

Appearance: Kaine has silver hair that grows downwards, and is spiked, and reaches to his lower neck and the bangs hang in his completely inky black eyes with no pupils. He has fairly pale skin, and his canines are particularly sharp, as are his nails. His ears are also slightly pointed, but not dramatically so. He wears black and white striped armbands on either wrist, and his right eyebrow is pierced once, as is his chin. He wears a black hoodie with white tribal designs on it, and black baggy pants with a chain on its pocket, and black converse shoes. Kaine as black Fallen Angel wings that he can either hide or show at will, and black and silver spikes, horns, and a tail that he can also hide or show at will.

Item: A silver scythe blade on a silver and black spiked chain.


1. Control of Fire and Darkness
2. Super Strength
3. Future Sight/Telekenisis

Strength: Kaine seems to be extreamly lucky at most times, and he is very clever and good at getting out of tough situations.

Weakness: Kaine has a slight fear of burning alive, but not of fire itself, since he can control it. He also seems to be slightly secluded and sometimes anti-social, which can be considered a weakness as well.

Personality: Kaine doesn't overlly care about anyone in his life who doesn't effect him, and he could care less about those people. Even though he is handsome and women can be attracted to him, he doesn't affiltrate himself with any of those people at any time. Mostly the only emotions that he can feel are anger and hate, if not that then emotionlessness.

Kaine's Memos: ( From Kaine's point of view ) Hell. . .seemingly eternal damnation. It's hard to believe that any of it couldn't possibly be real. I've been in Hell, in eternal servitude to Satan, for many years now. I have seen all the evil that has passed into Hell, and none of it that has come back out. I have seen the horrors that await the evil in the firey depths of this place, and the sadness and extreame regret that is shown from Hell's new and old occupants. How could none of this possibly not even be real? I just fell asleep. . .I think. . .at one point in Hell, if that's even possible, and woke up in this dark, damp cave. Then I asked where I was, and only recieved even more confusing answers, if any answers at all. Here, if I act like I came from a different place, people treat me like I'm insane! It's unreal!

. . .What was I doing before I arrived here? It's difficult to remember. . .like a dream. . .but is that even possible? It seems completely impossible that my seemingly my whole life in Hell was just my own imagination, conjured by this 'Moon Fever'. I've never heard of such a stupid thing, but there's no denying that. . .I don't even know anymore. Before I fell 'asleep', I believe that I was speaking to Satan himself. . .maybe I said something out-of-line, and he did all of this to me as a punishment. But why would he even do that, and why don't I remember it? Well, maybe that was part of the punishment.

Well, now at least I still have my powers that I had in Hell. Yet, even we did not have the levels of magic that control this place. It itself is unreal, even in comparison to what I'm used to. My powers are still great, but even they have been numbed. I currently wait for this to either reveal itself, become more known, or for it all to pass, whether it be punishment or a figment of my own imagination. . .or something else entirely.

Other: Theme Song: So Cold - Breaking Benjamin
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New member
Mar 11, 2005
A happy universe filled with bunnies.
GuardianOfHearts -- APPROVED! Good to go.
Lycian Wolfe -- APPROVED! Also good to go.
Dark-Disciple -- I'll approve it, but you should go back and fill in the age. Also, the personality and bio should be a bit longer. They're kinda scantly at the moment~

♥ ~ ♥ ~ ♥
Tango with a Mango~!

Name: Wist

Gender: Female

Race: Technically speaking, she's human, with shards of angel lodged in her soul. She feels and smells demonic, however. In other words--she's all kinds of messed up.

Age: She's around fifty-something, but she appears to be 18 or so.

Appearance: Click for the visual! You know you want to.

She appears mostly human, with a few odd traits here and there. She appears rather frail with her pale skin and thin frame, but this is deceiving. Her posture is sometimes more expressive than she is, and she has the capacity to be a sexy, sexy woman if she feels like going the extra mile. She usually dresses in browns and blacks. Her eyes are brown as well.

When her angelic side breaks through, odd black markings appear all over her arms, sometimes winding as far up as the sides of her face. Due to the angelic interference, her entire posture changes and she tends to try and make herself as small as possible.

Item: Her lucky poker-chip, which just happens to be an extension of her soul. One side of it is plain and looks new, while the other side is all scratched up, with a particularly long and deep scratch right through the middle. She claims to carry it around because it brings her good luck when she's out gambling, but it's actually how she measures the state of her demonic energy verses her angelic energy.

Magic/Abilities: She's an amazing acrobat. Crazy flips and spins and dodging and jumping powers for the win. She's fairly decent in hand-to-hand fighting, but would rather other people do the fighting for her. Her angelic side is fairly useless in a fight, but gives her amazing defensive and supportive magic powers for the short time it's up. She has an oddly strong sense of smell, which she uses to identify people with.

Strength: She has an odd knack for knowing or quickly learning how things work. Give her something broken, and she's likely to fix it in under and hour.

Weakness: She has no morals. She's perfectly fine with killing people, cheating, stealing, consuming gratuitous amounts of alcohol, her gambling addiction, being blunt, staying the center of attention, and screwing people over to further her own goals. She makes a lot of enemies that way.

Personality: She's one of those people that can either be your greatest friend or your worst enemy. Or maybe even both. She's not on the good side, or the bad side... She's on her own side, really. All you need to remember is that she sticks out for herself before she sticks out for anyone else.

She's arrogant, crafty, always looking for a good time or a few laughs, and she's not afraid to get in your personal bubble if it means you'll pay attention to what she has to say. If she finds you amusing or thinks you'll be a good pawn to her later, she'll keep you close and keep you safe--for her own gain, of course. If she doesn't like you, she'll do little things here and there to insure that your life is a living hell. Nothing personal, she's just bored. She's a big fan of sarcasm, dark humor, and all those sorts of things. She also rather enjoys singing, although the songs she sings are usually of the more silly or crude nature. No pretty lullabies from her.

The only break in her personality is when the dark marks began to appear on her arms. She starts to freak out and eventually her entire personality flips into angelic mode. She becomes sickeningly sweet, caring, and gets frightened of anything that moves. This mode doesn't usually last long, but the one thing you can do to anger her is to bring this angel side up in conversation.

Bio: ( From the point of view of Wist )

Why the hell would you want to know about me? I don't like talking about all this stuff. Too sentimental. If you want a nice back-story about Miss Wist, go look it up in some archive. I'm sure all those fluffy angels keep records of everything that goes on concerning them anyway, the stiffs.

...Alright, fine. But I gotta make this quick.

All throughout my life, I've had the wonderful pleasure of being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Like, when I was a kid for instance. Just this little human baby--but when I was born, there was something wrong with me, right? I had all these creepy black markings on my body. My parents freaked, and the village figured it was demons' work. So they figured they'd protect the village and toss me over a waterfall. Yeah, you heard me. A waterfall. Some religious site to a god of rivers or something. Maybe I was a human sacrifice. I dunno, whatever.

I would have died if this angel (I normally hate the glowing weirdos but this guy was alright, I guess) hadn't of saved me and brought me back to his little heavenly kingdom. Now, I know what you're thinking, 'Oh Wist, you're so lucky to have been saved by an angel!'. Well, you know what? That first guy only saved me because they needed a discarded soul for some sort of transference of a fallen angel into a new body. And guess what? Yeah, it didn't work so well. Crazy markings mixed with the angel magics and it only really worked halfway. It's sorta like I got an angelic me lodged in my brain now. Freaks.

They kept me for a while in hopes that it would work out, but eventually I was booted right back to where I started. That just led to me wandering around for some-odd years, until I eventually found a pack of demons. These guys... Lemme tell ya', they were so much better than those humans or angels ever were. They took me in--sorta embraced the freakiness. And I grew up with them. I ate their food and trained with them and learned from them until I started to look a bit more demonic, and I even smelled like a demon. Yeah, I can smell the difference between all sorts of creatures now, isn't that nuts?

So me and the gang had a bunch of fun adventures. Lots of laughs. Good times, and so on. And then I... Um. Tripped. And fell down here. I think. I'm kinda hazy on the details. Haven't found a way out yet, but with my luck, that's not much of a surprise. Although the people here are freakin' weird. Kinda like elves, 'cept underground. They smell funny. And there are irregularities in what they know in some areas. Oh, and they all think I'm nuts, but that's nothing new. Although... I've been here for almost a week and I haven't been able to find anyone else like me with this so-called "moon fever" so I'm starting to worry a little. But hey, nothing big. I'll just go with the flow until something comes up. It's always worked for me before, so I don't see why it'd stop now.

Other: Wist's theme song is "Seven Deadly Sins" by Flogging Molly:

So the years went by and several died, and left us somewhat reelin',
Johnny strummed his Tommy gun, left blastin' through the ceiling,
What became of rebels, that sang for you and me?
Grapplin' with their demons in the search for liberty.

Suffers who suffer all, can swim upon the desert,
Where avarice has ravaged all, in spite of good intentions,
Don't fill your mouth with gluttony, for pride will surely swell,
But nothing's unforgiven in the four corners of hell.

Sail away where ball and chain can keep us from the roaring waves,
Together undivided, but forever we'll be free,
So sail away aboard our rig, the moon is full, and so are we,
We're seven drunken pirates, we're the seven deadly sins.
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Story Keeper

Anxious Writer
Sep 14, 2006
Sending out my soul to worlds more beautiful
Tango with a mango

Name: Kari

Gender: Female

Race: Cat-Angel

Age: 15

Appearance: Kari, but her hair is more silver

Item: Choker

Magic/Abilities: She can use white and black magic, but she likes using her white magic only when it's needed. (don't ask why an angel would know stuff like fire, thunder and so on.) She seems to have very good skill over memories, dreams, and music as well. She can become invisible when ever she likes too.

Strength: She knows more then most people do, heck as some people call her she's a know it all.

Weakness: She has a hard time trusting people

Personality: She is a soft hearted kind of girl, basically if you can become her friend you don't want to break her trust, because she has a hard time trusting others. She hides her emotions because she thinks that if someone saw her crying they would think she is weak. But the thing that her friends don't get is that she is really romantic, but she doesn't want anyone.

She is always a dreamer. Has a refreshing personality she's nice, listens to common sense, and is always thinking about everyone when things get rough. Her friends don't even understand her,but let's hope after this is done her friends will understand her. She is willing to put her life on the line to keep the ones she cares about safe. She is also quiet, so friends do get worried. People call her alone wolf; which is true.

Bio: Kari was fine as a kid but she soon began being the starting point of her parents fights, sometimes she longed to become invisible one day when she saw her father about ready to scream at her mother she cried, "Stop! Fine, if it'll make you happy I'll stay out of sight!" She had swiftly gained that power, having turned invisible on the spot she had begun wishing this when needed.

As the years passed she had people get close to her heart, only to turn around and shatter it into a thousand pieces. Deciding from there on out she wasn't going to let anyone get close to her, she had started this at the age of ten she soon stumbled across the cave falling down the hole she ended up in a comma. She then woke up not to long ago, having been there since the age of fourteen being in the comma for a year.


Theme Song: Sound The Bugle by Bryan Adams

Quote: Sometimes you have to run to see who'll follow you
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New member
Mar 11, 2005
A happy universe filled with bunnies.
mikep -- I will also approve this one, although you might want to be careful with some grammer things. It's mostly a few places where there are random capitals. That bugs me, but I'm super-picky and a grammer nazi. So yeah.

Also, when did Entrophy arrive at the caves? Was it long enough ago for it to become a local legend, or is it still recent news?

)-(The Anomaly)-(

New member
Sep 15, 2006
Somewhere on this planet...
I guess it could be a local legend and sorry about the grammer, i was just trying to get it down on the thread then fix it when i had the time. I'm fixing my house and then getting back on here. I''m constantly switching between the two.

Miss Murder

Hey, I changed my theme song. Just a heads up, I guess. . .whatever.

Miss Murder

Thanks, I like it too. XD

We going to start soon, or do we need more people to join first??


New member
Mar 11, 2005
A happy universe filled with bunnies.
Since most of us are online, sure, we can start. 8D

If anyone wants to throw in a late template or continue editing the one they have, they may feel free to do so~!

I'm gonna go grab some dinner (yay, sustinence!) so I'll let one of you snazzy folks start it off~! Have fun!

(And Kari'Heart, I'll accept yours, but I give you the same warning I'm giving everyone else. ^^; Your grammar's kinda funky in your template, so make sure to check over everything and make sure it makes sense when you read it~)

Miss Murder

((One question before we start, do we start waking up or already woken up??))
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