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9/7 Union χ JP Update: Premium Quests, Reprinted Draws, Hades Cup



trapped in revamp hell
Staff member
Nov 1, 2009

Premium Quests for 9/7~9/13:

Purchasing the Bonus Jewel Pack will give you access to a free draw for 9/7 only. Players are limited to 1 pull, which guarantees 1 of the following medals and comes with 1 bonus Sword Gem:

SB++ KHIII Sora SF Ver [All Targets | 4 SP cost | T10] For 1 turn: Increases Power Medal ATK+6000, Upright/General/Power ATK+15 and Guilt+200%, decreases enemy Upright/General/Power DEF-15. Doesn't affect Counters, changes the following medal to Power-type. Inflicts 15 hits that deals more damage with more HP and has a 30% chance of piercing Guard.

(AOE) Super Burst: For 1 turn: Increases Power Medal ATK+10000 and Guilt+300%. Pierces Guard. Actives before the 2nd slot in PVP

SB++ Master Eraqus [All Targets | 2 SP cost | T10] For 1 turn: Increases Power Medal ATK+8000, Upright/General/Power ATK+15 and Guilt+220%, decreases enemy Upright/General/Power DEF-15. Inflicts 5 hits that deal more damage against standalone targets

(AOE) Super Burst: For 1 turn: Increases Power Medal ATK+12000 and Guilt+320%. Activates before the 1st slot in PVP

SB++ Xemnas [All Targets | 3 SP cost | T10] For 1 turn: Increases All Medal ATK+6000, Reverse/General/PSM ATK+15 and Guilt+200%. Doesn't affect Counters, inflicts 13 hits that are advantageous against all attributes

(AOE) Super Burst: For 1 turn: Increases PSM Medal ATK+10000 and Guilt+300%, decreases enemy Reverse/General/PSM DEF-15. Activates before the 1st slot in PVP

SB++ Ansem CoM Ver [All Targets | 5 SP cost | T10] For 2 turns: Increases Power Medal ATK+3000, Reverse/General/Power ATK+15 and Guilt+200%, decreases enemy Reverse/General DEF-15. Restores 3 SP, resets Counters, transforms the following medal to Power-type. Inflicts 13 hits.

(AOE) Super Burst: For 2 turns: Increases Power Medal ATK+6000, Reverse/Power ATK+15 and Guilt+300%, decreases enemy Reverse/Power DEF-15. Activates before the 1st slot in PVP

SB++ Key Art #23 [All Targets | 6 SP cost | T10] For 2 turns: Increases All Medal ATK+3000, Upright/General/PSM ATK+15 and Guilt+200%. Raises Counter+1, inflicts 5 hits that are advantageous against all attributes

(AOE) Super Burst: For 2 turns: Increases All Medal ATK+6000 and Guilt+300%, decreases enemy Upright/General/PSM DEF-15. Activates before the 1st slot in PVP

SB++ KHIII Sora SFS Ver [All Targets | 2 SP cost | T10] For 1 turn: Increases Speed Medal ATK+8000, Upright/General/Speed ATK+15 and Guilt+220%, decreases enemy Upright/General/Speed DEF-15. Inflicts 6 hits that deal more damage against standalone targets.

(AOE) Super Burst: For 1 turn: Increases Speed Medal ATK+12000 and Guilt+320%. Activates before the 1st slot in PVP

SB++ KHIII Vanitas [All Targets | 3 SP cost | T10] For 1 turn: Increases Speed Medal ATK+6000, Reverse/General/Speed ATK+15 and Guilt+200%, decreases enemy Reverse/General/Speed DEF-15. Recovers 2 SP, raises Counter+1. Inflicts 11 hits that have a 50% chance of piercing Guard. Reflects 15% of Speed damage, changes the following medal to Speed-type.

(AOE) Super Burst: For 1 turn: Increases Speed Medal ATK+10000, Reverse/General/Speed ATK+15 and Guilt+300%. Pierces Guard, raises Counter+3. Activates before the 1st slot in PVP

SB++ Xemnas B [All Targets | 2 SP cost | T10] For 1 turn: Increases Speed Medal ATK+8000, Reverse/General/Speed ATK+15 and Guilt+220%, decreases enemy Reverse/General/Speed DEF-15. Inflicts 13 hits that deal more damage against standalone targets

(AOE) Super Burst: For 1 turn: Increases Speed Medal ATK+12000 and Guilt+320%. Activates before the 1st slot in PVP

SB++ KHIII Ansem the Wise [1 Target | 6 SP cost | T10] For 2 turns: Increases All Medal ATK+1000. Copies the ability of the following medal, fails if none exists in that position.

(AOE) Super Burst: For 2 turns: Increases All Medal ATK+4000, Upright ATK+10 and Guilt+300%, decreases enemy Upright DEF-10. Activates before the 2nd slot in PVP

SB++ Key Art #24 [All Targets | 3 SP cost | T10] For 1 turn: Increases Magic Medal ATK+8000, Upright/General/Magic ATK+15 and Guilt+220%, decreases enemy Upright/General/Magic DEF-15. Doesn't affect Counters. Inflicts 1 hit.

(AOE) Super Burst: For 1 turn: Increases Magic Medal ATK+12000, Upright/General/Magic ATK+15 and Guilt+320%, decreases enemy Upright/General/Magic DEF-15. Activates before the 1st slot in PVP

SB++ Gambler [All Targets | 5 SP cost | T10] For 2 turns: Increases Magic Medal ATK+3000, Reverse/General/Magic ATK+15 and Guilt+200%, decreases enemey Reverse/General/Magic DEF-15. Doesn't affect Counters, inflicts 3 hits that have a 25% critical chance

(AOE) Super Burst: For 2 turns: Increases Magic Medal ATK+6000, Reverse/General/Magic ATK+15 and Guilt+300%, decreases enemy Reverse/General/Magic DEF-15. Activates before the 1st slot in PVP

SB++ Master Xehanort [All Targets | 3 SP cost | T10] For 1 turn: Increases Magic Medal ATK+8000, Reverse/General/Magic ATK+15 and Guilt+220%, decreases enemy Reverse/General/Magic DEF-15. Doesn't affect Counters. Inflicts 1 hit.

(AOE) Super Burst: For 1 turn: Increases Magic Medal ATK+12000, Reverse/General/Magic ATK+15 and Guilt+320%, decreases enemy Reverse/General/Magic DEF-15. Activates before the 1st slot in PVP

Draw Ticket x 100

Imperial Egg Helm (Critical Luck+10)

3 types of gems x 100 each (total 300)

New Skill: Lux2 & ATK XL VII 100% 

Purchasing the bonus jewel pack will allow players to gain access to additional trait deals in the Moogle Shop.

Ground Enemy Defense-60% 500 jewels each
(Limit 10)
Aerial Enemy Defense-60%
Extra Attack 40%
Attack Boost+1000
Raid Damage+40%

Falling Price KHIII Special Draw from 9/7~9/25 features the return of SB++ KHIII Terra, Ventus and Aqua! Each pull in a banner guarantees 3 ★6 or 7 KHIII medals, 1 trait medal, 3 gems (Terra=Power, Ventus=Speed, Aqua=Mystic) and 10 L/R VIP coins. Get the new SB++ medals within 5 pulls!

SB++ KHIII Terra [All Targets | 1 SP cost | T10] For 1 turn: Increases Upright/General/Power ATK+15 and Guilt+220%, decreases enemy Upright/General/Power DEF-15. Inflicts 5 hits that deal more damage against standalone targets

(AOE) Super Burst: Revives Power Medal SB. Increases Guilt+300% for 1 turn. Activates before the 6th slot in PVP.

SB++ KHIII Ventus [All Targets | 1 SP cost | T10] For 1 turn: Increases Upright/General/Speed ATK+15 and Guilt+220%, decreases enemy Upright/General/Speed DEF-15. Inflicts 5 hits that deal more damage against standalone targets

(AOE) Super Burst: Revives Speed Medal SB. Increases Guilt+300% for 1 turn. Activates before the 6th slot in PVP.

SB++ KHIII Aqua [All Targets | 1 SP cost | T10] For 1 turn: Increases Upright/General/Magic ATK+15 and Guilt+220%, decreases enemy Upright/General/Magic DEF-15. Inflicts 5 hits that deal more damage against standalone targets

(AOE) Super Burst: Revives Magic Medal SB. Increases Guilt+300% for 1 turn. Activates before the 6th slot in PVP.


Falling Price KHIII Special Draw from 9/7~9/25 features SB++ KHIII Xion! Each pull guarantees 3 ★6 or 7 KHIII medals, 1  trait medal, 3 Sword Gems and 10 L/R VIP coins. Get SB++ KHIII Xion within 5 pulls!

SB++ KHIII Xion [All Targets | 1 SP cost | T10] For 1 turn: Increases All Medal ATK+2500, Upright ATK+15, Reverse ATK+15 and Guilt+220%, decreases enemy Upright DEF-15 and Reverse DEF-15. Inflicts 6 hits that deal more damage against standalone targets

(AOE) Super Burst: Revives Reverse Medal SB. Increases Guilt+300% for 1 turn and raises Counter+3. Activates before the 6th slot in PVP

Roxas and Namine avatar boards return from 9/7~9/20 for 1500 jewels each!

KHII Roxas costume
(ABPrize & Attack Up M) x 1
(Attack Up L) x 1
(Guard Up L) x 1
Magic Mirror x 5
Mickey & Broom Servants x 1 Broom Servant x 1
Cid5 x 2 Huey & Dewey & Louie x 3
Sword Gem x 1 KHII Roxas costume x 1
KHII Roxas's wristband x 1 KHII Roxas Style x 1


KHII Namine costume
(ABPrize & Attack Up M) x 1
(Attack Up L) x 1
(Guard Up L) x 1
Magic Mirror x 5
Mickey & Broom Servants x 1 Broom Servant x 1
Cid5 x 2 Huey & Dewey & Louie x 3
Sword Gem x 1 KHII Namine costume x 1
KHII Namine's sketchbook x 1 KHII Namine Style x 1

Get 10,000 jewels and 5 Quest Keys for KHDR as part of the 5th anniversary celebration! Remember to claim it from your present box by 9/13 at 23:59.

Hades Cup is held from 9/7~9/20! Get up to 6000 jewels, 50 Draw Tickets, gems and other rewards by clearing the challenges.

Quest  Rewards
ROUND 1 Draw Ticket x 2
Sword Gem x 1
Huey & Dewey & Louie★6 x 5
ROUND 2 Draw Ticket x 2
Mystic Gem x 1
Cid★6 x 5
ROUND 3 Draw Ticket x 2
Wing Gem x 1
Dale★6 x 5
ROUND 4 Draw Ticket x 3
Sword Gem x 2
Chip★6 x 5
ROUND 5 Draw Ticket x 3
Mystic Gem x 2
Magic Mirror★6 x 5
ROUND 6 Draw Ticket x 3
Wing Gem x 2
Broom Servant★6 x 5
ROUND 7 Draw Ticket x 4
Wing Gem x 3
Huey & Dewey & Louie ★6 x 5
ROUND 8 Draw Ticket x 4
Mystic Gem x 3
Cid★6 x 5
ROUND 9 Draw Ticket x 4
Wing Gem x 3
Dale★6 x 5
ROUND 10 Jewel x 1000
Sun Gem x 1
Chip★6 x 5
ROUND 11 Draw Ticket x 5
Mystic Gem x 4
Magic Mirror★6 x 5
ROUND 12 Draw Ticket x 5
Wing Gem x 4
Broom Servant★6 x 5
ROUND 13 Draw Ticket x 6
Sword Gem x 4
Chip★6 x 5
ROUND 14 Draw Ticket x 7
Moon Gem x 1
Mystic Gem x 5
ROUND 15 Jewel x 5000
Wing Gem x 5
Sword Gem x 5

5th Anniversary Special Lux Ranking Reward Week is held from 9/7~9/13! Collect lux and get up to 50 Draw Tickets in the Solo Rankings.

Clear the challenges in today's Guerilla Event to get 10 Draw Tickets and 20 Sword Gems.

Time Mission SP is held from 9/7~9/20!! Defeat 7 targets and clear the challenges to earn up to 33 Draw Tickets and gems!

There are 3 quests per target. Each of the 7 targets appears 4x daily. The appearance rate varies for each one, so share info in party chat and [ex tres]!

The rare Gold Tricholoma will also make an appearance, and defeating it will net the player lots of gems for clearing the challenges of defeating it.

Union Cross is updated for 9/7~9/13! Clear quests to earn coins and redeem Draw Tickets and the Imperial Egg Tiara pet part.

There are 7 sets of Cross Boards available:

Draw Ticket Board 1
Draw Ticket Board 2
Spirit Part (Imperial Egg Tiara)
Huey & Dewey & Louie
Magic Mirror
Broom Servant

Challenge Boss Time is held from 19:00~19:29 and 23:00~23:29 JST, during which players will receive more coins by defeating the boss.  

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