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65/100 review for KH!! what?!

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New member
Sep 18, 2009
Ohio, U.S.
this guy (or girl) was dissing pretty bad on KH1. he claimed that the graphics and sound were excellent, but the storyline and gameplay were dull. really?

link to it here: RPGFan Reader Reviews - Kingdom Hearts

i agree with some of the points, like the gummi ship mini-game being terrible. but i disagree with such points as: "It is shame that the 2 greats, Disney and Squaresoft, could not create a good game. They couldn't even create a mildly fun game. It should be a crime to waste such potential." :dizzy:

and: "The child dreaming was Sora, a rather uninteresting and bland lead character. He lives on Destiny Island with his friends: Kairi, Rikku, Tidus, Wakka and Selphie." bland? sora? erm...i disagree. and they spelled riku's name wrong.

maybe its just cuz i'm an obsessed kh fan, but i think Kh deserves way more than a 65%. that's practically failing. :cry: this person clearly played through quite a bit of the game; he knew what he was talking about. i guess not everyone's gonna totally love KH. *gasp*

XIII Nobodies

New member
Nov 2, 2007
In the Land Where Dragons Rule
Gameplay? Dull? Yeah right! KH has one of the best battle systems I've seen. It's simple, but fun. It can be challenging at times, particularly when fighting certain types of enemies. The only reason someone would say that is because they suck at it.

As for story, I guess everyone has their own opinions. Some people only see the bad points, and not the good.

Chakolat Strawberry

caramel delight
Jan 2, 2009
To be honest, I can totally see why some people don't like KH.
My friend doesn't like it because he thinks FF and Disney should not go together. (and I like FF, but FF has to get the fuck off KH)
Too bad all the jokes fall embarrassingly flat
There is more to Kingdom Hearts than dull combat and cumbersome menus. There is a plethora of mini-games of varying quality. The largest mini-game (quite an oxymoron there) is the Gummi Ship. While in most role-playing games you have to walk to get the next town, in KH you fly your Gummi Ship from world to world. You can customize your ship with a variety of different parts found around the world, but why bother? You will probably spend more time trying to find the right parts and equipping them than you will ever spend flying it. The flying portions are embarrassingly bad. Enemies attack you while flying and there are a couple obstacles to dodge, but overall it's almost impossible to die unintentionally. The most alarming part about it is that even Starfox 64 had superior graphics than what is seen in this train wreck.
Ironically, you battle the horrible camera angles more than you battle the Heartless. When you lock onto an enemy the camera angles changes, but is it too bad that other objects usually obscure your view. Odds are there won't be a view at all because the camera does a horrible job of actually showing the enemy. There is a fair amount of platform jumping in the game, but when you try to set up the camera for the best view, it inexplicably changes to the same frustrating view you just tried to get rid off.
Even the inclusion of some of Final Fantasy characters wasn't enough to amuse me because they were nothing more than gimmicks.
I really love KH1 (favorite of the series), but I can't help but agree with these
As I side note, I noticed that, strangely enough, there is not a single African-American in this game.
LOL (it's Japanese, what do you expect)
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Awkward Squid

New member
Oct 26, 2009
They obviously didn't waste the time to actually pay attention to how Riku's name was spelled...Sounds to me like they're going through a FFX phase.


New member
Oct 21, 2009
Sunny England :)
I reckon the graphics are worse than the gameplay D: especially when the characters talk, they do that terribly out of sync fish like movement with their mouths. That really irritates me and I don't even know why!

The gameplays so immense, especially when you progress because the fighting becomes more fluent. This is what happens when angry people write reviews :(

I'd give it 100/100. I'm fair biased though hah


New member
Jun 17, 2009
"When I say cutscene, I really mean music video because it is all flash and no substance. Nothing is explained about the plot, we just see a kid swimming with "cool" camera techniques to impress us."

... They need to go back and relook at that intro because it was masterfully interwoven with symbolism. Water is generally accepted as symbolic for the unconscious mind. Also, no plot? It foreshadows the separation of Sora and Riku and how Riku went searching for an escape (into the wave), while Sora was slightly more hesitant.

I do agree though that much of the humor is poor (but some parts are good). And the the plot didn't incorporate all of the worlds quite well enough (I hated the sudden emergence of a Nemesis at the last hr because I wanted the final battle to be against Maleficent). The author critiques the battle menus slightly harsh, but at first it does feel that way before you get used to it. (I do prefer KH2, except for the magic). And the cameras were annoying, but not quite as bad as he portrays it. How can he LIKE Sora's voice acting. OK, it is official: this critic is psycho. I mean Sora sounds like A GIRL!!!!!!!!!

I think the author wanted to speed-level through the game and get on to something else.


The Last Bulbasaur
Feb 5, 2009
The Everlasting Daisy Field
This kid must be retarded. complicated combat? You just need to freakin' button mash to win! No plot? Bull crap! Boring gameplay? Retard! God, this kid must have been payed to play this, or is too retarded to understand or has never played a good game before.


Celtic God of Water
Aug 8, 2009
Ilex Forest.
I reckon the graphics are worse than the gameplay D: especially when the characters talk, they do that terribly out of sync fish like movement with their mouths. That really irritates me and I don't even know why!

The gameplays so immense, especially when you progress because the fighting becomes more fluent. This is what happens when angry people write reviews :(

I'd give it 100/100. I'm fair biased though hah

they where more in sync than in kh2 :T

and kh1 is is my fav out of the whole series then its CoM and kh2 :p

Chakolat Strawberry

caramel delight
Jan 2, 2009
If I had to rate KH1, I would give it a... 84/100
This kid must be retarded. complicated combat? You just need to freakin' button mash to win! No plot? Bull crap! Boring gameplay? Retard! God, this kid must have been payed to play this, or is too retarded to understand or has never played a good game before.
They're called opinions.
I reckon the graphics are worse than the gameplay D: especially when the characters talk, they do that terribly out of sync fish like movement with their mouths. That really irritates me and I don't even know why!
:c I hate that, too.

Chakolat Strawberry

caramel delight
Jan 2, 2009
(just saying since you didn't really say anything to contradict him xD)
I found KH1 far from a button masher. The "getting through three menus to get to a potion" is what didn't make KH1 a button masher, and some other things. I want to see what this guy says for KH2.
/KH2 gets a 5

Awkward Squid

New member
Oct 26, 2009
When I say cutscene, I really mean music video because it is all flash and no substance. Nothing is explained about the plot, we just see a kid swimming with "cool" camera techniques to impress us. It seems like more a graphics demo than an attempt at a narrative.

Somebody shoot this guy...

Newsflash to critiques, if you want us to take you seriously, take the time to actually know what you're talking about. The opening has a lot more meaning than just a few 'cool camera techniques'.

there is no excuse for the lack of humor in this game.

It's not meant to be a comedy obviously...

Odds are there won't be a view at all because the camera does a horrible job of actually showing the enemy.

...He must really suck at this game if he can't even figure out how to use the L2 and R2 buttons...

in some worlds you just wander aimlessly from area to area trying to find the right place to go, and all the while enemies are popping up everywhere.

Because every game you play has to be a walk in the park, right?

A few memorable Disney tunes are in Kingdom Hearts, but most of the music is original. The original music is pretty good, but I really wish there were more of the classic tunes to hear.

Yeah, because obviously the blood, sweat, and tears Yoko Shimomura put into those 'originals' of hers are nothing compared to just copying what you hear in movies and slapping them onto a video game...

Does Sora use a sword to thwart the villains? Of course not; this is a Disney game. He uses a key instead of a sword.

It's called creativity. Swords are overused by almost any hero.

or in the process of finding the potion you take plenty of damage from attacking enemies.

Because the button below MAGIC is so hard to find...
And this is why you don't stand next to your target when trying to heal yourself...

Sleeping Rebirth

New member
Jul 1, 2009
Northern Ireland
yeah your right not everybody is gonna like it loads of my friends say its gay. What does he mean about the gameplay system it was some of the reason why it was a good game.


you look atrocious
May 17, 2008
Okay guys, seriously. :I Sure, the guy may have a different opinion than you about the game, but that doesn't mean you all have to jump on him and rip him a new one for every little thing he pointed out that didn't quite agree with him.

And like brave little toaster, I also agree with him on certain parts. Honestly guys, it's just an opinion.

Newsflash to critiques, if you want us to take you seriously, take the time to actually know what you're talking about. The opening has a lot more meaning than just a few 'cool camera techniques'.

I know that, but it's not like everyone's going to be able to point out all of the symbolism or whatever in the opening scene.

If anything, most people thought while watching it, "Oh, pretty!"

It's not meant to be a comedy obviously...

Even if it's a tragedy, if there are jokes in it, they should at least be funny. It doesn't matter if it's a comedy or not.

...He must really suck at this game if he can't even figure out how to use the L2 and R2 buttons...

The camera still sucks, even if you move it around.

Because every game you play has to be a walk in the park, right?

No, but it wouldn't hurt if there weren't so many unnecessary areas in certain worlds.

Yeah, because obviously the blood, sweat, and tears Yoko Shimomura put into those 'originals' of hers are nothing compared to just copying what you hear in movies and slapping them onto a video game...

It sounds to me that he just wanted to hear more of the classic tunes, for the sake of being nostalgic. :/

It's called creativity. Swords are overused by almost any hero.

He has a valid point though. Square wanted to give Mickey (who was originally going to be the protagonist of KH) a sword, Disney said no.

Then the Keyblade was born.

Because the button below MAGIC is so hard to find...
And this is why you don't stand next to your target when trying to heal yourself...

1. You can- and do, sometimes- die before you can actually use it.
2. Even if you run, certain enemies are fast and still get you before you have time to actually heal yourself.

... They need to go back and relook at that intro because it was masterfully interwoven with symbolism. Water is generally accepted as symbolic for the unconscious mind. Also, no plot? It foreshadows the separation of Sora and Riku and how Riku went searching for an escape (into the wave), while Sora was slightly more hesitant.

Symbolism is nice and all, but for the ones who don't avidly worship KH, it's not going to make any sense.

And the cameras were annoying, but not quite as bad as he portrays it.

I actually thought he was spot-on about that. >_>

How can he LIKE Sora's voice acting. OK, it is official: this critic is psycho. I mean Sora sounds like A GIRL!!!!!!!!!

I preferred Sora's KH1 voice, tbh. :/ And while the voice acting sucks at certain parts, I'd sooner put the blame on the scenes and the lines themselves than the actual voice.
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New member
Oct 16, 2009
I agree with toaster on this one. I can easily see how KH can be disliked. I mean, for instance,

attack is "X"
Multiple attacks is "X" a whole bunch

Magic has 4 shortcuts- one button each

It's a very simplistic battle system. Most people like a variety of moves they can choose. I mean yea, KH has a variety of awesome moves but the combos go themselves. Don't get me wrong, I love KH, but I still gotta be honest


New member
Nov 12, 2008
I guess noone bothered to look at the date... it says 07/03/03...
so yeah, that guy couldn't care less about this anymoar, just as you guys should. KH is a great game, but has flaws, as most games... Hell, even OoT has flaws..

Awkward Squid

New member
Oct 26, 2009
Okay guys, seriously. :I Sure, the guy may have a different opinion than you about the game, but that doesn't mean you all have to jump on him and rip him a new one for every little thing he pointed out that didn't quite agree with him.

And like brave little toaster, I also agree with him on certain parts. Honestly guys, it's just an opinion.

I know that, but it's not like everyone's going to be able to point out all of the symbolism or whatever in the opening scene.

If anything, most people thought while watching it, "Oh, pretty!"

Even if it's a tragedy, if there are jokes in it, they should at least be funny. It doesn't matter if it's a comedy or not.

The camera still sucks, even if you move it around.

No, but it wouldn't hurt if there weren't so many unnecessary areas in certain worlds.

It sounds to me that he just wanted to hear more of the classic tunes, for the sake of being nostalgic. :/

He has a valid point though. Square wanted to give Mickey (who was originally going to be the protagonist of KH) a sword, Disney said no.

Then the Keyblade was born.

1. You can- and do, sometimes- die before you can actually use it.
2. Even if you run, certain enemies are fast and still get you before you have time to actually heal yourself.

*raises hands* Alright, you got me.


New member
Sep 6, 2009
o.o oh wow really ppl?? THEY ONLY HATE KH CUZ THEIR BAD AT IT and the graphics r MUCH MUCH MUCH better then some of those games out there!! >.< y do ppl insist on flaming something they will never gewt backed up on?? cuz A LOT of ppl like KH!! -.-" idiots... NOT THE PPL WHO LIKE KH the ppl who dont! -.-"
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