About the Knights being souls contained within armor due to lacking a Heart and a Body, there are a couple very obvious things wrong with this theory...
Nomura said that he now has thier appearences and such already sketched out. If they are souls, with no body, how would they have physical features? Wouldn't you think that they'd just be empty inside that armor, or like, a mist or something?
Secondly, if they are just souls, how do they weild keyblades? You need a heart to weild a keyblade, but Soul's alone wouldn't have the power to weild one, correct?
And also, no one seems to have a hypothesis as to how these souls were removed from thier bodies.
How would one go about losing thier body, and having the soul live on in an empty vessel? Why is it that this Soul is able to live on? And what happens to the body with the soul gone?
We know that Heart being consumed by Darkiness = Heartless, and Leftover Body and Soul perishing = Nobody, so what would make this third enemy?
Xehanort's fake Ansem reports state that Soul and Body are one, cannot be seperated for both shall perish without the other (My interperitation). Why would it be that these Knights are able to defy this law-of-sorts?