I don't think you really need to talk to me about complex stories. 24 is anything but complex, all we have are (simple) conspiracies. But Graham did appear in S5, near the end, and then Day 6 comes around and all of a sudden they're brothers.
It's far fetched and hard to believe. I'm fine with it, my love for 24 will allow me to ignore the stupidity and obvious plot holes that could come from it. Graham appeared as a villain, no backing, no history, no complexities, not even a nod toward Jack. It is very out of place.
And I could bet anything that Graham's appearance in S5 was NEVER planned to have him as Jack's brother. And Graham's appearance now doesn't even make it complex, it looks like sloppy story telling and an easy shock value.
24 isn't built to be complex, it never has been. It's a very straight forward show. And suddenly Jack throwing out all his problems and putting a bag over his BROTHER's head, and we're just suppose to accept he'll do that after he killed Curtis, barfed and said he couldn't do it anymore.
24 has many flaws, but this is ridiculous.
And you're talking about chains connecting them?! That doesn't even make sense, we had that at the end of S5, it was Jack being towed off to China. Not some bald Bluetooth guy. It just doesn't add up.
The end of every season has had some major cliffhanger which carries over to the next season, for you to think that mystery was the Bluetooth guy is kind of silly. It's like you're justifying all of it just because you're a fan of 24.