oh it popular in the us as wellIsn't Persona 5 more of a Japan phenomena, though? I know it's popular, but is it popular everywhere or mainly Japan?
oh it popular in the us as wellIsn't Persona 5 more of a Japan phenomena, though? I know it's popular, but is it popular everywhere or mainly Japan?
oh it popular in the us as well
Isn't Persona 5 more of a Japan phenomena, though? I know it's popular, but is it popular everywhere or mainly Japan? Kinda like Monster Hunter or Dragon Quest. Fans all over, but main interest is in the East.
Final Fantasy XV November
Kingdom Hearts 2.8 September
Let's Duel!
so with hitman being deylead until march it kind of puts 2.8 in a tough spot now
late 2015 we have the technology
early 2016, i doubt a january or february release but a march-june window would be appropriate.
Really? Think about how long it's taken them to release Unchained Chi. We still don't have a release date for it for any other country, and that's a game they merely had to port and translate and it's still taking them this long. 2.8 was just announced, so I seriously doubt it's going to be released in 9-ish months, when it's taken them over 6 months just to release a 2D cartoony sidescrolling mobile phone app.
Never going to happen. FF XV's release date will be announced in March. If they announce the release date this year/before March, it's a little bit more likely.[...]march through may.[...]