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Bronze Member
Jun 23, 2017
Dunlap, TN
Sorry if something like this was posted already because I am new to the Forum, but based on what we saw in the demo, how time consuming do you think 100% will be? As big as the outside looks in the Toy Box demo imagine where all those treasure chests are hidden! I am curious if you can go in any of the other houses to find hidden things. Also, one of the videos showed that you can enter the vents of the Galaxy Toys, so I'm really excited to see just how big these worlds really are, and what the barrier looks like that keeps us from going beyond what we get.


Jul 28, 2004
in my mind
well, considering that what the demo showed was only 30%, i can imagine it'll take hours.


Bronze Member
Jun 23, 2017
Dunlap, TN
The idea of hours obviously excites me, but let's say each world is supposed to be 2 to 3 hours based on what they said about 0.2. Collecting all treasures in a first run of 0.2 took me about 8 hours. So would you say it's safe to assume a blind 100% run would take about 60 to 80 hours? These may be high hopes, but I'm really liking that figure.


Bronze Member
Jun 23, 2017
Dunlap, TN
Maybe it's time they added a treasure chest detector.

Yeah, if they don't and it gets out of hand they'll have to add it as an update lol. I don't mind not having one, because that'll extend the game time, but at the same time if I'm reaching 100+ hours because I can't find one treasure chest that blends in with the background then I will be pretty miffed. I wonder what kind of secret bosses they'll have.


Not KHI Site Staff
Staff member
Feb 19, 2008
I think attendees at the event managed to spend an hour in the Toy Box world (though that includes over 22 minutes of cutscenes) which was just under the average length of a world in KH2 and BbS. Since that was only 30% of it, and there's still more bosses and areas to explore, I imagine the full length of the story campaign in that world will be 2-2 and a half hours, with 100% completion being a lot more.

Finding treasures will definitely be a task. Hopefully it's improved over Dream Drop Distance's treasure list. I remember Country of Musketeers on Side:Sora had a chest in the journal with the other chests in the Mont Saint-Michel, however the chest was actually over in the Opera House.

There's also the little secrets and nooks and crannys to explore. We know about the Rock 'Em, Sock 'Em robots that house a treasure chest, but there's certainly a lot more to explore and find. There was a closed off store on the third floor of the emporium, and you couldn't go far inside the roof.

Like you said, there's also the vents which have puzzles inside them too (the ones where you have to hit a bunch of switches in succession or at once, idk no one really did that well).

It's absolutely going to be time consuming. And the other worlds don't look any easier aha. Olympus has chests hanging around in odd spots, plus you have different parts of that world to explore which means lots of traversal and opportunities to have things hidden away.


Bronze Member
Jun 23, 2017
Dunlap, TN
I think attendees at the event managed to spend an hour in the Toy Box world (though that includes over 22 minutes of cutscenes) which was just under the average length of a world in KH2 and BbS. Since that was only 30% of it, and there's still more bosses and areas to explore, I imagine the full length of the story campaign in that world will be 2-2 and a half hours, with 100% completion being a lot more.

Finding treasures will definitely be a task. Hopefully it's improved over Dream Drop Distance's treasure list. I remember Country of Musketeers on Side:Sora had a chest in the journal with the other chests in the Mont Saint-Michel, however the chest was actually over in the Opera House.

There's also the little secrets and nooks and crannys to explore. We know about the Rock 'Em, Sock 'Em robots that house a treasure chest, but there's certainly a lot more to explore and find. There was a closed off store on the third floor of the emporium, and you couldn't go far inside the roof.

Like you said, there's also the vents which have puzzles inside them too (the ones where you have to hit a bunch of switches in succession or at once, idk no one really did that well).

It's absolutely going to be time consuming. And the other worlds don't look any easier aha. Olympus has chests hanging around in odd spots, plus you have different parts of that world to explore which means lots of traversal and opportunities to have things hidden away.

Yeah, that's true, they were in the journal by area weren't they? But would it be easier to sort when it's an open world?
Mar 12, 2010
Going purely off of numbers, each game takes about an average of 40-45 hours to complete if you're not skipping cutscenes. The first time I played through KHIIFM, I was on proud mode and I had over 90 hours on my file by the time I unlocked "Fate of the Unknown". I'm expecting KHIII to be on par with KHIIFM in terms of total completion time, so you're probably looking at 100+ hours. I don't really expect KHIII to have as much endgame stuff has KHIIFM, but from the sound of how dense the worlds will be it'll probably balance out.


Legendary Member
Nov 25, 2016
It's safe to assume that we won't have 0.2 Customization in KH3 at least in the base game.

Jimminy's Journal will probably similar to KH2's where we have to get hits with every keyblade, Links and get a certain mini game score. (Which the mini-game thing might be kinda annoying because apparently each world will have it's own mini-game and there's the table mini-games and I'm sure a few of these mini-games will be annoying to get a certain score on.)

Regarding the Treasure Chests, I hope they have a Treasure Chest section in Jimminy's Journal but they should have each area show how many Treasure Chests there is. For example: Andy's House might have 3 chests which it'll say.
Galaxy Toys Floor 1 might have 10 chests. We don't need a chest indicator but we could always maybe get a link summon where you can summon Pluto and he'll find items, chests or a bone like he did in Re:Com.

For secret bosses I have a feeling we'll see Colosseum Cups returning in a way and we'll be able to refight every story boss but powered up, which could take a while. For other secret bosses we could get another hooded figure, a FF boss and Heartless, Nobody, Unversed and Dream Eater secret bosses.

It took me 40 hours to get 100% on DDD, 50 hours to get 100% on KH2, so I think with all of the content in this game...it'll take awhile.


Bronze Member
Jun 23, 2017
Dunlap, TN
It's safe to assume that we won't have 0.2 Customization in KH3 at least in the base game.

Jimminy's Journal will probably similar to KH2's where we have to get hits with every keyblade, Links and get a certain mini game score. (Which the mini-game thing might be kinda annoying because apparently each world will have it's own mini-game and there's the table mini-games and I'm sure a few of these mini-games will be annoying to get a certain score on.)

Regarding the Treasure Chests, I hope they have a Treasure Chest section in Jimminy's Journal but they should have each area show how many Treasure Chests there is. For example: Andy's House might have 3 chests which it'll say.
Galaxy Toys Floor 1 might have 10 chests. We don't need a chest indicator but we could always maybe get a link summon where you can summon Pluto and he'll find items, chests or a bone like he did in Re:Com.

For secret bosses I have a feeling we'll see Colosseum Cups returning in a way and we'll be able to refight every story boss but powered up, which could take a while. For other secret bosses we could get another hooded figure, a FF boss and Heartless, Nobody, Unversed and Dream Eater secret bosses.

It took me 40 hours to get 100% on DDD, 50 hours to get 100% on KH2, so I think with all of the content in this game...it'll take awhile.

I like the way you think! So taking into account the structure of every journal in Kingdom Hearts thus far lets say:

Treasure Chests section
Links (the summons), Attraction Flow, Limit Breaks (the moves you use with partners) and Drive Form hit counter
Characters (per world)
Minigames/High scores
Puzzles? I think it'd be cool to bring those or stickers back, maybe per world
Some kind of reports, maybe pages from a book of prophecy or more Xehanort reports. Maybe a MoM or Luxu report?
Kingdom Mobile access (still don't remember what that things called) but the minigames may still be logged under Minigames/High scores
Situation Commands (might be a list of different situations and how they are triggered but could also be under stats)

That's all I can think of right now based on trailers and previous titles. What do you think?
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