• Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...


1/1 Union χ JP Update: SB++ RAX, New Year's Events, Deals, Campaigns



trapped in revamp hell
Staff member
Nov 1, 2009

New Year Draw from 1/1~1/17 features new SB++ Axel B, Roxas and Xion medals! Each pull guarantees 3 SB+ or higher medals, 3 Sword Gemsand 10 L/R VIP coins. Get one of the new RAX medals within 10 pulls.

SB++ Axel B [All Targets | 1 SP cost | T10] For 1 turn: Increases Power/Speed Medal ATK+7000, Reverse/General/Power/Speed ATK+15 and Guilt+220%, decreases enemy Reverse/General/Power/Speed DEF-15. Raises Counter+1. Inflicts 8 hits.

(AOE) Super Burst: Restores Power/Speed medal SB. For 1 turn: Increases Power/Speed Medal ATK+8000 and Guilt+320%. Doesn't affect Counters. Activates before the 6th slot in PVP

SB++ Roxas [All Targets | 1 SP cost | T10] For 1 turn: Increases Speed/Magic Medal ATK+7000, Reverse/General/Speed/Magic ATK+15 and Guilt+220%, decreases enemy Reverse/General/Speed/Magic DEF-15. Raises Counter+1. Inflicts 12 hits.

(AOE) Super Burst: Restores Speed/Magic medal SB. For 1 turn: Increases Speed/Magic Medal ATK+8000 and Guilt+320%. Doesn't affect Counters. Activates before the 6th slot in PVP

SB++ Xion [All Targets | 1 SP cost | T10] For 1 turn: Increases Power/Magic Medal ATK+7000, Reverse/General/Power/Magic ATK+15 and Guilt+220%, decreases enemy Reverse/General/Power/Magic DEF-15. Raises Counter+1. Inflicts 15 hits.

(AOE) Super Burst: Restores Power/Magic medal SB. For 1 turn: Increases Power/Magic Medal ATK+8000 and Guilt+320%. Doesn't affect Counters. Activates before the 6th slot in PVP

New Year's Free Draw is held from 1/1~1/17! Players are limited to 1 pull per day to get SB+ or higher medals.


Draw Point Banner has been updated with new medals on 1/1.

Spirit Part Box is available from 1/1~1/14! Get 1 part for 500 jewels. After each pull, the acquired part will be removed from the draw so there is no possibility of duplicates.

Hamstar [Purple] Head Hamstar [Purple] Ears
Hamstar [Purple] Body Hamstar [Purple] Legs
Hamstar [Purple] Tail Alpacastar [Black] Head
Alpacastar [Black] Ears Alpacastar [Black] Body
Alpacastar [Black] Legs Alpacastar [Black] Tail
Tigerstar [Rainbow] Head Tigerstar [Rainbow] Ears
Tigerstar [Rainbow] Body Tigerstar [Rainbow] Legs
Tigerstar [Rainbow] Tail Head Riding Axel B
Head Riding Roxas B Flight Cap [Beige]
Cap and Goggles  

New and old New Years Lucky Bag are available from 1/1~1/31 for 7770 jewels and 5000 jewels respectively!

M_Japanese Modern
(Guard Up XL IV 100%)
(Lux2 & ATK XL VII 100%)
(Paralyze & ATK XL X 100%)
(ATK XL XI 100%)
(AB2 & ATK XL XI 100%)
Sun Gem x 2
Moon Gem x 2 Chip & Dale SP Ver★6 x 4
Beautiful Gem x 1 M_Japanese Modern x 1
M_Japanese Modern Hat x 1 M_Japanese Modern Ribbon x 1
M_Japanese Modern Style x 1 Taisho Roman [Soaring Cloud] Hat x 1


J_Japanese Modern
(Guard Up XL IV 100%)
(Lux2 & ATK XL VII 100%)
(Paralyze & ATK XL X 100%)
(ATK XL XI 100%)
(AB2 & ATK XL XI 100%)
Sun Gem x 2
Moon Gem x 2 Chip & Dale SP Ver★6 x 4
Beautiful Gem x 1 J_Japanese Modern x 1
J_Japanese Modern Hair Ornament x 1 J_Japanese Modern Flower Decoration x 1
J_Japanese Modern Style x 1 Taisho Roman [Deer Cry] Hair Ornament x 1

Old boards include:

2019 Lucky Bag: KHII Leon/Yuffie & KHII Cid/Aerith
2018 Lucky Bag: Sukeroku/Agemaki
2017 Lucky Bag: Meow Wow/Flowbermeow

Login from 1/1~1/11 to get 1000 jewels each day, for a total of 10,000!

Raid Boss Event is updated for 1/1~1/10! Defeat the Lion Dance Headliner to get coins and redeem rewards like various gems!

Union Cross is updated for 1/1~1/10! Clear quests to earn coins and redeem rewards.

There are 7 sets of Cross Boards available:

(1) Spirit Part
(2) Rainbow Gem
(3) Sword Gem 1
=> Sword Gem 2
(4) Wing Gem 1
=> Wing Gem 2
(5) Mystic Gem 1
=> Mystic Gem 2
(6) Sun/Moon Gem

Challenge Boss Time is held from 19:00~19:29 and 23:00~23:29 JST, during which players will receive more coins by defeating the boss. 

2021 New Year Event is held from 1/1~1/10! Defeat the White Mushroom to get up to 29 Chip & Dale SP Ver, PSM gems, avatar coins and more.

Daily Strengthening Material Quest is held from 1/1~1/10! Clear the 3 quests each day to get various strengthening medals.

Coliseum Board for January 2021 features the Daisy Sunglasses pet part and Sun Gems. Top players will also receive a new skill: ATK XL XII 100%.

Limited Missions for January 2021 offer Ferretstar [Brown] pet parts! Obtain lots of solo lux to get them! 

Objective Reward
Get 4,000,000 Lux Ferretstar [Brown] Head
Get 100,000,000 Lux Ferretstar [Brown] Ears
Get 500,000,000 Lux Ferretstar [Brown] Body
Get 2,500,000,000 Lux Ferretstar [Brown] Legs
Get 10,000,000,000 Lux Ferretstar [Brown] Tail

An exclusive New Year mission is held from 1/1~1/10! Clear Union Cross to get various gems.

Monthly Gem Quest is updated! Clear the objectives from 1/1~1/31 to earn up to 30 Sword Gems, 30 Wing Gems and 30 Mystic Gems each for a total of 90 gems, as well as Chip and Dale medals.

Here's the event schedule for the rest of January:

1/? [Guerilla Event] One day-only guerilla events will be held throughout the month! 
1/4 [Login Present] Get 3000 jewels every Monday
[Vanquish the Summon Event] Get Beautiful Gems and more
1/5 [PVP] Luxury Reward Week (Jewels)
1/11 [Login Present] Get 3000 jewels every Monday
[Lux Ranking] Get new medals, as well as up to 3000 jewels, Beautiful Gems, new parts and more.
[Challenge New Heartless Event (Very Difficult)]
[Monday-exclusive Organization XIII Union Cross]
1/12 [Union Cross] New Year's parts are available
1/15 [Gem Drop Event] New Heartless appears

[Login Present] Get 3000 jewels every Monday
[Ticket Draw]
[Get Draw Tickets] Monday-exclusive login present, exclusive mission, weekly Lux ranking
[BIG Bonus Challenge] Defeat the new Heartless and get up to 5000 jewels
[Raid Event Special Week]
[Monday-exclusive Union Cross (Very Difficult)]

1/19 [PVP] Luxury Reward Week (Rainbow Gem)
[Union Cross Soecial Week]
1/22 [Challenge New Heartless Event (Very Difficult)] Get Rainbow Gems and more
1/25 [Login Present] Get 3000 jewels every Monday
[Get Draw Tickets] Monday-exclusive login present, exclusive mission, weekly Lux ranking
[High Score Event] Get medals, Beautiful Gems and more
[Gem Drop Raid Event]
[Monday-exclusive Union Cross (Very Difficult)]
1/26 [Union Cross Special Week] New Heartless appears
[PVP] Special Week
1/29 [Vanquishing Event]